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Thai Navy Pushing Cabinet for a Second Chinese Submarine

31 Juli 2019

Yuan modified class submarine (photo : defence.pk)

The Royal Thai Navy say they want to purchase a second submarine valued at 12 billion baht from China. Under the NCPO military government the cabinet agreed with the navy’s plan in 2016 to buy three submarines from China valued at 36 billion baht. The purchases would be spread over 11 years.

The navy says they’re now waiting for the new parliament to approve the government’s 2020 budget before the purchase of a second submarine can be approved.

Construction began in China on the first submarine for Thailand in September last year and is expected to be delivered to the navy in 2023.

The Navy has struggled to get interest from previous Thai Cabinets but the military government since 2014 was a lot more sympathetic to their requests. The Navy told Cabinet that there have been no submarine purchases for 60 years and the Thai Navy needs submarines to protect the countries marine and coastal interests “including the Andaman Sea and Gulf of Thailand” (we’re not sure what other waters it would be protecting??).

In 2011 the navy wanted to buy six German-made second-hand submarines at a cost of 7.7 billion baht but requests were rejected by the Yingluck Shinawatra government at the time. Since then there has been a political veer to the east and an increase in military spending with China.


Australia Flexes Canberra Class’ Amphibious Capabilities with First-Ever M1A1 Embark

31 Juli 2019

An LCM-1E landing craft embarked with an Australian Army M1A1 main battle tank, leaving the well dock of HMAS Canberra (photo : RANf of Navy Australia)

The Royal Australian Navy (RAN) has conducted the first-ever embark of an Australian Army M1A1 main battle tank (MBT) onboard its Canberra-class landing helicopter dock (LHD) vessel.

Images and information released via the official social media account of the RAN’s chief, Vice Admiral Michael Noonan, indicate that the embark was carried out on HMAS Canberra (L 02) on 25 July.

As part of the operation, an M1A1 tank was transported from Canberra to the beach via an LCM-1E mechanised landing craft bearing the pennant number L4408. “Our amphibious capability stands ready to defend Australia and our national interests”, said Vice Adm Noonan in his post.

Canberra is one of two LHDs in service with the RAN, with the other being HMAS Adelaide (L 01). The ship has an overall length of 230 m, an overall beam of 32 m, and a hull draught of 7 m. Its flight deck is 202 m long and features six helicopter landing spots, but the vessel can accommodate up to 18 aircraft.

The vessel’s well dock is 69.3 m long and 16.8 m wide, and can accommodate up to four LCM-1E vessels, in addition to four rigid-hull inflatable boats (RHIBs), although the latter is typically carried only when mission requirements call for it.

The vessel can carry up to 150 land vehicles, including MBTs on two decks, and can embark up to 1046 troopers.


DBM Releases SARO Worth P3.8B for 3 AFP Modernization Projects

01 Agustus 2019

PMC Light Armor Vehcicle (photo : olibuli)

The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) approved and released a Special Allotment Release Order (SARO-BMB-D-19-0008070) with amount of PHP3,875,727,389.00 on July 26 for three projects under Revised Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Modernization Program.

The three projects are: 

a) Light Armor System Upgrade Acquisition Project (P711,542,889.00);

b) Acquisition of 310 units 2 1/2 Ton Truck/Cargo Troop Carrier Project (P1,859,984,500.00);

c) Del Pilar Class Frigate Upgrade Acquisition Project (P1,304,200,000.00).


Thailand May Become First Country To Acquire The Supersonic Cruise Missile

01 Agustus 2019

Indian Navy ship fires its Brahmos (Force India)

Thailand is currently in talks with India over importing BrahMos supersonic cruise missiles, The Hindu has reported. If the sale materialises, it will be the first export of the BrahMos missile by India.

While Thailand has held a keen interest in the missiles for some time now, the discussions between the two nations picked up pace in December 2018 following the visit of Thai Navy Chief Admiral Ruddit. The talks are expected to come to fruition next year.

Previously a few other countries had expressed their interest in the BrahMos missile but concrete orders are yet to materialise.

