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PTDI Luncurkan Pesawat CN235 Flying Test Bed

05 Agustus 2019

CN235 Flying Test Bed (all photos : Airspace Review)

Ini Dia Penampakan Perdana CN235 FTB Milik PTDI

AIRSPACE-REVIEW.com – Menyambut hari ulang tahunnya yang ke-43 pada 23 Agustus 2019 mendatang, PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI)  tengah mempersiapkan penerbangan perdana pesawat CN235 FTB (Flying Test Bed) .

Salah satu persiapan terakhir yang dilakukan adalah menjalani kegiatan swing compass pada Jumat (2/8/2019) .

Dalam foto yang didapat redaksi Airspace Review (AR) dari Humas PTDI terlihat pesawat CN235 FTB menggunakan livery berwarna dasar putih dan mendapatkan grafis merah bagaikan bulu kepak sayap Garuda.

Pada sirip tegak bagian ekor, terpasang logo PTDI berukuran besar. Secara keseluruhan penampilan CN235 FTB  ini terlihat sedap dipandang mata.

Mengenai keberadaan CN235 FTB ini, Kerry Apriawan, S.I. Kom., yang kini menjabat sebagai Asisten Manajer Komunikasi Eksternal PTDI kepada AR menuturkan bahwa CN235 FTB ini masih berupa basic aircraft.

Dijelaskan, CN235 FTB ini berfungsi untuk lima hal. Pertama sebagai aircraft development, lalu crew development, training, system development dan terakhir untuk keperluan promosi.

Untuk dua poin terakhir, seperti diketahui PTDI tengah merencanakan pengembangan varian CN235 Gunship atau pesawat yang dipersenjatai. “Nah, proses ini termasuk bagian dari system development,” ujarnya.

Kehadiran CN235 FTB juga diperlukan PTDI sebagai pesawat promosi langsung. Contohnya dipergunakan untuk demonstarsi unjuk kebolehan dalam pameran kedirgantaraan baik lokal maupun internasional.

CN235 FTB dibangun berdasar CN235 varian terakhir atau dikenal sebagai seri 220. Pesawat ini telah menerapkan winglet di ujung sayapnya yang membuatnya makin ekonomis mengonsumsi bahan bakar.

Dapur pacunya juga telah menggunakan mesin turboprop General Electric CT7-9C3 yang lebih bertenaga. Menggantikan mesin model lama versi CT7-7A yang digunakan pada CN235-110.

Untuk kinerjanya, CN235-220 bisa dibesut hingga 450 km/jam pada kecepatan jelajah. Ketinggian terbang maksimumnya 7.620 m dan jangkauan operasi di kisaran 4.355 km.

Memasuki usia matangnya ini PTDI makin giat mendapatkan pasar baru untuk produk-produknya. Di sepanjang  tahun 2019, pabrik pesawat pelat merah ini telah menargetkan perolehan kontrak senilai 283,04 juta dolar AS.

Terdapat empat kontrak luar negeri yang kini tengah dikejar PTDI. Rinciannya adalah penjualan CN235 ke Nepal dan Thailand serta NC212i dan Bell 412 EPI untuk Filipina.

Sementara untuk kebutuhan dalam negeri yakni pengadaan heli H225M VIP untuk TNI AU.

(Airspace Review)

Ukraine's Antonov Receives Offer to Operate in Kedah

06 Agustus 2019

Antonov MRO facility (photo : AirCargoNews)

KUALA LUMPUR: Ukraine aircraft manufacturing and services company, Antonov, has received an offer to provide aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) services at the Kulim International Airport (KXP).

The offer was extended by Kedah Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mukhriz Tun Mahathir during his meeting with Ukrainian Ambassador to Malaysia, Olexander Nechytaylo and Antonov’s representative in Penang on Thursday night.

According to a post on Mukhriz’s Facebook account, Mukhriz Mahathir FC, Antonov was established in Kiev in 1946, and the company specialises in manufacturing cargo aircraft.

The meeting was also attended by Economic Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali, Northern Corridor Implementation Authority chief executive Datuk Seri Jebasingam Issace John, and KXP Airport City Holdings Sdn Bhd chief executive officer Datuk Dr Ir Annuar Saffar.

Earlier, Azmin posted a tweet describing the meeting as productive in terms of unlocking the state’s potential in the aerospace industry.

“Last night’s working dinner explored potential investments from a leading Ukrainian company seeking to develop MRO and aircraft component manufacturing in Kulim.

“In 2018, 11 aerospace projects with total investments of RM816.3 million were approved, generating 2,442 jobs,” he said.

He said the Ministry of Economic Affairs was looking forward to welcome foreign investments in the aerospace industry as a catalyst to generate high income jobs to develop the country’s capability in MRO and in manufacturing aircraft components.

(New Straits Times)

PHL Navy Officially Receives BRP Conrado Yap

05 Agustus 2019

BRP Conrado Yap corvettes (photo : Frances Mangosing)

The Philippine Navy today officially accepted and commissioned to Navy service former South Korean Pohang-class corvette Chungju, now BRP Conrado Yap (PS-39) during a ceremony in Jinhae Naval Base in South Korea.

