September 11, 2019, 10:38 pm
12 September 2019
BCT will have Infantry, mechanized, artillery, aviation and special operations, and other support, for the three main islands (photo : Mintfo)
THE Army is planning to create another brigade-size combat team (BCT) for its continuing force strengthening following the creation and deployment this year of a similar unit in Mindanao.
Army Spokesman Lt. Col. Ramon P. Zagala said the Army leadership is looking at creating another BCT this year and another one next year.
“Part of our modernization is for us to have a territorial defense division so that we could confront all threats using these forces,” he said.
Zagala said the plan has been to cover all the country’s three main islands with one BCT each.
Early this year, the first BCT was deployed to Sulu to not only help in the campaign against the Abu Sayyaf Group in Western Mindanao but also against all lawless groups in the region.
A suicide bombing perpetrated by Norman Lasuca, a member of the ASG, and a Caucasian-looking man rocked the headquarters of the first BCT in Indanan, Sulu, in June this year, killing three soldiers and civilians.
Lasuca and the other bomber were also killed. Twenty-two others were also wounded in the twin bombings.
“The thrust of the Army is to have a ready force that is capable and can be rapidly deployed to adapt to any threat. It must be able to project power and dominate the enemy,” Zagala said.
“This BCT will have Infantry, mechanized, artillery, aviation and special operations, and other support enablers for them to be able to utilize the land power maneuver concept and utilize its capabilities to defeat current, emerging and future threats,” he added.
Zagala said the creation of BCTs were part of the Army’s capability development plan that seeks to address both material and nonmaterial capability gaps.
“This is doctrine, organization, training, material, leadership, personnel and facilities,” he said.
(Business Mirror)
September 12, 2019, 12:47 am
12 September 2019
AAV7A1 and the LVTP7 of RTMC (all photos : RTMC)
AAV7A1 Assault Amphibious Vehicle of Marine Assault Amphibious Vehicle Battalion, Royal Thai Marine Corps, of the Royal Thai Navy have been upgraded and tested by Thailand company's Chaiseri.
25 - 30 July 2019 organized personnel and equipment, performed in a press conference on the activities of Chalerm Phrakiat Navy Triathlon of the Royal Thai Navy, Field 5 at Krom Luang Chumphon Camp Marine Corps Command Unit, Sattahip District, Chonburi Province.
Between 26-30 August 2019 62nd Army Corps Commander organized personnel under training and knowledge review on the part of Amphibious vehicle weapon system, drive system, engine systems and related systems.To develop the personnel to have knowledge and understanding before and after the operation and use of the equipment of the unit to maximize efficiency at Sujit Bunnag Building and Training Area, Amphibious Parking Garage Colonel B.S.
August 8-11, 2019 organized personnel and military equipment to perform field service outside the normal location of training as a preliminary unit Colonel B.S. Annual 62nd, at the training area, Sattahip District, Chonburi Province and Ban Chang District, Rayong Province.
Image set published by Amphibious Vehicle Battalion Marine Corps Marine Assault Amphibious Vehicle Battalion, Royal Thai Marine Corps Division, of the Royal Thai Navy on-site training and field training.
Has shown the newly updated AAV7A1 amphibious vehicle, as you can see from the outside picture, the lower part of the car has a new belt that raises more from the ground. And around the car where the installation of the EAAK Enhanced Applique Armor Kit around the car to increase the protection power.
Amphibious vehicle AAV7A1 at Colonel B.S. become the new AAV7A1 RAM/RS (Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability/Rebuild to Standard) has been modernized to be at least 3 vehicles.
The new turret will still be armed with a 40x53mm Mk 19 grenade launcher and a Browning M2HB .50caliber heavy machine gun (12.7x99mm), including the installation of a new fire control system and night vision camera to increase efficiency, also could battle at night.
The picture set also shows the driver station of the newly revamped AAV7A1 Thai Marine Corps equipped with a digital meter display, including improvements to the Cummins VTA903-T525 diesel engine, 525HP and the twin Disc HS 255 transmission. Transmission: four forward gears, two reverse gears.
According to the Thai Navy, there are 3 AAV7A1 amphibious improvements 300 million baht ($ 9.8 million). Currently, at Colonel B.C. there are 12 old LVTP7 updated amphibious vehicles and 24 new AAV7A1 amphibious vehicles.
The improvement was carried out by Chaiseri metal & rubber Co. Ltd., Thailand, the latest work that Thai Chaiseri received from the Marine Command of the Thai Navy.
Following on from improvements to the Cadillac Gage V-150 Commando tire armored vehicle, the Tank Battalion, the Marine Corps that has been installed with the remote IMI WAVE 200 Israeli turret.
September 12, 2019, 3:03 am
12 September 2019
Hunter Armoured Fighting Vehicle (photo : Today)
Singapore – The Land Systems arm of ST Engineering and Rheinmetall signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to pursue business opportunities for development and sales of defence products, systems and solutions.
ST Engineering and Rheinmetall will collaborate to explore areas of cooperation involving complementary capabilities in design, development, production, global marketing, sales and support of defence systems and solutions related to protection systems and combat vehicles.
Bionix II Infantry Fighting Vehicle (photo : Snafu Solomom)
Under the area of combat vehicle, the partnership will explore opportunities in the armoured tracked vehicle market, which includes marketing, development, manufacturing, assembly; and Integrated Logistic Support activities such as training and aftersales.
Dr. Lee Shiang Long President, Land Systems arm of ST Engineering, said, “This partnership speaks volumes of industry collaborations that leverage the strengths of both partners to bring about new opportunities in the development of products and expansion of market reach.”
Primus Self Propelled Howitzer (photo : MSNews)
“This is a very significant collaboration that will bring together complementary capabilities and technologies to strengthen the defence industrial base in Singapore, and to jointly expand our presence in important markets worldwide.” said Mr Gordon Hargreave, Member of the Executive Management Board of Rheinmetall.
September 12, 2019, 5:03 pm
13 September 2019
Latihan Gabungan Dharma Yudha 2019 (photos : Antara, TNI, Merdeka. Sindo. Tempo)
Situbondo - Belasan ribu prajurit TNI dikerahkan ke Situbondo dalam latihan gabungan (latgab). Prajurit gabungan dari TNI AD, TNI AL, dan TNI AU bersatu padu melakukan beragam manuver menghancurkan kekuatan musuh.
Berbagai alutsista canggih juga dikerahkan untuk menyokong pertempuran di lapangan. Salah satunya pesawat tanpa awak UAV CH-4 milik TNI AU, yang mengawali penyerangan. Pesawat tanpa awak yang dikendalikan dari Lanud Juanda ini tak hanya bertugas melakukan pengintaian target sasaran. Drone yang mampu terbang hingga 30 jam itu juga langsung melakukan pengeboman ke daerah lawan.
Gempuran demi gempuran dari alutsista yang lain juga terus berdentuman di daerah musuh. Para prajurit TNI dari tiga matra itu cukup tangkas melakukan berbagai manuver penyerangan. Baik manuver darat, laut, maupun manuver udara, hingga berhasil menghancurkan daerah musuh.
Demo penyerangan itu ditampilkan dalam Latihan gabungan dengan sandi Operasi Dharma Yudha 2019 di Puslatpur Marinir 5 Baluran, Kecamatan Banyuputih. Puncak latgab itu disaksikan langsung Menko Polhukam Wiranto. Selain itu, turut hadir Panglima TNI Marsekal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto, para kepala staf angkatan, dan jajaran petinggi TNI lainnya.
"Tadi kita saksikan, ada demo baru, ada drone yang bukan hanya mampu melakukan pengintaian, tapi juga berhasil melakukan penembakan dan pengeboman. Ini lompatan teknologi militer yang luar biasa. Mudah-mudahan ke depan nanti teknologi-teknologi militer yang berkembang di dunia juga dapat kita miliki," kata Wiranto di T-12 Baluran setelah menyaksikan latgab Dharma Yudha 2019, Kamis (12/9/2019).
