September 6, 2019, 9:34 pm
07 September 2019
MD530G light scout attack helicopter (photo : MD Helicopters)
SHAH ALAM: Going, Going, Gone. The government wants to cancel the deal for the MD530G light scout attack helicopter and the MH109A5 self propelled howitzer.
It is unclear why they want to cancel both contracts though this is likely as a result of the review ordered by the current government shortly after taking over Putrajaya following the general elections last year.
M109A5 self propelled howitzer (photo : Zhixiang)
In May however things begun to look shaky for the MD530G deal when the main stream media started reporting that the helicopters has yet to be delivered though the contract was signed in 2015. This culminated with a report lodged with MACC in June.
This was the same with the M109A5 SPH. However, the government has yet to issue the final order, a high ranking military official said when asked for confirmation. He did not want to be quoted.
See full article Malaysian Defence
September 7, 2019, 12:07 am
07 September 2019
PAF visited at DC ANG (photo : 113th Wing DC Air National Guard)
PAF delegation tours F-16 facilities, experiences familiarization flight
A delegation from the Philippine Air Force (PAF) was hosted by 113th Wing District of Columbia Air National Guard at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland in July 2019.
“During this visit, the delegation was able to tour the F-16 facilities and experience an F-16 familiarization flight,” said the 113th Wing also known as Capital Guardians.
“This visit follows the Bilateral Air Contingent Exchange- Philippines, or BACE-P, deployment earlier this year. During this deployment, 113th Wing members worked closely with our PAF partners,” it added.
In February this year, F-16 Fighting Falcons under the 113th Wing visited Philippines for Bilateral Air Contingent Exchange-Philippines (BACE-P).
“Having the F-16 fighter allowed us to interact with our PAF partners along with their FA-50s and in turn helped to strengthen our interoperability and training with a key partner,” Colonel Christopher Faurot, BACE-P 13th Expeditionary Air Squadron commander said in February.
In addition to interfly training between the USAF F-16s and the PAF FA-50s, Airmen conducted subject matter expert exchanges on topics to include crash recovery, communications, flightline, and maintenance back-shop operations, concluding with a large force exercise on the last day.
September 7, 2019, 7:27 pm
08 September 2019
KRI Sultan Iskandar Muda 367 (photo : Wim Kosten)
Kogaslagab TNI Berhasil Hancurkan Musuh dengan Peluru Kendali Exocet MM 40 Block-3
(Laut Jawa) - Komando Tugas Laut Gabungan (Kogaslagab) TNI dengan unsurnya KRI Sultan Iskandar Muda-367 berhasil dan sukses menembakkan Peluru Kendali Exocet MM 40 Block-3 dan tepat mengenai sasaran kapal musuh, pada serial Latihan Gabungan (Latgab) TNI Yudha Dharma tahun 2019, Sabtu (7/9/2019) di Peraian Laut Jawa.
Penembakan rudal Exocet MM 40 Block-3 (all photos : TNI)
Keberhasilan penembakan unsur TNI AL Kogaslagab ini merupakan bentuk Operasi Pemutusan Garis Perhubungan Laut Lawan sehingga medan laut dapat dikuasai sepenuhnya dan unsur-unsur laut lainnya dapat melaksanakan manuvra operasi selanjutnya. Sasaran yang berhasil ditembak oleh KRI Sultan Iskandar Muda-367 dengan jarak sejauh 40 Nautical Mile atau lebih kurang 74 km.
Peluru Kendali Exocet MM 40 Block-3 yang ditembakkan ini merupakan senjata strategis TNI AL yang memiliki kemampuan dalam menyerang kapal permukaan (Anti-Ship Missile), serta mampu menyerang kapal sasaran untuk Coastline or Littoral Attack Mission.
Keberhasilan penembakan senjata strategis unsur-unsur laut dalam Latgab TNI ini, disaksikan langsung oleh Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (Kasal) Laksamana TNI Siwi Sukma Adji, S.E., M.M., Korsahli Kasal, Aspam Kasal, Asops Kasal, Aslog Kasal, Pangkoarmada I selaku Pangkogaslagab, Pangkoarmada II selaku Pangkogasgabfib, Dankormar dan Para Kadis terkait yang onboard di KRI I Gusti Ngurah Rai-332 sebagai Kapal Markas.
Pada Latgab TNI tahun 2019, TNI AL mengerahkan puluhan Alutsista yang terdiri dari 23 unsur KRI, 14 Pesawat Udara, 139 material tempur Marinir, serta melibatkan 4.242 prajurit TNI AL yang akan melaksanakan pendaratan pasukan di Pantai Banongan, Situbondo, Jawa Timur. Puncak Latgab akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 9 sampai dengan 12 September 2019, yang rencananya akan dihadiri Presiden Republik Indonesia Ir. H. Joko Widodo.
