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50 Years Old, the Amphibious Landing Ship of the Vietnamese Navy is Still New

17 September 2019

Project 771A Polnocny, medium class amphibious assault ship has 75,15m in length and 847 tons dispcement, Vietnamese Navy own three of these ship : 511, 512 and 513 (image : Shipbucket, photos : Army Newspaper, QPVN)

According to the Navy newspaper, on the morning of August 26, Vice Admiral Pham Hoai Nam - Member of the Central Party Committee, Navy Commander and the Navy Military delegation came to inspect the Good Ship Contest, the annual water surface training contest 2019 at the test site Vung Tau. Here, he visited and directly checked a number of naval ships, including the 511 ship.

The 511 ship was originally a small amphibious ship that had been supplied to Vietnam by the Soviet Union since 1979. Before that, the ship had spent about 10 years operating in the Soviet Navy. In 1979, the ship passed nearly 5,000 nautical miles from the Soviet Union to Vietnam, joined the duty Brigade 125 with the code "511". Thus, up to today, the landing ship 511 is 50 years old.

But what is surprising is the fact that the 511 landing ship was as new as the factory. In the photo, Deputy Admiral Pham Hoai Nam looks at the AK-230 artillery viewfinder system on the landing ship 511. There is no rust in the corners of the ship despite always operating in harsh marine environments.

And here is the landing room of the 511 landing ship, it is difficult to find a "time mark" on the ship. Indeed, it must be said that it is admirable of the ability of the Vietnamese People's Navy to "keep well used and durable.

Looking at these images, no one would have imagined that this was the 50-year-old ship that served non-stop.

In addition to 511, the Marine Transport Brigade 125 still has two ships of the same type with the numbers 512 and 513 transferred with them in 1980. According to Russianship, all three ships were built by the Stocznia Polnocna factory (Poland), design of medium class amphibious assault ship Project 771A of the Soviet Union.

Class of ships has standard displacement of 795 tons, full load of 847 tons, length of 75.15m, width of 9.02m, draft of 2.07m, cruising speed of 18 knots/h, range of about 3,200 km, reserve a 5-day itinerary with 34 crew.

According to the designer, the carrying capacity of the amphibious ships was up to six T-54 or PT-76 tanks or BTR-60 armored vehicles and 204 naval infantry. Alternatively, three ATS-1 amphibious trucks and 204 soldiers or 10 Zis-151 trucks can be optionally carried. In the photo, Vice Admiral Pham Hoai Nam visits the tank of the chariot tank - the place where tanks and armored vehicles are stored.

Tanks, marines, and amphibious boats can move out of the ship with two large doors at the tip of the nose. The army often called it "open-mouthed ship" because of its special design: the landing door at the bow of the ship could be opened, lowering the "tongue" to the surface of the water to allow tanks to swim to the island and marines. maneuver to hit the target.

In addition, the amphibious landing ships of the Vietnamese Navy are also equipped with a number of self-returning weapons and reinforcements for the naval amphibious operations in amphibious operations to occupy the coast and islands. Specifically, two anti-aircraft artillery platforms (CIWS) AK-230 and two WM-18A series rocket launchers with 180 rounds of ammunition.

A close-up of one of the 140-mm WM-18A 18 rocket launchers. It is like the famous "Grad" cannon of the army at sea, whose task is to clear the landing area before the infantry forces - tanks leave the ship.

The anti-aircraft cannon is equipped with 140-mm-long M-14OF explosive bullets, carrying a 4kg explosive charge with a range of 600 to 9,810m.


Rheinmetall Lynx and Hanwha AS-21 Redback Shortlisted for Australian IFV

17 September 2019

Rheinmetall Lynx (photo : Rheinmetall)

Multi-billion dollar land capability project progresses to next stage

The Morrison Government’s multi-billion dollar investment to replace Army’s current fleet of mobility and reconnaissance vehicles is taking another significant step forward, with Hanwha Defense Australia and Rheinmetall Defence Australia invited to participate in the next stage of evaluation.

The LAND 400 Phase 3 Program will replace the M113 Armoured Personnel Carriers providing the Army with an advanced, world class Infantry Fighting Vehicle capability.

Minister for Defence, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC said the Morrison Government is investing in the best possible capability to meet the current and emerging threats of our changing geostrategic environment.

“These advanced vehicles will provide new levels of protection, firepower, mobility and enhanced communications,” Minister Reynolds said.

“This project will deliver Australia a brand-new, cutting edge capability. But we will also ensure we are well placed to work together with industry, to grow and develop the capability over the course of its life.

“When fully delivered the LAND 400 Program will allow Army to successfully sustain mounted close combat operations against emerging and future threats, as part of an integrated Australian Defence Force.

“I thank all tenderers for their significant effort and the resources invested in supporting Phase 3 of this project.”

Hanwha AS21 Redback (photo : Hanwha)

Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Melissa Price MP said the LAND 400 Phase 3 program provides an exciting opportunity for Australian industry to contribute to building and maintaining these new Infantry Fighting Vehicles.

“Just as with the Phase 2 Combat Reconnaissance Vehicles, Australian industry involvement and Australian workers are vital to this project,” Minister Price said.

“Phase 3 is another important opportunity for Australian industry to deliver leading edge technology for our Australian Defence Force.

“During the testing-phase Defence will work with the shortlisted tenderers to ensure small and medium enterprises across Australia have the opportunity to showcase their capabilities.

"The two companies have been assessed as offering vehicles that are best able to meet the requirements of the Army while providing value for money for Defence.

"However, if at any stage of this process there is a need, Defence can invite other tenderers to participate in the shortlist - to make sure we deliver the capability we need to the Army and the best value for the Australian taxpayer."