Philippine Navy chief Vice Admiral Robert Empedrad led the Navy delegation during the ceremony.

BRP Davao del Sur, which will sail home with BRP Conrado Yap, arrived in South Korea on August 2 after its visit to Vladivostok, Russia.

According to Philippine Navy, BRP Davao del Sur’s visit to Jinhae Naval Base “underscores the deepening and dynamic relationship between the PN and ROKN that diplomatic clearance for BRP Davao Del Sur to visit Jinhae Naval Base was approved even on such a short notice.”


South Korea Building New STOVL Ship

06 Agustus 2019

The carrier nearly 1.5 times as large as the Dokdo or Marado Landing Platform Helicopter ships. (photo : DefenseNews)

South Korea’s Joint Chiefs decided to expand the navy after China and Japan began work on new aircraft carriers.

A spokesperson for South Korea’s Joint Chiefs said: “The plan of building the LPH-II ship has been included in a long-term force build-up plan. LPH or Landing Platform Helicopter describes ships capable of supporting rotorcraft and vertical take-off landing (VTOL) aircraft like the Boeing Osprey.

The South Korean Navy already operates landing platform ships; however, the new acquisition would be the country’s first dedicated light aircraft carrier.

The new aircraft carrier will be double the size of South Korea’s existing LPH ships, the ROK Dokdo and ROK Marado. Both ships can hold around 15 helicopters, with the flight deck is able to house five helicopters at a time.

The aircraft carrier will be suitable for carrying the F-35, of which South Korea received its first delivery of in March this year. Japan, another member of the F-35 programme, has also begun retrofitting two helicopter destroyers to house F-35s.

South Korea has ordered 40 F-35As for the Republic of Korea Air Force, with plans to acquire a further 20 F-35As or F-35Bs. South Korea is considering the F-35B to better complement its development of the light aircraft carrier.

A defence source told Defense News that the new carrier will house 16 aircraft and feature a ski-jump ramp, like that on the UK Royal Navy’s HMS Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier.

With a fleet of 68 major ships, the South Korean Navy’s current mission is primarily coast focused, with the new ships set to help counter the threat of North Korean submersibles.

The North Korean Navy, or Korean People’s Navy, currently operates around 70 submersibles ranging from ex-Soviet submarines to ‘midget-subs’.

North Korean news agencies today showed Kim Jong-Un visiting a newly built submarine at an undisclosed location in the country. The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA, North Korea’s state media) said Kim had ordered officials to strengthen the military.

State media did not say when the visit took place.

(Naval Technology)

Pesawat F-16 TNI AU Diupgrade, Dilengkapi Bom Canggih JDAM

06 Agustus 2019

JDAM bom (image : USAF)

TEMPO.CO, Magetan -  Sebanyak empat pesawat F-16 A/B Block 15 TNI AU menjalani peremajaan di hanggar Skadron Teknik (Skatek) 042 Lanud Iswahjudi, Kabupaten Magetan, Jawa Timur. Satu di antaranya ditargetkan rampung pada Juni – Juli 2019.

Komandan Skatek 042 Lanud Iswahjudi, Mayor Tek Agustinus Subagio, mengatakan bahwa program peremajaan pesawat F-16 itu merupakan proyek Enhanced Mid-Life Update  (EMLU) – The Falcon Structural Augmentation Rodmap (Falcon STAR). Pelaksanaannya berlangsung sejak September 2017.

“Ini merupakan dua program yang dijadikan satu agar waktunya lebih efisien,” kata Subagio, Kamis, 15 Maret 2019.

Menurut dia, puluhan teknisi dari TNI Angkatan Udara dan PT Dirgantara Indonesia terlibat dalam proyek tersebut. Para personel itu melakukan sejumlah pekerjaan, seperti pencopotan panel maupun komponen pesawat, melakukan monitoring, kontrol, dan evaluasi.

“Ada dua sampai tiga orang dari Lockheed Martin (produsen pesawat F-16 asal Amerika) yang membantu supervisi,” ujar dia.

Pesanan JDAM Indonesia (image : JMP)

Pekerjaan itu, Subagio melanjutkan, bakal berlangsung selama beberapa tahun ke depan. Sebab, jumlah total pesawat F-16 A/B Block 15 yang harus di-upgrade sebanyak 10 unit. Seluruh alat utama sistem persenjataan itu dibeli dalam Program  Peace Bima Sena pada tahun 1989.

“Setelah ini (di-upgrade), usia terbang pesawat akan lebih panjang antara 15,20 bahkan 25 tahun ke depan,” kata Subagio kepada Tempo.

Adapun sistem avionik yang diperbaharui melalui proyek EMLU-Falcon STAR, seperti pemasangan Rudal Beyond Range yang memiliki jangkauan lebih dari 30 kilometer. Juga, Fire Control Radar dan JDAM (Joint Direct Attack Munitio) yang merupakan bom dengan dilengkapi pemandu laser.