Mantan Panglima TNI ini mengapresiasi keberhasilan prajurit TNI melaksanakan misi latihan gabungan ini. Menurutnya, meski kelihatannya cukup mudah, pengorganisasian operasi gabungan itu rumit dan sulit. Tetapi hal itu bisa dilaksanakan dengan tepat. Bahkan, dalam hitungan detik dan menit, dapat dilaksanakan dengan akurat.
"Latihan ini sebenarnya juga kesiapsiagaan dari satuan-satuan tempur kita dalam menghadapi kemungkinan berbagai ancaman. Selain itu, merupakan suatu latihan untuk terus meningkatkan, menjaga, dan merawat profesionalisme prajurit di semua tingkatan, di semua matra," imbuh Wiranto.
Wiranto melanjutkan, setiap negara dapat memiliki kebanggaan dan kehormatan. Salah satunya adalah kekuatan angkatan bersenjatanya. Melalui latgab Dharma Yudha 2019, Indonesia telah memiliki kekuatan angkatan bersenjata yang dapat dibanggakan dan dapat mengimbangi kekuatan negara-negara lain.
"Dengan kekuatan angkatan bersenjata seperti yang kita miliki ini, menjadi faktor bahwa kita telah siap menghadapi berbagai ancaman yang mungkin kita hadapi di masa depan," papar Wiranto.
Seperti keterangan yang diperoleh detikcom, pelaksanaan latgab TNI Dharma Yudha 2019 menggunakan dua metode, yakni Latihan Posko dan Latihan Lapangan. Dua metode itu dilaksanakan secara berangkai dengan materi Kampanye Militer dalam bentuk Operasi Gabungan di Mandala Operasi. Komando Gabungan TNI terdiri atas beberapa Komando Tugas Gabungan dengan menampilkan seluruh kemampuan tempur prajurit TNI beserta alut dan alutsista yang dimiliki.
Latgab ini melibatkan sedikitnya 11.716 prajurit. Untuk Latihan Posko sebanyak 1.307 personel, dan Latihan Lapangan sebanyak 10.409 personel. Alutsista yang dikerahkan pun juga terbilang banyak.
Dari TNI AD ada 12 unit tank Leopard, 1 unit tank ARV Leopard, 5 unit truk Transporter, 1 unit Marder, 6 unit Astros, 6 unit meriam 76, 6 unit Caesar, 18 pucuk mortir-81, 9 pucuk mortir-60, 27 pucuk mortir-60, 8 satbak Atlas, 4 satbak MPCV, 2 unit MVP, 8 unit drone Arh, 2 unit Apache, 2 unit MI-35, 4 unit AS-550 Fennech dan 4 unit Bell-412.
Sementara itu, TNI AL mengerahkan alut dan alutsistanya berupa 22 unit KRI, 15 unit BTR 50 P/M, 15 unit BMP 3F, 12 unit BTR 50 P/K, 7 unit LVT 7A1, 8 unit Kapa K61, 6 unit How 105 MM, 6 unit Rocket MLRS Grad, 4 unit BVPP2, 3 unit Ambulans, 3 unit Truk Tatra Amo, 5 unit Truk Opgleger, 18 unit Ranrik How, 6 unit truk 2,5 Ton, 4 unit Komob, 25 unit Mopel, 2 unit RHIB, 10 unit Helikopter dan 4 unit Fix Wing.
Sedangkan TNI AU mengerahkan 6 unit SU 27/30, 16 unit F-16, 6 unit T-50i, 4 unit Hawk 109/209, 6 unit EMB-314 Super Tucano, 12 unit C-130 B/H/HS/L-100, 1 unit C-130 BT, 4 unit CN-295, 3 unit B-737-400/500 VIP, 2 unit B-737-200 Patmar/Intai, 2 unit C-212, 2 unit PTTA Aerostar, 1 unit UAV CH-4, 4 unit NAS-332/EC-725, dan 1 unit Colibri.
September 12, 2019, 8:07 pm
13 September 2019
Petya III submarine hunting corvettes 11 and 09 of the Vietnam People's Navy (photo : BaoDatViet)
Submarine hunting guard ship Project 159 Petya class plays a very important role for the Vietnam People's Navy.
Petya is NATO's designation for the submarine-hunting guard class Project 159 Storozhevoi Korabl These are the first ships powered by a Soviet Navy gas turbine engine. Their role is to combat submarines in shallow water.
The vessel has a standard displacement of 950 tons and up to 1,150 tons at full load; length 81.8 m; 9.2 m width; draft of 2.9 m; crew of 90 people.
The heart of Petya is 2 gas turbines and 1 diesel engine with a total capacity of 36,000 horsepower, giving a maximum speed of 30 knots; operating range of 4,870 nautical miles when running at 10 knots / h, or 450 nautical miles when running at maximum speed.
Petya avionics include Don-2 radar, Slim Net, Hawk Screech, Herkules sonar and embedded dip sonar.
The Vietnamese Navy received a total of 5 Petya ships, including 3 Petya II and 2 Petya III ships in the early 1980s.
In which 2 Petya III with number 09 and 11, each armed with 2 double-barreled AK-726 guns of 76 mm size; 4 RBU-2500 anti-submarine rocket launchers and 1 TTA-53-57 bis three-tube launcher, compatible with SET-53/53M heavy torpedoes.
Submarine-hunting corvettes 09 of the Vietnamese Navy launched torpedoes SET-53M (photo : BaoDatViet)
SET-53 is an anti-submarine torpedo and surface ship of 533 mm size manufactured by the Soviet Union, officially put into service in 1958. By 1964, the upgraded version SET-53M was completed with many Outstanding tactical features.
This heavy torpedo not only equips large surface ships but also appears on torpedo boats with displacement of only a few hundred tons.
Basic specifications of SET-53/53M torpedo: Weight 1,480 kg; 7,800 mm long; 100 kg warhead; range of 8,000 / 14,000 m; speed of 23/29 knots / h; The working range of the passive probe reaches 600 m.
In addition to the role of the main weapon of the Petya III submarine hunting guard, this torpedo is also installed on the Turya class torpedo boat with 4 single launchers divided into 2 clusters arranged 2 sides.
Compared with anti-submarine torpedoes - the 533 mm TEST-71 surface ship fitted with the Kilo 636 submarine as well as the Gepard 3.9 missile defense ship (second pair), it is clear that SET-53M is much inferior when TEST-71 has a range of 15,000 m if running at 40 knots / h or 25,000 m when running at 35 knots.
In addition, the TEST-71 torpedoes are also equipped with a sonar guidance system combined with receiving control commands via wires so extremely difficult to jam compared to passive probes using the old technology of SET- 53M.
It has been reported for a while that India has implemented an upgrade package on Vietnamese Petya vessels by installing a new generation hydrodynamic navigation device called HMS-X2, most likely Petya III after modernization can also launch TEST-71 torpedoes.
September 12, 2019, 11:13 pm
13 September 2019
Current armada of Philippine Navy (photo : PN)
MANILA, Philippines – Faced with two external threats involving its maritime borders, the Philippines continues to be one of the most under-equipped navies in the Asia-Pacific region.
The process of changing that – though slow – has begun.
The Philippine Navy is now the priority in the second phase of the military's modernization program, as it prepares to acquire new vessels and retire very old ones in its fleet.
For instance, the BRP Sultan Kudarat (PS-22), formerly the USS Crestview, was decommissioned on July 5. The BRP Rajah Humabon (PS-11), which used to be the USS Atherton, was retired in March 2018. Both ships began their service with the US Navy in 1943.
There are at least 4 World-War-II-era “legacy” vessels still in its fleet.
But defense officials have been pressing to fast-track the navy's buildup given the major external threats that the Philippines faces today. One is the threat from Chinese vessels criss-crossing its territorial waters and exclusive economic zone, or the West Philippine Sea. The other is the entry of foreign terrorists and bandits in the Sulu Sea.