The Risk Mitigation Activity will commence later this year. Following its completion, Defence will undertake a final detailed evaluation of the shortlisted tenders.

A decision on the preferred tenderer to supply the Phase 3 capability will be presented to Government for consideration in 2022.

(Aus DoD)

Sertifikasi Kemampuan Fasilitas Pemeliharaan Tingkat Engine Roll Royce M250-B17F Pesawat G-120TP-A Grob

17 September 2019

Pesawat latih Grob G-120TP-A (photo : Skadik 101)

TNI AU. Bandung. Bertempat di ruang rapat Basjir Soerya Mako Koharmatau Lanud Husein Sastrsanegara, Bandung (13/9) , Komandan Koharmatau Marsekal Muda TNI Dento Priyono di dampingi Wakil Komandan Koharmatau yang baru Marsekal Pertama Toto Miarto memimpin pelaksanaan rapat kesiapan sertifikasi kemampuan dan fasilitas pemeliharaan tingkat berat Engine Roll Royce M250-B17F pesawat G-120TP-A Grob.

Dalam sambutan Dankohatmatau menyampaikan bahwa kepercayaan pimpinan terhadap Koharmatau semakin meningkat sampai dengan saat ini, hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan telah banyaknya inovasi serta kerja keras dan kerja cepat yang dibebankan kepada Koharmatau serta Depo-Depo jajaran, dapat diselesaikan dengan baik.

Untuk itu, Pimpinan TNI Angkatan Udara menekankan pada bidang pemeliharaan dan perawatan alutsista TNI Angkatan Udara mulai saat ini dan seterusnya menjadi tanggung jawab Koharmatau.

Terkait dengan hal tersebut, beberapa waktu lalu Kepala Staf TNI Angkata Udara didampingi pejabat TNI Angkatan Udara melaksanakan kunjungan kerja, untuk melihat langsung proses pemeliharaan tingkat berat sekaligus uji fungsi engine Roll Royce M-250-B17F dengan menggunakan fasilitas engine test cell di Depohar 30 Malang, dengan melihat langsung kemampuan serta hasil kerja personil Depohar 30 tersebut, Kasau sangat puas dan cukup bangga. Tambah Dankoharmatau.

Rapat tersebut dihadiri para Pejabat Koharmatau, Para Kasubdis Jajaran Mabesau, Dandepohar 20, Dandepohar 30, serta Para Komandan Satuan.


Raytheon Unveils Peregrine Advanced Air-to-Air Missile

17 September 2019

Peregrine offers the range of the AIM-120 AMRAAM with the manoeuvrability of the AIM-9X Sidewinder. According to USAF, AMRAAM has a range of more than 17.4nm (32km) (image : Raytheon)

TUCSON, Ariz., /PRNewswire/ -- Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) is developing a new medium-range, air-launched weapon called the Peregrine™ missile that is half the size and cost of today's air-to-air missiles, yet delivers greater range and effect.

The Peregrine™ missile is a small, fast, lightweight air-to-air weapon for use against drones, manned aircraft and cruise missiles.

Developed to strengthen the capabilities of current fighter aircraft, the new, smaller Peregrine missile is faster and more maneuverable than legacy medium-range, air-to-air missiles, and doubles the weapons loadout on a variety of fighter platforms. Its sophisticated, miniaturized guidance system can detect and track targets at any time of day and in any weather condition.

Peregrine missile is half the length of the AMRAAM (photo : Flight Global)

"Peregrine will allow U.S. and allied fighter pilots to carry more missiles into battle to maintain air dominance," said Dr. Thomas Bussing, Raytheon Advanced Missile Systems vice president. "With its advanced sensor, guidance and propulsion systems packed into a much smaller airframe, this new weapon represents a significant leap forward in air-to-air missile development."

The Peregrine missile benefits from military off-the-shelf components, additive manufacturing processes and readily available materials to offer an affordable solution for countering current and emerging airborne threats.


TNI AU Inginkan Pesawat Angkut Berat C-17

18 September 2019

C-17 Globemaster III dengan livery TNI AU (image : Skadron Udara 31)

"Alutsista untuk Skadron angkut berat masa depan dan semoga dapat terealisasikan amin... A-1701 C-17 Globe Master" demikian posting gambar dan tulisan yang termuat dalam medsos instagram resmi Skadron Udara 31 TNI Angkatan Udara.

Skadron Udara 31 (SkU 31) adalah adalah skadron angkut berat TNI AU yang bermarkas di lanud Halim Perdana Kusuma, Jakarta. Skadron ini mengoperasikan pesawat C-130B Hercules dan C-130H Hercules ex Australia.

Sejalan dengan program peremajaan pesawat angkut, maka Kementerian Pertahanan telah memesan 5 pesawat angkut C-130J Super Hercules dari Lockheed Martin yang rencananya akan ditempatkan di Skadron Udara 31 ini.

Sebagai skadron angkut yang siap melayani pergerakan pasukan Kostrad khususnya Divisi Infanteri I yang bermarkas di Cilodong, Depok yang saat ini mengoperasikan tank tempur Leopard II dengan bobot hingga 62 ton, maka untuk pergeseran antar pulau dengan cepat hanya dapat diakukan dengan kapal pendarat katamaran LCAT atau pesawat angkut berat  dengan payload di kisaran 70 ton.

Kita bisa lihat komparasi payload pesawat angkut berat militer yang saat ini ada di pasar yaitu : Airbus Military A400M (Eropa) payload 37,0 ton; Kawasaki C-2 (Jepang) payload 37,6 ton; Antonov An-70 (Ukraina) 47,0 ton; Ilyushin Il-76 (Rusia) 50,0 ton; Xian Y-20 (China) payload 66,0 ton dan Boeing C-17 (USA) payload 77,5 ton. 