Besides potentially ordering the BrahMos missile, Thailand is seeking India’s help in repair and refurbishment of its Dornier patrol aircraft. Thailand which also seeks to acquire more naval ships has been offered assistance by the Indian Navy in ship design and help in constructing the same at various shipyards in India.


F-16 A/B yang Diperbarui Personel TNI AU Segera Diuji Terbang

01 Agustus 2019

Pembaruan pesawat F-16A/B TNI AU (all photos : IDN Times)

Magetan, IDN Times – Satu dari empat pesawat F-16 A/B Block 15 yang sedang menjalani pembaruan alias upgrade di hanggar Skadron Teknik (Skatek) 042 Pangkalan Udara (Lanud) Iswahjudi segera diuji terbang. Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (KASAU) Marsekal TNI Yuyu Sutisna mengatakan bahwa flight test direncanakan pada September atau Oktober mendatang.

“Satu sampai dua bulan lagi flight test. Kemudian (yang pesawat yang lain) berurutan,” kata Yuyu usai memimpin upacara peresmian Depo Pemeliharaan (Depohar) 80, Satuan Pemeliharaan (Sathar) 24, 43, 54, 55, 81,82, dan 83 di pelataran pesawat utama Lanud Iswahjudi, Kabupaten Magetan, Rabu (31/7).

Libatkan pihak Lockheed Martin sebagai supervisi

Uji terbang itu untuk mengetahui hasil upgrade pesawat F-16 A/B yang dimulai sejak September 2017. Upaya memperpanjang usia pakai 15 hingga 25 tahun dan peningkatan sistem avionik level berat pada salah satu jet tempur ini dinyatakan hampir rampung.

Meski demikian, para teknisi dari TNI Angkatan Udara, PT Dirgantara Indonesia tetap menjalankan tugasnya hingga sembilan pesawat lain sejenis juga berhasil diperbarui. Kegiatan bernama Enhanced Mid-Life Update (EMLU) – The Falcon Structural Augmentation Rodmap (Falcon STAR) ini bakal berlangsung hingga beberapa waktu ke depan.  

Adapun EMLU-Falcon STAR ini merupakan kerjasama antara Pemerintah Indonesia dengan Lockheed Martin (produsen pesawat F-16 asal Amerika. Perwakilan perusahaan dari Negeri Pam Sam terlibat dalam supervisi pelaksaan pekerjaan. “Pekerjaannya tetap di Skatek karena itu proyek dengan Locked Martin sampai selesai,” ujar Yuyu.

Rudal canggih dipasang pada jet tempur ini

Pembaruan yang dijalankan dalam proyek itu di antaranya, pemasangan Rudal Beyond Visual Range (BVR) yang memiliki jangkauan lebih dari 30 kilometer. Selain itu, AMRAAM untuk melepaskan rudal udara ke udara dengan jarak jangka 60 nautical mile atau sekitar 110 kilometer.  

Juga, Fire Control Radar dan JDAM (Joint Direct Attack Munitio) yang merupakan bom dengan dilengkapi pemandu laser. “Yang diperbaiki airframe dan avionik,” kata Yuyu kepada sejumlah wartawan.

Jadi kebanggaan personel TNI

Untuk pengadaan sparepart, dalam proyek EMLU-Falcon STAR ini ada dua tipe kontrak. Pertama menggunakan mekanisme dengan mitra alias Direct Commercial Sales (DCS) dan Foreign Military Sales (FMS) atau Government to Government.

Proyek EMLU-Falcon STAR menjadi kebanggan personel TNI terutama para teknisi. Sebab, mampu meningkatkan kemampuan para teknisi TNI Angkatan Udara. Apalagi, pekerjaan yang termasuk level berat itu baru pertama dilakukan di satuan setingkat skadron teknik. 

(IDN Times)

KF-X Prototype is Set to Fly in 2021

02 Agustus 2019

KF-X C109 series (image : Chosun)

Martin-Baker says the “Mk18 for KF-X is a similar seat to the one currently in competition for the US Air Force new trainer jet, the T-X.”

According Yonhap News, South Korea has completed the preliminary design review (PDR) of the KF-X fighter and the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) plans to achieve critical design review (CDR) by September 2019.