“Currently, we have very small capability to react to these intrusions,” Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana told Congress during a recent hearing on its proposed budget of P258 billion for 2020, of which P25 billion is allocated for the acquisition of new military assets.
The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) is on “Horizon Two” of its Modernization Program, from 2018 to 2022, worth a total of P125 billion.
The Navy will be the priority during this period, and possibly until the third phase from 2023 to 2028. Navy Flag Officer-in-Command Vice Admiral Robert Empedrad said they will purchase 25 to 30 warships in the next 5 to 10 years.
Here is a list of warships and other vessels that the Navy is set to acquire:
BRP Jose Rizal FF-15 (photo : drivel)
Frigates are medium-sized warships usually designed for a particular combat role, unlike destroyers, which tend to be larger and have multi-mission capability.
Two frigates are being built for the Navy by the South Korean shipbuilder Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI). Once commissioned, they will be the country’s most powerful, first ever missile-capable warships.
The BRP Jose Rizal (FF-15) and the BRP Antonio Luna (FF-151) will be fitted with surface-to-air and surface-to-surface missiles, torpedoes, launchers, and weapon systems for 4-dimensional warfare, the Navy said.
Each frigate will be 107 meters long, with a speed of 25 knots, and will be capable of “sustained operational presence” or staying out at sea for a month straight.
The BRP Jose Rizal is expected to be delivered in April 2020, and the the BRP Antonio Luna in September 2020.
Pohang class corvettes (photo : naver)
Corvettes are the smallest type of warship, a rank below frigates.
The Philippines recently received from South Korea the Pohang-class corvette BRP Conrado Yap (PS-39). Although it had already served the Republic of Korea Navy (ROKN) for nearly 3 decades as the ROKS Chungju, the refurbished corvette is currently the Philippines’ most powerful warship, with anti-air, anti-surface, and anti-submarine warfare capabilities.
Pending a formal contract, the government plans to acquire two brand new corvettes from HHI for about P30 billion, Lorenzana said on August 23.
If the plan pushes through, the two brand new corvettes, although smaller in size, will be “even more powerful" than the frigates BRP Jose Rizal and BRP Antonio Luna, said Empedrad.
To finance the acquisition, the Philippines plans to strike a government-to-government deal with South Korea.
Besides these, the Philippines may receive another two Pohang-class corvettes like the BRP Conrado Yap – not brand new, but hand-me-downs from ROKN.
Austal OPV (image : Austal)
Offshore patrol vessels (OPV)
Offshore patrol vessels are smaller than corvettes but large enough to still be classified as ships. OPVs are designed for coastal defense missions.
The Philippines has an agreement with the Australian government for the acquisition of 6 brand new OPVs worth a total of P30 billion.
The Australia-based shipbuilder Austal, which has a unit in Cebu, is poised to become the contractor for the project.
Empedrad said the 6 OPVs are expected to be delivered by 2022, before the end of the Duterte administration.
Meanwhile, the Philippine Coast Guard – currently a civilian organization administered by the Department of Transportation – will receive its own OPV, the French-built BRP Gabriela Silang, in December 2019.
Shaldaq V FAIC-M (photo : Israel Shipyard)
Fast Attack and Interdiction Craft – Missile Capable (FAIC-M)
As their name suggests, fast attack and interdiction craft-missile capable (FAIC-M) are small, fast-moving vessels armed with surface-to-surface missiles.
The Navy plans to acquire 8 FAIC-Ms, of which 4 will be built locally at the PN shipyard in Sangley Point, Cavite City.
The acquisition project is worth P10 billion.
The new FAIC-Ms will be deployed to sea lines of communication (SLOC) in the country, or busy sea lanes such as the Balabac, Basilan, Mindoro, and Sibutu straits.
Chinese warships have recently been spotted traversing Sibutu and Balabac straits unannounced, contrary to the common naval practice of informing a country’s government before any naval passage through its territorial waters. (READ: Why Coast Guard Base Sibutu matters)
Not that FAIC-Ms would be able to take on warships, but with a top speed of 33 knots and non-line-of-sight missiles with a range of 25 kilometers, they are designed to intercept common maritime threats like pirates and poachers.
MPAC equipped with missile (photo : PN)
Multi-purpose attack craft (MPAC)
Multi-purpose attack craft (MPAC) are a Philippine type of fast assault boats fitted with automated 50-caliber machine guns and, on some models, a missile system.
The Navy will commission 3 new MPACs this month, along with 4 amphibious assault vehicles (AAV).
The 3 new MPACs will add to another 3 commissioned earlier that have Spike Extended Range missiles capable of sinking ships 2 kilometers away.
The government plans to acquire a total of 30 missile-capable MPACs, each worth around P270 million.
PN interested in Scorpene submarine (photo : DCNS)
Submarines – vessels capable of going underwater – are also on the Navy’s wish list.
Empedrad said President Rodrigo Duterte has “approved in principle” a plan to acquire two submarines.
Lorenzana said one of those submarines may be acquired from France.
Empedrad estimates each submarine to be worth about P35 billion.
Although he welcomes the new additions to their fleet, the Navy still has “a long way to go” to match other Southeast Asian navies, Empedrad told reporters in an interview in late August.
But at least, the Philippines has started building a “credible naval defense posture” that should enable it to somehow stand up to intruders within its maritime territory.
September 13, 2019, 2:08 am
13 September 2019
The Sevastopol amphibious assault ship (photo : TASS)
MOSCOW/TASS/ - Russia’s first two amphibious assault ships will be laid down at the Zaliv shipyard in Crimea in May 2020, two sources in Russia’s shipbuilding industry told TASS on Wednesday.
"Two amphibious assault ships with water displacement of up to 15,000 tonnes will for the first time in the Russian history be laid down at the Zaliv shipyard in Kerch in 2020," the source said.
He added that the first helicopter carrier will be delivered to the Russian Navy before the current state armament program expires at the end of 2027.
The other source specified that "both ships will be laid down in May 2020."
According to him, the ships will be able to carry over 10 helicopters of various types and will be equipped with a dock-type chamber for landing craft utilities (LTU).
"The development of technical specifications of the new ships has entered the final stage. Once they are ready, in coming months, an agreement will be signed to build the helicopter carriers," he said.
TASS has been unable to officially confirm the information, provided by the sources, at the time of the publication.
The Zaliv shipyard in Kerch has facilities to build vessels up to 300 meters in length and up to 50 meters in width and, therefore, can build ships with a displacement exceeding 150,000 tonnes.
Earlier, a source in Russia’s shipbuilding industry told TASS that no later than by the end of the year, the Defense Ministry will complete developing technical specifications for a universal amphibious assault ship. There are plans to build the lead universal amphibious assault ship and deliver it to the customer under the state armament program through 2027 while the work on the first serial-produced vessel will be completed before the early 2030s, the source said.
Universal amphibious assault ships, also called helicopter carriers, are distinguished by their large displacement (20,000 tonnes and more) and can carry a large group of heavy helicopters of various designation (up to 16 helicopters aboard Mistral ships and more than 30 aboard US Wasp-class vessels), and also vertical take-off rotorcraft.
Universal amphibious assault ships can carry from several hundred to over one thousand marine infantry personnel, boats and other craft for landing the assault force and transport the armor. Universal amphibious assault ships normally feature a powerful combat control system and can act as a command and control vessel for a grouping of forces.