Pesawat angkut berat C-17 Globemaster III buatan Boeing dengan payload 77,5 ton tentunya dapat mengakomodir keinginan tersebut. Namun demikian untuk memiliki pesawat angkut berat ini issue yang tak kalah pentingnya adalah mengenai lini produksi yang sudah akan dihentikan, dengan demikian hanya tinggal peluang untuk memiliki secara second hand saja dari pesawat yang digunakan pertama kali sejak 1993 ini.

Keinginan TNI AU untuk memiliki pesawat C-17 ini dengan demikian masuk akal, tinggal kemudian bagaimana mengalokasikan budget anggaran pertahanan yang setiap tahun naik sehingga keinginan tersebut dapat terakomodir.

(Defense Studies)

DND Seeks to Double Spending to Boost West PHL Sea Defense Posture

18 September 2019

Currently defence spending between 1.1 to 1.3 percent of GDP (photo : dvids)

The Department of National Defense on Friday revealed that among the actions it was taking to address security issues in the West Philippine Sea was asking Congress to finance the Philippine military's modernization program.

Speaking before the Makati Chapter of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines, Defense Undersecretary Cardozo M. Luna said that they were lobbying Congress to nearly double defense spending to two percent of gross domestic product.

"In the ASEAN region, the Philippines is second to the lowest among the ten member-states, spending only between 1.1 percent and 1.3 percent of its gross domestic product on defense," explained Luna.

"We need such an increase to have a sustained multi-year funding for the upgrading and modernization of land, air (drones), sea (surface and undersea), space and cyber capabilities (satellites and radars) of the Armed Forces of the Philippines."

Presently, a large portion of the defense budget goes to salaries of soldiers and civilian employees, as well as pensions for war veterans, retirees and dependents.

Another big chunk goes to disaster risk reduction and management.

"We hope that Congress finds wisdom in investing more resources for [the defense establishment's] modernization efforts... towards developing the country’s credible defense posture," added Luna.

Air patrols

But despite the limited resources available to it, the AFP was enhancing its surveillance efforts with regular maritime and aerial patrols, not only in the disputed areas in the West Philippine Sea, but also over the Philippine Rise and the rest of the country's maritime domains.

"These surveillance and enforcement operations will arm the Government of the Philippines in lodging diplomatic actions on every Chinese incursion and unlawful action in our maritime domain," explained Luna.

The Defense Undersecretary also thought it noteworthy that the AFP had deployed ground troops to secure the country’s interests in the Kalayaan Island Group.

Facilities in the Kalayaan municipality, including the airstrip and berthing spaces for Filipino fishermen were also being repaired and improved.

New power, water, and communication facilities were also being installed in the area.

"Repair and rehabilitation efforts in the Philippine-occupied features in the West Philippine Sea are concrete acts to assert our rights over the area," said Luna.

"It is also worth noting that the aforementioned improvements will not only enhance our maritime patrol in the WPS, but more importantly, it will greatly aid Filipino fishermen and residents in the area, especially in their livelihood." 

(GMA News)

Northrop Grumman Selected to Sustain Aircraft Protection Systems for the RAAF

18 September 2019

Northrop Grumman has been selected to continue supporting Large Aircraft Infrared Countermeasure Systems for the RAAF (photo : Northrop Grumman)

ROLLING MEADOWS, Ill. – Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE: NOC) has been selected by the Australian Defence Organisation on behalf of the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) to continue its support of the service’s Large Aircraft Infrared Countermeasures (LAIRCM) systems.

Northrop Grumman’s LAIRCM functions by automatically detecting a missile launch, determining whether it is a threat, and activating a high-intensity, laser-based countermeasure system to track and defeat the missile.

Under the terms of the $96 million award, Northrop Grumman will provide sustainment, repair, engineering, logistics and training support services for LAIRCM, AN/AAR-47 and AN/APR-39. Currently, five aircraft types in the RAAF are protected with LAIRCM.

LAIRCM spotted on Australian C-130J (photo : Shephard)

“Since 2001, Northrop Grumman and the RAAF have been working in partnership to keep aircrews safe from the threat of infrared guided missiles. This Australia-based sustainment activity is critical to keeping the LAIRCM system ready for aircrew safety and mission success,” said Bob Gough, vice president, land and avionics C4ISR, Northrop Grumman.

Work will be performed at Northrop Grumman’s repair facility at the RAAF Edinburgh base in South Australia. The facility provides efficient in-country support services for the repair and maintenance of LAIRCM systems, cutting the time to return a system to service by as much as 50 percent.

Northrop Grumman's infrared countermeasures systems have been installed on more 1,500 aircraft of more than 80 different types, including both fixed and rotary wing.

(Northrop Grumman)

India, Singapore, Thailand Naval Exercise Begins

18 September 2019

INS Ranvir D54 destroyer (photo : Jerry E)

The aim is to bolster maritime relationships and contribute significantly to enhancing overall maritime security.

The maiden trilateral naval exercise involving India, Singapore and Thailand commenced at Port Blair on Monday. The exercise was announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his address at Shangri-La dialogue in June 2018.

RSS Tenacious 71 frigates (photo : dvids)

“The five-day exercise is aimed at bolstering the maritime inter-relationships amongst Singapore, Thailand and India, and contribute significantly to enhancing the overall maritime security in the region,” the Navy said in a statement. This would also strengthen interoperability and development of a common understanding of procedures, it added.

For the exercise, guided missile stealth frigate RSN Tenacious of Singapore, and Thailand Navy’s guided missile frigate HTMS Kraburi would join with INS Ranvir a guided missile destroyer, INS Kora a missile corvette and INS Sukanya an Offshore Patrol Vessel along with P8I long range maritime reconnaissance aircraft.

