September 1, 2019, 7:17 pm
02 September 2019
Pesawat N219 Nurtanio (photo : Thale)
JAKARTA - PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI) menggandeng Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta untuk sertifikasi uji kebisingan pesawat N219. Uji kebisingan dimaksud adalah kebisingan yang ditimbulkan oleh suara N219 terhadap penduduk di sekitar bandara ketika pesawat landing ataupun take off.
Penandatanganan Memorandum of Undestanding (MoU) antara PT DI dan UNS dilakukan oleh Kepala Divisi Pusat Teknologi PT DI Palmana Banandhi mewakili Direktur Teknologi dan Pengembangan dan Wakil Rektor bidang Perencanaan dan Kerjasama UNS Prof. Sajidan.
Palmana mengatakan, uji kebisingan pesawat N219 Nurtanio ini dilakukan terhadap penduduk di sekitar bandara. Dengan mengandeng UNS maka PT DI tidak merasa sendirian, karena mendapat dukungan dari akademisi dan berharap riset tentang kedirgantaraan semakin kuat. Pesawat N219 Nurtanio ini dirancang, diuji dan disertifikasi oleh anak bangsa.
“Dari mulai desain, proses pembangunan dan proses sertifikasi benar-benar dilakukan oleh putra terbaik bangsa,” ujar Palmana, dalam keterangannya, Rabu (28/8/2019).
Sementara itu, Prof Sajidan berharap, agar MoU ini segera ditindak lanjuti dengan MoA sehingga kerjasama ini menjadi nyata.
Pemerintah berkomitmen mendukung sepenuhnya terhadap pengembangan riset pesawat terbang. Ini dibuktikan dengan menggandeng Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (LAPAN) dalam riset pesawat N219. Tahun 2019 sertifikasi N219 diharapkan sudah bisa diselesaikan.
September 1, 2019, 11:27 pm
02 September 2019
The test of a 122mm high-performance rocket fired a 40km range known as the DTI-2 from a multi-barreled self-propelled rocket wheel with 20 firing tubes and 10 rounds (all photos : DTI)
National Defense Technology Institute Successfully tested a dynamic 122-millimeter high-performance dynamics rocket.
The test consists of 10 rockets fired on 28 August 2019 at the Khao Na Yam Giant Weapon Testing Base, Navy Region 3, with Gen. Paphol Maneerin, Chairman of the National Institute of Defense Technology and Gen. Dr. Preecha Pradubmuk, Director of the National Institute of Defense Technology joint observation of firing test.
This success It is an important step that can build trust for research and development units, production units and users. And a very cooperative agency, especially the ability to develop multi-barrel rockets from Thailand, which will be able to push the military to use in the near future.
September 2, 2019, 1:36 am
02 September 2019
Requirement for the bid is the design's own is grant to the Philippine (photo : Bisnis)
With the previous bidding for Acquisition of Landing Docks (LDs) for the Philippine Navy being not successful, the Department of National Defense (DND) has set another bidding.
One major revision for the new bidding is the removal of provision requiring a tie-up with local companies or shipyard so that a minimum of one unit of the 2 ordered LDs will be constructed in country.
However, in the new bidding the DND requires the builder to “grant the ownership of the vessel’s design to the Department of National Defense and the Philippine Navy.”
This project involves two (2) units New Construction Landing Docks Vessels with four (4) units Landing Craft Utility (LCU) and four (4) units Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat (RHIB) with Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) for the Philippine Navy.
The project has an approved budget for contract of PHP5,560,000,000.00. A pre-bid conference is set on September 10. The bid opening will be held on September 24.
The DND, in supplemental bid bulletin for the previous bidding, noted the “criticality of time in acquiring said vessels.”
The Philippine Navy is currently operating two Tarlac-class landing platform docks acquired under Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Modernization Program First Horizon.
September 2, 2019, 5:11 pm
03 September 2019
MiG-35 at MAKS 2019 (photo : Jane's)
'Russian president shares special bond with Dr M'
MOSCOW: RUSSIAN President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad share a special bond.
Putin’s special aide, Dr Victor Kladov, told the New Straits Times that Putin held Dr Mahathir in “very high esteem” in a bid to propel Malaysia as a great nation.
Malaysia acquired billions of ringgit worth of Russian-made MiG-29N in 1995 and Sukhoi Su-30MKM jet fighters in 2003, via trade-offs involving palm oil.
Kladov said Putin was in favour of a complete buy-back of the 18 grounded Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) MiG-29N for two squadrons of new-generation stealth MiG-35 fighters.