September 13, 2019, 4:01 am
13 September 2019
Model pesawat tempur Su-35 TNI AU (photo : Alex Sidharta)
Jakarta: Kementerian Perdagangan (Kemendag) masih mengupayakan hadirnya produk olahan sebagai imbal dagang 11 unit jet tempur Sukhoi Su-35 dari Rusia. Peningkatan ekspor produk bernilai tambah Tanah Air jadi komitmen untuk dikedepankan.Staf Ahli Bidang Iklim Usaha dan Hubungan Antar Lembaga Kemendag Karyanto Suprih mengatakan pihaknya terus melakukan diskusi penyelesaian proses ini bersama Duta Besar Rusia untuk Indonesia Lyudmila Georgievna Vorobieva. Beragam produk RI telah ditawarkan untuk pembelian pesawat dengan nilai total USD1,14 miliar atau setara Rp17 triliun tersebut."Secepatnya itu lebih baik, semoga bisa selesai tahun ini dan kami terus bicara sama Dubes Rusia," kata Karyanto ditemui di JCC, Senayan, Jakarta, Jumat, 13 September 2019.
Menurut Karyanto produk yang terus ditawarkan dari Indonesia seperti makanan dan minuman. Beragam produk olahan rempah-rempah Tanah Air juga jadi fokus untuk dimasukkan dalam 50 persen dana pembelian pesawat tersebut."Banyak (yang ditawarkan) misalnya produk rempah-rempah dan kita maunya produk jadi, jangan cuma produk yang raw material," kata Karyanto.Karyanto memastikan Kemendag bukan dalam posisi menghambat kebutuhan alutsista pertahanan RI. Saat ini, diskusi masih terus dilakukan agar produk yang menjadi imbal dagang bisa maksimal bermanfaat bagi negara dan masyarakat."Soal imbal dagang sebenarnya tidak ada masalah, buat perdagangan bagus, tapi itu kan terkait politik dunia, kalau soal politik bersumber imamnya di Kemlu," paparnya.Sebelumnya, Duta Besar Rusia untuk Indonesia Lyudmila Vorobieva membeberkan ada beberapa kendala terkait pengiriman Sukhoi ke Indonesia. Progres kontrak dagang RI dengan Rusia ini hanya perlu merampungkan masalah teknis."Beberapa masalah teknis dalam kesepakatan ini. Tapi Indonesia dan Rusia sudah melakukan penandatanganan pembelian, dan masalah ada di teknisnya saja," tutur Lyudmila dalam jumpa pers di Jakarta, Rabu, 4 September 2019 lalu.Dia mengatakan pembahasan mengenai pembelian dan pengiriman Sukhoi ini agak lambat. Penyebabnya banyak, termasuk pemilihan presiden beberapa waktu lalu."Masalah teknis dalam implementasi kesepakatan ini, kita harapkan bisa segera diselesaikan agar pengiriman bisa berjalan lancar," imbuhnya.
September 13, 2019, 5:37 pm
14 September 2019
AV-8 Gempita with Denel 30mm cannon (photo : Arda Mevlutoglu)
Denel Reaches Century In Malaysian Contract
Denel is delivering the 100th modular turret for armoured vehicles used by the Malaysian armed forces in terms of a multi-million rand export contract.
“This is an historic and significant achievement which again demonstrates our leadership role in landward defence and Denel’s capacity to produce advanced technology systems for both the local and international markets,” says Mxolisi Makhatini, the CEO of Denel Landward.
The Euro 342-million contract is the largest export contract in Denel’s history. South Africa’s small and medium defence manufacturers have been amongst the largest beneficiaries of the contract, as Denel has had to procure millions of rands worth of equipment and services from domestic suppliers in order to meet its contractual obligations. At a time when the local economy has been contracting, the direct benefit to the local defence industry underlies Denel’s importance to the South African manufacturing industry and its position as a productive national asset, which contributes to generating export revenue and jobs in the manufacturing sector.
“We are extremely proud of what we have achieved in Malaysia. Despite Denel’s constrained liquidity position and significant changes that the organisation is undergoing, we have managed to stay focused and deliver the 100th turret out 122 to our client as per specification and schedule and to execute almost 98% of our Offset obligation to date. Not only this, but we have built an excellent working relationship with our Malaysian partners and we intend to build on this as we explore further export opportunities in emerging markets,” he says.
Denel GI30 plus Ingwe ATGM (photo : Army Recognition)
In terms of the contract, Denel Land Systems supplies 177 modular turrets in four variants that are fitted onto the Malaysian AV8 vehicles as well as 216 laser-guided Ingwe anti-tank missiles.
The contract deliverables consist of:
-69 armoured fighting vehicle turrets fitted with GI30 30mm cannons-54 missile turrets with combined GI30 cannons and Ingwe missiles-54 remotely-operated weapon systems
Makhatini says the Malaysian contract has been a breakthrough for Denel as it established turret manufacturing outside of the country based on South African design and intellectual property. The variants were developed to meet the specific requirements of the client, which needs the product to be utilised in tropical and jungle conditions.
The contract requires the integration of products from some 13 different original equipment manufacturers to ensure seamless functionality. This is achieved through solid project management and sound governance in line with international best practice.
“Denel has contributed to technology transfer, capability and vendor development as well as skills transfer to ensure that it is able to meet its contractual obligations.
“Throughout the delivery process we have been able to uphold the high standards, product quality and professionalism that Denel is renowned for,” he says.
Makhatini says he is confident that successes achieved on the AV8-project will raise Denel’s profile in international defence markets, especially in the Asia-Pacific region, and will strengthen its ability to win new contracts for landward defence products.
September 13, 2019, 8:08 pm
14 September 2019
RAAF PC-9/A of the No 4SQN (photo : Wiki)
The RAAF’s Williamtown-based 4SQN will soon retire the four Pilatus PC-9/A(F)s it uses for the training of forward air controller (FAC) and joint terminal attack controllers (JTAC).
The aircraft – which are modified from the standard PC-9/A advanced trainers operated by Central Flying School (CFS) at East Sale, and 2FTS at Pearce – feature wing pylons capable of carrying auxiliary fuel tanks and smoke grenade launchers, as well as additional radios, infrared laser pointers, and night vision equipment.
4SQN’s executive officer, SQNLDR ‘P’ said the forward air control (F) variant of the PC9/A had been invaluable in a joint ground-and-air unit. “The crews operate them and interact closely and routinely with combat controllers, 2 Commando Regiment, the Combat Survival Training School, Forces Command or the Special Air Service Regiment, enhancing the value and effectiveness of the asset throughout integrated training,” he said in a statement.
“They have significant endurance such that Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) students can repeat training serials to meet the standard.”
While the PC-9A(F)s are not considered operational JTAC aircraft, they have served a vital role in the training of FACs and JTACs, initially as the Forward Air Control Development Unit (FACDU) element of Air Combat Group (ACG), and later as a stand-alone squadron.
“ADF JTACs and combat controllers that were trained or maintained proficiency with PC9/A(F) flying overhead have a soft spot for these aircraft that contributed significantly to building the skills they were able to employ in combat in Afghanistan and Iraq,” SQNLDR P said.
The aircraft will be replaced in service by the PC-21, the first of which painted in 4SQN’s distinctive low viz grey scheme was noted at Pilatus’ Stanz facility in June.
September 13, 2019, 11:01 pm
14 September 2019
TrakkaCam TC-300 Cameras on Indonesian Navy AS565MB Panther (photo : Trakka)
Trakka Systems is pleased to announce that the Indonesian Navy has selected and integrated two TrakkaCam TC-300 cameras, as part of their mission equipment package on the AS565 MBe Panther.
“We are extremely pleased that the TC-300 has, again, been chosen for an international critical missions’ program. We look forward to supporting the Indonesian Navy on this program and future programs to come,” said Glen Rowling, VP Business Development of Trakka Systems.
The TrakkaCam TC-300 is a compact, high performance, new generation single-LRU multi-sensor surveillance system, setting new standards for innovative, ergonomic, industrial design. The system comprises an innovative lightweight 300mm gimbal and has a total mass of approximately 20kg.
It features high performance fully digital 4-axis gyro-stabilization, with a base payload suite comprising of a MWIR thermal imager, and HDTV EO/Spotter with continuous zoom.