September 1, 2019, 9:13 pm
01 September 2019
BRP Gregorio del Pilar (photo : GMA Network)Hanwha Systems wins contract to upgrade Philippine naval vessels
SEOUL, Aug. 30 (Yonhap) -- Hanwha Systems Co., a major South Korean defense firm, has signed a deal with the Philippines to export a ship combat system, an arms procurement agency official said Friday.
Under the 30 billion-won (US$24.82 million) contract signed Tuesday, Hanwha will supply the ship combat system to the Philippine Navy for its project to upgrade three 3,000-ton frigates, according to the official of the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA).
By integrating equipment at naval vessels, the ship combat system generates and shares information on tactical situations.
Under the contract, Hanwha will also export electronic warfare equipment and sonar systems for frigate ships, he added.
Meanwhile, DAPA held a seminar in Manila on Wednesday, involving dozens of government officials from South Korea and the Philippines, as well as some 13 Korean defense companies.
"The event served as a venue for the two sides to discuss ways to further boost their defense industry ties and for the Korean companies to promote their weapons systems," DAPA said in a release. (Yonhap)Hanwha to incorporate anti-submarine capabilities on Philippine Navy’s Del Pilar-class vessels
South Korean defence company Hanwha Systems will incorporate a hull-mounted sonar (HMS) system on each of the Philippine Navy's Del Pilar (Hamilton and Hero) class as part of a contract to upgrade the ships.
The PHP1.5 billion (USD28 million) contract, which was signed in late August, also includes works to install a new integrated combat management system (CMS) and radar electronic support measures (ESM) across all three ships in the class.
The Philippine Navy's Del Pilar-class frigates were formerly in service with the US Coast Guard and transferred to the Philippines as part of an assistance package. They were recommissioned into the Philippine Navy's offshore combat force between 2011 and 2016. (Jane's)
September 8, 2019, 4:54 pm
09 September 2019
Su-57E at MAKS 2019 (photo : AAG)
Ambassador Spoke About Myanmar’s Plans to Purchase Russian Fighters
MOSCOW - RIA News. Myanmar intends to continue the purchase of Russian fighter jets, not only of the Su-30 type, but also of the next generation, negotiations are underway, said Koh Shane, Myanmar’s ambassador to Russia, in an interview with RIA Novosti.
At the end of September 1, the MAKS-2019 aerospace show was the first to present an export version of the fifth-generation fighter Su-57.
Su-30SM for Myanmar Air Force (photo : Irrawaddy)
"We would like to buy not only Su-30 fighters, but also next-generation aircraft, of course, if Russia wants to sell them," said Ko Ko Shane.
He emphasized that negotiations on this topic were ongoing, but refused to detail them.
Yak-130 of the Myanmar Air Force (photo : Myanmar Defence Weapon)
Russia and Myanmar signed a contract in 2018 for the supply of six Su-30SM fighters. This year, Myanmar received six Yak-130 combat training aircraft under a contract from 2017.
(RIA Novosti)
September 8, 2019, 8:06 pm
09 September 2019
Thales Rapid Ranger with the Medium Radar Range Control Master 200 equipped with four tube StarStreak laucher (photo : MMP)RAPIDRanger can be integrated into a network enabled force structure and be coordinated with Early Warning Command and Control (C2) systems, or it can operate in an autonomous mode for specific missions. When using the STARStreak missile with its extremely fast time of flight, a variety of threats can be defeated from head on or fast crossing aerial targets, to targets such as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and helicopters. When used with the LMM a capability is provided to defeat surface targets such as Light Armoured Vehicles (LAVs), trucks and fixed installations and aerial targets such as UAVs.Startstreak - Rapid Ranger (photo : Mal MoD)Both missiles utilise the Thales laser beam riding guidance system. With the increasing need for Force Protection against conventional and asymmetric threats, RAPIDRanger provides the multi-mission effects demanded by modern forces. The system weighs less than 500 kg, and being of modular design, can be fitted to many types of wheeled or tracked vehicles. The RAPIDRanger open architecture enables the integration of a range of missiles from the highly effective STARStreak Air Defence Missile to anti-armour missiles and rockets. The main components of the system are a servo driven turret and the weapon’s operator Human Machine Interface (HMI).
Startstreak - Lightweight Multiple Launcher (photo : Mal MoD)The turret houses the Stabilised Sight Head (SSH), and supports two missile panniers. The SSH contains Daylight and Thermal Imaging cameras, integrated with an Automatic Target Tracker (ATT), laser guidance unit to support STARStreak and LMM and optional laser rangefinder. The RAPIDRanger is designed to include an integral 360° surveillance sensor - either a passive Infra Red Search and Track (IRST) or integrated Surveillance and Track Radar which provides the RAPIDRanger with completely autonomous system operation.
