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Defence Eyes Up UNSW's New Passive Radar Tech

21 September 2019

Satellite GPS signals can provide a snapshot of the sea and terrestrial conditions by the way they are reflected from the earth's surface (photo : IT  News)

A new sensor array being developed at the University of New South Wales has piqued the Defence Force’s interest for its ability to passively use existing GPS signals to silently monitor everything from ships and infrastructure to the weather.

The sensor, developed by remote sensing specialist Professor Andrew Dempster and his colleagues, analyses satellite navigation signals reflected off hard objects and large bodies of water, regardless of cloud or tree cover.

Four generations have the sensors have been developed so far, with the latest, ‘Kea’, being launched into space aboard cubesats - cheap, miniature satellites weighing only 2kg and measuring 10cm x 10cm x 20cm.

“What we do is measure the delay from the satellite to surface and back to the receiver on the satellite,” Dempster said.

“Because there are multiple facets on ocean waves that it can reflect from, it means that we get a wider response in that delay from the different angles where the signals are reflected.

“The rougher the seas, the wider the response. We also measure the Doppler frequency shift in those reflected signals.”

Dempster said the resulting data could have a wide range of uses outside of defence, naming maritime companies, oceanographers, and wave power generation companies as potential users in the future.

“As an example of how it could be useful, gas companies often refuel their big tankers out at sea, which means safety can be compromised by weather conditions. So if you can refuel your ship for an extra half an hour because you have better knowledge of changes in sea state, then you can start putting a dollar value on what that time saving means to your company.”

The ambient signals also bounce off metallic structures like ships and power poles differently, providing extra intel to defence agencies without needing to send out their own radar ping that could be picked up by other agencies.

The sensors can also be deployed at different altitudes, which was how the power pylon was detected.

“Five years ago we took one of these receivers on a plane and flew it over a forest and recorded the raw signal and played it back through our new instrument,” Dempster said.

“As we flew over the forest, we were able to pick out a power pylon which would otherwise be hidden from view. This shows that infrastructure that stays hidden even in satellite images can now be detected.”

They could also be fitted to high altitude persistent systems (HAPS), which fly autonomously at around twice the altitude of regular aircraft, he said, which allows solar-powered system to avoid dangerous weather conditions lower down and stay aloft for months at a time.

The current Kea generation of receivers will continue to be refined over the coming months, with a view to consolidate the hardware needed to obtain, process and produce clear data.

“Currently we’re looking to keep the two receiver architecture for the instrument but in the medium term we’d like to develop a single board solution that does all the GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) work plus incorporate the control computer, data storage and communication functions.

(IT News)

Kemampuan Electronic Warfare Pesawat Tempur KFX

22 September 2019

Moncong pesawat tempur KF-X (photo : Defense Times)

ALQ-200K Electronic Warfare Pod tidak hanya dipasang pada pesawat tempur KF-16D tetapi juga diadopsi dalam program pesawat tempur KF-X.

Tidak seperti pod ALQ-200K yang ada, ALQ-200K untuk pesawat tempur KF-X akan dikonfigurasi ulang sebagai sistem peperangan elektronik built-in daripada pod eksternal.

Untuk tujuan ini, komponen inti dari ALQ-200K akan tertanam di dalam pesawat tempur KF-X.

Di antara kelebihan ALQ-200K adalah outputnya yang tinggi dan penguatan antena output tinggi, hal ini penting dalam program tempur KF-X.

Ini karena Angkatan Udara membutuhkan KF-X untuk menghasilkan pengacak elektronik berdaya tinggi.

Untuk alasan tersebut, jika dilihat pada desain KF-X, dapat dilihat bahwa mempunyai antena ECM peperangan elektronik yang besar, hal ini mengingatkan pada antena belakang ALQ-135M ICS, yaitu perangkat peperangan elektronika pada F-15K, yang akan dipasang di bagian belakang pesawat tempur KF-X.

KF-X dirancang sebagai pesawat dengan tingkat deteksi rendah (RCS).

Kombinasi dari tingkat deteksi rendah (RCS) dan power density yang tinggi dari sistem peperangan elektronik dapat menghasilkan Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) yang rendah untuk KF-X pada radar musuh dan RF (radio frequency) seeker, bahkan pada jarak yang relatif dekat.

Dengan kata lain, pesawat tempur KF-X akan memiliki kemampuan bertahan yang sangat tinggi dengan memasukkan sistem peperangan elektronik daya tinggi ke dalam pesawat tempur KF-X dengan RCS rendah.

ALQ-200K Elecronic Warfare Pod pada pesawat KF-16D, pada KF-X komponen inti dari sistem pod ini akan ditanam secara built-in dan bukan berupa eksternal pod (photo : gukjeknews)

Pod ALQ-200K asli ini digunakan oleh pesawat tempur KF-16D yang merupakan sistem peperangan elektronik eksternal, pesawat tidak dapat mengakomodasi Airborne Self-Protection Jammer (ASPJ) dari LRU (Line Replacable Unit) jammer peperangan elektronik (terdiri dari lima LRU) di dalam pesawat karena adanya kursi belakang.

Pod ASPJ dan ALQ-200K tidak jauh berbeda dalam hal pilot interface.

Ada keuntungan dan kerugian untuk keduanya. Keuntungannya adalah bahwa peralatan ASPJ built-in, sehingga tidak ada peningkatan drag dan tidak menempati garis tengah di bawah gas tempat tangki bahan bakar dipasang.

Pose ALQ-200K memiliki keuntungan memiliki output yang lebih besar dan antena yang lebih besar daripada ASPJ bawaan, membuat rentang burn-through lebih kecil untuk target mengganggu yang sama dalam situasi taktis yang sama.

Dan karena itu adalah peralatan yang sudah dibuat sendiri di Korea, maka untuk melakukan upgrade bisa lebih mudah.

Kekuatan lain dari pod ALQ-200K termasuk algoritma pendeteksian kontras fase, transmisi sinyal gangguan arah-tinggi, kemampuan untuk merespon radar Doppler High-PRF(Pulse Repetition Frequency), dan kontrol kemudi yang gesit menggunakan beberapa antena array fase bertahap.

Kemampuan untuk merespon radar Doppler berdenyut PRF yang tinggi memungkinkan radar Doppler berdenyut untuk mengatasi penggunaan modulasi yang padat dan gesit menggunakan sinyal pita frekuensi termodulasi dalam Pulse Repetition Time (PRT) dan modulasi tangkas dari pembawa itu sendiri.