He said he told Dr Mahathir that the MiG-35 fighters did away with smoky engines and were equipped with advanced and powerful fly-by-wire avionics, artificial intelligence, computers and weapons systems that minimised the pilot’s workload.
“Similarly, we are also looking at replacing the RMAF’s fleet of Sikorsky S-61 Nuri helicopters, which are half a century old. The newer generation Mi-171 helicopters... have been proven workhorses for the United Nations during the Afghanistan conflict.
RMAF MiG-29N (photo : Malaysian Defence)
“Also on the cards is Russia’s offer of Yak 130 light combat jets, on flexible terms, offset and transfer-of-technology deals that will offer a win-win situation for both nations.”
Russian Helicopters
Rostec’s subsidiary, Russian Helicopters, is expected to sell eight units of Ansat, Mil Mi-8/17 and Kamov Ka-32A11DC to the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency and Fire and Rescue Department.
Kladov added that Russia offered hydro-foil vessels to boost Malaysia’s island tourism industry, as these assets were cost-effective and efficient.
“We expect a decision on these matters during the two leaders’ rendezvous in Vladivostok soon.”
He said Putin appreciated Dr Mahathir’s efforts in synergising defence and aerospace assets by optimising the economics of scale via bulk purchases of similar types.
“By operating similar assets, there will be greater savings for spares, parts, logistics and maintenance,” he said.
He added that Putin shared Dr Mahathir’s interest in jointly developing other sectors, including the healthcare, education, agriculture and manufacturing industries.
See full article NST
September 2, 2019, 8:19 pm
03 September 2019
Harimau, tank medium Pindad (photo : IDN Times)
KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. PT Pindad (Persero) sudah mengantongi kontrak senilai Rp 4 triliun di semester I 2019. Dengan demikian, realisasi perolehan kontrak sudah mencapai 49,38 % dari target perolehan kontrak sebesar Rp 8,1 triliun di tahun 2019.
Kontrak yang diperoleh terdiri dari kontrak senilai Rp 2,7 triliun untuk alat-alat persenjataan yang digunakan keperluan pertahanan dan keamanan (hankam), serta kontrak senilai Rp 1,3 triliun alat-alat berat yang digunakan untuk keperluan industrial business.
Kontrak pembelian alat persenjataan terdiri atas kontrak penjualan kendaraan tempur sebesar 65%, amunisi sebesar 20% dan senjata sebesar 15%. Adapun pihak yang melakukan kontrak pembelian antara lain meliputi TNI dan Polri.
Sementara itu, pihak yang melakukan kontrak pembelian alat-alat berat untuk keperluan industrial business meliputi pelaku-pelaku bisnis di sektor swasta.
Untuk mengejar target perolehan kontrak sebesar Rp 8,1 triliun hingga akhir tahun, Pindad tengah memproses kontrak penjualan medium tank dan infantry fighting vehicle (8x8) serta alat-alat berat di sektor swasta.
Pada semester I 2019, Pindad mencatatkan pertumbuhan penjualan 38,88% secara tahunan dari Rp 936 miliar pada semester I 2018 menjadi Rp 1,3 triliun di semester I 2019. Penjualan ini merepresentasikan 25,49% dari target penjualan Pindad di sepanjang tahun 2019 yang sebesar Rp 5,1 triliun.
Kobra 8x8 Infantry Fighting Vehicle (photo : BMPD)
Sebagian besar penjualan masih didominasi oleh penjualan dalam negeri dengan persentase sebesar 85%. Sementara itu, sebanyak 15% sisanya terdiri atas penjualan ekspor.
Pindad telah melakukan ekspor sejak tahun 2006 ke beberapa negara seperti Kamboja, Nigeria, Malaysia, Australia, Korea Selatan, Singapura, Timor Leste, Filipina, Laos dan lain-lain.
Direktur Utama Pindad Abraham Mose mengatakan, ke depannya Pindad akan terus memperluas pasar ekspor di wilayah Asia Tenggara dan Timur Tengah. Pemilihan kedua wilayah didasari pertimbangan besarnya permintaan di wilayah tersebut.
Sementara itu, penjualan domestik terdiri atas penjualan alat-alat di bidang hankam dan industrial business dengan komposisi persentase yang hampir seimbang.
Sebagian besar penjualan alat-alat di bidang hankam berasal dari penjualan amunisi dengan persentase sebesar 70%. Sementara itu, sebanyak 30% sisanya terdiri dari penjualan senjata dan kendaraan tempur.