September 8, 2019, 11:01 pm
09 September 2019
PMC's Assault Amphibious Vehicle with the new camos (all photos : dvids)SUBIC BAY, Philippines — U.S. Marines from the 3rd Marine Division, III Marine Expeditionary Force, conducted an Assault Amphibious Vehicle subject matter expert exchange with the Philippine Marine Corps and Navy in order to further develop a shared understanding of amphibious operations. The exchange was conducted in preparation for the annual bilateral military exercise Kamandag 3.
This exchange marks a milestone in the relationship between the U.S. Marine Corps, Philippine Marine Corps, and Philippine Navy and allows for increased opportunities for future interoperability training in the Indo-Pacific region. It is the first time the Philippine Marine Corps launched their AAVs from a Philippine Navy amphibious ship and transited from ship to shore.
1st Lt. Malcolm Dunlop, an AAV platoon commander with the 4th Marine Regiment, participated in the event and reflected on its benefits to the U.S. - Philippine relationship.
“This subject matter expert exchange is an invaluable opportunity for us to coordinate and train with our Philippine Marine Corps and Navy partners for Kamandag 3 and other future operations,” said Dunlop.
The 3rd Marine Division and the Philippine Marine Corps Armor Battalion have been working together on AAV integration for amphibious operations over the past eight years. This process includes events like developing appropriate facilities for the AAVs, conducting training on operating and maintaining the vehicles, and developing standard operating procedures for the vehicle’s employment.
AAVs have a very diverse set of capabilities. They can be used for counter terrorism, mechanized assault, as well as humanitarian assistance operations, explained James Bolt, an exercise planner for III Marine Expeditionary Force, who has been heavily involved in developing the U.S.-Philippine Marine Corps relationships. He went on to describe how AAVs are favored by Philippine and U.S. forces for their ease of naval landings in contested environments and their ability to deploy in the event of a natural disaster.
“Marines are amphibious by nature and this is the capability U.S. Marines are known for,” said Bolt. “This capability for the Philippine Marines will increase our interoperability and ability to work together through the complex nature of amphibious operations in the Indo-Pacific region.”
September 9, 2019, 5:31 am
09 September 2018
Wilayah pertahanan udara musuh dibombardir dua pesawat tempur strategis TNI AU, Sukhoi Su27/30 dan F16 Fighting Falcon (photo : TNI AU)
JAKARTA, KOMPAS – Hari pertama Latihan Gabungan TNI dengan sandi Dharma Yudha 2019 di Situbondo Jawa Timur, Senin (9/9/2019), diwarnai demonstrasi kecanggihan dua pesawat tempur andalan TNI AU, Sukhoi Su27/30 dan F16 Fighting Falcon melakukan demonstrasi paket penyerangan komposit atau composit striker ke pertahanan udara musuh. Composit strike berupa manuver serangan dadakan ke pertahanan udara musuh atau suppression enemy’s air defence (SEAD).
Composit strike di awali dengan operasi pengamatan udara pada ketinggian 18000 kaki oleh pesawat Boeing B737 Intai Maritim dari Skadron Udara 5 Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar. Setelah mendapatkan informasi tentang sasaran pertahanan udara musuh, Komando Tugas Udara Gabungan (Kogasudgab) TNI AU segera menganalisis sasaran dan mengerahkan satu paket penyerang komposit untuk membombardir kekuatan pertahanan udara musuh.
Salah satu pesawat tempur strategis TNI AU Sukhoi Su 27/30 tengah melakukan manuver dalam penyerangan komposit ke wilayah pertahanan udara musuh (photo : TNI AU)
Pesawat tempur strategis Sukhoi Su27/30 dengan tanda panggilan (callsign) Thunder berfungsi sebagai penyerang pendadakan menggunakan bom jenis OFAB-250. Sukhoi berada di belakang 4 F16 Fighting Falcon dengan callsign Falcon yang berfungsi sebagai sweeper.
Setelah itu disusul dengan serangan gelombang kedua, oleh 4 Sukhoi Su27/30 Flanker yang membawa bom jenis OFAB-250 dan 4 pesawat T50i Golden membawa bom jenis Mk-82. Sebagai pengawal serangan gelombang kedua adalah empat pesawat Hawk 109/209 Elang.
Serangan pesawat F-16 dengan bom jenis Mk-82 sebagaimana latihan Angkasa Yudha 2019 (photo : Sandriani Permani)
Rangkaian serangan udara yang dilakukan Kogasudgab menggunakan doktrin Operasi Serangan Udara Strategis (OSUS) dan Operasi Lawan Udara Ofensif (OLUO) TNI AU. Tujuan serangan udara menggunakan pesawat tempur strategis TNI AU ini adalah untuk merebut keunggulan udara dari pihak lawan. Setelah itu, operasi lanjutan di darat dan di laut dapat dilakukan dengan aman.
Panglima Kogasudgab TNI AU Marsekal Muda TNI Donny Ermawan saat melaporkan hasil serangan kepada Panglima Kogab TNI, melalui video conference mengatakan, hasil operasi udara gabungan ke sasaran secara serentak menggunakan Large Force Employment (LFE) adalah kehancuran di pusat komando dan pengendalian, pusat logistik, radar, dan pesawat musuh.