Dengan menggunakan lensa array antena bertahap Lotman, fase dari masing-masing port array berbeda dan sudut kemudi balok pensil adalah sama sesuai dengan frekuensi yang dipilih dan waktu input sinyal dari masing-masing port array (tergantung pada port balok di belakang array yang dipilih). Menggunakan multi-beam quick steering multi-beam, modulasi frekuensi, dan beberapa respon target yang mengganggu menggunakan hop adalah keunggulan tipikal dari ALQ-200K.

Bagian-bagian pesawat KF-X (image : nbamania)

Teknologi sinyal kemudi yang mengganggu mekanisme ini juga telah diterapkan pada sistem peperangan elektronik andalan kapal Angkatan Laut, Sistem Sonata SLQ-200K.

Ini juga mendapat manfaat dari pengenalan saluran penerima multi fase dan probe kontras fase, yang juga telah diperkenalkan di pod ARD-300K (TAC-ELINT) untuk pesawat pengintai RF-16.

Dalam hubungannya dengan teknik kemudi sinyal array bertahap, orientasi tiga dimensi dari beberapa target yang mengganggu dapat diukur secara tepat, dan orientasi yang diukur memungkinkan penggunaan teknik gangguan cepat.

KF-X adalah pesawat tempur kelas menengah

Namun, bahkan dengan pemikiran ini, argumen bahwa 'KF-X dapat dioperasikan dengan tingkat serangan penetrasi yang sama seperti F-35 terhadap Korea Utara' agak tidak masuk akal.

Meskipun ada perbedaan dalam kinerja siluman antara F-35 dan KF-X, F-35 tidak memiliki perubahan dalam RCS ketika dilengkapi dengan dua bom berpandu seberat 2.000 pound (GBU-24, GBU-31, dll.) dan misi seperti memblokir serangan. Pada KF-X akan terjadi peningkatan RCS.

Amunisi berpandu seberat 2.000 pound, seperti GBU-24 dan GBU-31, akan melampaui batas dan tidak dapat diterima ke dalam Internal Weapon Bay (IWB) dari KF-X.

F-35 adalah pesawat tempur siluman dengan dua GBU-31 pada serangan udara ke darat, pesawat utama untuk jarak jauh dari ketinggian untuk penetrasi ke darat.

Pada pesawat tempur KF-X, bagaimanapun, harus dipasang di bagian luar sayap mereka untuk memasang amunisi yang homogen (2.000 pound JDAM untuk konfirmasi akhir target yang akan dijatuhkan dan perhitungan koordinat target yang tepat). Setelah Anda memiliki tergeting pod (F-35 dengan EOTS tidak memiliki targeting pod eksternal yang terpisah). 
Ketika RCS meningkat, penerbangan harus dilakukan untuk menghindari deteksi dan harus tercermin dalam rencana misi.

Bagian-bagian pesawat KF-X (image : nbamania)

Penerbangan ini mencakup sejumlah faktor yang mengurangi radius misi pesawat, dan mengingat peningkatan hambatan yang disebabkan oleh persenjataan eksternal, dimana  pesawat tempur KF-X jauh lebih banyak daripada F-35, yang dapat menyerang hingga D+3 di hadapan sistem pertahanan udara yang tidak bersahabat. Itu lebih dangkal dan lebih layak daripada F-35.

F-35 menggunakan sistem pendukung misi otomatis untuk menghitung area di mana radar musuh yang terdeteksi oleh peralatan AN/ASQ-239 dapat mendeteksi F-35 dan area yang dapat dioperasikan dengan aman sehingga F-35 dapat memanfaatkan kinerja stealth secara optimal.

KF-X, yang tidak jauh berbeda dari pesawat tempur 4.5G dalam hal antarmuka dan sensor fusi, tidak memiliki sistem pendukung misi otomatis yang terintegrasi dengan sistem peperangan elektronik terintegrasi, yang merupakan faktor penentu dalam celah antara F-35 dan KF-X.

Memang, kedua belah pihak diberikan posisi di ROKAF.

F-35 adalah program high-profile FX fase ketiga yang diputuskan pada 2013 setelah pengenalan 61 pesawat F-15K untuk memenuhi persyaratan jet tempur kelas berat (120 unit) yang tercermin dalam Rencana Strategis Bersama (JSOP) 1994-1996. Sebagai pesawat tempur garis akhir, itu adalah serangan yang sangat invasif.

Di sisi lain, pada peta jalan pesawat tempur ROKAF di masa depan sejak tahun 2001, pesawat tempur KF-X direncanakan sebagai medium-end fighter, seperti juga KF-16 yang telah ditingkatkan dan F-16PBU.

Kemampuan misi KF-X dan KF-16 yang telah ditingkatkan agak berbeda, tetapi tugas utamanya adalah sebagai medium-end fighter.

Kinerja yang diperlukan dari KF-X dan persyaratan kemampuan operasional (ROC) juga disesuaikan dengan misi pesawat tempur medium-end yang diperlukan untuk pesawat tempur KF-X.

(Bemil Chosun)

Paramount Group Mbombe 4 Certified as One of the World’s Best Protected Armoured Vehicles

22 September 2019

Paramount Mbombe 4 (app photos : Paramount, Twipu)

Johannesburg, South Africa - Paramount Group, the global technology and aerospace business, has announced that the Mbombe 4×4, the newest addition to its advanced Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC) family of vehicles, has received final certification for the independently verified blast tests which exceeded the criteria for NATO STANAG 4569 – one of the highest levels of protection that can be achieved by an armoured vehicle in its class.

This announcement follows the exceptional performance of the Mbombe 4×4, which features unique flat-floor mine protection technologies pioneered by Paramount Group, during a series of explosives tests designed and executed by Landward Sciences, a programme of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), South Africa’s leading and independent scientific research body. 

The blast tests are performed in accordance with the highest international specifications, namely, STANAG 4569, a NATO standardisation agreement that institutes benchmarks for occupant protections in vehicles such as the Mbombe 4×4, in this case including three 10 kg TNT explosions under the wheels and the hull, and one 50kg side blast test, carried out at a 5 meter distance to imitate an Improvised Explosive Device (IED).

The Mbombe 4 was designed and developed specifically for local manufacturing in customer countries, in response to the increasing requirement from Governments for the development of their own defence industrial capabilities.

The vehicle has successfully completed  a series of summer trials with several armed forces around the world. Featuring next-generation design, advanced technologies and highest levels of protection, the result of decades of real-world battlefield and asymmetrical warfare experience, the Mbombe 4×4 is ready to serve customers.

Though the Mbombe 4 is equipped for full mission capability and maximum versatility, it has a singular mission – soldier survivability. Protecting the lives of combat personnel is our utmost priority; our commitment to this cause is reflected throughout our entire portfolio. In doing so, we today serve proudly as world leaders in the research, development and manufacturing of protection technologies.