“The PDR has been finished successfully to decide whether to proceed to a critical design review (CDR),” Jung Kwang-sun, head of the DAPA’s KF-X Program Group, said. “We plan to complete the detailed design process by September 2019 … and then begin the production of a prototype.”

Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) aims to roll out the first KF-X prototype in 2021.

Noteworthy as we have reported in April, Martin-Baker’s Mk18 ejection seat has been selected by KAI for the KF-X fighter program.

Martin-Baker says the “Mk18 for KF-X is a similar seat to the one currently in competition for the US Air Force new trainer jet, the T-X.”

The Korea Aerospace Industries KF-X/Indonesian Aerospace IF-X is a joint South Korean and Indonesian program aimed to develop an advanced multirole fighter for the Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF) and Indonesian Air Force (TNI-AU). The program is spearheaded by South Korea, holding 80% shares, and Indonesia, the primary partner, holding the remaining minority of 20% of the shares. The KAI KF-X is South Korea’s second domestic jet fighter development program, following the FA-50.

(National Interest)

South Korea-Donated PH Navy Ship Set to Sail Home August 5

02 Agustus 2019

BRP Conrado Yap PS-39 (Photo : PN)

MANILA -- The BRP Conrado Yap (PS-39), formerly the South Korean Pohang-class corvette "Chungju" (PCC-762), will sail to the Philippines shortly after handover ceremonies on August 5.

This was disclosed by Department of National Defense (DND) Secretary Delfin Lorenzana when sought for updates on the ship Thursday.

"Yes, the BRP Conrado Yap, a Pohang-class donated by the South Korean government will be handed over to the FOIC (flag officer in command, Vice Admiral Robert Empedrad), (Philippine) Navy on August 5 and will sail for the Philippines immediately thereafter. This is a second-hand, refurbished frigate," he said in a message to the Philippine News Agency.

The South Korean vessel was formally donated to the Philippines in 2014.

In another message, PN spokesperson Captain Jonathan Zata said the BRP Conrado Yap is now undergoing preparations to sail home at Jinhae, Gyeongsang-namdo, South Korea.

He did not give the exact departure time of the ship from South Korea or the port of arrival of the vessel for security reasons.

However, Zata said the BRP Conrado Yap will be escorted home by the strategic sealift vessel, BRP Davao Del Sur (LD-602), which is now on its way to South Korea after attending Russian Navy Day celebrations in Vladivostok last week.

"(BRP) Davao Del Sur will sail with her (on the way home). She is on her way now (to South Korea)," he added. Upon arrival and commissioning by the PN, the BRP Conrado Yap will boost the Navy's anti-submarine and anti-surface capabilities.

The ship was named Conrado Yap to uphold the legacy of a gallant Filipino military leader, who served in the Korean War as part of the Philippine Expeditionary Forces to Korea.

Yap was a captain in the Philippine Army and considered as the most decorated Filipino soldier during the Korean War.

He posthumously received a Philippine Medal of Valor, the country's highest military honor, as well as a US Distinguished Service Cross, for gallantry in action as part of the Tank Company, 10th Battalion Combat Team (10th BCT), Philippine Army.

The ship measures 88.3 meters long, with a beam of 10 meters and draft of 2.9 meters. Displacement is at 1,216 tons full load. The ship is rated for a crew of 118 personnel and can sustain operational presence for 20 days.

The vessel's Combined Diesel or Gas (CODOG) propulsion configuration of Motor Transport Unit (MTU) diesel engines and LM2500 gas turbine with controllable pitch propellers (CPP) enable the ship to move to a maximum speed of 25 knots to a distance of 4,000 nautical miles.

The ship is armed with two Oto Melara 76mm Oto Melara main guns, a 30mm automatic cannons, anti-submarine torpedoes and variety of sensors, including sonars, and radars. 