HTMS Kraburi 457 frigate (photo : ThaiPublica)

Harbour phase

During the harbour phase scheduled at Port Blair, professional exchanges, sports fixtures, and cross deck familiarisation visits would be organised, the Navy said. “The sea phase is scheduled from September 18 to 20, and a host of surface and air operations involving gunnery, force protection measures and communication drills would be conducted providing experience gaining and learning from each other’s best practices,” the statement added.

The Initial Planning Conference (IPC) to discuss the modalities of the exercise was held in May and the Final Planning Conference (FPC) was held in August. Malaysia has also evinced interest in joining the exercise.

(The Hindhu)

South Korea to Develop Anti-Air Laser Weapons System by 2023

18 September 2019

Seen here is the prototype of a laser weapons system South Korea will push to develop against aerial targets (photo : DAPA)

SEOUL (Yonhap) -- South Korea will launch a project to develop a laser weapons system designed to disable aerial targets, such as drones, the arms procurement agency said Tuesday.

Under the project worth 88 billion won (US$73.98 million), the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) seeks to complete the development of the system, named Block-I, capable of launching precision strikes against small unmanned aerial vehicles by 2023 for operational deployment.

The weapons system is supposed to direct lasers from optical fibers at aerial targets at a short distance to neutralize them.

It can react quickly, literally at the speed of light, and is capable of firing a number of shots without physical bullets or shells, as it relies on electrical power, which costs around 2,000 won per shot, according to DAPA.

Only a handful of advanced countries, including the United States, Israel and Germany, have acquired these weapons.

As part of preparations for the project, South Korea's state-run Agency for Defense Development (ADD) has studied related technologies for years, DAPA added.

"After the development of the system aimed at small targets at close range, we will continue to upgrade it to intercept bigger targets farther away, such as fighter jets and satellites. in the future," DAPA said in a release.

Drones, which are cheap and easy to control, have become an increasing security threat in recent years. Last week, a series of drone attacks damaged Saudi Arabia's oil facilities, severely hurting the global energy supply.


Kemenhan Bakal Dapat Pinjaman Luar Negeri Paling Banyak Tahun Depan

19 September 2019

TNI AU harus menentukan pilihan pesawat AEW& C dalam waktu dekat (photo : Karl Drage)

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA–Kementerian Pertahanan direncanakan memperoleh pinjaman luar negeri paling tinggi untuk tahun depan.

Dalam RAPBN 2020, Kementerian Pertahanan diusulkan untuk memperoleh pinjaman luar negeri sebesar Rp9,05 triliun, terpaut jauh dibandingkan dengan kementerian dan lembaga (K/L) lain.

Kementerian PUPR direncanakan memperoleh pinjaman luar negeri sebesar Rp5,07 triliun, jauh dibawah Kementerian Pertahanan.

Dua K/L yang memperoleh pinjaman luar negeri di atas Rp1 triliun selain Kementerian Pertahanan dan Kementerian PUPR adalah Kementerian Perhubungan dan Polri dengan perolehan pinjaman luar negeri sebesar Rp2,93 triliun dan Rp1,8 triliun.

Selain 4 K/L yang sudah disebutkan, perolehan pinjaman luar negerinya diusulkan di bawah Rp1 triliun.

Kementerian-kementerian yang dimaksud antara lain Kemenristekdikti dengan pinjaman mencapai Rp862,8 miliar, Kementerian ATR/BPN sebesar Rp667,1 triliun, dan Kementerian Agama sebesar Rp308,9 triliun.

Adapun pinjaman luar negeri yang rencananya akan ditarik pemerintah pada 2020 sudah disepakati oleh Badan Anggaran (Banggar) DPR RI bersama dengan pemerintah dalam rapat panja hari ini, Rabu (4/9/2019).

Pinjaman luar negeri dalam RAPBN 2020 berada di angka minus Rp38,76 triliun.

Pinjaman luar negeri yang bernilai negatif tersebut disebabkan oleh tingginya pembayara cicilan pokok pinjaman luar negeri yang mencapai Rp87,11 triliun, sedangkan pinjaman luar negeri (bruto) yang ditarik pada 2020 sebesar Rp48,35 triliun.

Pinjaman ini terdiri dari pinjaman tunai sebesar Rp21,6 triliun dengan pemberi pinjaman potensial antara lain World Bank ataupun Asian Development Bank (ADB). Adapun Rp26,75 triliun sisanya merupakan pinjaman yang langsung diarahkan untuk kegiatan atau proyek.


A Large Number of Vietnamese T-90 Tanks are on Duty

19 September 2019

T-90S/SK main battle tank of the Vietnamese Army (photo : Vietnamse Army)

At present, the Army has received 64 T-90S/SK main battle tanks and they are now part of the active combat component.

The main battle tank T-90S/SK is considered to be the strongest steel fist of the tanks - the Vietnam People's Army's armor in the early 21st century, our MBT number is 64 According to the contract signed in 2016.

Russia completed the full handover by mid-2019, about 6 months earlier than originally expected, the delivery process was divided into two phases and took place relatively neatly as well as ensuring security. Absolutely safe for vehicles.

Recently, the first photos of Vietnam T-90 tanks appeared in the combat component of the unit, accompanied by photos of training activities as well as some types of bullets. Specialized equipment for vehicles.

On the military pages, there are pictures of works to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the traditional day of the Tank - Armored Soldier made by the 201 Tank Brigade Base Division.

In this picture it is easy to recognize that the T-90 tank is being removed from a specialized tractor, which is evidence that part of the T-90 is part of the 201 Brigade squad

The aforementioned work was identified as the area used as a gathering place for T-90 tanks. Going inside, we can see that each row of this warehouse has a capacity of about 30 vehicle, equivalent to a battalion.