As part of the blast testing programme, the integrity of the Mbombe 4 was subjected to both intense experimentations and post-test evaluations that took several months to complete, with final inspections of the Mbombe 4 yielding outstanding results. The inspections confirmed no evidence of hull ruptures, or injurious internally formed secondary fragments (e.g. secondary shrapnel) nor loose equipment in the occupant compartment, and that anthropomorphic test devices (ATDs) and the seats in which they were placed remained in position and uncompromised.

Each of these tests is intended to validate explosives resistance and occupant protection capacities for logistics and light-armoured vehicles by pushing unmodified units to their functional limits, using expertly controlled trials and post-test evaluations.

Key features of Mbombe 4 also include an unique, rear-door ramp design, which has been proven in combat on 6×6 and 8×8 IFVs. The ease of access provided by the rear-door ensures the rapid deployment of the crew while the vehicle is static or on the move.

The Mbombe 4 performs with a burst speed of 140km/hr, an 800km operating range and an independent suspension systemdesigned to optimally meet the increasing demand for outstanding protection yet adaptability in conventional and asymmetrical warfare alike. The mine resistant carrier is functionally versatile over challenging terrains and fully operational across a myriad of contemporary and diverse counter-terrorism, border patrol, counter-insurgency, internal security and peacekeeping missions.

Both the launch of Paramount Group’s Mbombe 4 and its first customer, the United Arab Emirates were announced at the 2019 International Defence Exhibition and Conference (IDEX) in Abu Dhabi.

(EDR Magz)

PT DI Akan Bentuk JV Untuk Produksi Pesawat N219

23 September 2019

Pembuatan pesawat N219 (photo : lewatmana)

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia- PT Dirgantara Indonesia mulai tahun 2019 akan segera memproduksi pesawat N219. 

Menurut Direktur Utama PT Dirgantara Indonesia, Elfien Goentoro dalam proyek N219 ini PT DI akan bekerja sama joint venture dengan perusahaan lain, dimana dibutuhkan dana USD 119 juta untuk memproduksi sekitar 36 pesawat per tahun.

Sehingga melalui pesawat N219 ini, diharapkan PT DI dapat mewujudkan mimpi BJ Habibie agar Indonesia dapat membuat dan mengkomersialkan pesawat karya anak bangsa.

BUMN pabrikan pesawat dalam negeri, PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) akan memproduksi pesawat N219 mulai tahun depan. Targetnya, pesawat tersebut dapat mengisi 25% pasar dunia atau setara 532 unit hingga 11 tahun ke depan.

Bahkan beberapa pihak dari dalam dan luar negeri sudah menyampaikan minat pembelian dan kerja sama produksi dengan PTDI.

Penjualan 2019

Dalam 2 tahun ini PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) telah melakukan transformasi di bidang bisnis dan SDM serta penyelesaian pesanan dimana untuk 2019 perusahaan dapat mengirim 9 pesawat.

Direktur Utama PT Dirgantara Indonesia, Elfien Goentoro juga menyampaikan bahwa perusahaan juga fokus untuk dapat meningkatkan efisiensi dan perubahan bisnis sistem sehingga di akhir 2019 target penjualan dapat mencapai Rp 4 triliun.


AFP Amphibious Assault Vehicles Join Ship-to-Shore Exercise

23 September 2019

BRP Davao del Sur (LD-602) strategic sealift vessel (photo : far maroc)

MANILA – Four of the Armed Forces of the Philippines’ (AFP) newly-acquired amphibious assault vehicles (AAVs) carried out ship-to-shore operations during a joint military exercise in Subic Bay, Zambales Saturday.

The new AAVs were the highlight of the amphibious exercise which is one of the main joint interoperability exercises conducted under the AFP Joint Exercise (AJEX) "DAGIT-PA".

The activity seeks to enhance joint operations among ground, naval and aviation assets of the AFP.

Ship-to-shore exercise (photo : rappler)

The amphibious operations demonstrated the military’s ability to seize a littoral objective in a scenario of an island retake.

During the activity, a team of Marine infantry and reservists launched the AAVs from Philippine Navy landing dock, BRP Davao del Sur (LD-602).

This enabled the team of Marines to land and conduct operations to retake the island. Meanwhile, the Philippine Air Force rotary-wing aircraft S-76A conducted casualty evacuation from shore-to-ship.

Ship-to-shore exercise (photo : maxdefense)

"The amphibious exercise is an opportunity to enhance our proficiency in sea to land operations utilizing our new amphibious assault vehicles. It seeks to develop our skills, techniques and capabilities during rapid deployment of troops from ship to shore whether under hazardous circumstances or during natural disasters or hostile enemy actions," Amphibious Landing Force head Lt. Col. Henry Espinosa said in a statement.

The four AAVs were among the eight newly acquired amphibious vehicles from South Korean defense manufacturer Hanwha Techwin.

The first batch was delivered in May while the second batch arrived in August.

Ship-to-shore exercise (photo : maxdefense)

These vehicles are being used by the Philippine Marine Corps and are based in two strategic sealift vessels, the BRP Tarlac (LD-601) and BRP Davao Del Sur (LD-602).

The AFP is currently holding AJEX DAGIT-PA, which stands for “Dagat-Langit-Lupa”.

The AFP-wide exercise, which officially opened last September 16, aims to enhance interoperability during joint operations of the Philippine Navy, Philippine Air Force and Philippine Army.

Ship-to-shore exercise (photo : inquirer)

More than 1,500 soldiers, including reservists and selected AFP Wide Support and Separate Units, are participating in this year’s joint exercises.

Among activities lined up are the Air/Maritime Interdiction Operation in Palawan; Amphibious Landing in Zambales; Airfield Seizure and Military Operations in Urban Terrain in Nueva Ecija; and Combined Arms Live Fire Exercise in Tarlac.

These events will focus on capabilities development in maritime security, military operations in urban terrain, and amphibious operations. 


SAIC Wins Australian Tactical Data Link Support Contract

23 September 2019

Australian tactical data link (image : Aus DoD)

RESTON, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Science Applications International Corp. (NYSE: SAIC) won a task order on the Joint Range Extension Support contract from the Australian Department of Defence.

“We’re proud to partner with the Australian Department of Defence on this important initiative,” said David Armstrong, vice president and general manager of SAIC’s Navy and Marine Corps Information Warfare Operation. “Providing support to tactical data links improves interoperability and flexibility for our allies.”