Depohar 80, Depo Pemeliharaan Pesawat Tempur Diresmikan Kasau

02 Agustus 2019

Pemeliharaan pesawat BAE Hawk TNI AU (photo : Tempo)

TNI AU. Penlanud Iswahjudi (31/7). Pembentukan Depohar (Depo Pemeliharaan) 80 dan pembentukan Satuan Pemeliharaan (Sathar 81, 82 dan 83) mempunyai nilai efisiensi dan efektifitas dalam program pemeliharaan alutsista pesawat tempur dan fasilitas pendukung penerbangan lainnya dalam rangka mendukung tugas operasi dan latihan TNI Angkatan Udara.

Bersamaan dengan itu juga dilantik 8 pejabat baru termasuk Komandan Depohar 80 Kolonel Tek Iwan Agung Djumaeri, S.I.P., Letkol Tek Tri Nugroho, S.T., M.I.Pol., Komandan Sathar 81, Letkol Tek Adi Mulia, S.E., M.I.Pol., Komandan Sathar 82, dan Letkol Tek Anton Firmansyah, S.T., M.A.P., Komandan Sathar 83, selain itu juga dilantik Mayor Lek Iwan Dwi Saputra sebagai Komandan Sathar 24 (Depohar 20 Lanud Iswahjudi), Mayor Lek Muhammad Reza Komandan Sathar 43 (Depohar 40 Lanud Sulaiman Bandung), Mayor Lek Nopriyansyah Komadan Sathar 54 dan Mayor Lek M. Sarwo Edy sebagai Komandan Sathar 55 (Depohar 50 Lanud Adi Soemarmo Surakarta).

Bertempat di Main Apron Lanud Iswahjudi, Kasau dalam Sambutannya mengatakan “Keberadaan Depohar 80 dan beberapa Sathar ini, merupakan hasil usaha dan do’a kita semua, sehingga pada hari yang berbahagia ini, apa yang kita rencanakan telah menjadi kenyataan” Dengan diresmikannya satuan pemeliharaan dibawah jajaran Koharmatau ini, maka kedepan diharapkan dapat bekerja secara maksimal, sehingga kesiapan operasional Alutsista pesawat tempur dan fasilitas pendukung lainnya senantiasa siap dalam kegiatan operasi dan latihan tanpa harus bergantung pada pihak ketiga dan menjadikan Koharmatau sebagai tumpuan dalam pemeliharaan dan perawatan yang dapat mengurangi biaya tinggi.“

Sedangkan untuk Sathar 81, 82, 83 yang merupakan satuan di bawah Depohar 80 nantinya melaksanakan tugas pemeliharaan tingkat berat alutsista pesawat tempur TNI Angkatan Udara. Sathar akan melaksanakan pemeliharaan dan perbaikan tingkat berat engine F 100-PW 220E (pesawat F-16), engine Adour MK 871(pesawat Hawk MK-109/209) dan engine F 404-GE 102 (pesawat T 50i), Sathar 82 bertugas melaksanakan pemeliharaan tingkat berat engine AL-31F seri 23 (pesawat SU 27/30 Sukhoi), engine pesawat pengganti F-5 E/F, engine dan aksesorisnya, sedangkan Sathar 83 akan melaksanakan pemeliharaan tingkat berat komponen engine pesawat tempur, kalibrasi AUP (Alat Ukur Presisi), NDI dan Fabrikasi.

Prosesi upacara yang cukup panjang dimulai dari pemasangan pangkat dan tanda jabatan serta penyerahan tongkat jabatan, pembukaan lambang- lambang satuan, penyerahan lambang-lambang satuan oleh Kasau, penyumpahan, penandatanganan berita acara, dilanjutkan laporan resmi dan diakhiri pembukaan slubung satuan, penandatangan prasasti dan dilanjutkan peletakan batu pertama pembangunan Depohar 80.


PT PAL Mulai Bangun 2 Kapal KCR-60M Pesanan TNI AL

03 Agustus 2019

Kapal akan dibangun dalam 7 (tujuh) rings yang nantinya akan menjadi 4 (empat) module dikerjakan secara paralel guna mempersingkat durasi pembangunan (photo : Kompas)

PT PAL Bangun 2 Kapal Perang Pesanan TNI AL Senilai Rp 1,6 Triliun

SURABAYA, KOMPAS.com - PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) kembali membangun dua kapal perang jenis Kapal Cepat Rudal (KCR) 60. Kapal perang yang bakal dibangun itu merupakan pesanan Tentara Nasional Angkatan Laut ( TNI AL). 