Sementara itu, penjualan alat-alat di bidang industrial business terdiri atas penjualan eskavator, alat pendukung kereta api, dan bahan peledak komersial. Adapun pihak-pihak yang melakukan pembelian antara lain terdiri dari Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat, Kementerian Pertanian, dan perusahaan-perusahaan di sektor swasta.
September 3, 2019, 12:29 am
03 September 2019
Biryong 130mm Anti-Ship Guided Rocket (photo : Navy Recognition)
Biryong is a 130mm Anti-Ship Guided Rocket developed by LIG Nex1 for the Republic of Korea Navy's Gumdoksuri-class patrol boat (PKMR).
Biryong uses K136A1 Kooryong's 130mm rocket as a base platform and was developed as a low-cost precision-guided weapon for use against North Korean gun boats and hovercraft.
Specifications :-Range: 20 km-Warhead: 8 kg-Midcourse Guidance: GPS+INS+Datalink-Terminal Guidance: IR-Simultaneous Engagement: 3(RoK Armed Forces)
September 3, 2019, 2:51 am
03 September 2019
T129 attack helicopter (photo : TAI)
The Department of National Defense (DND) is moving forward with the acquisition of Turkish T129 ATAK for the attack helicopter acquisition project for Philippine Air Force (PAF), MaxDefense Philippines said in an article in its website posted August 31.
“Based on the revised Acquisition Decision Memorandum released by the DND and signed by Sec. Lorenzana recently, the decision is to proceed with Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) offer with still the T129 ATAK attack helicopter,” MaxDefense said.
It added that “the project would remain as a Government-to-Government (G2G) deal with the Turkish government, and will proceed as plan based on the discussions made between the two countries since last year.”
MaxDefense added that it has been told “that the Turkish government and Turkish Aerospace Industries has assured the DND and the Philippine Air Force that there will be no problems in securing export licenses for US-made parts and subsystems, including the LHTEC-sourced engines and other avionics.”
In December 2018, DND and Presidency of Defense Industries (SSB) of the Republic of Turkey signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Defense Industry Cooperation.
The said MOU focuses on government-to-government acquisitions, as well as the development, production, co-production, and transfer of defense technology between the DND and the SSB.
Secretary Lorenzana also confirmed in December 2018 that PAF technical working group (TWG) for the attack helicopter acquisition project chose the Turkish T129 ATAK helicopters.
He added that with the allocated budget for the attack helicopter acquisition project PAF may get less than 10 units.
September 3, 2019, 4:35 pm
04 September 2019
Each Mi-28NE helicopter is capable of carrying 16 anti-tank missiles and rockets, artillery guns of all sizes to wipe out armored targets, infantry exercises in all weather conditions (photo : TASS)
TASS cited the media of the Russian Federal Service of Military-Technical Cooperation (FSMTC), saying that six foreign customers had sent requests to Russia to provide Mi-28NE attack helicopters.
"Since 2015, the Federal Service of Military-Technical Cooperation agency has received 6 requests for Mi-28NE helicopters . These partners are from Southeast Asia, the Middle East and members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), "the source said.
Unfortunately, the FSMTC source refuses to provide the identity of the countries offering Mi-28NE attack helicopters . Predicting is relatively difficult because Russian helicopter customers in Asia and Europe very much. Particularly in Southeast Asia, besides Vietnam, there are also Myanmar, Indonesia, Thailand, Laos and Cambodia also using Russian helicopters.
If only the countries specializing in helicopter attack, including Vietnam, Myanmar and Indonesia. In particular, Vietnam has retired the number of Mi-24A helicopters expired and not replaced, while Myanmar and Indonesia have had contracts to buy new Mi-35 attack helicopters. Not to mention, customers who buy Mi-28NE are here (Vietnam)!
Mi-28NE attack helicopter (photo : Alexander Mladenov)
Mi-28NE is an export version of the Mi-28N night attack helicopter series developed by Mil Moscow - Mi-8/17/24 designer. Although the export version, but Mi-28NE is considered as integrated technology as the domestic version, even more favored.
Compared to the previous generation Mi-28A, the Mi-28NE has a very strong Russian-made main propeller system and VK-2500 engine, especially the improved avionics system that allows operation in all weather conditions. The most significant is the mm-wave radar mounted on the top of the rotor to increase the ability to detect targets in obscured battlefield conditions ... its features are comparable to AN/APG-78 Longbow radar on Apache helicopters.A close-up of one of the two helicopter helicopters attacking Mi-28NE. As can be seen, the control panel equipment is modernized with a large color LCD screen that displays the flight specifications. In addition, the pilot will have a helmet with integrated target display system combined with some types of guided weapons.The survival ability of Mi-28NE is also upgraded when the cockpit is covered with thick armor, the windshield can resist 12.7-14.5mm machine guns. In addition, the aircraft also integrates an automatic fire protection system to protect electrical and hydraulic equipment ... as well as fire.