On this contract, SAIC will provide the Australian military with technical support, software updates, configuration management and training on the JRE solution. For more than 20 years, SAIC’s JRE solution has reliably delivered secured voice and data networks, such as Link 16 and long-haul data and communications exchange. The U.S. Department of Defense has relied on JRE to provide a common tactical picture for coalition and allied forces under combat conditions while also feeding this information to a common operational picture.

The JRE software solution enables militaries to send and receive information over or between tactical data links as well as relaying tracking data for friendly, adversarial, and even unknown aircraft, vessels, and vehicles.

Coalition operations involve the use of many types of communications networks and protocols among the military forces of multiple nations, including the DoD-developed Link 16 network. Our JRE data link gateway serves as the interface for these different military tactical data links, integrating them to let coalition and allied partners see and understand the global battlefield in order to plan and coordinate their efforts more effectively.

The contract has a three-year base period of performance with two, one-year options.

(Business Wire)

US Army Lays Keel for New Watercraft

23 September 2019

With tribow monohull Vigor MSV landing craft could reach speed 21-30 knots could compare with CNIM LCat shore-to-shore speed 25-35 knots with catamaran hull (all images : Vigor)

VANCOUVER, Wash. -- A keel-laying ceremony took place Monday for the first of a new class of Army watercraft, the Maneuver Support Vessel (Light).

The Army chief of transportation and other officials attended the ceremony at the Vigor shipbuilding facility near Portland, Oregon. Vigor has been awarded a 10-year contract to construct up to 36 of the new watercraft. The current Army objective is to build 13, officials said.

The MSV(L) will replace the Landing Craft Mechanized-8, a Vietnam-era watercraft that is unable to transport some of today's equipment due to the weight of modern combat vehicles, according to the Program Executive Office for Combat Support and Combat Service Support.

The new watercraft will not only have an increased payload capability compared to the LCM-8, but also an improved draft for better access to waterways, along with increased speed and maneuverability, according to PEO CS&CSS.

"Beginning a new class of boats is truly something worth celebrating as we lay the keel for the Army's first class of digital vessels," said Timothy Goddette, the Army's program executive officer for CS&CSS.

"The entire team is doing a terrific job keeping the program on track, on schedule and within budget," Goddette said at the ceremony. He was referring to the program management team for Army Watercraft Systems, the Army transportation corps, the Army acquisition community and industry partners gathered for the keel laying.

The first MSV(L) prototype is expected to be delivered to the Army in just over a year. A low-rate initial production decision on the Maneuver Support Vessel (Light) is expected in the third quarter of fiscal year 2021, officials said.

Army watercraft enables commanders to deliver combat-configured equipment with personnel, vehicles and sustainment cargo, through fixed, degraded and austere ports, inland waterways, remote and unimproved beaches and coastlines for missions across the spectrum of military operations.

Col. Jered Helwig, chief of Army transportation, and his regimental warrant officer represented all Army mariners and transporters at the ceremony. Helwig also participated in a ceremonial welding of the vessel's keel.

The Army's strategy for the MSV(L) is to integrate mature commercial off-the-shelf subsystems into a new hull form, which takes advantage of the marine industry design innovation and competition, officials said.

They said the vessel's improved maneuverability and surveillance capability will better equip it to operate in inter-coastal areas, rivers and inland waterways and in anti-access/area-denial environments.

The overall length of the vessel will be 117 feet. It will have a speed of 21 knots when laden with cargo and 30 knots when empty. Its range will be 360 nautical miles when fully loaded.

It will have three 2,600-horsepower MTU 2000 engines, three 750 MJP waterjets and three 65kW generators. The vessel's payload will be 82 short tons, which means it can haul one M1 Abrams tank or two Stryker combat vehicles or four Joint Light Tactical Vehicles.

The plan is for the MSV(L) to have a crew of eight Army mariners.

PH Navy Activates 4 More AAVs, 3 MPACs

23 September 2019

Commissioning ceremony for Philippine Navy’s new amphibious assault vehicles and multi purpose attack craft (all photos : Frances Mangosing)

MANILA -- The Philippine Navy (PN)'s capabilities to protect the country's waters and land Marine troops were significantly boosted with the activation of four more amphibious assault vehicles (AAVs) and three more multi-purpose attack craft (MPACs).

The activation ceremonies took place at the PN headquarters at Naval Station Jose Andrada, Roxas Boulevard, Manila Monday afternoon.

Spearheading the event was Department of National Defense (DND) Secretary Delfin Lorenzana, who said that activation of the assets are part of the government's efforts to ensure that the military will have adequate resources to carry out its mandate of protecting the country and its people.

"The presence of credible defense (is) not a means to war, but to achieve peace, security, and economic progress," he added.

Also, the government has been focusing on its national security agenda by beefing up the military's capabilities to allow it to respond to threats and defend the country's freedom, peace and security, the DND chief said.

He added that the AAVs and the MPACs are among the equipment needed to fulfill the PN's mandate.

The first four AAVs were commissioned last June 17 at the 121st PN founding anniversary during ceremonies at Naval Base Heracleo Alano, Sangley Point, Cavite.

The AAVs were manufactured by South Korean defense manufacturer Hanwha Techwin.

The second batch of four other AAVs arrived this August and had successfully undergone Technical Inspection and Acceptance Committee on the same month. The AAV contract is worth PHP2.42 billion.

These vehicles are armed with .50 caliber machineguns, 40mm grenade launchers and smoke launchers and will be used for amphibious landing operations.

They will be based aboard the two strategic sealift vessels of PN, the BRP Tarlac (LD-601) and the BRP Davao Del Sur (LD-602).

"The four AAVs form part of the recently activated Assault Amphibian Company under the Assault Armor Battalion of the Philippine Marine Corps. These amphibious landing vehicles allow our Marine operating forces to assault any shoreline from decks of Navy ships and provide them with armor protection, surface mobility for amphibious and mechanized operations, communications and projection of the 'anvil' force coastal defense," acting PN public affairs office chief Lt. Commander Maria Christina Roxas said.

In his speech during Monday's activation ceremony, Vice Admiral Robert Empedrad, PN flag-officer-in-command, said there are plans to acquire at least 16 more AAVs, which will be deployed in the two additional strategic sealift ships the Navy is planning to acquire.

Meanwhile, the three MPACs will be armed with Spike-ER surface-to-surface missiles, potentially boosting the number of missile-armed craft of the PN to six.

"These brand new MPACs are in addition to the three missile-fitted fast craft that historically ushered the PN into the missile age last year," Roxas added.

With the addition of three Mark III MPACs Monday, the number of such boats in the PN is now placed at 12, with six armed with Spike-ER missiles.