Untuk pengadaan spare part, Komandan Skatek 042 menjelaskan, ada dua tipe kontrak dalam proyek EMLU-Falcon Star ini. Pertama menggunakan mekanisme dengan mitra alias Direct Commercial Sales (DCS) dan Foreign Military Sales (FMS) atau Government to Government.

Subagio yang juga sekretaris proyek EMLU-Falcon STAR mengaku bangga dengan pekerjaan itu. Sebab, mampu meningkatkan kemampuan para teknisi TNI Angkatan Udara. Apalagi, pekerjaan itu baru pertama dilakukan. “Kalau di luar negeri, pekerjaan ini masuk depot maintenance,” ujar dia.


Airbus Helicopters Opens Completion and Delivery Centre in Malaysia

07 Agustus 2019

Malaysia’s Minister of Transport Anthony Loke (left) and Raymond Lim, head of Airbus in Malaysia, at the official opening of Airbus’s completion and delivery center. (photo : Airbus)

Airbus has expanded its rotor operations in Asia with the recent opening of a regional helicopter completion and delivery centre (CDC) at its Subang facility in Malaysia. The new CDC will see Airbus’ new helicopters for customers in the Southeast Asia region being completed in, and delivered from the new centre, consolidating Malaysia’s role as Airbus’ regional hub for helicopter services, customer support and full-flight simulator training.

Malaysia’s Transport Minister Anthony Loke officially opened the regional centre on Tuesday 6 August. Speaking at the ceremony, Raymond Lim, head of Airbus in Malaysia, said: “The move to set up a regional helicopter completion and delivery centre in Malaysia fully demonstrates Airbus’ unwavering commitment to the country’s aerospace industry, in particular the promotion of Malaysia’s growing industrial footprint across all areas of our business. This expansion is part of our growth plan for the region, and will enable us to provide the best possible end-to-end support to our customers in this fast-growing region, backed by our extensive range of helicopter services,” he added.

The new regional helicopter centre can accommodate up to four medium-sized helicopters at any one time. It is capable of assembling and delivering up to 20 helicopters per year from across all its rotorcraft models.

In addition to the new completion and delivery centre, the company has also expanded its full motion full-flight simulation centre with the addition of a Dauphin AS365 N3/N3+ simulator to its existing H225/H225M simulator. With two simulators in place, training of pilots and crew from customers in the military, para-public and civil sectors through the Asia-Pacific region and beyond, can now take place in Malaysia.

Located 25 kilometres from Kuala Lumpur, Airbus Helicopters’ Malaysia facility spans more than 10,000 square metres. The facility can provide a broad spectrum of services from scheduled and unscheduled maintenance, aircraft modifications, aircraft completion and delivery, material management and technical support. Airbus Helicopters has a team of over 100 personnel, supporting operations in Malaysia and the region.

The expansion of the facility at Subang further extends Airbus presence in Malaysia. Airbus is the largest international partner for the Malaysian aerospace industry, with its sourcing and services businesses in the country worth US$400 million annually for the local economy. The company’s activities currently sustain employment for over 4,000 Malaysians in the country’s fast-growing aviation sector.

Malaysian companies supply parts for a wide range of Airbus programmes, including the A320 Family, A330neo, A350 XWB, A380 and A400M. In addition to the regional helicopters centre, Airbus operates a Customer Services Centre at Sepang offering specialised aircraft modification and design services. The company also through its fully-owned Sepang Aircraft Engineering offers maintenance, repair and overhaul for A320 Family and ATR series of aircraft.


PHL Buying 702 Units Rocket Launcher Light for Marines

07 Agustus 2019

Shoulder rocket launcher (photo : Mintfo)

The Department of National Defense/Armed Forces of the Philippines (DND/AFP) has initiated the Squad Rocket Launcher Light (SRLL) and the Required Ammunition Acquisition Project of the Philippine Navy (Marines) under the AFP Modernization Program.

The project has an approved budget for contract of PHP514,800,000.00. A pre-bid conference is set on August 13. Bid opening will be on August 27.

The acquisition also involves anti-personnel (14,040), anti-tank (8,424), and thermobaric (351) rocket propelled grenades. Practice ammunition (21,061) and training devices (40) are also included.

“The procurement of (702) units of Rocket Launcher Light will fill-up the gap and raise the readiness rating of the Philippine Marine Corps in terms of firepower,” says in the bidding documents released by DND.

“This will not only enhance the operational capability of the Corps in the pursuit of Internal Security Operations but will also fulfill its tasks in the Territorial Defense Operations and Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response Operations to accomplish its mission,” it adds.


Amphibious Adnan

07 Agustus 2019

ACV 300 Adnan AIFV (all photos : MFH)

2th Mechanised Battalion, Royal Malay Regiment (12 RAMD Mek) showcased its amphibious capabilities to students from the Army Engineering Institute (Institut Kejuruteraan Tentera darat – IJED) during their visit to the battalion’s headquarter on June 28, 2019.

The battalion had demonstrated its FNSS/DEFTECH ACV-300 Adnan Armoured Infantry Fighting Vehicle (AIFV) capabilities of wading waters at its water crossing facility located at the camp.