Mi-28 cockpit (photo : fyodor)
In terms of firepower, Mi-28NE is equipped with a 30mm 2A42 cannon under the nose that can rotate to the sides to allow firing without the helicopter. The cannon has a rate of fire of 200-800 rounds / minute, effective range of 1,500 meters with ground targets and 2,500 meters with targets in the air.
Two small wings of Mi-28NE can deploy up to 16 Ataka-V anti-tank missiles with a range of 8km, piercing 900mm steel after explosive reaction armor. In addition, it can optionally carry 4-8 Strelets air-to-air missiles incorporating 80 / 130mm rockets or additional 30mm gunpods.
Instead of using TV3-117 engine line of Ukraine, Mi-28NE switched to equipped with VK-2500 axis turbine engine of Russian production, with takeoff capacity of 2,200hp / unit. Helicopter speed reaches 300km / h, ceiling of 5,600m, distance of 435km.
The blades of Mi-28NE are made of durable plastic material that can withstand 30mm bullets. In addition, the tail rotor design with an X shape significantly reduces noise when flying.
September 3, 2019, 8:04 pm
04 September 2019
Bell AH-1Z Viper (photo : Retrowar)
A group of diverse contenders have launched their final bids to replace and, in some cases, enhance the Australian Army’s armed reconnaissance helicopter capability.
The Australian Army is planning to replace the current fleet of EC665 Tiger armed reconnaissance helicopters (ARH) from the mid-2020s as identified in the 2016 Defence White Paper: "The government will replace the 22 Tiger armed reconnaissance helicopters with a new armed reconnaissance capability from the mid-2020s."
The acquisition strategy aims to reduce operational and in-service risk, and to allow the Australian Army to rapidly achieve operational milestones for the replacement armed reconnaissance capability, while achieving value for money.
LAND 4503's program of delivery aims to support the Australian Army and is designed to contribute to the creation of the modernisation and development of a 'networked and hardened' Army, the acquisition is broken down into three delivery stages beginning with projected IOC in 2026 and FOC in 2028, including:
Boeing AH-64E Apache (photo : DefenceImages)
1. Up to 24 aircraft would be based at one primary location and another five are intended at a training location. The aircraft fleet may also be co-located in one primary location, however this is yet to be determined.2. IOC for LAND 4503 is based on a squadron of up to 12 aircraft. This organisation would be capable of generating a deployable troop of four aircraft, continued force generation of four aircraft, and an initial build-up training element of four aircraft. IOC will be supported by trained personnel and support systems.3. FOC for LAND 4503 is based on a regiment of up to 24 aircraft. This organisation would be capable of generating multiple concurrent deployed forces of up to squadron size. FOC will also be supported by a mature training system of up to five aircraft, with trained personnel and support systems.
Airbus offers upgraded EC665 Tiger ARH (photo : RAN)
Bell, a subsidiary of Textron, is presenting the AH-1Z Viper, currently in service with the US Marine Corps, which has been designed and built to support the expeditionary and maritime-centric focus of operations conducted by the US Marines.
Boeing has confirmed the AH-64E Apache as its offering for LAND 4503 – Apache is flown by the US and 15 other countries, has recorded more than 4.5 million flight hours with the US Army alone. There are currently 1,180 Apaches in service today.
Airbus Helicopters is offering a cost-effective approach for taking the Tiger platform beyond 2040, in response to the Australian government's request for information (RFI) for the Project LAND 4503 Armed Reconnaissance Capability.
See full article DefenceConnect
September 3, 2019, 11:08 pm
04 September 2019
Jordan AH-1 Cobra attack helicopter (photo : picclick)
Philippine Air Force (PAF) chief Lieutenant General Rozzano Briguez said that the arrival of two AH-1 “Cobra” attack helicopters donated by the Jordanian government may happen in early 2020.
“Maybe early next year because the training is ongoing,” Briguez said as quoted by “However, both Jordan and the Philippines are doing their best to hasten the process.
National Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana confirmed in July that PAF pilots are already in Jordan to train for the said attack helicopters.
“On the Cobra attack helicopters from Jordan. While our pilots are already training there, it may take many more months before the helicopters are brought to the Philippines. But we hope it will be before the year ends,” Secretary Lorenzana said.
In June, the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) released the Special Allotment Release Order (SARO) for the transfer of AH-1S Cobra Attack helicopters donated by the Kingdom of Jordan.