Empedrad added that at least 12 more MPACs are planned to be acquired during the Third Horizon of the Armed Forces of the Philippine Modernization, which will run from 2023 to 2028.

As this developed, Lorenzana said the MPACs are very ideal for addressing terrorism and piracy threats in the country's southern waters due to its high speed and heavy armaments of missiles and automatic machine guns. 


Spectacular Naval Sail Ship Comes a-Calling

24 Agustus 2019

The ‘KRI Bima Suci 945’will dock at the National Hydrography Centre in Pulau Indah, Selangor, for three days (photo : Indonesian Embassy)

KUALA LUMPUR: ONE of the world’s largest naval training sail ships will arrive at Malaysian shores tomorrow.
The KRI Bima Suci 945, which is on its annual training routine across the Asia-Pacific, will dock at the National Hydrography Centre in Pulau Indah, Selangor, for three days.

Indonesian embassy naval attaché Colonel (Navy) R. Lilik Asmoro said KRI Bima Suci 945 was part of its overseas task force, codenamed “Kartika Jala Krida”.

“The mission is to train 83 cadets (72 men and 11 women) from the Naval Academy for 96 days. This is an annual mission to give experience and training to the cadets on ship handling, especially navigation,” he told the New Straits Times.

Noteworthy is the presence of Royal Malaysian Navy cadets, who are sailing with the KRI Bima Suci 945 from Brunei to Pulau Indah.

“This purpose is to build connectivity and share experiences between the young naval cadets from both countries.”

The KRI Bima Suci 945 left Surabaya in Indonesia on Aug 5.

Its 96-day journey included stops in Manila (Philippines), Osaka (Japan), Busan (South Korea), Shanghai (China), Brunei, Port Klang, Phuket (Thailand), Yangon (Myanmar), Padang and Benoa (Indonesia), and Darwin (Australia) before returning to Surabaya.

Lilik said apart from the media familiarisation tour upon arrival tomorrow, the Gita Jala Taruna Drum Flute band would provide a cultural marching band display at the Kuala Lumpur City Centre’s waterfront in the evening.

“The ship will be open to public viewing from 10am till 5pm, during its three-day stopover in Malaysia,” said Lilik.

He added that the KRI Bima Suci 945 was commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel (Navy) S.H. Waluyo, while the Kartika Jala Krida training unit was led by Lieutenant-Colonel Afrilian Sukarno Timur.

The KRI Bima Suci 945 was launched by Indonesia navy chief Admiral TNI Siwi Sukma Adji on Aug 5 at its Eastern Fleet’s Dermaga Ujung Komando Armada II.

The NST learnt that the voyage was part of Indonesian President Joko Widodo’s aim of building greater cordial ties with neighbouring maritime nations, as well as to promote the republic’s tourism sector and attract foreign investment.

It is understood that Joko wanted to impart the “Global Fulcrum Maritime Brotherhood” diplomacy as a main component of Indonesia’s national defence.

Indonesian embassy counsellor Agung Cahaya Sumirat said the KRI Bima Suci 945 was one of the highest mast sailboats owned by the Indonesian navy, besides KRI Dewaruci. It was built at the Freire Shipyard in Vigo, Spain, in 2016, before being commissioned into the Indonesian navy in September 2017.

The KRI Bima Suci 945 has a length of 111.20m, beam (width) of 13.65m, draft (depth) of 5.95m and a 49m-tall mast from the upper deck surface.

The three-mast Bark (Barque) ship has 26 sails with a total sail area of 3,352sq m. It is powered by a 1,000 revolutions per minute/1,290 kW engine that can travel up to 15 knots. The ship can accommodate up to 209 personnel, comprising 35 officers, 73 sailors and 101 cadets.


Navy Mulls Postponing Frigate Plan

24 September 2019

HTMS Bhumibol Adulyadej 471, new RTN frigate which based on the South Korean KDX-1 Destroyer (photo : RTN)The navy is likely to postpone its plan to purchase a second frigate worth 15 billion baht as it mulls to purchase a second submarine in the 2020 fiscal year, an informed source said.

According to the source, the navy is expected to drop the frigate procurement scheme as it weighs in the benefit of buying of a second submarine from China.

The submarine, if purchased, will be the second out of the three submarines that the government is planning to purchase. Payment for the second submarine will be spread across seven years, with the final payment for all three submarines due by 2030.

The purchase is a part of the navy's 36-billion-baht long-term plan to procure three diesel-electric submarines from China, which has already been approved in principle by the cabinet.

The procurment of the first submarine -- a Yuan-class S26T submarine valued at 13.5 billion baht from China -- was approved by the cabinet on April 18, 2017. Payment for the first submarine is divided into 17 installments over seven years from 2017.

CX-1 (Chaoxun-1) is a Chinese-built supersonic anti-ship missile systems with range 280 km (170 mi; 150 nmi) and speed mach 3 (0.6 mi/s; 1.0 km/s) (photo : MilitaryLeak)

As a part of its long-term plan, the navy had been looking to purchase a second frigate, valued at 15 billion baht, following the arrival of a 14.6-billion-baht South Korean-built frigate, HTMS Bhumibol Adulyadej, in January this year.

The source also said the navy has yet to decide on the defence contractor to outfit the 6.1-billion-baht landing platform dock (LPD) it recently bought from China with weapons.

The LPD is an amphibious transport ship complete with landing crafts to transport troops ashore. The 20,000-tonne vessel was purchased to ease the burden on HTMS Angthong.

Navy chief Adm Luechai Ruddit said yesterday the navy is considering various options, including the CX-1 supersonic anti-ship and cruise missiles from China.

"I'm not sure about the price [of the missiles], but I hope we get a special discount," he said.

(Bangkok Post)

PH, US Conduct First-Ever Airborne Exercise

24 September 2019

ilipino and American troops participate in their first-ever joint airborne operations held at Cesar Basa Air Base in Floridablanca, Pampanga on Sunday (Sept. 22, 2019). The exercise aims to enhance the combined airborne and territorial defense capabilities and other competencies in urban combat operations of both Filipino and American troops (photo : Philippine Army, Manila Times)

MANILA -- The Philippine Army and the United States Army conducted its first-ever combined airborne operations at Cesar Basa Air Base, Floridablanca, Pampanga Sunday morning.

“This training will enhance our troops’ technical expertise in airborne operations, enabling our combat units to better respond to future contingency operations and other security challenges. Likewise, the combat interoperability with our US counterparts will also be strengthened," said PA chief, Lt. Gen. Alberto Macairog.