Direktur PT PAL (Persero) Budiman Saleh mengatakan, dua kapal tersebut adalah KCR 5 dan 6. Menurut rencana, dua kapal tersebut bakal rampung pada Mei 2022 mendatang. 

KCR 5 dan 6 yang dibangun dengan nilai investasi Rp 1,6 triliun itu, bakal dilengkapi dengan teknologi yang lebih canggih dibandingkan dengan pendahulunya, KCR 1 hingga KCR 4. 

"Jadi kita improve stabilitasnya supaya lebih handal dibanding kapal-kapal sebelumnya. Apa yang sudah kita perbaiki di batch dua kita lanjutkan lagi," kata ujar Budiman dalam acara first steel cutting di PT PAL Indonesia, Surabaya, Jumat (2/8/2019). 

Menurut Budiman, apabila KCR 1,2 dan 3 hanya memesan platform saja. Sementara itu, sewaco atau persenjataannya baru dilakukan setelah pembangunan kapal selesai. 

Namun, untuk KCR 5 dan 6 ini, kata dia, dipesan secara utuh dengan platform beserta sewaco. 

"Kita selalu improve tiap batch ini untuk menjadi kapal handal dalam pertempuran. Jadi kelebihan ini (KCR 5 dan 6) itu stabilitasnya makin baik," ujar dia.

Di samping itu, platform dan sewaco itu sekaligus pengadaan pertama kalinya dari Kementerian Pertahanan. 

Direktur Direktoran Produksi PT PAL Indonesia (Persero), Turitan Indaryo mengatakan, komponen produksi dalam negeri bakal mendominasi dalam pengadaan KRC 5 dan 6, yakni sebesar 60 persen. 

"Dalam negeri secara jumlah 60 persen lebih, tapi secara nilai komponen luar negeri tetap masih lebih 60 persen," kata Turitan. 

Untuk diketahui, KCR 5 dan 6 direncanakan bakal memiliki panjang 60 meter, lebar 8,10 meter, tinggi 4,85 meter, sarat 2,60 meter dengan bobot 500 ton dan mampu berlayar hingga kecepatan 28 knots. 

Selain itu, KCR 5 dan 6 bakal dilengkapi dengan dengan sistem persenjataan seperti surveillance radar, IFF system, CMS (3 console), Main Gun 57 mm, peluncur surface to surface missile, secondary gun 20 mm, ESM system, serta Decoy Launching system ini mampu berlayar hingga lima hari memiliki fungsi pokok sebagai peperangan anti kapal permukaan, dan offshore patrols di perairan teritorial hingga Zona Ekonomi Ekslusif. 

Di sisi lain, kapal ini dapat melakukan aktivitas pengintaian serta search and resuce (SAR). 

KCR 5 dan 6 sudah dipesan TNI Angkatan Laut sejak penandatanganan kontrak pada 28 Desember 2018 di Jakarta. 


Malaysia will Benefit from Revised Littoral Mission Ship Contract, Assures Defence Ministry

03 Agustus 2019

Putrajaya has rebutted allegations that its decision to the Littoral Mission Ship contract would be detrimental towards the country's defence industry. The government is facing criticism for its decision to construct all four warships in China (photo : NavalNews)

Putrajaya's decision to revise the contract for four Littoral Mission Ship (LMS) vessels with China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC) will not negatively impact transfer-of-technology arrangements between the two countries, Malaysia's Ministry of Defence emphasised in a statement on 1 August.

The statement was issued against the backdrop of ongoing criticism from the country's opposition politicians, most notably from former prime minister Najib Razak, who described the decision as "penny wise, pound foolish".

The Malaysian government, which was then led by Najib, signed a MYR1.17 billion (USD282 million) contract for four LMS vessels with CSIC in 2017. It is the country's first major naval ship contract with China.