The SARO has an amount of PHP 158,204,428.00 “to cover the requirements for the transfer and acceptance of two (2) units AH-1S Cobra Attack Helicopters from the Kingdom of Jordan under the Revised AFP Modernization Program.”
September 4, 2019, 2:14 am
04 September 2019
Pindad memproyeksikan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan munisi dalam negeri 400 juta butir per tahun (photo : Ballistic Magazine)
KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. PT Pindad (Persero) bakal menggandeng investor dari Korea Selatan (Korsel) dan Kanada.
Strategi tersebut dilakukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan amunisi untuk TNI dan Polri.
Maklum saja, saban tahun kebutuhan amunisi bagi prajurit TNI dan Polri mencapai 400 juta butir.
Nah, dengan menggandeng investor asing, Pindad memproyeksikan akan memiliki kapasitas produksi amunisi hingga 400 juta butir per tahun pada tahun 2023 mendatang.
Saat ini, rencana tersebut sudah memasuki tahapan pengkajian teknis untuk pemilihan teknologi.
Hal ini kemudian berlanjut dengan tahapan penyusunan feasibility studies untuk memenuhi proses perizinan yang dibutuhkan.
Harapannya, proyek itu bergulir pada semester kedua tahun depan.
Progres pembangunan pabrik 70%
Di sisi lain, Pindad tengah mengebut pengerjaan fasilitas produksi amunisi kaliber yang berlokasi di Malang.
Saat ini progres pembangunan pabrik sudah mencapai 70% dan ditargetkan bisa beroperasi pada Desember 2019. .
Kelak, jika pabrik itu beroperasi, produksi amunisi kaliber Pindad akan bertambah, dari sebelumnya hanya 120 juta butir per tahun menjadi 240 juta butir per tahun.
Untuk mempercepat penyelesaian pabrik itu, sekarang Pindad tengah mempersiapkan mesin produksi tambahan.
"Kami menunggu beberapa mesin masuk, kalau November sudah masuk semua, Desember sudah bisa peresmian pabrik," ujar Direktur Utama PT Pindad, Abraham Mose kepada KONTAN, Senin (2/9).
Asal tahu, penambahan fasilitas produksi tersebut menelan investasi sebesar Rp 400 miliar. Adapun dananya bersumber dari penyertaan modal negara (PMN).
Oh ya, di sisi keuangan, kinerja Pindad tercatat cukup positif.
Hingga semester I-2019, Pindad sudah mengantongi perolehan kontrak Rp 4 triliun atau sudah mencapai 49,38% dari target kontrak sebesar Rp 8,1 triliun di akhir 2019.
Perinciannya, kontrak senilai Rp 2,7 triliun untuk alat-alat persenjataan yang digunakan keperluan pertahanan dan keamanan (hankam).
Lalu ada catatan kontrak senilai Rp 1,3 triliun untuk alat-alat berat yang digunakan bagi keperluan industrial business.
September 4, 2019, 4:30 pm
05 September 2019
Royal Thai Navy has completed modernization of two Bangrajun-class Minehunter Coastal include MHC-631 HTMS Bangrajun (II) and MHC-632 HTMS Nong Sarai (II) by United Kingdom company's Thales UK and now ready for operation (photos : Minehunter Squadron)
On 22 March 2016, the Minister of Defence approved the upgrade of a coastal minehunter of HMS Bang Rachan, for a 3-year budget works for 1,110 days.The objective of the project is to enable the minehunter ship, Bang Rachan to be capable of carrying out anti-sea mine missions, surveying and collecting information on minefield warfare personnel, entry-exit channels and the landing area of the country's military bases and important seaports on both sides of the coast have been continuous and effective for at least another 15 years. At present, the operation has been accomplished.
The improved system is considered as a modern and advanced system. Keep up with current and future mine warfare technology, in line with our vision. "It is a battle force with high performance. To the international level in land mines. "On 21 August 2019 Rear Admiral Thanan Chaiyaboonyarakan, Commander in Chief of the Staff, was the chairman of the ceremony to send the squadron of survey ships and gather information on the 9th round of the Battle of Por Kor at the terminal no 62. HTMS Bang Rachan and HTMS Nong Sarai is the main force in performing this civil service with a mobile anti-mines suit.
Two coastal mine hunting boats Bang Rachan class of the, HTMS Bang Rachan and HTMS Nong Sarai, based on the M48 model built by the shipyard company Friedrich Lurssen Werft in 1987. At present, the Royal Thai Navy HTMS Bang Rachan ship has been used for over 32 years.