Sunday's exercise aimed to enhance the combined airborne and territorial defense capabilities and other competencies in urban combat operations of both Filipino and American troops.

Around 500 soldiers from the PA's First Scout Ranger Regiment and Special Forces Regiment (Airborne) and the US Army's 4th Brigade Combat Team (Airborne) participated in the activities.

Macairog and Brig. Gen. Gregory Day, US Army Alaska deputy commanding general, witnessed the exercise which started when the troops from the two nations jumped off four US Lockheed C-130 cargo planes to simulate a massive and rapid deployment of troops.

Airborne operations are critical in responding to conventional threats, especially when the land and water forces are unable to infiltrate war areas to resupply troops and equipment. 


General Dynamics Unveils Griffin II Light Tank

24 September 2019

38 tonnes Griffin II light tank (photo :Jimkir)

At the 2019 Modern Day Marine annual exhibition and conference held in Quantico, Virginia from September 17 to 19, 2019, General Dynamics Corporation first introduced the Griffin II model of its light tank, which was previously selected by the US Army as one of two final applicants for the development on a competitive basis of tracked combat vehicles with cannon weapons under the Mobile Protected Firepower (MPF) program.

Recall that in December 2018, the U.S. Army issuedBAE Systems and General Dynamics have a competitive contract for the development of tracked combat vehicles under the Mobile Protected Firepower (MPF) program, which provides for the creation of a kind of new "light tank" with cannon weapons for the US Army. BAE Systems and General Dynamics received US $ 375.9 and 335 million contracts from the US Army, respectively, each for the construction and delivery for testing of 12 prototypes of its own version of the MPF machine at the R&D stage (Engineering, Manufacturing, and Development - EMD). The supply of prototypes should be started after 14 months and completed after 18-19 months from the date of receipt of the contract. According to the results of comparative tests of the presented prototypes, the US Army should make the final choice of a machine for serial production by the end of fiscal year 2021 and in 2022 fin. to issue an order to the selected contractor for the first pre-production batch of 26 cars with an option for the second pre-production batch of 28 cars. Full-scale serial production is expected from 2025 fin. of the year.

The current plans of the US Army provide for the purchase of 504 serial MPF machines. First of all, these vehicles should go to equip the companies planned for the formation of individual companies (staffing the company is 14 vehicles) in infantry brigades (Infantry Brigade Combat teams - IBCT). The introduction of such a company into each of the 33 infantry brigades of the regular army and the National Guard is supposed, the first such company should achieve combat readiness in 2025 fin. year.

Modular turret of Griffin II (image : Jimkir)

The Mobile Protected Firepower (MPF) program, launched by the US Army in 2015, provides for the creation of a tracked combat vehicle weighing no more than 32 tons at first (according to the latest data, the mass limit has been increased to 38 tons - although it may mean “short” tons), equipped with cannon weapons of 105 or 120 mm caliber and active defense complex. By design, MPF vehicles will have a higher level of operational and tactical mobility than Abrams tanks.

BAE Systems offers under this program the reincarnation of the famous M8 Armored Gun Systems (AGS) Buford, developed by FMC (then United Defense, now part of BAE Systems) at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s to replace the M551 Sheridan light tank, primarily in the airborne formations. In 1995, the M8 tank was adopted by the U.S. Army, but in 1997 the M8 program was canceled before the start of mass production due to reduced military spending. Only six M8 models were built. The light tank M8 has a combat weight of 19 to 25 tons, depending on the version of the interchangeable protection kit and is equipped with a 105 mm M35 cannon with automatic loader.

At the same time, General Dynamics is proposing under the MPF program the Griffin II machine of a completely new development, the appearance of which has not been made public until recently. It is known that Griffin II was developed on the basis of the Griffin I prototype demonstrator shown several years ago, which was the installation of a modified lightweight turret of the M1A2SEPv2 Abrams tank with the new 120 mm XM360 gun on the ASCOD 2 chassis, used in the new British Ajax tracked combat reconnaissance vehicle (developers and manufacturers of ASCOD 2 are European-owned General Dynamics-owned European companies - Spanish General Dynamics European Land Systems Santa Bárbara Sistemas and Austrian General Dynamics European Land Systems - Steyr). The total mass of the turret in Griffin I was reduced from 22 tons (for the M1A2SEPv.2 tank) to supposedly only 8 tons,

At the same time, according to a number of publications, the combat weight of the new Griffin II reaches exactly the indicated maximum limits for MPF of 38 tons. You can see that on the presented Griffin II model the tower again returned to almost “normal” sizes for the main tank - including through the installation of very impressive modular reservation blocks.


Full-Scale Mockup of "KFX" will Released at ADEX 2019

24 September 2019

KF-X/IF-X fighter (image : PTDI)

The Korean-style fighter “KFX”, which only existed in computer graphics, will finally release a full-scale mockup for the general public.

In October, the full-scale mockup of the Korean-style fighter “KFX” is finally here.

The Korean National Defense Department announced on September 19 that it will exhibit a full-scale mockup of the Korean-style fighter "KFX" under development at "Seoul ADEX 2019" to be held in Seoul on the 15th of next month.

Seoul ADEX 2019 is said to be the largest defense equipment trade fair in the Asian region at the aerospace and defense industry exhibition held in Korea once every two years.

The exhibition includes a trainer/light attack aircraft "T-50 Golden Eagle" developed by the Korean defense industry (general name), a multi-purpose helicopter "KUH-1 Surion", a tank "K-2 Black Panther". The Korean media reported that many domestic weapons such as the artillery gun "K-9 Thunder" will be on display and business talks for overseas exports will be held.

Of particular note is the full-scale mockup of the Korean-style fighter “KFX”, which Korea is jointly developing with Indonesia.

The development of KFX has already progressed to the production of prototypes, but so far only the models on computer graphics and the models exhibited at Seoul ADEX 2017 are exhibited, and the actual mockup exhibition is realized this time, seen as the purpose of raising public understanding and support for KFX development.

In particular, many of the problems facing Korea's “KFX” are in the integration of technologies with different origins.

In addition, South Korea will continue to make improvements even after the development of KFX, and a Weapon Bay will be added to Block 2, and after Block 3, the air intake will be improved, the vertical tail will be redesigned, and the engine nozzle will become stealth. It is said that we will upgrade the onboard electronic equipment and improve the capacity to the fifth generation machine or the equivalent to the sixth generation machine, but if you make a large-scale improvement close to the redesign of the aircraft, Prices are just going up.

Although the story has greatly diverted, if you return the story to the main subject, KFX's full-scale mockup will be released next month, Korean media will also report extensively, and new KFX related information may also come out unknown.