While the Malaysian Army has tactical and floating bridges to support its armoured column, almost all of the Army’s armoured vehicles including the Radpanzer Condor, Sibmas AFSV, K-200A1 MIFV and FNSS/DEFTECH AV-8 Gempita are amphibious and able to wade rivers throughout the country.


Pindad Selenggarakan Pelatihan ToT Turret Cockerill CSE-90

08 Agustus 2019

Pelatihan ToT turret CSE-90 (photo : Pindad)

Pindad Mengembangkan Kemampuan Armament Melalui Alih Teknologi John Cockerill Defence Milik Belgia

PT Pindad (Persero) bekerja sama dengan CMI Defence S.A menggelar pelatihan ToT Turret CSE 90 berlangsung pada 12 Juni - 21 Juli 2019 dan berlokasi di John Cockerill Defence, Belgium. Pelatihan ToT Turret CSE 90 didasari oleh Surat Kontrak Kerjasama antara PT Pindad (Persero) dengan CMI Defence S.A. dengan nomor SJAN 13/P/BD/LN/IV/2017 tertanggal 19 April 2017. Dengan adanya pelatihan alih teknologi terutama pada sektor armament, membuktikan PT Pindad (Persero) selalu berupaya untuk mengembangkan kemampuan dan menciptakan inovasi produk alutsista berkualitas kebanggaaan Indonesia.

PT Pindad (Persero) mengirimkan 6 staf unggulan yang diberi tanggung jawab untuk mempelajari alih teknologi Turret CSE 90 di John Cockerill Defence Belgia, yaitu; Gito Suwarno, Febiantara Juanda,A.Md., Rudi Setya Budi, Ginanjar Widhaswara, Dika Wardani,A.Md, Aji Roswaji. Pelatihan alih teknologi yang didapatkan dimulai dari perakitan (assembling) Turret CSE 90 yang terdiri dari 18 tahap, integration hingga finishing perakitan.

Melalui pelatihan alih teknologi ini, PT Pindad (Persero) dapat merakit, mengoperasikan dan mengembangkan Turret CSE 90 secara mandiri. Turret CSE 90 sudah dipercaya untuk menjadi senjata utama yang diinstal pada Kendaraan Tempur Badak. Panser Badak adalah kendaraan tempur 6x6 roda buatan PT Pindad (Persero). Selain Turret CSE 90, Badak dilengkapi juga dengan senapan mesin caliber 7.62 mm, ballistic protection - bulletproof steel plate, dan memiliki mesin diesel 340 HP yang mampu menunjang daya jelajah Badak.

Saat ini, Badak sudah armada tempur milik TNI dan dipergunakan dalam berbagai misi militer. Dengan pengembangan kemampuan melalui alih teknologi Turret CSE 90, maka PT Pindad (Persero) juga memiliki peran untuk mendukung sector pertahanan dalam negeri.

Selanjutnya, pelatihan lanjutan akan dilakukan di PT Pindad (Persero), Bandung.


Thai Navy will Provide New Medium-Range Air Defense Systems

08 Agustus 2019

KS-1CM Surface to Air Missile Royal Thai Air Force Security Force, Air Defense Battalion Wing 7 Surat Thani RTAFB (photo : AAG)

The Naval Acquisition Management Office issued a mid price announcement document on 28 June 2019 for a mobile medium-to-air missile program. Phase 1 (Mobile Medium-Range Surface-to-Air Missile). Budget allocated 1,970,000 baht ($ 63,982,850) The source of the middle price (reference price) is obtained from the market price inquiry. At this time, the system specifications and amount are not yet known.

It is understood that the new medium-range air-to-air missile system will be stationed in Command Combat Air and Coastal Sa.rฝ. plan adjustment and structural units by the Department of antiaircraft 1. And Department of Aircraft Combat 2 Will have units directly 2, each of the thousands of anti-aircraft battalions have a demand for medium-range ground-to-air weapons, 1 battalion for a total of 2 systems. There will be a total of 4 system requirements 

Near-Range Towing Anti Aircraft Missile PL-9 (DK-9) China, which is a close-range missile launcher with Infrared, has a range of only 8km. The towing platform will have rockets installed in Ready rail 4 shot, but it is understood that currently seems to be deprecated.

Currently, the Royal Thai Naval Air Station has an air missile, near-to-air QW-18, China, which is a very close range air defense system. The infrared missile has a range of only 5km and a firing unit. Portable, portable, with individual weight of the whole system, total 18kg. 

Providing launching weapons to move the medium-sized air-to-air missile Therefore, it is likely that the demand for replacement of the near-ground missile launcher PL-9 Chinese towing missiles, which the procurement phase 1 Should have at least 1 system for one of the Royal Thai Air Force Battalion battalions in the OPD.

However, the median price set at just around $ 64 million is a relatively small amount for the mid-range air defense system from the west. First, the system will consist of a Command Post, Radar Detecting / Controlling Base. And a self-propelled artillery launching platform.