Modernization by Thales UK, with a budget of approximately 2.775 billion baht ($ 89,315,875) this ship will be able to continue service again for 15 years until about the year 2034 ever, which this boat has been operating in a mobile anti-mine suit.
September 4, 2019, 8:13 pm
05 September 2019
KRI Pulau Rote 721 (paling kiri), Kondor class, buatan VEB Peenewerft, Wolgast tahun 1971 (photo : militer170845)
Kapushirosal Pimpin Upacara Penghapusan KRI Pulau Rote-721
Kepala Pusat Hidrografi dan Oseanografi TNI Angkatan Laut (Kapushidrosal) Laksamana Muda TNI Dr. Ir. Harjo Susmoro, S.Sos., S.H., M.H. mewakili Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Laut Laksamana TNI Siwi Sukma Adji, S.E., M.M., memimpin upacara penghapusan KRI Pulau Rote-721 dari kedinasan aktif TNI Angkatan Laut di Dermaga JICT, Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara, Rabu (28/8) pekan lalu.
Ini merupakan momentum membanggakan dan sekaligus mengharukan bagi sejarah TNI Angkatan Laut. Kapal Perang Republik Indonesia (KRI) Pulau Rote ini merupakan jenis kapal survey penyapu ranjau yang bertugas sejak tahun 1993 bersama Pushidrosal.
KRI Pulau Rote-721 telah secara aktif mendukung pelaksanaan tugas pokok TNI Angkatan Laut secara signifikan. Tugas-tugas operasi servei dan pemetaan yang diemban oleh KRI tersebut sesuai dengan fungsi azasinya sebagai kapal bantu Hidro-oseanografi (BHO), telah menunjang tugas-tugas survei dan pemetaan hidro-oseanografi Pushidrosal.
“Upacara penghapusan KRI, hakikatnya adalah untuk mengantar alut sista memasuki masa purnabaktinya setelah sekian tahun mengabdi kepada TNI Angkatan Laut. Oleh karena itu mari kita renungi dan mengambil hikmah dari upacara penghapusan ini, bahwa hanya dengan pengabdian terbaik sajalah maka nama dan bakti kita akan abadi dalam sejarah TNI Angkatan Laut”. Ujar Kasal.
Kondor class masuk dinas TNI AL tahun 1993 (photo : TNI AL)
Upacara penghapusan ini merupakan bagian dari siklus daur ulang alutsista yang merupakan program TNI Angkatan laut dalam pengembangan kekuatan dan juga peremajaan alutsista. sesuai dengan tuntutan serta kompleksitas dinamika lingkungan strategis saat ini, hal ini ditujukan untuk mencapai visi Angkatan Laut dalam melaksanakan proyeksi secara regional dengan komitmen global.
Diakhir amanatnya Kasal berpesan kepada seluruh prajurit TNI Angkatan Laut, untuk senantiasa meresapi dan menghayati tekad pengabdian tanpa syarat sebagaimana pengabdian KRI Pulau Rote-721 selama ini kepada TNI Angkatan Laut, TNI, bangsa dan negara. Pengabdian KRI Pulau Rote-721 merupakan hikayat yang tidak akan pernah terlepaskan dari setiap insan prajurit TNI Angkatan Laut, khususnya bagi mereka yang pernah mengabdikan masa keprajuritannya bersama kapal ini yang akan terus terpatri dalam lubuk sanubari kita sebagai Jalasena pengawal samudra.
Upacara kali ini dilaksanakan dengan khidmat, diawali penaikan bendera merah putih ditandai dengan penurunan bendera Ular-Ular Perang. Bertindak selaku Komandan Upacara adalah Letkol Laut (P) Hengky Iriawan, S.T. yang sehari-hari menjabat sebagai Komandan KRI Spica-934.
Hadir dalam kesempatan tersebut para pejabat utama Pushidrosal, para prajurit yang terbagi dari beberapa kompi antara lain kompi Perwira, Bintara dan Tamtama Pushidrosal dan 1 regu Korsik Lantamal III Jakarta.
September 4, 2019, 10:54 pm
05 September 2019
Hermes 450 MALE UAV (photo : MaxDefense)
The initial batch of Hermes 450 medium altitude long endurance (MALE) unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) which are part of one complete system of Hermes 450 for Philippine Air Force (PAF) are already in the Philippines. The unmanned aerial system (UAS) was ordered from Israeli company Elbit Systems.
MaxDefense Philippines said in a post in its social networking page that it has received information that some of the Elbit Hermes 450 MALE UAVs for PAF are already in the Philippines and are undergoing flight tests from Fernando Air Base in Lipa City, Batangas.