On the one hand, it is also a very exciting part of what kind of story pops out.

See full article GrandFleet

Air Force Guided Rockets to be Delivered Soon

24 September 2019

GATR is an affordable semi-active, laser-guided, 70 mm (2.75-inch) rocket. featuring increased performance due to a unique aerodynamic design, a cutting-edge multi-purpose, Electronic fusing delay and IM warhead (photo : Elbit Systems)

The Philippine Air Force (PAF) will be receiving Guided Advance Tactical Rockets (GATR) from Israeli company Elbit Systems.

According to MaxDefense Philippines, delivery is expected to happen approximately one year from signing of contract which transpired early 2019 which is a test buy.

MaxDefense said it “received confirmation that a contract was signed in early 2019 worth around Php156.785 million (around US$3 million), with deliveries expected to happen in around a year’s time or less.”

“An initial buy involving a few launchers and munitions to equip the PAF’s AgustaWestland AW109E Power armed helicopters was planned, which will allow the PAF to conduct its own evaluations of the system prior to deciding on purchasing in larger numbers,” MaxDefense said.


Malaysian Army Looks for Landing Assault Craft

25 September 2019

Damen Landing Craft Vehicle Personnel 1604. It has two diesel engines and water jets (photo : Damen)

A tender for two medium assault craft for the Army. Based on the specifications, this is likely be part of the Army’s experimentation on the proposed amphibious brigade.

The amphibious capability was previously suggested by the Defence Ministry as part of the lessons learnt from the Lahad Datu incident but was shelved as the military wanted other capabilities. I was told that the idea was shelved as no new funding was to be allocated for the proposal even though the previous defence minister was quite keen on it.

According to the specifications released, the two landing craft should not be less than 15 metres long with a beam of four meters. It should have a top speed of 45 knots and operational speed of 30 knots and fitted with three 300hp outboard motors.

The landing craft should be able to carry a vehicle of up to 2.000kg, carrying capacity of 5.000 kg and eletrically powered bow door.

See full article Malaysian Defence

Handover of the First Boxer Combat Reconnaissance Vehicles

25 September 2019

First Boxer Combat Reconnaissance Vehicles (photos : Aus DoD)

Delivering the next generation of capability for the Australian Army

The first of the fleet of new Combat Reconnaissance Vehicles (CRV) for the Australian Defence Force has been unveiled at a ceremony at Enoggera Barracks in Brisbane.

The 211 new Boxer 8x8 CRVs will be delivered by Rheinmetall Defence Australia under the $5 billion LAND 400 Phase 2 Mounted Combat Reconnaissance Capability program.

Minister for Defence, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC said the new vehicles, with their high levels of protection, firepower and mobility, will provide a world-class capability to the Australian Army.

“These new vehicles are part of the Liberal National Government’s $200 billion investment in our defence capability to ensure the Australian Defence Force is equipped to succeed in our challenging strategic environment,” Minister Reynolds said.

“They will be able to undertake a range of missions from regional stability and peacekeeping through to high-threat operations, and will provide improved safety to Australian soldiers on deployment and on exercises around the world.”

Minister for Defence Industry the Hon Melissa Price welcomed the approximately 1,450 jobs across Australia that would flow from the construction of the vehicles.

“This project presents an exciting opportunity for Australian industry to play a vital role in delivering leading-edge capability and technology to Australia’s Army,” Minister Price said.

“Our Government’s investment decisions in defence capability are complemented by a comprehensive defence industry policy agenda to support a robust, resilient and internationally competitive defence industry, which will support jobs and investment across the country.”

Over the 30-year life of the vehicles, Australian industry will secure $10.2 billion of the total investment in acquiring and maintaining the fleet.

Minister Price also today announced an additional seven small businesses that have been contracted by Rheinmetall as suppliers for the first 25 Boxer vehicles.

The companies are:

-Brisbane-based Frontline Manufacturing: supplying prototype bracketry.
-Sydney-based Precision Metal Group Australia: supplying prototype bracketry.
-Burnie-based Direct Edge: supplying prototype bracketry.
-Melbourne-based MoTeC: supplying information data logging, IT connections and system support.
-Sydney-based Axalta: supplying specialist paint and paint supply products.
-Melbourne-based Hilton Manufacturing: supplying prototype bracketry.
-Brisbane-based Rockpress: supplying mine blast protection plates.

This brings to a total of 12 small businesses across Australia who will contribute to the Boxer program, ensuring the delivery of these vehicles is a national enterprise.

The first 25 vehicles will be assembled in Germany and delivered to Australia as part of technology transfer activities to familiarise Australian workers and suppliers on the specific manufacturing techniques of these vehicles.

The remaining vehicles will be assembled at Rheinmetall’s Military Vehicle Centre of Excellence facility in Redbank, near Ipswich, using companies located across Australia.

(Aus DoD)

Lapan Highlights Roadmap for Aviation Industry at AeroSummit

25 September 2019

Development of transport aircraft in Indonesia (image : Lapan)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (Lapan) and stakeholders discussed the national aviation industry development roadmap at AeroSummit 2019, Jakarta, Sept 24-25, to promote the aviation industry and human resources for realizing golden Indonesia 2045.

"The main objective of this international seminar and AeroSummit is to bring together researchers, engineers, and industrialists to jointly develop space technology, particularly the aerospace technology," Lapan Chairman Thomas Djamaluddin remarked during AeroSummit 2019 at Bidakara Hotel in South Jakarta on Tuesday.

Themed "Streamlining the Synergy in Aerospace Industry," the second edition of AeroSummit, is organized by Lapan in collaboration with state aircraft manufacturer PT Dirgantara Indonesia and Indonesia Aeronautical Engineering Center (IAEC).

The discussion of the roadmap involved all relevant stakeholders including those from the Transportation Ministry, Industry Ministry, Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs, aviation industry, the association of aviation and the National Committee for Economy and Industry.

In addition to highlighting the roadmap, the AeroSummit will also shed light on the key task, function, and membership of the board of trustees to expedite the development of the national aircraft technology and industry.

With this roadmap in place, the Indonesian aerospace industry is expected to develop at a quicker pace and register progress.

"To develop the aviation industry, ranging from aircraft to components, of course, we need support, including aftersales maintenance services," he stated.

He expressed hope that the roadmap discussed at the AeroSummit 2019 would be mirrored in the medium-term national development plan (RPJMN).

"The roadmap is still being prepared. Hopefully, the initial draft would be formulated soon. We will coordinate with Bappenas (the National Development Planning Agency) as far as possible to align it with the RPJMN," he added.