In addition to about half of the total 64 T-90s being delivered to the 201 Tank Brigade to operate, the rest belongs to which units will probably be announced in the near future.

After 64 T-90S/SKs in the first round of procurement, many international military information sites said that Vietnam could proceed to order the next batches to bring the T-90 squad size to about 200. One, including the T-90MS variant.


New M113A2 Mortar has Displayed During Armor Division Founding Anniversary

19 September 2019

M113A2 tracked armored vehicle converted into Self Propelled Mortar vehicle armed with the Soltam Cardom 81mm mobile mortar system (all photos : Philippine Army)

Armor Division celebrates 43rd Founding Anniversary

FORT BONIFACIO, Metro Manila – The Philippine Army’s Armor “PAMBATO” Division (AD) celebrated its 43rd Founding Anniversary at Camp O’Donell, Capas, Tarlac, today, Sept. 18. 2019 with the Army Commanding General Lt. Gen. Macairog S. Alberto as the Guest of Honor and Speaker.

The Army redesignated the Mechanized Infantry Division as the Armor Division by virtue of General Orders Number 1133 dated 09 September 2019. With its new name, the theme for this year’s celebration is “Team Armor: Pambato ng Mamamayan Tungo as Kapayapaan at Kaunlaran.”

During the event, an awarding ceremony for the outstanding soldiers and civilization stakeholders was held. The AD also launched an anniversary coffee table book and challenge coin.

AD also demonstrated its new capabilities and technologies such as the Armor Personnel Carrier with Remote Control Weapon Station from Israel, Infantry Fighting Vehicle and Mobile Mortar System. In addition, the Commando V-150 and the Simba Fighting Vehicle was part of the static display.

“I commend the upstanding members and awardees of the Armor Division for the noteworthy performance that has significantly contributed to the fulfillment of the division’s over-all mission and vision. I likewise acknowledge the great appreciation, the stakeholder-awardees for the tireless support you have given to our mounted warriors,” said Alberto.

The Commanding General, Philippine Army also praised the achievements of the division such as the activation of additional Armor combat units and the capability upgrade of its Armor vehicles.

Meanwhile, Armor Division Commander Maj. Gen. Robert Dauz expressed his unit's gratitude for the redesignation. “Let us further strengthen our union for the attainment of shared aspirations for peace and security that will steer us to grander development for our country and people,” he added.

Another highlight of the event is the change of the unit’s moniker to “PAMBATO” which was first used in 1976 by the Philippine Army Light Armor Regiment. It stands for “Piling yunit ng Hukbong Katihan na panlaban sa larangan ng pakikidigma.” The moniker is also synonymous with the Filipino words "panlaban" or "pangmalakasan".

“For a credible Army, we need bravery, skills, but we also need a very capable Army that will defeat the current threat and deter future ones,” said Alberto.

(Philippine Army)

TNI AD Mulai Operasikan Swamp Boat/Kapal Rawa

19 September 2019

Kapal rawa/swamp boat TNI AD (photos : Terkini News, Tribun News)

Kodam VI Mulawarman Punya Alutsista Baru, Kapal Patroli yang Mampu Bergerak di Air, Darat dan Rawa

TRIBUNKALTIM.CO - Kodam VI Mulawarman kini memiliki tambahan alutsista berupa kapal rawa yang nantinya akan difungsikan sebagai kapal patroli khusus TNI AD.

Kapal rawa/swamp boat atau yang sering disebut dengan air boat ini merupakan kapal pertama dan satu-satunya yang dimiliki oleh TNI AD di seluruh wilayah Kalimantan.

Sedangkan di seluruh Indonesia, kapal ini baru dimiliki oleh tiga wilayah instusi TNI saja, diantara adalah Papua, Makassar dan Kalimantan Timur yaitu Kodam VI Mulawarman.

Kapal ini juga merupakan hasil produksi anak bangsa yaitu oleh PT Mega Perkasa Engineering (MPE) dan mulai didatangkan di wilayah Kodam VI Mulawarman baru beberapa hari yang lalu serta diklaim memiliki banyak kelebihan yang belum tentu dimiliki oleh kapal-kapal lain pada umumnya.

Pasalnya kapal ini tidak hanya mampu melewati kawasan perairan saja tetapi juga mampu melewati medan kering hingga medan yang memiliki rawa-rawa.

Untuk mengetahui lebih jauh tentang keunggulan dan kelebihan lain yang dimiliki oleh kapal tersebut. Kodam VI Mulawarman melalui Bekangdam VI Mulawarman sedang melakukan tahapan uji coba.

Uji coba tersebut dilakukan di pelabuhan Adri kawasan Kampung Baru ujung Kecamatan Balikpapan Barat, Rabu (18/9) usai pelaksanaan kegiatan press gathering insan pers yang diselenggarakan oleh Pendam IV Mulawarman.

Kabekangdam VI Mulawarman,  Kolonel CBA. Hery Ismaillya mengatakan usai pelaksanaan uji coba dan dirasa cocok kapal Rawa tersebut nantinya akan terus dikembangkan di seluruh Korem dan Kodim yang ada di wilayah Kodam IV Mulawarman.

" Datang ke sini dua Minggu yang lalu. Kelebihannya tentunya dia bisa bergerak di medan yang darat, yang kering, air maupun rawa. Karena dia pakai sistem dorong angin jadi profilernya diatas. Jika dirasa uji coba ini berhasil maka nantinya akan dikembangkan di kolam-kolam yang ada di Kodam IV Mulawarman," katanya

Kapal tersebut biasanya dibutuhkan di wilayah-wilayah yang memiliki banyak rawa serta memiliki medan yang sulit dilalui oleh kapal-kapal pada umumnya atau perahu lainnya.