In another post, MaxDefense shared a photo of one of the UAVs conducting flight test.
“As mentioned by a source who is familiar with the project, the first batch of Hermes 450 were delivered to the PAF last week. They were then assembled in the Philippines by Elbit,” MaxDefense said.
MaxDefense, in its Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Modernization Program monitoring system, indicates that under the UAS (Level 3) Acquisition Project, PAF is set to receive one complete system of Hermes 450 with 4 UAVs and three complete systems of Hermes 900 with 3 UAVs each.
September 5, 2019, 2:16 am
05 September 2019
Thailand increase 2.7% of defence budget in 2020 (photo : Military Armed Forces)
Thailand's cabinet has approved a draft 2020 defence budget of THB233.35 billion (USD7.6 billion). According to a document published by the government's Budget Bureau, the expenditure is a 2.7% increase over the 2019 defence budget of THB227.12 billion.
The new defence budget is worth about 7% of total government expenditure in fiscal year 2020, which starts in October 2019. The defence allocation also amounts to about 1.4% of GDP.
The Budget Bureau document shows that the Royal Thai Army (RTA) will receive the bulk (49%) of the 2020 defence expenditure, with an appropriation of THB113.67 billion, which is a 2% increase over its expenditure in 2019.
September 5, 2019, 4:39 pm
06 September 2019
ADM-141A/B TALD (all photo & picture : MMP)
RMAF -Tactical Air Launched Decoy (TALD)
The ADM-141A/B TALD was an American decoy missile originally built by Brunswick Corporation for the United States Air Force and the Israeli Air Force. Later it transitioned to joint US/Israeli manufacture with Israeli Military Industries Advanced Systems Division (IMI-ASD).
The Tactical Air Launched Decoy (TALD) was intended to confuse and saturate enemy air defenses, as part of an overall SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses) strategy, thus allowing attacking aircraft and weapons a higher probability of penetrating to the target. The Improved TALD is a turbojet-powered version.
The TALD was used with great success in the opening stages of Operation Desert Storm in 1991, with the first being deployed in combat by Lt. Jeff Greer. More than 100 were launched on the opening night of the war. This prompted the Iraqi air defense to activate many of its radars, most of which were then destroyed by anti-radiation missiles.
The Improved TALD is powered by a Teledyne CAE Model 312 (J700-CA-400) turbojet. This boosted the range to more than 300 kilometres (190 mi) at high altitude and 185 kilometres (115 mi) at low altitude. This model was also capable of performing a flight profile resembling that of a real aircraft much more convincingly. Initially 20 TALDs were upgraded to ADM-141C ITALD configuration, with the first flight conducted in 1996. Since then the U.S. Navy has ordered over 200 ADM-141Cs.
The major user of the ADM-141 is the F/A-18 Hornet. A single Hornet can carry up to 6 decoys.
September 5, 2019, 8:15 pm
06 September 2019
Beechcraft T-6 Texan II trainer aircraft (photo : AirForce Times)
Pacific Air Forces commander stresses a more dispersed, expeditionary-style fleet
JOINT BASE PEARL HARBOR-HICKAM, Hawaii — Pacific Air Forces is moving to distribute its fleet more broadly across the theater to both enhance flexibility and reduce vulnerability as a target, the PACAF commander said Tuesday.
“I do believe if we ever went to conflict, we would be at risk for sitting static in certain locations,” Gen. Charles Q. Brown said during a media roundtable at PACAF headquarters.
Brown said the Pentagon is considering expanding beyond the five locations.
“There is discussion about trying to do maybe more sites,” he said. “I think it’s important that we actually make sure we get the initial sites right.”
Meanwhile, Vietnam is looking to acquire a fleet of Beechcraft T-6 training planes from the United States – a departure from its usual aircraft supplier, Russia, Brown said. The Air Force is working with Vietnam on site surveys for their location, he said.
Vietnam officials Brown met were unrestrained in their criticism of China’s incursions into Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone and were anxious for diplomatic support from the United States, he said.
On Aug. 22, the U.S. State Department issued a statement criticizing China’s “interference with Vietnam’s longstanding oil and gas activities” in the South China Sea.
No one is talking about expanding a U.S. military presence into Vietnam, two nations that were locked in a bitter war just 50 years ago. But the relationship between the former enemies is warming, Brown said.
“It’s rife with opportunity,” he said. “We kind of see things the same way in the region.”