The TC-300 also includes eye-safe laser range finder, NVG compatible laser pointer, a fully integrated IMU/GPS for Geo-Location and Moving Map Integration, Auto Tracker, an advanced HD video engine and options for searchlight slaving, haze reduction, image blending and Moving Target Indicator (MTI).
September 14, 2019, 2:08 am
14 September 2019
AAV7 of the PMC (photo : PIA)
MANILA -- To ensure that all of its major services are capable of operating together as a single unit, the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) will hold its first-ever joint exercises this month, an official said Friday.
Capt. Rhyan B. Batchar, AFP Joint Exercise "DAGIT-PA 03-19" public affairs office chief, said the exercises will be held in Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City; Naval Education and Training Center (NETC) in San Antonio, Zambales; and Fort Magsaysay, Palayan City, Nueva Ecija from September 16 to 27.
Batchar said these exercises are the first for the AFP involving the Army, Air Force and Navy units.
Opening ceremonies will be held in Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City on Monday while an amphibious assault exercise, showcasing the Navy's latest amphibious assault vehicles (AAVs), will be at the NETC in San Antonio, Zambales on September 19.
The first four AAVs were commissioned on June 17 and the second batch of four is scheduled to be activated on September 16.
All eights AAVs, which were acquired from South Korean defense manufacturer Hanwha Techwin, cost PHP2.42 billion.
These vehicles are armed with .50 caliber machineguns, 40mm grenade launchers and smoke launchers.
On September 23, an airfield retake exercise and military operations in urban terrain, will be held at Fort Magsaysay, Palayan City, Nueva Ecija.
The event's closing ceremony will be at the AFP headquarters in Camp Aguinaldo on September 27.
September 14, 2019, 6:49 pm
15 September 2019
Pesawat CN235 flying test bed 1983 Tetuko (photo : Indoflyer)
Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Presiden ke-3 RI BJ Habibie meninggal dunia di usia 83 tahun, kemarin. Sepanjang hidupnya, banyak sumbangsih yang diberikan terhadap negeri ini, khususnya di bidang pengembangan teknologi.
Habibie didapuk oleh Presiden ke-2 RI Soeharto sebagai Presiden Direktur PT Industri Pesawat Terbang Nurtanio, yang didirikan pada 26 April 1976. Perusahaan yang sempat berganti nama jadi Industri Pesawat Terbang Nusantara (IPTN) pada 1 Oktober 1985. Pada era IPTN ini, Habibie sukses meluncurkan uji coba terbang pesawat N250 pada 10 Agustus 1995.
Sebelum itu, Habibie sangat berperan dalam pengembangan pesawat CN235 dikembangkan sejak 1979 bersama CASA Spanyol. Pesawat tersebut telah mengalami banyak pengembangan, dan digunakan sejumlah negara. Pesawat ini awalnya dirancang bermesin turboprop dan mampu membawa 35 penumpang.
Pesawat N250 flying test bed (photo : Alain Michot)
Pesawat ini diperkenalkan kepada publik untuk pertama kalinya pada September 1983. Sejak itu, PTDI dan CASA melakukan penjualan CN235, di dalam dan luar negeri. Selain dunia dirgantara, yang membesarkannya, Habibie punya pembentukan PT IPTN, PT PAL, PT INKA, dan PT PINDAD.Habibie juga sempat menggarap proyek kelanjutan dari N250 atau R80 Regioprop beberapa tahun lalu. Ia mendirikan PT Regio Aviasi Industri (RAI) yang dibentuk oleh Habibie pada 2012.
Pesawat N-250 dengan R80 sangat berbeda sekali. Perbedaanya di antaranya dari ukuran, R80 jauh lebih besar dari pada N-250, karena R80 memiliki daya tampung hingga 80 kursi sementara N-250 hanya 50 kursi.
Rancangan pesawat N2130 (image : Kaskus Militer)
Selain itu, sayap pesawat jauh lebih besar dan panjang, karena ukurannya lebih besar jadi diperlukan sayap yang besar untuk mengangkat beban. Landing Gear juga jauh lebih besar dikarenakan badan pesawat lebih besar dari pada N-250. Pesawat ini ditargetkan terbang pada 2022.Sebelumnya Habibie juga belum menuntaskan proyek pengembangan pesawat jet N2130 sebagai pengembangan N250 yang bermesin baling-baling.
Namun, warisan-warisan Habibie masih banyak lagi, seperti paten-paten di bidang teknologi termasuk dunia aviasi. Tak ayal, banyak kenangan yang dirasakan oleh orang-orang terdekat BJ Habibie antara lain di PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI). Termasuk Elfien Goentoro sebagai Direktur Utama PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) yang menjadi murid dari Habibie di PT DI.
Desain pesawat R80 (image : R80)
"Beliau adalah menjadi founding father kami, tanpa ada beliau maka tak ada PT DI. Dia sosok pekerja keras. Beliau sosok panutan kami, kami yang ada di PT DI mudah-mudahan meneruskan cita-cita beliau dalam membangun kedirgantaraan," kata Elfien kepada CNBC Indonesia, Rabu (11/9)
Ia mengatakan Habibie adalah panutan bapak dalam ilmu kedirgantaraan Indonesia. Habibie masih menyempatkan diri menjadi profesor di Jerman untuk tetap berbagi ilmu kedirgantaraan.
"Yang paling berkesan bagi saya, beliau orang yang merendah tak menyombong, bagai sebuah padi yang semakin berisi semakin merunduk," katanya.
Pesawat CN235 flying test bed 2019 (photo : sweetagram)
Elfien bercerita, Habibie selalu jadi sosok yang selalu diminta pertimbangan dalam hal kedirgantaraan. Habibie tetap bersemangat membagikan ilmunya. Habibie terkenal dengan teori keretakan pesawat.
"Kalau bicara pada beliau lebih dari satu jam dengan kondisi beliau kurang sehat selalu melayani. Bagaimana ingin bekerja terus demi mengembangkan ilmu kedirgantaraan," katanya.
Ia mengatakan PT DI tentu tak akan mengecewakan Habibie, karena cita-cita Habibie Indonesia bisa merancang bangun pesawat sendiri sudah terwujud. Pesawat N219 yang dikembangkan PT DI sudah mendapatkan sertifikat terbang dan siap dipasarkan mulai tahun depan.
September 14, 2019, 11:56 pm
15 September 2019
BJ Habibie (photo : TribunNews)
7 Karya Habibie yang Mendunia, Bikin Bangga Indonesia
Dalam perspektif yang lebih luas Habibie mengingatkan kita bahwa meski seseorang berilmu tinggi tetapi tak dibarengi dengan etika, moral dan rasa cinta pada sesama manusia, semua itu akan percuma.
Semua hasil karya Habibie dikerjakan dengan disiplin tinggi dan rasa cinta, hingga mampu membuahkan hasil yang gemilang. Seperti saat Habibie masih kuliah di Jerman dan tengah menyelesaikan tugas akhir sebagai syarat mendapat gelar doktor, Habibie diharuskan membuat pesawat yang kecepatannya 20 kali kecepatan suara.
Sewaktu mengembangkan pesawat itu, Habibie bekerja di perusahaan kecil di Hamburg, Jerman. Usai mengembangkan pesawat tersebut Habibie berhasil meraih Gelar Doktor Ingenieur di Jerman pada tahun 1965 dengan nilai (IPK) sempurna (10), predikat Summa Cum Laude.
Prestasi ini membuat Habibie dipercaya menjadi Kepala Departemen Riset dan Pengembangan Analisis Struktur di Hamburger Flugzeugbau (HFB). Tugas utamanya adalah memecahkan persoalan kestabilan konstruksi bagian belakang pesawat Fokker 28 yang sudah puluhan tahun tak terpecahkan oleh para ahli di Jerman. Ajaibnya, Habibie hanya butuh waktu 6 bulan saja untuk memecahkan masalah tersebut. Berikut beberapa karya Habibie yang dirangkum dari berbagai sumber :
Keretakan (crack) pada sayap pesawat (photo : flightzona)
1. Penemu teori Crack Propagation on Random
Habibie adalah sosok yang menemukan bagaimana rambatan titik crack (retakan) pada sayap pesawat bekerja saat pesawat tinggal landas maupun saat mendarat.