"Dibutuhkan sarana pengangkut pasukan untuk perairan pedalaman seperti di aliran sungai, danau, rawa atau daerah kotor lainnya yang tak mungkin dilalui oleh perahu atau kapal standar," lanjutnya

Menurut dia, prototipe kapal rawa milik TNI AD ini memiliki daya dorong dari udara sehingga mampu melewati medan yang tidak dapat dilalui oleh kapal-kapal lain atau perahu pada umumnya.

"Berbeda dengan kapal biasa yang baling-balingnya terendam di air, swamp boat digerakkan oleh mesin berbaling-baling yang berada di atas permukaan air," jelasnya. 

Kapal ini memakai sistem angin sebagai profilernya menyerupai baling-baling pesawat herkules yang terpasang pada bagian belakang sehingga mampu melewati medan rawa.

" kapal ini lebih kepada tugas-tugas infiltrasi ke daerah-daerah musuh dan tidak mungkin dibekali persenjataan yang besar-besar," ujar Kolonel CBA. Hery Ismaillya.


Thai Exercise a First for Super Hornets

19 September 2019

Exercise Thai Boomerang 2019 (all photos : RTAF)

Australian personnel have reinforced the strong relationship with Thailand as part of the opening ceremony to Exercise Thai Boomerang.

More than 120 personnel and six Super Hornets from No. 1 Squadron deployed to participate in the bilateral fighter exercise, which started on September 2 at Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) Base Korat.   
The formal opening ceremony was presided over by His Excellency Allan McKinnon, the Australian Ambassador to the Kingdom of Thailand, alongside the RTAF Assistant Commander in Chief, Air Chief Marshal Thawonwat Chantanakom. 

“We have a long history of cooperation with Thailand and we continue to strive for innovation and opportunities that deliver value to both our countries,” Mr McKinnon said.

“That is why we are particularly excited for this iteration of Thai Boomerang, which – for the first time – includes Australian Super Hornets.

“Our hope is this will provide a new edge to the highly successful, long-running air-to-air combat training we conduct together.”

Mr McKinnon said the exercise built on a strong 12-month period of engagement between the two air forces.

“In April, Australia’s Chief of Air Force visited Thailand and was kindly hosted by his counterpart RTAF Commander in Chief, Air Chief Marshal Chaiyapruk,” he said.  

“And in August last year we were pleased to once again see a strong level of RTAF participation in Australia’s multi-national air combat activity in Darwin, Exercise Pitch Black.”

Australian Exercise Director, Group Captain Stephen Chappell, said exercises like Thai Boomerang demonstrated the close relationship Australia has with its regional partners. 

“The focus of regional exercises like Thai Boomerang is integration and interoperability,” Group Captain Chappell said. 

“Our personnel have the opportunity to integrate in a partnered environment while building both professional and personal networks that will enhance and strengthen our partnerships into the future.

“Exercises like Thai Boomerang are also important for the development of our people and are opportunities to challenge the team in an unfamiliar and often demanding environment.”

RAAF Super Hornets from No. 1 Squadron have spent two weeks conducting air combat readiness training against RTAF F-16s from No. 102 and No. 403 squadrons. 

(Aus DoD)

923rd Air Force Regiment was Trained with Su-30 Flight Simulator

20 September 2019

Su-30 simulator of the PK KQ (photo : PK KQ)

Trainees with the 923rd Air Force Regiment of the 371st Division train with a Su-30 flight simulator. Advance computerized simulators such as this model allow pilots to train without risking any of Vietnam's valuable jet fighters until the pilots are ready to advance on to the actual planes themselves.

On the cockpit, Captain Bui Trung Hieu - Captain of the 2nd Squadron and Captain Trinh Hoang Long - The 2nd Squadron pilot attentively performed the operations of controlling Su-30 weapons and took off and performed the complex acrobatic movements following the "No technical complexity of medium altitude" training flight that they will perform in the next training days. The projection screen in front of the scene shows the airport, sky, clouds, mountains, rivers as in the field ... Practice of the training room is a very important activity of the pilots here before each flight day, especially for with the young pilots.

See full article Phong Khong Khong Quan

Akhir Tahun, TNI AU Terima 10 Simulator Sukhoi

20 September 2019

Pesawat Su-27 TNI AU (photo : TNI AU)

AIRSPACE-REVIEW.com – Akhir tahun 2019 TNI Angkatan Udara akan menerima 10 simulator jet tempur Sukhoi. Sepuluh simulator tersebut terdiri dari dua unit simulator penerbangan penuh (Full Flight Simulator/FFS) dan delapan Flight Training Devices (FTD).

Sumber Airspace Review pada Rabu mengatakan, saat ini persiapan untuk penerimaan simulator tengah dilaksanakan. Simulator akan dikirimkan pada akhir tahun ini dan ditempatkan di Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin, Makassar.

Dengan memiliki simulator sendiri, maka pelatihan para penerbang tempur Sukhoi akan dilaksanakan di dalam negeri. Sebelumnya, pelatihan simulator para penerbang Su-27/30 TNI AU dilaksanakan di sejumlah negara termasuk di China.

Indonesia pertama kali membeli jet tempur Su-27/30 dari Rusia tahun 2003. Di tahun itu juga, empat pesawat (2 Su-27SK dan 2 Su-30MK) langsung diterima.

Saat ini TNI AU mengoperasikan 16 pesawat Su-27SKM/30MK2. Sebanyak 14 pesawat dioperasikan oleh Skadron Udara 11 Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin, Makassar. Sementara dua unit yang lain (nomor ekor TS-3009 dan TS-3010) ditempatkan di Skadron Udara 14 Lanud Iswahjudi, Magetan, Jawa Timur.