That makes it predicted that the medium-range air-to-air missile system That the Thai Navy will procure may be an affordable, mid-range air defense system that is quite likely to be a system from the People's Republic of China, just like the one previously procured.

One system that is expected to be an option for the Royal Thai Navy is the Chinese KS-1CM medium-range missile launcher. One SPG has two rockets, a 70km firing range that has been procured by the Thai Air Force. Taking in Air Force Battalion, Yothin Aviation, 7 Surat Thani, since year 2016.

The POE's rate and structure adjustment plan also includes the 1st Coast Guard Department Which has direct units 2 Coast Guard battalions, each with thousands of personnel in charge, needing to supply Medium-to-Long-Range Anti-Ship Missile anti-ship missile systems on each battalion.

Indian media have reported that the Brahmos surface anti-gliding missile is offered to the Royal Thai Navy, with other competitors believing it to be a system. From China, such as the C-802A anti-surface guided missile launcher on the shore.


Kemhan Bahas Progress PTTA Rajawali 720

08 Agustus 2019

UAV Rajawali 720 (photo : KKIP)

Pesawat terbang tanpa awak (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) atau disingkat UAV adalah sebuah pesawat terbang yang berfungsi dengan kendali jarak jauh oleh pilot atau mampu mengendalikan dirinya sendiri, menggunakan hukum aerodinamika untuk mengangkat dirinya, bisa digunakan kembali dan mampu membawa muatan baik senjata maupun muatan lainnya . Penggunaan terbesar dari pesawat tanpa awak ini adalah dibidang militer.

Rapat koordinasi membahas Progress PTTA Rajawali 720 dilaksanakan pada hari selasa 6/8/2019 dipimpin oleh Dirtekindhan Ditjen Pothan Kemhan Lakma TNI Sri Yanto. ST bertempat di rupat Lt-1 Gedung Soeprapto, adapun undangan yang hadir diantaranya : Perwakilan Itjen Kemhan, Perwakilan Balitbang Kemhan, Perwakilam Puslaik Kemhan, Perwakilan Tim Waspro dan Tim PPHP, Perwakilan Diskomlekau, Perwakilan Dislitbangau Para Tim Ahli serta dari Industri PT. Bhinneka Dwi Persada

Hasil dari kegiatan rapat ini bahwa Final flight test akan dilaksanakan pada akhir tahun 2019.

Kegiatan ini berjalan dengan tertib, aman dan lancar


Bidding for Landing Dock Acquisition Project Not Successful – Report

09 Agustus 2019

BRP Davao del Sur LPD (photo : dvids)

The Department of National Defense (DND) today, August 8 held the Submission, Opening of Bids and Evaluation (SOBE) for the Landing Dock Acquisition Project for the Philippine Navy.

However, according to MaxDefense Philippines, only Indonesia’s PT PAL (Persero) submitted a bid and was declared disqualified “for being not able to comply with the requirement to build one of the ships in the Philippines.”

The project involves acquisition of 2 units New Construction Landing Dock Vessels with Four (4) units Landing Craft Utility (LCU) and Four (4) units Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat (RHIB) with Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) for the Philippine Navy.

DND requires that at least one of two vessels will be built in the Philippines. The project has an approved budget for contract of PHP 5,560,000,000.00.

The Philippine Navy is currently operating two Tarlac-class landing platform docks, built by PT PAL in Indonesia, acquired under Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Modernization Program First Horizon.


4 Pesawat F 16 Latihan Bantuan Tembakan (Latbantem) Trimatra di Situbondo

09 Agustus 2019

Latihan Bantuan Tembakan (Latbantem) Terpadu 2019 (photo : TNI AU)

TNI AU.  Penlanud Iswahjudi - Latihan Bantuan Tembakan (Latbantem) Terpadu dan Interoperability Komlek TNI 2019 dilaksanakan di Lapangan Pusat Latihan Pertempuran Marinir (Puslatpurmar) 5 Baluran Situbondo.

Latihan ini melibatkan alutsista dan personel gabungan TNI dari tiga matra antara lain pesawat Boeing 737 intai strategis, pesawat F 16 Fighting Falcon masing-masing membawa empat bom MK-82, sehingga total me-release 16 bom, pesawat EMB 314 Super Tucano dari matra udara, sedang dari matra Laut KRI Fatahillah 361, Mortar 60 MM, dan 80 MM, Pasmar 2, Roket RM 70 Grande serta juga melibatkan Helicopter MI-35P, Penerbad, Helikopter BO-105, Helikopter Bell 412 Yonif 501/KSD, Meriam 155 MM Caesar, dan Roket Astros dari matra darat.

Rabu (7/8) Lanud Iswahjudi mengirimkan 4 pesawat F 16 Fighting Falcon dari Skadron udara 3 yang langsung dipimpin oleh Komandan Skadron Udara 3 Mayor Pnb Agus Dwi Ariyanto. Take off dari Lanud Iswahjudi masing-masing TS 1629 dengan pilot Mayor Agus Dwi Ariyanto, Pesawat TS 1636 dengan pilot Kapten Pnb Windi Darmawan, TS 1638 dengan pilot Kapten Pnb Ferri Rahman, dan TS 1641 dengan pilot Lettu Pnb Panji Satrio, masing-masing membawa empat bom MK-82, sehingga total merelease 16 bom.