See full article Stars and Stripes
September 5, 2019, 10:07 pm
06 September 2019
Kunjungan ke Skadron Udara 22 TUDM (photo : TNI AU)
Pasis Seskoau A-56 Lakukan Kuliah Kerja III ke Malaysia
TNI AU. Marsda TNI Henri Alfiandi secara langsung memimpin kegiatan Kuliah Kerja Luar Negeri (KKLN) tahap III Pasis Seskoau A-56 ke Malaysia, Selasa (3/9). Sebanyak 132 Pasis Seskoau termasuk para pasis dari Negara Sahabat tergabung dalam kegiatan KKLN ini yang diselenggarakan selama 4 (empat) hari. Dengan mengunakan 2 unit pesawat TNI Angkatan Udara yakni, 1 unit B-7304 dan 1 unit C-1319 rombongan bertolak menuju Pangkalan Subang Malaysia. Selain Wadan Seskoau Marsma TNI Jemi Trisonjaya, M.Tr. (Han) turut serta dalam rombongan KKLN yakni, para pejabat setingkat Direktur, Dosen, Patun dan beberapa Perwira staf lainya.
Danseskoau Marsda TNI Henri Alfiandi mengatakan, sesuai dengan program pendidikan di Seskoau, kegiatan KK-3 ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan Pasis Seskoau tentang hubungan antar negara, khususnya pada bidang pertahanan, terutama strategi nasional dalam menghadapi potensi ancaman global, dimana saat ini menjadi perhatian utama oleh setiap organisasi militer di dunia tuturnya.
Dikatakan lebih lanjut, terkait dengan kunjungan ke Malaysia diharapkan para Pasis untuk memahami bagaimana membangun kerja sama di bidang pertahanan antara negara khususnya di Asia Tenggara, sehingga dapat dirumuskan suatu konsep strategi nasional aspek dirgantara dalam rangka memperkuat pertahanan udara Indonesia jelasnya.
Selama berada di Malaysia rombongan Seskoau melakukan serangkaian penting penting yakni mengunjungi Kementerian Pertahanan (Mindef), Pangkalan Udara Subang, dan Skadron Udara 22 TUDM (A-400). Sebanyak 210 orang, terdiri dari Pejabat 16 orang, Dosen dan Perwira Penuntun 25 orang, pendukung 37 orang dan Perwira Siswa 132 orang termasuk Perwira Siswa Negara Sahabat sebanyak 7 orang yaitu dari Australia, Arab Saudi, India, Korea Selatan, Malaysia, Pakistan dan Singapura tergabung dalam kegiatan ini.
September 6, 2019, 12:25 am
06 September 2019
Tenth P-8A of thr RAAF (photo : Nathan Rundle)
On 29 August 2019, the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) received its tenth P-8A Poseidon.
The Maritime Patrol Aircraft (serial A47-010) was flown over to its new homebase RAAF Base Edinburgh, SA, where it will be assigned to 92 Wing, 11 squadron "Shepherd or Destroy".
The Australian Government has committed to acquiring fifteen P-8A Poseidons. Twelve P-8As have been approved for acquisition, and three are subject to normal Government Defence acquisition approval processes.
The first Poseidon arrived down-under on 16 November 2016, the last one is expected to be delivered by March 2023. Initial Operational Capability (IOC) of the first eight P-8As was reached in March 2018.
Last June, the eighth RAAF Poseidon (A47-008) was delivered. This aircraft had been identified as RAAF’s long-term fatigue management aircraft and had been fitted with a raft of diagnostic equipment.
September 6, 2019, 5:58 pm
07 September 2019
Testing of R600 8x8 (all photos : Sompong Nondhasa)
Thailand company's Panus Assembly Co., Ltd was tested its newest product R600 8x8 wheeled Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) prototype for Royal Thai Marine Corps, Royal Thai Navy at Royal Thai Army's Vehicle Test Range in Kanchanaburi province, Thailand.
Performance and the capability of the vehicle was held in August 28, 2019, which has passed various tests well, which is very welcome.
The next step is to install internal equipment and weapons systems that are expected to be ASELSAN's 30-mm automatic turret.
R 600 has a combat ready weight of 25 tons, 8.4 meters length and 3.2 meters wide and 2.75 meters high, 500 mm ground clearance, 600 horsepower Cummins engine, 6-speed automatic transmission, Allison 4500 4-wheel drive and 8-wheel drive.
The vehicle performance is 600 mm obstacle crossing, 40% slope, 60% high ramp, top speed on the road 110 km/h top speed in water 14 km/h, operating range 800 km, 2 + 20 passengers, Stanag 4569 LV.2, and LV.3 Optional ... will soon get to see the perfect look of the R 600.
(Thai Defense News)