Perhitungannya juga sangat rinci, Habibie mampu menghitung penyebab retakan pada sayap pesawat hingga hitungan skala atom pada material konstruksi pesawat terbang. Dunia penerbangan menamakan teori Habibie ini "Crack Progression" (Habibie Crack atau Faktor Habibie).
Dari sinilah Habibie mendapat julukan "Mr Crack". Teori yang diciptakan Habibie ini tentunya menjadikan keselamatan penerbangan terjamin dan lebih aman, sekaligus juga memberikan kemudahan dalam pemeliharaan dan pendanaan kerusakan.
Kejeniusan Habibie mengantarkannya menjadi penemu faktor Habibie yang diakui dunia. Beberapa lembaga Internasional yang mengakui temuan Habibie ini, diantaranya: Geselschaft fuer Luft und Raumfahrt (Lembaga Penerbangan dan Angkasa Luar) Jerman, The Royal Aeronautical Society London (Inggris), The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (Swedia), The Academie Nationale de l’Air et de l’Espace (Prancis) dan The US Academy of Engineering (Amerika Serikat).
Pesawat berteknologi VTOL Do-31 (photo : Johan Visschedijk)
2. Dornier Do-31 Rancangan pertama Habibie
Pesawat Dornier Do-31 adalah rancangan pertama Habibie. Do-31 merupakan pesawat angkut pertama di dunia yang bisa lepas landas atau melakukan pendaratan secara vertikal dengan menggunakan teknologi VTOL (Vertical Take Off & Landing).
Pesawat dengan tampilan unik ini merupakan jet transportasi eksperimental milik Jerman Barat. Pesawat ini dirancang untuk memenuhi spesifikasi NATO. Sayangnya, karena tingginya biaya produksi dan masalah teknis lainnya, proyek dari Dornier DO-31 ini dibatalkan. Meski begitu, hingga kini nama BJ Habibie masih terdaftar sebagi penyumbang ide dalam rancangan tersebut.
Sebenarnya, pesawat ini dirancang Habibie bekerjasama dengan NASA atau Badan Penerbangan dan Antariksa Amerika. Lalu draf rancangan pesawat DO-31 Habibie ini kemudian dibeli oleh NASA. Hingga bisa dibilang hingga saat ini ada sentuhan tangan dan kejeniusan dari buah pemikiran Habibie di NASA.
Pesawat angkut militer Transall C-160 (photo : Wiki)
3. Merancang C-160 Transall
Pasti banyak orang tak menyangka jika BJ. Habibie juga ikut serta dalam merancang pesawat angkut militer TRANSALL C-160. Pesawat angkut militer berbadan besar ini punya dua mesin turboprop sayap tinggi (high wing) yang bertugas sebagai pesawat angkut militer utama untuk pasukan militer di banyak belahan dunia termasuk juga pernah digunakan oleh pasukan militer Indonesia. Pesawat ini, mampu mendarat dan lepas landas dari runway yang pendek.
Pesawat ini menjadi salah satu pencapaian besar BJ Habibie di bidang penerbangan. Pasalnya kehebatan dari pesawat ini diakui oleh dunia.
Pesawat penumpang Airbus A-300 (photo : Airbus)
4. Menerapkan teori crack pada Airbus A300
Teori Crack yang ditemukan Habibie di era 60an, merupakan jawaban dari kebuntuan selama 40 tahun sejarah penerbangan komersial dimulai sejak tahun 1920-an. Teori tersebut mendapat pengakuan dari lembaga penerbangan Eropa dan mulai diterapkan dalam pesawat-pesawat komersil terbaru saat itu seperti Airbus A300 yang diproduksi Airbus sejak tahun 1972 hingga 2006.
Habibie juga menjadi salah satu ahli yang turut merancang pesawat Airbus A300 yang mampu menampung 300 penumpang, dengan menerapkan teori Crack, yang menyatakan titik rawan kelelahan pada bodi pesawat bisa terjadi pada sambungan antara sayap dan badan pesawat terbang, atau antara sayap dan dudukan mesin pesawat.
Pesawat tempur Tornado MRCA (photo : Charles Shedlak)
5. Tornado Multi Role Combat Aircraft (MRCA)
Habibie juga disebutkan turut merancang pesawat Multi Role Combat Aircraft (MRCA) Tornado. Pesawat tempur multi-peran (Multi-Role Combat Aircraft - MRCA) adalah pesawat terbang yang dapat digunakan sebagai pesawat tempur murni atau "pesawat pemukul".
Pesawat ini dirancang mampu menangkis serangan darat, serangan antigerilya, jadi pesawat intai taktis, pengebom, superioritas udara, atau (pada prinsipnya) pesawat pencegat yang mampu menjalani misi pemukulan, seperti jet tempur F-15E "Strike Eagle".
Pesawat tempur jenis ini dirancang untuk mengefisienkan anggaran pertahanan negara di udara. Meski demikian, rancangan pesawat tempur jenis ini tidak mengurangi kelincahan dan kegesitan pesawat serta kemampuan radar dalam mendeteksi lawan, sekaligus juga mampu membawa persenjataan yang lebih banyak dan beragam.
Pesawat penumpang N250 (photo : Ferdfound)6. Pesawat N250
Habibie berhasil memimpin pembuatan pesawat N250 Gatot Kaca, yang merupakan pesawat buatan Indonesia yang pertama. Pesawat tersebut adalah hasil rancangan Habibie yang didesain sedemikian rupa dan berhasil terbang melewati Dutch Roll (pesawat oleng) berlebihan.
Pesawat N-250 adalah pesawat penumpang sipil (airliner) regional komuter turboprop rancangan asli PT IPTN (Industri Pesawat Terbang Nurtanio) atau sekarang dikenal dengan PT Dirgantara Indonesia. Menggunakan kode N yang berarti Nusantara menunjukkan bahwa desain, produksi dan perhitungannya dikerjakan di Indonesia atau bahkan N yang berarti Nurtanio, yang merupakan pendiri dan perintis industri penerbangan di Indonesia.
Teknologi pesawat itu cukup canggih dan dipersiapkan untuk 30 tahun ke depan. Habibie memerlukan waktu 5 tahun untuk melengkapi desain awal. Pesawat ini merupakan satu-satunya pesawat turboprop di dunia yang menggunakan Fly by Wire. Pesawat tersebut sudah terbang selama 900 jam dan saat itu akan masuk program sertifikasi FAA (Federal Aviation Administration).
Pada 1995, prototipe pesawat N-250 PA-1 versi Gatotkaca melakukan terbang perdana disaksikan Presiden Soeharto. Lalu prototipe kedua, N-250 PA-2 versi Krincing Wesi lahir pada tahun 1996.
Sayangnya, hanya karena ada negara yang takut Indonesia berkembang pesat di Industri penerbangan, pesawat itu tidak boleh dilanjutkan proyek pengerjaannya. N250 yang dulu sempat menjadi kebanggaan bangsa Indonesia dan jadi pesawat canggih di zamannya, kini pesawat bermesin propeler ini mangkrak.
Dua tipe N250 versi Gatot Kaca berpenumpang 50 orang dan N250 versi Krincing Wesi berpenumpang 70 orang itu kini hanya menjadi besi tua di Apron atau tempat parkir pesawat milik PT DI di dekat landasan Bandara Husein Sastranegara, Bandung.
Pesawat penumpang R80 (image : Grid)
7. Pesawat R80
Pesawat ini dirancang dengan teknologi terbaru dan super canggih dengan tingkat keamanan yang tinggi bagi penumpang. Tak seperti pesawat pada umumnya, Pesawat R80 dilengkapi dengan teknologi fly by wire yang menggunakan sinyal elektronik dalam memberikan perintah. Fly by wire adalah sebuah sistem kendali yang menggunakan sinyal elektronik dalam memberikan perintah.