Latihan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dan ketrampilan prosedur penyelenggaraan bantuan tembakan agar memiliki kemampuan yang handal dalam mengunakan sarana Bantem yang tersedia dalam mendukung tugas Komando Gabungan TNI. Latihan ini mengambil tema “Satbantem Komando Gabungan (Kogab) TNI menyelenggarakan Bantuan Tembakan untuk mendukung Kampanye militer guna keberhasilan tugas operasi Kogab TNI dalam rangka operasi Militer Perang (OMP).

Saat briefing penerbangan pagi Komandan Lanud Iswahjudi Marsma TNI Widyargo Ikoputra, S.E., M.M., berpesan bahwa latihan bantuan tembakan yang melibatkan tiga matra, merupakan pencapaian profesionalisme seorang penerbang tempur, namun demikian hendaknya tetap mempertimbangkan faktor keamanan seperti yang disampaikan Kasau saat penutupan Angkasa Yudha 2019 beberapa waktu yang lalu. “Good luck and fly safe” tambah Marsma TNI Iko.


9 Jet Pejuang TUDM Adakan Latihan Tembakan Peluru Berpandu

09 Agustus 2019

F/A-18D TUDM (photo : Instazu)

LABUAN : Sembilan jet pejuang Tentera Udara Di Raja Malaysia (TUDM) terlibat dalam siri latihan Tembakan Peluru Berpandu dari udara ke udara di perairan Laut China Selatan yang bermula pada 22 Julai lalu dan akan berakhir pada 10 Ogos ini.

Latihan yang diberi nama dengan kod ‘Op Bisa Daya dan Op Taring Daya’ melibatkan enam buah jet pejuang Shukhoi yang berpakalan di Gong Kedak, Jerteh Terangganu dan tiga buah lagi jet pejuang F/A-18 D Hornet yang berpangkalan di TUDM Butterworth Pulau Pinang.

Menurut kenyataan Bahagian Perhubungan Awam TUDM, Leftenan Tengku Muhamad Dhiyauddin Tengku Daniel (TUDM), latihan tembakan peluru berpandu jenis misil dari udara ke udara siri pertama tahun ini bertujuan menguji kecekapan dan keupayaan juruterbang pesawat pejuang TUDM dalam mengendalikan pesawat dan melancarkan pelbagai persenjataan tepat ke sasaran.

Tengku Muhamad Dhiyauddin berkata, salain itu ia juga bagi memastikan kesiapsiagaan aset dan persenjataan TUDM sentiasa berada pada tahap terbaik terutamanya didalam melindungi kedaulatan raung udara negara.

Sementara itu Juruterbang Shukhoi, Mejar Kharul Ikhwan Yussof ketika ditemui pemberita berkata, latihan tersebut yang berjalan dengan lancar turut mejalankan tugas pemantauan pariaran Labuan, Sabah dan Sarawak.

“Selain memastikan kesiapsiagaan juru terbang pesawat Shukhoi, latihan itu turut dibantu oleh seorang juruterbang yang bertindak mengawal sensor senjata,” katanya.

Seorang lagi juruterbang pesawat F/A-18 D Hornet ketika ditemui menjelaskan ketiga-tiga jet pejuang D Hornet yang terlibat dalam sesi latihan itu telah berjaya mencapai objektif tanpa sebarang kejadian yang tidak diingini.

“Kerjasama antara pesawat D Hornet dan Sukhoi semasa latihan telah menunjukkan hasil positif dan bermanfaat, dengan kedua-dua pesawat itu boleh (bekerjasama) saling melengkapi antara satu sama lain,” katanya.

(New Sabah Times)

Pindad dan Dislitbang AD Kompak Kembangkan Produk SMB Kal 12.7mm

10 Agustus 2019

SMB 12.7mm TNI AD (photo : Sketsanews)

PT Pindad (Persero) menerima kunjungan Kadislitbang (Kepala Dinas Penelitan & Pengembangan Angkatan Darat) Brigadir Jenderal TNI Mulyo Aji beserta staf Dislitbang AD berlokasi di Ruang Rapat Direktorat PT Pindad (Persero) Bandung (9/8/2019).

Kunjungan kali ini dalam rangka pengembangan sekaligus monitoring dan evaluasi rancang bangun prototipe II SMB (Senapan Mesin Berat) Kal. 12.7 mm.

Direktur Teknologi dan Pengembangan PT Pindad (Persero) Ade Bagdja dan General Manager Divisi Senjata Yayat Ruyat, menyambut baik kedatangan Kadislitbang AD beserta staf Dislitbang AD. Dalam kesempatan tersebut, Ade Bagdja menjelaskan mengenai perkembangan berbagai produk alutsista PT Pindad (Persero) terutama untuk produk SMB Kal. 12.7 mm sebagai pengantar untuk kegiatan monitoring dan evaluasi.