Pos Komando Tugas Udara Gabungan tengah memantau sasaran berupa wilayah pertahanan udara musuh yang rencananya dihancurkan menggunakan pesawat tempur strategis (photo : TNI AU)
Sesuai rencana, manuver lapangan Latgab TNI 2019 akan dilaksanakan mulai hari ini, Senin (9/9/2019) hingga puncaknya Kamis (12/9/2019) yang rencananya akan disaksikan oleh Presiden Joko Widodo melalui demonstrasi kekuatan TNI gabungan 3 matra dalam sebuah Fire Power Demo di lapangan penembakan Pusat Latihan Tempur 5 Marinir TNI AL di Baluran, Karangtekok, Situbondo, Jawa Timur.
Menurut Kepala Subdinas Penerangan Umum TNI AU Kolonel Sus Muhammad Yuris, dalam latihan gabungan TNI tahun ini, TNI AU mengerahkan seluruh alat utama sistem persenjataan, baik pesawat tempur, angkut, helikopter, pesawat terbang tanpa awak serta Korps Pasukan Khas.
“Semua kekuatan tersebut untuk melaksanakan seluruh rangkaian operasi gabungan yang telah direncanakan pada Geladi Posko Latgab TNI pada 26 Agustus hingga 3 September 2019 di Kesatrian Sesko TNI Bandung,” ujar Yuris.
September 9, 2019, 4:41 pm
10 September 2019
MiG-35 at MAKS 2019 (photo : Southfront)
KLANG: The time has come for the Royal Malaysian Airforce (RMAF) to replace its fleet of ageing Russian Su (Sukhoi Su-30MKM) and MiG fighter planes with newer models.
Defence Minister Mohamad Sabu said discussions and studies are currently being carried out to assess the feasibility of procuring new aircraft from Russia.
“However, we must also look at our financial (situation before making the) replacements. Our current ones are indeed ageing and need to be replaced.
MiG-35 with AESA radar at MAKS 2019 (photo : saveig)“But we need to look at what needs to be replaced, and this will all depend on our discussions,” he said.
The Kota Raja MP said this after flagging off Soka Gakkai’s Run For Peace 2019 at the Klang Jaya field here, today.According to Bernama, Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had said that Malaysia is studying Russia’s offer to take back the previously-delivered MiG fighters and replace them with new MiG-35s.
Su-30MKM and MiG-29N (photo : USAF)
He said that while the jets are old and may not be performing at their best level, money is a great concern in discussions on acquiring replacements.
Dr Mahathir said spending money on expensive fighter planes is unproductive, as Malaysia is not at war with anyone.
He added that the country does not spend too much on defence, but will seriously consider Russia’s offer in order to ensure that the nation’s defence forces are operating at a high level.
September 9, 2019, 8:42 pm
10 September 2019
F/A-18A/B with KC-30A MRTT (photo : Aus DoD)
Up to 150 Air Force personnel will participate in the first bilateral air combat exercise between the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) and Japan Air Self-Defense Force.
Minister for Defence, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC said Exercise Bushido Guardian 2019 marks a new precedent in Australia and Japan’s air-to-air, defence and broader bilateral relationship.
“This is the first exercise of this nature between our two countries which aims to increase our practical engagement with Japan – a key partner that shares Australia’s commitment to regional peace and security,” Minister Reynolds said.
“Importantly, the exercise will offer all personnel involved the opportunity to build and maintain relationships – a vital contributor to the strength of the Australia-Japan Special Strategic Partnership.”
Air Force will deploy support aircraft and seven F/A-18A/B Classic Hornet fighter aircraft to participate in the exercise.
The deployment will be supported by KC-30A Multi-Role Tanker Transport aircraft, providing personnel transport and air-to-air refuelling capability; and a C-17A Globemaster and C-130J Hercules providing heavy airlift capability.
Air Commander Australia, Air Vice-Marshal (AVM) Joe Iervasi said the exercise offered great training benefits and was a chance to enhance shared cooperation and military appreciation.
“Exercise Bushido Guardian 2019 will offer opportunities for Australia and Japan to not only test and evaluate existing interoperability, but also to increase mutual awareness on force generation requirements including long range deployment and sustainment practices,” AVM Lervasi said.
An arrival ceremony will be held at Chitose Air Base on Friday, 20 September 2019, to mark the arrival of the RAAF F/A-18A/B fighter aircraft to Japan.
The exercise will be held from 11 September to 8 October.
(Aus DoD)
September 9, 2019, 11:17 pm
10 September 2019
Vietnamese Yugo class mini submarine (photo : People's Army Newspaper)
Referring to the submarine force of Vietnam, many people will usually only think of attack submarine powered by very modern Kilo 636M - diesel engines that the Party and the State have invested heavily to buy from Russia to increase strength, strong fighting for the navy.