Under the original contract, the first two vessels in the programme were to be built in China by a CSIC-affiliated shipyard, while the remaining two hulls would be constructed by Malaysia's state-affiliated Boustead Naval Shipyard (BNS) with Chinese assistance as part of a technology transfer arrangement.

Najib's administration subsequently lost the mandate to rule at the May 2018 Malaysian general elections.

Under the new government led by Mahathir Mohamed, another former prime minister, the contract value for the LMS programme was renegotiated downwards to MYR1.05 billion, and all four ships will now be built in China.

"If two of the ships were built in Malaysia, the locals will get jobs. There would have been transfer of technology. We would have learned [shipbuilding skills]. We would have been to undertake maintenance and upgrades to the ship in the future," said Najib via his official social media account on 26 July.


Australia Consolidates F-35 MRO Support

03 Agustus 2019

The Australian Department of Defence and Lockheed Martin Australia have agreed to consolidate logistics support for the F-35 under a single contract. (photo : USAF)

The Australian Department of Defence (DoD) and Lockheed Martin Australia have agreed to consolidate the corporation's provision of maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) support for the Royal Australian Air Force's (RAAF's) F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter aircraft under one contract.

The DoD said on 1 August that a new five-year deal - worth AUD91 million (USD62 million) - will "streamline operational support for Australia's F-35A aircraft". It added that the agreement consolidates existing arrangements provided through the US F-35 Joint Program Office into "one Australian-managed contract with Lockheed Martin Australia".

The agreement relates to the F-35 logistics system - known as the Autonomic Logistics Information System (ALIS) - which provides fault diagnosis, maintenance management, supply support, mission planning, and training management.

Australian Defence Minister Linda Reynolds said the new agreement delivers a "more responsive and cost-effective solution for key aspects of Australian F-35A maintenance management and will create up to 60 jobs in the Canberra, Adelaide, Hunter, and Katherine regions".

Australia has ordered 72 F-35As, the first two of which arrived at RAAF Base Williamtown, north of Sydney, in December 2018. The RAAF aims for the aircraft to achieve initial operating capability (IOC) by December 2020.


ACMI Sukhoi TNI AU yang Sukses dalam Angkasa Yudha 2019

03 Agustus 2019

Pod ACMI terpasang di Pesawat Sukhoi TS-3011 (photos : Kemhan)

ACMI Sukhoi Produk Anak Bangsa yang Sukses Berpartisipasi dalam Latihan Angkasa Yudha TNI AU

ACMI adalah sistem instrumentasi yang mampu memonitor, menampilkan (2 dimensi maupun 3 dimensi), merekam pergerakan, dan posisi pesawat secara real time yang nantinya digunakan sebagai bahan evaluasi serta mampu mensimulasikan pertempuran air to air dan air to ground. ACMI Sukhoi ini merupakan program Bangtekindkan hasil kerjasama Ditjen Pothan Kemhan dengan PT. TRESS (Teknologi Rekatama Solusi Indonesia). Keunggulan dari ACMI ini adalah murni karya anak bangsa, terjamin kerahasiaannya, mampu mendukung latihan penerbang Sukhoi dengan tepat sasaran, upgrade lebih mudah karena hasil penelitian bersama dengan Dislitbang TNI AU, sehingga mudah dalam perawatan dan troubleshooting.

Secara umum, spesifikasi teknis yan diterapkan pada ACMI Sukhoi ini dapat digunakan untuk semua jenis latihan pilot pesawat tempur, antara lain:
-Latihan terbang perorangan dan element,
-Latihan terbang satu skadron atau lebih,
-Latihan gabungan antar skadron,
-Latihan gabungan dengan negara lain, dan
-Latihan composite strike.

Dan dari hail uji dinamis, ACMI Sukhoi ini telah melampaui spesifikasi teknis yang tertuang dalam kontrak, antara lain mampu digunakan bermanuver melebihi 6,5 G, mencapai ketinggian di atas 30.000 ft, dan suhu antara -30⁰C hingga 70⁰C.