Salah satu yang menjadi kebanggaan PT Pindad (Persero) adalah fasilitas produksi yang memadai dan mampu menciptakan berbagai komponen untuk produksi SMB. Sementara itu, Brigjen Mulyo Aji menjelaskan bahwa monitoring dan evaluasi diperlukan untuk penyempurnaan kualitas produk SMB kal. 12.7mm, yang difungsikan untuk menambah kekuatan dalam pertempuran dan dapat difungsikan pada berbagai kesatuan di lingkungan TNI AD

Menurutnya, beberapa kesatuan yang membutuhkan produk SMB kal. 12.7mm antara lain kesatuan Infanteri, Kavaleri, Hanud, Artileri Medan, dan kesatuan lainnya. Salah satu masukan dari Brigjen Mulyo Aji adalah PT Pindad (Persero) perlu mempertahankan dan meningkatkan akurasi dan stabilisasi serta dapat menghasilkan produk dengan daya tahan yang kuat untuk menghadapi segala kondisi, medan dan cuaca. 

Dalam kesempatan yang sama, Tim Pokja PT Pindad (Persero) turut memberikan paparan mengenai SMB Kal. 12.7mm. Saat ini, SMB Kal. 12.7mm sudah mencapai tahap 2, dimana pada tahap 1 terdiri dari persiapan, pembuatan komponen dan prototipe serta pengujian fungsi dasar mekanisme senjata (single shot).

Pada tahap 2, prototipe sudah disempurnakan dengan penambahan fitur serta perubahan desain yang selanjutnya akan dilakukan diskusi teknis dan litbang bersama antara PT Pindad (Persero) bersama Dislitbang AD hingga pengujian fungsi mekanisme senjata lanjutan. Kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan Plant tour ke workshop untuk melihat perkembangan prototipe SMB Kal. 12.7mm dan fasilitas produksi PT Pindad (Persero).


Adnan (ACV-300) and MIFV (K-200A1) Will be Upgraded In RMK12

10 Agustus 2019

ACV-300 Adnan (photo : DefenceTurk)

This will be both a capability and life extension programme as both vehicles will have to serve until 2035.

SHAH ALAM: Adnan and MIFV Upgrade In RMK12. It appears that the Army proposal to upgrade its Kenderaan Jenis A (KJA-Type A Vehicles – armoured) – the Adnan and MIFV – have been approved and will be funded in the next RMK, starting in 2021.

One aim of the upgrade programme is the standardisation of these two variants , basically an M113 armoured vehicle of Turkey and South Korean origins. This will likely reduce the logistical footprint of the vehicles, lowering operational costs as both vehicles could be operated by a single unit. Most of the MIFV remaining in service are operated by the 14th RMR based at the Sirajudin camp in Gemas. The Adnans are mostly operated by mechanised batallions under the 4th Mechanised Brigade based in Kuantan.

K-20011 MIFV (photo : Panggilan Pertiwi)

The programme will be funded starting from 2021, the start of RMK12, when the Gempita contract is completed. I was told that the various configurations for the upgrade are being finalised with various companies offering stand alone and turnkey solutions for the programme.

This will be both a capability and life extension programme as both vehicles will have to serve until 2035.

An open tender is likely to be held for the new capabilities and add-ons as mandated by the programme’s office. It is likely though that Deftech facility in Pekan would be conducting the upgrade work, testing and commissioning of the vehicles. It will not make economic sense, if they want to build a new facility to do a programme that’s likely to cover two RMKs especially with the money allocated for it.

Apart from the Adnan/MIV upgrade, the Army in RMK12 will also embark on another KJA programme but that’s for another day.

(Malaysian Defence)

PT Dirgantara Indonesia Siap Serahkan CN235-220 untuk Angkatan Darat Nepal

11 Agustus 2019

CN235-220 pesanan Nepal (photo : PTDI)

AIRSPACE-REVIEW.com – Tak lama lagi pesawat CN235-220 pesanan Nepal akan diserahterimakan oleh PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI). Demikian informasi yang Airspace Review terima.

Hal ini juga diperkuat dengan penampakan pesawat bernomor regisitrasi AX-2347 yang telah mengenakan livery warna hijau khas Dinas Penerbangan Angkatan Darat (AD) Nepal.

Seperti diketahui, proses pengadaan satu unit CN235-220 multiguna versi militer untuk AD Nepal ditandatangani pada 16 Juni 2017 di Kathmandu, Nepal dengan nomor kontrak No. MGO/Fixed Wing/073/74/65.

Penandatanganan saat itu dilakukan oleh Mayjen Purna B. Silawal selaku Master General of Ordnance (Provision) AD Nepal dan Budi Santoso selaku Direktur Utama PTDI masa itu. 

(Airspace Review)

US Army Set to Fire Spike NLOS Missiles from AH-64E Apache

11 Agustus 2019

Israeli Apache equipped with Spike NLOS missiles (photo : Noam Menashe)

In its quest to arm future aircraft, the US Army is hosting a demonstration to determine if it can fire Rafael Spike Non-Line-of-Sight (NLOS) missiles from US helicopters.