However, certainly not many people know that before Kilo 636M, Vietnam had been in submarine equipment. According to SIPRI, in 1997, Vietnam purchased two small YUGO-class submarines from North Korea and assigned them at the Cam Ranh military station.
This is a very rare image of a Vietnamese Yugo submarine purchased from North Korea published by the People's Army Newspaper. These submarines are now thought to be equipped with M96 naval task forces. Yugo specifications are not much, just know that it was made in North Korea probably from the 1980s on the basis of the original design originated from Yugoslavia (old).
20 meters Yugo class submarine (photo : hisuton)
The ship has a displacement of 90 tons when floating, when diving is 110 tons, 20 meters long and 2 meters wide. The ship is equipped with a single-axis diesel engine for a speed of 4 knots/h, floating at 10 knots/h, carrying 4-6 sailors or naval special forces. Weapons are also available but there are only two 533mm pre-loaded torpedoes, not enough space to carry spare ammunition.
In general with such limited features, mini submarines like the Yugo are not suitable for fighting at sea. However, thanks to its small size, Yugo is considered the most suitable for special operations, deep into the enemy base ... that North Korea has successfully demonstrated this mission.
In September 1996, North Korea sent a Sang-O mini-class submarine carrying 26 soldiers secretly breaking into the East Coast of Korea without being detected. Unfortunately, when the submarine was stranded, the ship was soon captured by the South Korean Army, while a group of Korean soldiers tried to invade the DMZ by land but failed, 24 people were killed and 1 arrested and 1 missing.
Cam Ranh submarine naval base (photo : Navy newspaper)
Although the mission of the North Korean task force was not successful, they clearly demonstrated that the mini submarines were very suitable for sabotage, reconnaissance and invasion operations. And the Americans - South Koreans also acknowledge and are always wary of Korean mini submarines.
Of interest, Sang-O is thought to be an improved version of the Yugo submarine provided by North Korea to Vietnam. Sang-O has a displacement of 275 tons when floating, 370 tons for diving, 34 meters long, 9 knots for diving speed, and a range of 2,800 km.
Because of its large size, Sang-O is equipped with more equipment such as passive radar reconnaissance, reconnaissance detection systems and two 533mm torpedoes. At least 40 Sang-Os were built by North Korea for their mysterious combat operations.
September 10, 2019, 2:08 am
10 September 2019
KRI Mandau 621 (photo : Ivan Meshkov)
KRI Mandau – 621 merupakan kapal perang Republik Indonesia (KRI) yang berada di jajaran Satuan Kapal Cepat Koarmada II. Dalam pengabdiannya yang memasuki 40 tahun, KRI Mandau – 621 masih dipercaya untuk melaksanakan tugas operasi pengamanan batas wilayah laut di bawah komando Gugus Tempur Laut Koarmada II dengan sandi Operasi Busur Ambalat – 19. KRI Mandau dibangun pada tahun 1978 di Korean Tacoma Marine Industries, Korea Selatan dan masuk di jajaran KRI milik TNI AL pada tahun 1979.
Sasaran utama dalam operasi ini adalah perairan di Kepulauan Sebatik dan sekitarnya yang berbatasan langsung dengan negara Malaysia. Pada tanggal 03 September 2019 KRI Mandau – 621 menempati sektor pengamanan perbatasan di perairan Karang Unarang. Di wilayah perairan ini seringkali ditemukan adanya pelanggaran baik pelanggaran wilayah ataupun tindak pidana seperti illegal fishing, illegal logging, human traficking (perdagangan manusia), drug smugling (penyelundupan narkoba) dan pembajakan oleh kapal-kapal asing yang berasal dari negara tetangga.
KRI Mandau 621, Kapal Cepat Rudal (photo : seputarpapua)Komandan KRI Mandau-621, Letkol Laut (P) Anang Setioko menegaskan bahwa para prajurit KRI Mandau-621 senantiasa siap sedia untuk menjalankan tugasnya mengamankan wilayah perbatasan NKRI.
Sementara itu sesuai dengan namanya Operasi Gabungan Busur Ambalat – 19, dalam menjalankan tugasnya unsur-unsur KRI juga bekerjasama dan berkoordinasi dengan satuan samping seperti Pangkalan Utama TNI AL (Lantamal), Pangkalan TNI AL (Lanal), TNI AD, TNI AU, Polri, Bea Cukai, KPLP dan instansi terkait lainnya.
KRI Mandau 621 bertugas di sekitar Karang Unarang (photo : TNI AL)“ Dengan kehadiran unsur KRI di wilayah Karang Unarang diharapkan dapat menekan jumlah angka pelanggaran dan tindak pidana di wilayah ini, sehingga tercipta situasi yang aman guna mendorong roda perekonomian dan kemakmuran masyarakat sekitar wilayah perbatasan “, tegas Anang.