(Airspace Review)

Kerajaan Rancang Beli Pesawat Bombardier, Helikopter Medevac

20 September 2019

Malaysia akan menambah pesawat CL415 Viking Air (dahulu Bombardier) dan helikopter untuk keperluan medevac (photo : Victor Alexander)

KUCHING -- Kerajaan bercadang membeli sebuah pesawat Bombardier dan helikopter Medevac bagi kegunaan Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia (JBPM), kata Menteri Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan Zuraida Kamaruddin.

Beliau berkata kedua-dua aset udara ini yang masih belum dimiliki pasukan penyelamat berkenaan amat diperlukan terutama dalam proses evakuasi mangsa di kawasan pedalaman dan memadam kebakaran hutan.

Katanya kementerian juga akan mempertimbangkan pemerolehan peralatan-peralatan menangani kebakaran yang terkini sekiranya perlu bagi kegunaan jabatan berkenaan.

“Saya akan ke Itali dalam masa terdekat bagi melihat keberkesanan jentera atau peralatan yang digunakan di negara itu dalam kerja pemadaman api.

“Itali model negara terbaik dalam menangani isu kebakaran, jadi kita akan ke sana untuk melihat demostrasi model yang digunakan,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas Majlis Penyerahan Alat Pemadaman Api di Ibu Pejabat JBPM Sarawak di sini, hari ini.

Sejumlah 1,000 alat pemadam api telah diserahkan kepada JBPM Sarawak untuk diagihkan kepada rumah-rumah panjang di pedalaman sebagai alat bantuan awal dalam mengawal kebakaran.

Sementara itu, Pengarah JBPM Sarawak Khirudin Drahman berkata terdapat hanya 32 balai bomba di Sarawak ketika ini sedangkan dari segi geografinya negeri ini lebih luas dari Semenanjung.

“Jika berlaku kebakaran, pihak bomba sukar untuk sampai awal ke lokasi terutamanya di pedalaman. Justeru dengan adanya peralatan pemadam api, ia dapat membantu memadamkan kebakaran awal sekali gus mengelakkan kerugian harta benda,” katanya.


Indonesia Punya Drone Tempur CH-4, Ini Spesifikasi dan Kelebihannya

20 September 2019

CH-4B TNI AU (photo : defence.pk)

Jika selama ini publik lebih mengenal drone bukan untuk kepentingan perang, serangan ke fasilitas milik Aramco menjadi bukti bahwa drone bisa menjadi pesawat tempur nirawak atau Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV).

Indonesia, ternyata juga memiliki pesawat tempur nirawak. Hal itu paling tidak terungkap saat latihan gabungan TNI "Dharma Yudha 2019" di Pusat Latihan Tempur Marinir Asembagus, Situbondo, Jawa Timur, Kamis (12/9/2019).

Menteri Koordinator Bidang Politik, Hukum, dan Keamanan Wiranto dikabarkan Antara sempat menyampaikan kekagumannya atas kemampuan tempur pesawat nirawak "drone" CH4 yang dimiliki Indonesia.

"Kita saksikan bahwa ada satu drone yang mampu untuk melaksanakan tidak hanya pengintaian tapi juga melaksanakan penembakan dan pengeboman," ujar Wiranto usai menghadiri puncak latihan gabungan TNI "Dharma Yudha 2019" di Pusat Latihan Tempur Marinir Asembagus, Situbondo, Jawa Timur, Kamis.

CH-4B TNI AU (photo : defence.pk)

Drone UAV CH4 merupakan salah satu alat utama sistem senjata (alutsista) yang dikerahkan oleh TNI AU dalam latihan gabungan TNI "Dharma Yudha 2019".

Drone tersebut memiliki keistimewaan, karena berfungsi tidak hanya sebagai alat pengawasan dan pengintaian, namun juga mampu melaksanakan serangan melalui penembakan maupun pengeboman.

Wiranto mengatakan Indonesia sebelumnya tidak memiliki drone canggih semacam drone UAV CH4.

Mantan Panglima ABRI itu mengatakan keberadaan drone UAV CH4 menjadi lompatan teknologi dalam alutsista TNI.

Rudal udara ke darat AR-1 dari drone CH-4B TNI AU (photo : defence.pk)

Dia berharap ke depan Indonesia memiliki lebih banyak alutsista berteknologi canggih guna menguatkan pertahanan dalam negeri.

"Mudah-mudahan ke depan nanti teknologi-teknologi militer yang sekarang berkembang di dunia dapat kita miliki," kata Wiranto.

Bisa Diintegrasikan dengan Satelit

Sebelumnya, dalam tinjauan kesiapan pelaksanaan puncak latgab TNI "Dharma Yudha 2019" di Puslatpur Marinir Asembagus, Situbondo, Rabu (11/9), Panglima TNI Marsekal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto juga menyinggung tentang drone UAV CH4 dengan mengatakan bahwa drone tersebut dikendalikan dari Surabaya.

Hadi mengatakan drone UAV CH4 dapat terbang dengan durasi hingga 12 jam, disertai kemampuan radius jangkauan hingga 1.000 kilometer apabila diintegrasikan dengan satelit BLOS (beyond line of sight).

Drone CH-4B dengan rudal AR-1 persiapan terbang (photo : sinodefence)

Hadi juga menyebut bahwa pesawat nirawak itu memiliki akurasi serangan yang tinggi.

"Seperti yang kita laksanakan kemarin kita menembak, mengebom dari ketinggian 15 ribu kaki dan kita rilis hasilnya sangat presisi," ujar Hadi.

Hadi menyebut bahwa drone CH4 masuk dalam pengadaan pada rencana strategis (Renstra) TNI Tahap II. Rencananya TNI akan mendatangkan enam pesawat serupa untuk menambah kekuatan pada dua skuadron.