The service is slated to conduct experiments at Yuma Proving Ground, Arizona, later this month as a response to army validated operational needs statements and help identify "capabilities supporting the Future Vertical Lift [FVL] ecosystem", according to the FVL Cross Functional Team (CFT). As part of the upcoming demonstration, the army will use a Boeing AH-64E Apache aircraft to conduct the Spike NLOS demo.

"The demo will determine whether Spike can be fired from a US aircraft and inform future munition and air-launched effects requirements for multi-domain operations," the service wrote in a 2 August email to Jane's .

FVL is part of the army's effort to modernise its weapons portfolio. Although there are five potential helicopter sizes under FVL, the service is currently focused on two - a Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft (FARA) to fill the gap left by the retirement of the OH-58 Kiowa Warrior fleet and a Future Long-Range Assault Aircraft (FLRAA) designed to replace the UH-60 Black Hawk fleet.

As the army prepares to fight in an anti-access/area denial environment, FVL CFT director Brigadier General Walter Rugen told Jane's that the FARA is designed to "open a corridor of opportunity", in part with its ability to team up with unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) and be "deeply interoperable" with Long-Range Precision Fires and Next Generation Combat Vehicles, so that the various weapons systems and platforms are "fighting as a team".

"When we talk about the lethality we need on a future battlefield, the FARA is going to be our synchroniser, our close combat co-ordinator," Brig Gen Rugen said in January.


Australia to Spend US$340 Million on Upgrading Special Forces

12 Agustus 2019

The investment represents ‘the biggest single commitment to upgrading the capability of our defence forces since the Second World War’. Funding will mostly be for equipment, including body armour, weapons, diving and parachuting equipment and roping and climbing systems (photo : The Australian)

Australia will spend A$500 million (US$340 million) to improve the capability of its special forces troops, the first stage of a US$3 billion, 20-year plan that the government said on Monday will enable a better response to security threats at home and abroad.

The spending comes after some high-profile security incidents in Sydney and Melbourne in recent years and as Australia seeks to play a more prominent role in the Pacific, where China is seeking greater influence.

According to Prime Minister Scott Morrison, the investment represents “the biggest single commitment to upgrading the capability of our defence forces since the Second World War”.

“Australian Special Forces undertake complex, highly demanding operations in high threat environments,” Morrison said ahead of the announcement. “Global threats will continue to evolve. This funding will ensure our Special Forces have cutting edge capabilities to stay ahead of those who might threaten Australia’s interests.”

Defence minister Linda Reynolds said the funding would mostly be for equipment, including body armour, weapons, diving and parachuting equipment and roping and climbing systems. It would also go towards medical search and rescue, communications, and “human performance training and support”.

“Our special forces, now more than ever, need to be ready and able to deploy on operations anywhere in the world, at short notice, and in very uncertain conditions,” Reynolds said.

“This first stage of funding enables our special forces to engage with intelligence, science and technology, and innovation organisations to ensure future threats and opportunities are assessed, to make sure we are delivering them the capability they need in the future.”

Australia said last month it would create a new military unit to train and assist its allies in the Pacific.

Last week, a member of the government likened the West’s attitude to the rise of China to the French response to the World War Two advances of Nazi Germany, drawing a rebuke from the Chinese embassy.

“It is in Australia’s national interest to have an independent and sovereign Indo-Pacific where all the nations of this part of the world can engage with each other freely, according to international norms and the rule of law,” Morrison said.

The government said Australia’s spending on defence would reach 2 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP) by the financial year ending June 2021 – which US President Donald Trump has said should be the spending goal for Nato alliance members.

World Bank data showed Australia’s military spending at 1.89 per cent of GDP in 2018.

The increased investment – Morrison said on Monday the government would spend A$200 billion on defence capabilities over the next decade – is in line with an objective to focus on the Indo-Pacific region outlined in a Defence White Paper released in 2016.


BRP Conrado Yap Now Sailing Home

13 Agustus 2019

BRP Conrado Yap (photo : PN)

The Philippine Navy’s BRP Conrado Yap (PS39), a former Pohang-class corvette donated by South Korea, is now sailing home to Philippines. She left Jinhae Naval Base in Changwon City, South Korea on August 12.

She was formally turned over to Philippine Navy on August 5 and was then commissioned to Philippine Navy service.

Philippine Navy Flag Officer-in-Command Vice Admiral Robert Empedrad said during the handover and commissioning ceremony of BRP Conrado Yap that the donated corvette “will always be in ship shape condition and shall defend our country’s maritime waters with same valor as displayed by our hero Capt. Conrado Yap 68 years ago.”

The Navy said BRP Conrado Yap will beef up the front line defense in safeguarding the country’s maritime nation and territorial limits and greatly enhance Philippine Fleet’s Anti-Air Warfare (AAW), Anti-Surface Warfare (ASUW), Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) capabilities.

“It will also serve as platform in empowering and upgrading our soldiers’ knowledge and skills in handling such high-level and advanced equipment/vessel,” it added.

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