September 10, 2019, 5:05 pm
11 September 2019
BRP Gabriela Silang 8301 (photo : PCG)
Sailing crew of PH Coast Guard’s newest ship start training in France
LES SABLES-D’OLONNE, France. (08 September 2019) - A number of officers and members of the sailing crew for the PCG’s first offshore patrol vessel (OPV) to date has started their two-month vessel familiarization training in Les Sables-d’Olonne in France.
The 83.6-meter OPV which will be commissioned in the PCG service as Barko ng Republika ng Pilipinas (BRP) (Republic of the Philippines vessel in English) Gabriela Silang (OPV 8301) is the world’s largest OPV made in aluminum. It is built to OPV 270 vessel design of OCEA, the vessel’s shipbuilder from France.
OPV 8301 is under the helm of Commander Alberto T Ferre PCG who previously commanded the second of the four 24-meter fast patrol boats (FPB) from France, BRP Panglao (FPB 2402). After the delivery of FPBs, OPV-8301 is the fifth and final vessel as part of the EUR90 million-contract acquisition project awarded by the Department of Transportation and financed through French international banking group, BNP Paribas.
BRP Gabriela Silang 8301 (photo : Ocea)
Aside from its vessel crew, personnel from the Coast Guard Surface Support Force and Coast Guard Weapons, Communications, Electronics and Information Systems Command arrived in France for a preliminary commissioning training on vessel specification and operation familiarization provided by OCEA.
The agency’s newest acquisition is designed for voyage and operations in rough sea condition. OPV 8301 will be put into service for sustainable presence at sea in line with the orders of President Rodrigo Duterte to increase the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) patrols in the Philippine Rise and West Philippine Sea since it has a maximum range of 8,000 nautical miles and can patrol up to 22 days long at sea.
After the completion of training, three-week sea trials, and provisional acceptance, the sailing team will prepare for transit and set to arrive in the Philippines by first week of December 2019.
Last July 17 this year, OCEA held a ceremony to formally launch the vessel in OCEA shipyard graced by officials from the Department of Transportation, Maritime Industry Authority and the PCG.
September 10, 2019, 7:56 pm
11 September 2019
Medium tank Harimau Pindad (photo : jumpic)
Penyerahan dan penandatanganan sertifikat tipe medium tank harimau
PT Pindad (Persero) berhasil mengantongi Seritifikat Tipe Medium Tank Harimau kategori Kendaraan Tempur Nomor: IMLA/TC/RANPUR/010/2019 yang telah melalui serangkaian uji dengan baik. Sertifikat Tipe ditandatangani dan diserahkan oleh Kepala Pusat Kelaikan (Kapuslaik) Kementerian Pertahanan, Laksma TNI Teguh Sugiono dan diterima secara langsung oleh Direktur Teknik dan Pengembangan Ade Bagdja di Kantor Kementerian Pertahanan RI, Jakarta, Rabu (4/9/2019).
Kapuslaik Kemhan, Laksma TNI Teguh Sugiono menyatakan bahwa rancang tipe kendaraan tempur ini dengan batasan operasi serta kondisi yang tercantum dalam lembaran data sertifikat tipe, telah memenuhi ketentuan/aturan kelaikan darat berdasarkan Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Kepala Badan Sarana Pertahanan Nomor: JUKLAK/544/XII/2014.
Kapuslaik Kemhan, Laksma TNI Teguh Sugiono juga mengatakan semoga Sertifikat Tipe yang telah dikeluarkan dapat dimanfaatkan dengan baik.
“Sertifikat Tipe Medium Tank Harimau telah dikeluarkan berdasarkan kontrak yang ada. Apa yang telah dikeluarkan agar dapat dimanfaatkan sesuai peruntukannya,” ujar Teguh Sugiono.
Medium Tank Harimau telah melalui mine blast test, firing test, uji statis, uji dinamis dan uji lainnya. Medium Tank hasil Pengembangan bersama antara PT Pindad (Persero) dan FNSS Turki merupakan salah satu dari 7 program nasional pemerintah yang sudah terealisasi.
Kehadiran tank ini merupakan bukti kemampuan industri pertahanan dalam negeri menghasilkan produk inovatif berteknologi tinggi dalam mendukung kemandirian alutsista menjaga kedaulatan NKRI
September 10, 2019, 10:40 pm
11 September 2019
New mast of HMAS Anzac 150 (photo : BAE Systems)
HMAS Anzac’s new mast has been installed in the next major milestone as part of the ship’s Mid Life Capability Assurance Program (AMCAP) being undertaken at BAE Systems Australia’s Henderson facility.