Pesawat R80 dirancang oleh PT Regio Aviasi Industri (RAI). PT Regio Aviasi Industri (RAI) adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang perancangan, pengembangan, dan manufaktur pesawat terbang. Perusahaan ini didirikan oleh BJ Habibie bersama putra sulungnya Ilham Akbar Habibie. Perusahaan ini khusus mengembangkan pesawat R80 yang merupakan lanjutan dari pesawat N250 yang juga hasil ciptaan Habibie.
Pesawat eksekutif Hansa Jet 320 (photo : Flight Manual)
Karya-karya Lainnya
Selain 7 karya tersebut, BJ Habibie juga mendesain dan menghitung proyek pembuatan pesawat terbang seperti Hansa Jet 320 (Pesawat eksekutif) dan CN-235 serta secara tidak langsung turut berpartisipasi dalam mendesain Helikopter Bo-105, dan beberapa proyek pembuatan senjata rudal serta satelit ruang angkasa.
Pesawat CN-235 TNI AL (photo : Berita Militer)
Pesan Habibie bagi "Kids Zaman Now", harus bisa unggul di bidangnya masing-masing dan mampu bekerja keras. "Harus berusaha agar unggul dalam bidangnya masing-masing dan harus bisa bekerja sama dalam satu tim (teamwork). Itu memperjuangkan kepentingan bersama dan dalam tim itu harus transparan."
Helikopter MBB Bo-105 (photo : Ron Kellenaers)
"Saya tidak pernah menang dalam satu perjudian. I've work very hard. Habiskan waktu dengan baca sesuatu yang ingin ditekuni dan tertarik."
See full artcle Today
September 15, 2019, 4:56 pm
16 September 2019
Keel laying ceremony of Thai S-26T submarine (all photos : AAG)
It is the latest progress in the construction of a ship in the 1st S26T Submarine Procurement Project, which carried out the first steel cutting ceremony on September 4, 2018, which is the 'Thai Submarine Day'. It was about a year ago.
Although the modern warship building is not currently being laid down. The 'keel' is actually the hull's axis. Instead, it was built to build a block-hull assembly, but the navy around the world still maintains the first block-building ceremony that the keel laying ceremony. Earlier it was reported that Admiral Luechai Ruddit, the commander of the fleet and the group traveled to China to perform the first S26T submarine keel ceremony as the navy is pushing for the second phase of the S26T submarine, the second ship.
On 18 April 2017, the Thai government cabinet at that time approved the purchase of the first phase of one S26T submarine from China, with a budget of around 13,500,000 baht ($ 410 million). Subsequently, May 5, 2017, the Thai Navy signed a contract for the supply of black vessels phase 1 of one S26T diesel engine with China Shipbuilding & Offshore International Co., Ltd. (CSOC), China.
It has informed that S26T vessels. The first of the Thai Navy It is based on the most advanced Type 039B class submarine, built into service in the PLAN: People's Liberation Army Navy.
Should have the ability to combine equipment systems Battle Management System and weapon systems from China and the West, expected to be able to launch (around 2022) and sent delivering can serve in the year 2023.Submarine Tender
Ceremony to lay the keel, the first S26T submarine of the Thai Navy it was followed by the signing of a contract to supply landing ship dock (LPD: Landing Platform Dock) Type 071E worth 6.1 billion baht ($ 200,460,066.6) on 9 September 2019. The signed a contract between the Thai Navy and China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC). This is the first export of the Type 071 landing ship also serving in the People's Liberation Army of China.
In addition to Type 071E, which is expected to be delivered in early 2020s (around 2022-2023), which will be stationed at the landing squadron and service battle Amphibious Squadron, Royal Thai Fleet, with some reports that the ship might be named 'Luang Chang' (the 3rd name boat)' will be the second set of landing boats of the Royal Thai Navy. That will help ease the burden of the Ang Thong Royal Navy (Ship No. 3) which is the first and only LPD ship of the Royal Thai Navy at this time. That will be used in training, logistics, and personnel transportation And disaster relief to people already.
Note that the three-dimensional model of the Type 071E LPD at the signing ceremony shows the ship has a large crane in front of the helicopter hangar. And a S26T docked at the starboard side of the boat with a rubber bumper (Balloon Mooring Rubber Fenders) those two points.
As a result, the Royal Thai Navy plans to have a Type 071E LPD from Chinese shipyard to be used as a Submarine Tender. This is a project to procure both Chinese naval vessels from the Thai Navy. Great value, complete range unlike those with bad intentions, trying to frame the navy.
September 15, 2019, 7:48 pm
16 September 2019
AIM-9L missile for F/A-50PH (photo : MaxDefense)
The Philippine Air Force (PAF) has received the air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles ordered for the 12 FA-50PH Fighting Eagles.
MaxDefense Philippines said that it received confirmation regarding the delivery “of AIM-9L/I-1 Sidewinder short-range IR-guided air-to-air missile from Germany’s Diehl Raytheon Missile Systeme GmbH, as well as receiving full delivery of AGM-65G2 Maverick air-to-ground missiles from America’s Raytheon Missile Systems.”
MaxDefense cannot disclose the total quantity of AIM-9L acquired by the PAF due to security reasons, but it is safe to say that there were "a few hundreds of units".
Due to OPSEC reasons, MaxDefense cannot disclose the actual quantity of AGM-65G2 involved, but we can say that they are less in number than the Sidewinders received by the PAF.
September 15, 2019, 10:54 pm
16 September 2019
Kedatangan 6 pesawat RAAF F/A-18 (photo : TNI AU)
MANADO, DISPENAU. Menjelang digelarnya latihan bersama (Latma) Elang Ausindo 2019, 12 pesawat tempur TNI AU dan RAAF (Royal Australian Air Force) tiba di Manado.
Kedatangan 6 pesawat F16 Fighting Falcon TNI AU dan 6 pesawat F/A18 Hornet RAAF ini disambut langsung oleh Komandan Lanud Sam Ratulangi (Sri) Kolonel Pnb Johnny Sumaryana, S.E., beserta para pejabat Lanud Sri di Manado, Sabtu (14/9/2019).
Latma Elang Ausindo merupakan latihan bilateral yang rutin dilaksanakan TNI AU dan RAAF yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan personel serta mempererat kerja sama dan hubungan persahabatan yang sudah terjalin baik selama ini.
TNI AU mengerahkan enam unit F16 Fighting Falcon yang terdiri dari lima unit dari Skadron Udara 16 Lanud Roesmin Nurjadin Pekanbaru dan satu unit dari Skadron Udara 3 Lanud Iswahjudi Madiun, ditambah satu helikopter Super Puma dari Skadron Udara 6 Lanud Atang Sendjaja Bogor sebagai pendukung SAR. Sementara RAAF melibatkan enam unit F/A18 Hornet dari 1st RAAF Squadron.
Selain pesawat tempur, latihan ini juga melibatkan pesawat C130 Hercules TNI AU, C17 Globemaster RAAF serta ratusan personel dari kedua angkatan udara.
Direncanakan latihan ini akan berlangsung selama kurang lebih dua minggu, mulai tanggal 16 hingga 29 September mendatang di wilayah Lanud Sri Manado
September 16, 2019, 1:59 am
16 September 2019
NC212 TNI AU (photo : IndonesiaCompanyNews)
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - PT Dirgantara Indonesia (persero) atau PTDI berambisi memurnikan hak produksi, desain, dan pemasaran dua pesawat rancangan Presiden ketiga Indonesia, BJ Habibie, yaitu CN-235 dan NC-212. Direktur Produksi PT Dirgantara Indonesia, Muhammad Ridlo Akbar, mengatakan kedua produk tersebut masih dikembangkan bersama oleh PTDI dengan Airbus Defence And Space (Airbus DS).