Philippine Navy Eyes to Have First Submarines by 2027

25 September 2019

Acquire first submarine for PN projected in 2027 (photo : Liputan6)

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine Navy is looking to acquire its first-ever submarines by 2027.

Navy chief Vice Adm. Robert Empedrad said they had started to send personnel abroad in December last year for training ahead of the procurement of the submarines.

“As early as December last year, we sent personnel to France to train for our submarine acquisition program, which hopefully will have the first deliveries of two submarines in 2027,” he said in his speech in the ceremonial blessing for new amphibious vehicles and multi-purpose attack craft at the Navy headquarters in Manila on Monday.

The planned acquisition of submarines was already approved by President Rodrigo Duterte last May, along with two brand new corvettes, six offshore patrol vessels and six fast attack interdiction craft.

Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana said they have not yet selected the supplier for the submarines, but the Navy had started preparing for it.

“Wala pa namang napili, pero we have already a submarine force. Wala pang submarines, pero we are trying to improve their capabilities to run a submarine, para bago pa lang kunin yung equipment alam na ang gagawin. Para pag dumating yun, we can use them immediately,” he told reporters.

[We have not chosen a supplier, but we already have submarine force. We don’t have submarines yet, but we are trying to improve their capabilities to run a submarine so that when the equipment is delivered, we already know what to do. So when they arrive, we can use them immediately.]

The Philippine Navy has been preparing itself for the acquisition of upcoming assets.

Empedrad said they have also sent 28 personnel to South Korea to start training for the Navy’s two missile-capable frigates scheduled for delivery in the next two years.

“Our personnel are trained well for these new capabilities,” he said.


Singapore and the US Renew Memorandum of Understanding

25 September 2019

Under its ambit, the US has rotationally deployed fighter aircraft for exercises, refuelling and maintenance, and Littoral Combat Ships (LCS) and P-8 Poseidon aircraft to Singapore since 2013 and 2015 respectively (photos : USNI)

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and President of the United States of America Donald Trump signed the Protocol of Amendment to the 1990 Memorandum of Understanding ("1990 MOU") Regarding United States Use of Facilities in Singapore ("2019 AMOU") today. The 2019 AMOU renews the 1990 MOU by extending it for another 15 years.

The 1990 MOU, signed by our founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew and then-United States (US) Vice President Dan Quayle, has underpinned the US' security presence in the region for almost 30 years. The agreement facilitates US' forces access to Singapore's air and naval bases, and provides logistic support for their transiting personnel, aircraft and vessels. Under its ambit, the US has rotationally deployed fighter aircraft for exercises, refuelling and maintenance, and Littoral Combat Ships and P-8 Poseidon aircraft to Singapore since 2013 and 2015 respectively. The renewal of this document underscores the support for US' presence in our region which remains vital for regional peace, stability and prosperity.

Earlier today, Minister for Defence Dr Ng Eng Hen spoke with US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper over the phone. Acknowledging the milestone renewal of the 1990 MOU, Dr Ng and Secretary Esper reaffirmed the excellent and long-standing bilateral defence relationship, as well as the importance of the US' continued engagement of the region. Secretary Esper expressed appreciation for Singapore's enduring support for the US' regional presence. During the phone call, both sides also discussed the good progress of key ongoing initiatives, particularly in defence technology and military-to-military cooperation. Dr Ng also thanked Secretary Esper for the US' continuing support for the Singapore Armed Forces' overseas training in the US.

The 1990 MOU is one of several milestone bilateral defence agreements with the US. In 2005, the Strategic Framework Agreement (SFA) elevated bilateral defence relations, uniquely recognising Singapore as a Major Security Cooperation Partner of the US. Under the 2005 SFA, then-Minister for Defence Teo Chee Hean and then-US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld also signed the 2005 Protocol of Amendment to the 1990 MOU and the 2005 Defence Cooperation Agreement (DCA), which provided for new areas of mutually beneficial cooperation. In 2015, Singapore and the US concluded the enhanced DCA, which built on the 2005 SFA to deepen cooperation in non-conventional and emerging security areas.

Dr Ng is in New York from 22 to 26 September 2019 (Singapore time), as part of Prime Minister Lee's delegation. Prime Minister Lee is in New York from 21 to 28 September 2019 (Singapore time) to attend the United Nations General Assembly.

(Sing Mindef)

Approving a FMS of Eight AH-6i to Thailand

26 September 2019

Boeing AH-6i light attack reconnaissance helicopters (photo : defense arab)

WASHINGTON - The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to Thailand of eight (8) AH-6i light attack reconnaissance helicopters and related equipment for an estimated cost of $400 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today.

The Government of Thailand has requested to buy eight (8) AH-6i light attack reconnaissance helicopters; fifty (50) AGM-114R Hellfire missiles; and two-hundred (200) Advance Precision Kill Weapon System (APKWS) Rockets. Also included are ten (10) M134 Mini Guns, ten (10) M260 Rocket Launchers; ten (1) M299 Longbow Hellfire Launcher; ten (10) AN/APN-209 Radar Altimeter; eight (8) AN/APR-39(V)(4) four (4) GAU-19/B .50 Cal Machine Gun; five-hundred (500) Hydra 70 Rockets; twenty (20) AN/AVS-6 Night Vision Goggles; eight (8) WESCAM MX-10Di Cameras; ten (10) AN/APX-123 IFF; ten (10) AN/ARC 201E-VHF-FM; ten (10) AN/ARC-231 w/ MX-4027; ten (10) LN-251 Inertial Navigation System/Global Positioning System (EGI); Aircrew Trainer (ACT); Pilot Desktop Trainer (PDT); Virtual Maintenance Trainer (VMT;, contractor provided pilot and maintainer training peculiar ground support equipment; spares; publications; integrated product support; technical assistance; quality assurance team; transportation; and other related elements of logistics and program support. The total estimated program cost is $400 million.

This proposed sale will support the foreign policy and national security objectives of the United States by helping to improve the security of a Major Non-NATO ally in INDO-PACOM. Thailand is a strategic partner committed to contributing to regional security.

The proposed sale of the AH-6i helicopter will improve the Royal Thai Army’s (RTA) light attack capability to strengthen its homeland defense and deter regional threats. These AH-6i helicopters will replace the RTA’s aging fleet of seven AH-IF Cobra helicopters. As part of a broader military modernization effort, these AH-6i helicopters will provide light attack reconnaissance for close air support to special operations forces, Stryker infantry soldiers and border guard units. Thailand will have no difficulty absorbing this equipment into its armed forces.

The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region.

The principal contractor for the AH-6i is Boeing Company, Mesa, Arizona. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.

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