The new mast is the second to be manufactured by BAE Systems as part of the Warship Asset Management Agreement (WAMA) between BAE Systems, SAAB Australia, Naval Ship Management (NSM) and the Commonwealth of Australia. The achievement follows the successful installation of the first mast onto the HMAS Arunta late last year.Around 650 people are currently working on the upgrade of the Anzac frigate fleet, including 400 BAE Systems Australia employeesThe mast installation is one of the last major works on the HMAS Anzac ahead of her undocking late this year. She will then undertake sea trials ahead of a planned return to service in 2020.The replacement mast is taller and wider than the existing mast so that it can accommodate the new CEA L-Band radar system, while retaining the existing Anti-Ship Missile Defence (ASMD) radar capability. The new L-Band high power active phase array radar incorporating an integrated ‘Friend and Foe’ capability replaces the previous AN/SPS-49(V)8 radar system. This new radar compliments the existing ASMD radar system and is integrated into the existing Combat Management Systems of the ship by SAAB Australia.HMAS Anzac arrived at Henderson in September 2018. As part of her AMCAP upgrade she will have:-Upgraded ventilation systems-New sewage systems-Improvements to the Control and Monitory System-Engine modifications to improve power and efficiency and-A new communications suiteAs well, the Control and Monitoring System of the ship has also received a technological refresh, replacing existing analogue technology with digital. This is the first time such a technology refresh has been undertaken on such a large scale on the Anzac Class ships and follows the successful upgrade to HMAS Arunta completed earlier this year. Integration of the communications system into the existing ships data communications systems has been closely managed during design by Melbourne based defence communications company Leonardo.BAE Systems Chief Executive Gabby Costigan said:“The successful integration of the mast onto HMAS Anzac demonstrates the important maritime engineering capability that the company has developed and maintained having built and provided front line support for these mighty warships for more than three decades.“The new Australian L-Band active phased array radar will provide the RAN with a world-leading capability that will support its operational requirements well into the future.”
(BAE Systems)
September 11, 2019, 1:34 am
11 September 2019
Shaanxi ZFB-05A Ho Si/Tiger delivered to the Cambodia (all photos : Myanmar and Asean Military Updates)
Royal Cambodian Armed Forces took over the wheel armored multipurpose ZFB-05A Ho Si by Shaanxi Automobile companies produce.
It is known that this is a non-refundable shipment from China to the Royal Cambodian Army to strengthen the friendship and defense cooperation between the two countries.
This type of armored vehicle is often used by the Chinese Armed Police and Police. Its design is based on the chassis of Nanjing NJ2046 light multipurpose vehicle, which is a locally made copy of Iveco 40.10WM.
According to the manufacturer's announcement, ZFB-05A is primarily aimed at the export market because it is a relatively low-cost design, completely welded steel body for protection against infantry weapons caliber up to 7.62 mm. Vehicles equipped with air conditioning system and weapons prevention of mass destruction.
Although the manufacturer advertised ZFB-05A to withstand 7.62 mm bullets, actual operations in Haiti showed that this armored vehicle was pierced by small-caliber weapons, it was judged inappropriate. for intensive activities.
Basic specifications of the ZFB-05A include a crew of 2 and carry 7-9 fully equipped infantry, the vehicle has a total weight of 4.5 - 4.5 tons depending on armor configuration and specific equipment.
SOFIM 8142.43 diesel engine maximum engine power of 118 horsepower for maximum speed of 110 km / h on good roads, range of 800 - 850 km. The vehicle is climbing 60% slope, traveling on an inclined plane of 30%, overcoming vertical obstructions 0.5 m high; across the moat, 0.5 m wide; wading depth of 0.75 m.Weapons of the vehicle include 7.62 mm or 12.7 mm machine guns mounted on the roof, in addition it also integrates 35 mm submachine grenade launcher or 23 mm automatic cannon. The body of the vehicle had openings so that soldiers could shoot from inside.
ZFB-05 variants include armored ambulance, command vehicle, reconnaissance vehicle, anti-riot vehicle (mounted on a water cannon or a broadcast vehicle (with a roof mounted speaker).
There is also a ZFB-08 version with 6x6 configuration. A prototype was revealed in 2008 to target foreign customers, mainly from Africa.
In addition, the strongest armed configuration of the ZFB-05 includes the TD-2000 short-range surface-to-air missile system, carrying eight QW-4 missiles. This air defense system was revealed in 2008.
September 11, 2019, 3:59 am
11 September 2019
Signing ceremony for the construction agreement of the Type 071E Landing Platform Dock ship for Thailand (photo : Sohu)
According to reports, on September 9, the signing ceremony for the construction of the China Navy Shipyard landing ship for the construction of the China Navy Shipbuilding Group Co., Ltd. was held in Beijing.
The report said that this is China's first export of 20,000-ton shipyard landing ship, and it is another major achievement of comprehensive strategic cooperation between China and Thailand. It is of great significance for further deepening China-Thailand military-to-military, trade cooperation and promoting regional peace and stability.