"Sehingga masih terikat work sharing," ucapnya kepada Tempo, Kamis 12 September 2019.
Saat ini PTDI masih harus berbagi tugas mengerjakan badan CN-235 yang sudah diproduksi hingga 283 unit, dengan perusahaan manufaktur, Construcciones Aeronauticas SA (CASA) yang kini dikelola Airbus. Sebagian hak pemasaran NC-212, meski kini hanya dibuat di Indonesia, juga masih dipegang produsen pesawat asal Eropa tersebut.Lisensi penuh bisa didapat jika pemerintah merealisasi rencana pembelian dua pesawat kargo Airbus A-400. Manajemen PTDI, tutur Ridlo, masih menunggu waktu barter itu diwujudkan.
CN235 TNI AU (photo : Fauzan Rasyadi)
“Jika itu jadi, kita akan dapat Autonomus untuk NC-212 dan CN-235." Maksudnya adalah komitmen penyerahan hak penuh kepada PTDI, tanpa ketergantungan lagi pada Airbus.
Pembelian A-400 didengungkan Deputi Bidang Usaha Jasa Keuangan, Survei dan Konsultasi Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara, Gatot Trihargo, pada April lalu, sebagai bagian dari rencana penyatuan atau holding BUMN aviasi. Kemarin, upaya Tempo menghubungi Gatot untuk menanyakan kelanjutan tersebut belum berbuah hasil.
Baik CN-235 maupun NC-212 dicetuskan Habibie kala mengembangkan entitas kedirgantaraan sejak Agustus 1976. Bernama PT Industri Pesawat Terbang Nurtanio, perusahaan itu menjadi cikal bakal PTDI. Habibie yang mangkat Rabu malam lalu, di usia 83 tahun, pun sempat mengembangkan armada turbotrop berkapasitas 50 penumpang, N-250. Namun, pengembangannya terhambat krisis moneter pada 1998 - 1999.
Airbus Military A400M (photo : Warnesy's World)
Direktur Utama PT Dirgantara, Elfien Goentoro, pun memastikan standarisasi perawatan kedua produk di Indonesia. Kedua produk, menurut dia, tengah laris manis. "Bulan ini kita menyerahkan CN-235 ke Nepal, dan bulan depan ada dua NC-212 ke Thailand," tuturnya.
Dia menuturkan produk teranyar perusahaan, yakni N-219 dan N-245, juga didesain dengan konsep kegunaan yang diusung Habibie, yaitu penerbangan jarak dekat. Menurut Ketua Bidang Penerbangan Tidak Berjadwal Indonesia National Air Carriers Association (INACA), Denon Berriklinsky Prawiraatmadja, produk termutakhir PTDI itu akan diincar beberapa sektor penerbangan pendek, seperti carter dan layanan kargo jarak dekat.
Sertifikasi N-245 akan dikebut setelah N-219 mengantongi izin tipe N-219 dari Kementerian Perhubungan. "Sertifikasi N-219 harus selesai tahun ini," kata Elfien.
Kepala Sub Direktorat Sertifikasi Penerbangan Kementerian Perhubungan, Johannis Tangke, mengatakan dua purwarupa N-219 sudah melakoni separuh dari total syarat uji terbang yang ditetapkan, sekitar 300-350 jam. "Diupayakan tuntas sebelum 2020 meskisempat ada perpanjangan," katanya, kemarin.
September 16, 2019, 7:04 am
16 September 2019
HMAS Sydney DDG 42 (all photos : Aus DoD)
Third and final Air Warfare Destroyer enters sea trials
The Australian Defence Force’s third Air Warfare Destroyer (AWD), Sydney, has commenced its first phase of sea trials which will test the ship’s hull, propulsion and navigation systems.
The initial trial phase will be followed by a more advanced phase of sea trials in October to test the ship’s combat and communications systems in preparation for delivery next year.
Minister for Defence, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC said industry played a fundamental role in the input into Defence capability.
“Over the past decade, more than 5,000 people from across the Department of Defence, ASC, Raytheon Australia and Navantia have dedicated millions of hours of work towards delivering the most capable warships ever to be operated by the Royal Australian Navy,” Minister Reynolds said.
“This is underpinned by over 2,700 suppliers who have supported the AWD Alliance in its efforts to expand Australian Industry Capability for the overall Program.
“Through the AWD program we have created a local workforce with specialist shipbuilding and complex systems integration skills that will form the foundation for future shipbuilding projects in Australia.”
(Aus DoD)
September 16, 2019, 4:38 pm
17 September 2019
Pesawat N219 Nurtanio (photo : Akang Aviation)
KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) akan memproduksi pesawat N219 mulai tahun depan. Targetnya, pesawat N219 yang diproduksi akan bisa mengisi 25% pasar dunia atau setara dengan 532 unit hingga 11 tahun ke depan.
Dalam mengejar target tersebut, produksi N219 akan dilakukan secara bertahap, yakni dengan memproduksi sebanyak empat unit di tahun pertama produksi.
Pada tahun-tahun berikutnya, volume produksi akan ditingkatkan menjadi delapan unit pada tahun kedua, 12 unit di tahun ketiga, 24 unit di tahun keempat, dan 36 unit tahun kelima dan seterusnya hingga target dipenuhi.
Baca Juga: PTDI targetkan kontrak pesawat dan helikopter senilai US$ 283,04 juta di 2019
Menurut keterangan Kepala Divisi Penjualan Pesawat Terbang PTDI Iga Satyawatu, pada nantinya, setiap unit pesawat N219 akan dihargai sekitar US$ 6 juta berdasarkan acuan tahun fiskal 2019.
Hingga saat ini sudah terdapat beberapa pihak baik dari dalam negeri maupun luar negeri yang menyampaikan minat pembelian dan kerja sama produksi.
Pihak dalam negeri ini terdiri dari instansi pemerintah dan badan usaha swasta. Adapun pihak instansi pemerintah yang telah melakukan pemesanan N219 terdiri dari Pemertintah Daerah (Pemda) Aceh, Kalimantan Utara, dan Papua.
Sementara itu, beberapa pihak swasta yang telah melakukan pemesanan di antaranya meliputi Aviastar, Trigana, dan Pelita.
Pesawat angkut ringan N219 (photo : Instagiz)
Sementara itu, pihak luar negeri yang telah menyampaikan minat pembelian dan kerja sama produksi meliputi Uni Emirat Arab, Kolombia, Nigeria, dan Singapura. Sayangnya, Igan enggan merinci nilai maupun unit pemesanan yang dilakukan oleh pihak-pihak tersebut.
Proyek ini akan memanfaatkan dana yang dihimpun melalui Pembiayaan Investasi Non Anggaran Pemerintah (PINA). Dalam hal ini, PINA akan berperan sebagai fasilitator dengan cara memfasilitasi pertemuan antara pemilik proyek dengan investor.
Dana yang dihimpun pada nantinya akan digunakan untuk menambah fasilitas produksi, flight simulator, dan juga fasilitas perawatan atau maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO).
Berdasarkan perkembangan terkini, Igan menyebutkan bahwa sejauh ini belum ada investor yang dinominasi, sehingga belum ada dana yang masuk. “Ini akan membutuhkan proses,” ujar Igan kepada (13/09).
Sebagai informasi, proyek pesawat N219 bukan merupakan proyek PTDI satu-satunya yang akan didanai melalui skema pembiayaan PINA. Pada saat yang sama, PTDI juga akan memanfaatkan dana yang dihimpun melalui skema pembiayaan PINA untuk pengembangan pesawat N245.
Berdasarkan keterangan Igan, saat ini pesawat N245 masih harus melalui tahapan design, prototyping, dan certification.
Targetnya, N245 akan mampu mengisi 16% pasar dunia di kelasnya atau setara dengan 160 unit yang diperuntukkan untuk kebutuhan pasar domestik sebanyak 160 unit dan internasional sebanyak 130 unit.