Drone CH-4B dengan rudal AR-1 terbang (photo : people)

Spesifikasi dan Kelebihan

CH-4 adalah UCAV sayap tetap terbesar dari seri Rainbow (pada akhir 2013). Dikutip dari Wikipedia, secara eksternal, CH-4 terlihat hampir identik dengan General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper. Satu-satunya perbedaan visualnya adalah bahwa sirip perut di bawah ekor-V pada MQ-9 tidak ada pada CH-4.

CH4 terdiri atas dua versi yakni versi CH-4A dan CH-4B.

CH-4A adalah pesawat pengintai dengan kemampuan jelajah hingga jarak 3.500 sampai 5.000 km dengan  daya tahan 30 sampai 40 jam mengudara.

Sedangkan CH-4B adalah sistem serangan dan pengintaian campuran yang mampu mengangkut hingga 6 senjata dan muatan 250 hingga 345 kg.

Drone CH-4B dengan rudal AR-1 menstabilkan diri di ketinggian (photo : ceprinueratullah)

Drone CH-4 mampu menembakkan rudal udara-ke-darat dari ketinggian 5.000 meter (sekitar 16.400 kaki), oleh karena itu pesawat tak berawak ini dapat tetap berada di luar jangkauan efektif sebagian besar senjata antipesawat. Hal itu juga memungkinkan CH-4 menembak dari posisi yang menyediakan area tampilan lebih luas.

Vasiliy Kashin, seorang spesialis China di Pusat Analisis Strategi dan Teknologi Moskow, mengatakan bahwa CH-4B UCAV telah diekspor ke Mesir, Arab Saudi, Aljazair dan Irak.

Buatan China

Drone CH4 merupakan bagian dari serial pesawat nirawak CASC Rainbow (Cai Hong, disingkat CH). CH adalah nama serial untuk produk pesawat nirawak yang diproduksi  China Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics dari China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC).

Drone CH-4B dengan rudal AR-1 persiapan menembak (photo : defense update)

Selain CH4, perusahaan China ini memproduksi serial CH lainnya  misalnya CH-5 yang merupakan UCAV terbaru dari seri Rainbow, dengan lebar sayap 21 meter, muatan 1.000 kg, berat lepas landas maksimum lebih dari 3 ton, plafon layanan 9 km, daya tahan hingga 60 jam dan jangkauan 10.000 km.

Berkat tautan data bersama, CH-5 dapat bekerja sama dengan drone CH-3 dan CH-4.

Pesawat ini melakukan penerbangan perdananya pada Agustus 2015 dan penerbangan airshow pertamanya berlangsung di provinsi Hebei Utara pada Juli 2017. Drone ini dapat membawa 16 rudal dalam satu waktu. Juga ada rencana untuk memperluas jangkauannya hingga 20,00 km.

Pejabat Cina mengklaim Rainbow CH-5 memiliki kinerja yang mirip dengan MQ-9 Reaper AS dan "mungkin harganya kurang dari setengah harga."

Drone CH-4B menembakkan rudal AR-1 (photo : people)

Dibandingkan dengan mesin turboprop Garrett TPE331 yang dipasang pada Reaper, CH-5 dilengkapi dengan mesin piston bermuatan turbo yang tidak dikenal, dengan kurang dari setengah tenaga kuda.

Pilihan ini membatasi ketinggian maksimum CH-5 hingga 9 km dibandingkan dengan 12-15 km dari Reaper, namun juga memperpanjang daya tahan CH-5 hingga 60 jam dibandingkan dengan 14 jam dari Reaper. Bahkan CH-5 di masa mendatang akan dapat bertahan di udara hingga 120 jam.

Seri CH lainnya yang menjadi produk CASC antara lain CH-7, CH-1, CH-91, CH-92, CH-802, CH-803, dan CH-901.


PAF Gulstream G280 Command & Control Aircraft Likely to be Delivered by May 2020

21 September 2019

Gulfstream G280 aircraft (photo : Gulfstream)

Gulfstream Aerospace, Savannah, Georgia, has been awarded a $31,899,999 firm-fixed-price task order against contract FA8134-19-D-0001 for the Gulfstream aircraft order and contractor logistic support (CLS) for Philippines Air Force. 

This order is for the purchase of one Gulfstream aircraft, parts, tooling and two years of CLS for sustainment of the aircraft. 

Work will be performed at Manila, Philippines, and is expected to be completed by May 31, 2022. 

This award is the result of a sole source acquisition. 

This contract involves 100% foreign military sales to the Philippines. 

The total cumulative face value of the contract is $2,070,000,000. 

Foreign Military Sales funding in the amount of $31,899,999 are being obligated at time of award. 

The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma, is the contracting activity (FA8124-19-F-2500).

(US DoD)

Anti-Ship Missile P-800 Oniks (Yakhont) to Undergo Upgrade

21 September 2019

At the moment the P-800 Oniks missile (also known in export markets as Yakhont) has a maximum range of 300 kilometers and maximum speed of up to Mach 2.5 at high altitudes (photo : Agus Setya)

MOSCOW/TASS/. The joint stock company NPO Mashinostroyeniya (an affiliate of the corporation Tactical Missile Corporation) plans to upgrade its supersonic anti-ship cruise missile Oniks.

"It is true that we have been asked to improve the Oniks missile’s flight parameters for increasing the effectiveness of this anti-ship complex," a spokesman for NPO Mashinostroyeniya told TASS without specifying what parameters were in question.

Succesful trial of Yakhont firing missile was held by TNI AL in 2012 (photo : commando news)

At the moment the missile has a maximum range of 300 kilometers and maximum speed of up to Mach 2.5 at high altitudes. The warhead’s mass is up to 250 kilograms. The missile can be launched from both surface ships and submarines.

The anti-ship system P-800 armed with the Oniks missile began to be developed in 1982. The missile was authorized for service twenty years later, in 2002.

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