Type 071E LPD is export version of Type 071 Yuzhao (photo : NavalNews)
With the construction and service of the 071E Landing Platform Dock, the ship will become the largest combat ship of the Royal Thai Navy. Even the carrier HTMS Chakri Naruebet CVH-911 of the 11,000-ton displacement of the Thai Navy can only be on the side of the carrier. Called the younger brother!
When Thailand purchased the S-26T conventional diesel-powered submarine from China, it had decided to purchase another dock landing ship from China. At that time, it planned to spend 4 billion baht (about 130 million US dollars). It seems that the news has finally been realized now.
September 11, 2019, 5:46 am
11 September 2019
In 2014 North Sea Boats (PT Lundin Industry) receives order from Bangladesh to build 18 X-12 fast patrol boat (all photos : North Sea Boats)
North Sea Boats 16 boat ToT contract with Bangladesh Navy Shipyard completed with successful sea trials and commissioning this week.
The X12 is an 11.7 m long craft designed for patrol and interception roles in tropical areas. It is configured with an enclosed cabin to seat 3 crew members and 8 troops, and is equipped with a fully integrated navigation, radar and communication package, and a head (toilet).
There is an elevated 12.7 mm gun mount strategically positioned on the cabin top, with two additional gun mounts on the aft deck. The engine hatches and wide side decks enhance safety and ease of movement around the craft, especially during boarding operations. And the aft transom platform protects the propulsion system, and can also be used for diving operations or re- covering persons from the water.
The modern V hull combines deadrise angles forward for cutting into head seas, and a keel plank aft to improve acceleration, speed and stability. And the heavy duty tendering provides protection when coming alongside other vessels. The boat can operate in offshore and shallow waters, and if needed, make beach landings.
September 11, 2019, 5:12 pm
12 September 2019
Arrival of A35-05 and A35-06 at Williamtown AFB (photo : Scramble)
Deliveries of F-35As to the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) continue. Two more Lightning IIs have arrived Down Under at RAAF base Williamtown (NSW, Australia).
The RAAF Lightning IIs are assigned to 3sq "Operta Aperta (Secrets Revealed)" which is part of 81 Wing.
The RAAF has ordered 72 F-35As. Apart from a number based with the 61st Fighter Squadron at Luke AFB (AZ) for pilot training, these will be divided between RAAF base Tindal (NT, Australia) and Williamtown. At the first, 75sq "Seek and Strike", currently operating the F/A-18A/B will receive the F-35A in the near future. At the latter, besides the aforementioned 3sq, 77sq "Swift to Destroy" and 2 Operational Conversion Unit (OCU), both currently flying the F/A-18A/B, will also be introduced to F-35A operations.
Seen here are A35-015 and A35-016 freshly delivered on 10 September 2019. We currently list ten aircraft with the 61st FS and six with 3sq.
September 11, 2019, 7:37 pm
12 September 2019
UCAV CH-4 TNI AU (photo :
Situbondo (ANTARA) - Pesawat nir-awak drone CH4 berjenis MALE (Medium Altitude Long Endurance) ditampilkan dalam latihan gabungan TNI dengan sandi "Dharma Yudha 2019" di Pusat Latihan Tempur Marinir Asembagus, Situbondo, Jawa Timur.
"Drone CH4 ini dikendalikan dari Surabaya," ujar Panglima TNI Marsekal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto saat meninjau latihan gabungan tersebut, Rabu.
Hadi mengatakan drone tersebut dapat terbang dengan durasi hingga 12 jam, disertai kemampuan radius jangkauan hingga 1.000 km apabila diintegrasikan dengan satelit BLOS (Beyond Line of Sight).
TNI AU akan mendapatkan enam drone CH-4, empat dibuat di China dan dua dirakit di Indonesia (photo : Airspace Review)
Drone CH4 memiliki keistimewaan karena selain berfungsi sebagai alat pengawasan, pesawat tersebut juga dapat melancarkan serangan menggunakan bom.
"Seperti yang kita laksanakan kemarin kita menembak, mengebom dari ketinggian 15 ribu kaki dan kita rilis hasilnya sangat presisi," ujar Hadi.
Hadi menyebut bahwa drone CH4 masuk dalam pengadaan pada rencana strategis (Renstra) TNI Tahap II tahun 2019. Rencananya TNI akan mendatangkan enam pesawat serupa untuk menambah kekuatan pada dua skuadron.
Selain drone CH4, TNI juga menampilkan sepertiga kekuatan alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista) terbaik lainnya, termasuk pesawat dan tank.
Latihan gabungan TNI “Dharma Yudha 2019” digelar sejak 9 September hingga 12 September 2019, dengan melibatkan 12.500 prajurit dari tiga matra yaitu Angkatan Darat, Angkatan Laut, dan Angkatan Udara.
Dijadwalkan puncak acara latihan gabungan TNI "Dharma Yudha 2019" akan dihelat pada Kamis (12/9) dengan tajuk "Fire Power Demo", dan dihadiri oleh Presiden Joko Widodo beserta sejumlah menteri.