Perhatian yang sangat luar biasa diberikan oleh Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara dan Dirjen Pothan yang telah mendukung penuh Tim Waspro dan PPHP serta Puslaik Baranahan Kemhan dalam kegiatan uji statis maupun uji dinamis yang dilaksanakan di Skadron Udara 11 Wing 5 Lanud Hasanuddin Makassar. Atas dukungan dan kerjasama semua pihak, kini ACMI Sukhoi Program Bangtekindhan Ditjen Pothan Kemhan telah mengantongi Sertifikat Tipe Produk Aeronautika Klas II Militer dan siap untuk diproduksi massal guna mendukung kegiatan TNI AU, compatible dengan pesawat-pesawat TNI AU lainnya (sebelumnya TNI AU telah memiliki ACMI KITS buatan Cubic dan P5 buatan Cubic & DRS Tecnologies untuk pesawat F-5, F-16 dan Hawk 100/200).

Selain sukses mebangun ACMI Sukhoi, pada tahun ini Ditjen Pothan Kemhan berhasil pula meluncurkan Roket R-Han 122B Tahap II yang merupakan hasil kerjasama dengan Konsorsium Reverse Engineering R-Han 122B yang terdiri dari PT. Pindad (Persero) selaku Lead Integrator, didukung oleh anggota konsorsium yaitu PT. Dahana (Persero), PT. Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero), dan LAPAN. Selain itu, Dtjen Pothan juga telah mendapatkan sertifikat tipe untuk berbagai program Bangtekindhan lainnya, yaitu:

-First Article Senjata Serbu Bawah Air 5,66 mm,
-First Article Mekatronik Mortir 81 mm, dan
-First Article Remote Control Weapon System (RCWS),

Program MALE UAV dan Sistem Rudal C-705

Sedangkan untuk program Pembinaan Potensi Teknologi Industri Pertahanan (Binpottekindhan), Puslaik Baranahan juga telah menerbitkan type certificate untuk program Reverse Enginering Inertial Navigation System (INS) Rudal dan Program Penyusunan Tabel Tembak Roket R-Han 122B.

Saat ini Ditjen Pothan Kemhan tengah melaksanakan program Bangtekindhan TA. 2019 yang teridiri dari:

-First Article Alat Kendali Tembak Senjata FFAR Heli Serang Mi 35-P,
-First Article Sistem Penembakan Mortir Berbasis Komputer,
-First Article Senjata Otomatis Kal. 5,56 mm
-First Article Data Distribution Unit,
-First Article Depth Personal Vehicle, dan
-First Article Card Module Radar Thomson.

Rudal permukaan ke permukaan/rudal anti kapal C705 (photo : thepaper)

Selain itu, melalui Binpottekindhan, Ditjen Pothan Kemhan juga tengah bekerjasama dengan Industri Pertahanan (BUMN dan BUMS), antara lain:

-Program Tank Boat Tahap II,
-Program Joint Production PTTA Kelas MALE Tahun I, dan
-Program Reverse Engineering Sistem Rudal C-705.

Dengan bantuan semua pihak, semoga Program Bangtekindhan dan Binpottekindhan Ditjen Pothan Kemhan mampu membina Industri Pertahanan dalam negeri, baik BUMN maupun BUMS, untuk menjadi industri yang mandiri, handal, dan berdaya saing baik di lingkup nasional maupun internasional.


PHL Marines Getting New 81mm Mortars

04 Agustus 2019

The Philippine Marines still use the old M29 81mm mortar, which has been in service since the 1960s (photo : Sputnik).

The Department of National Defense/Armed Forces of the Philippines (DND/AFP) under the AFP Modernization Program is acquiring 81mm mortars worth PHP185,891,600.00.

The fund for 81mm mortars will be from the PHP694,452,000.00 allocated to also acquire 60mm and 120mm mortars for the Philippine Navy-Philippine Marine Corps.

The DND will be holding the Pre-Bid Conference on August 13, 2019 for the 81mm acquisition project, PN Mortars – Lot 2 (81mm).

Bid opening is scheduled on August 27, 2019.

“Lessons learned from previous encounters prompted the Corps to pursue the need to employ a mortar system in order to have the capability to easily provide the necessary combat power for the Marine Rifle Company in support of its units waiting for, or in absence of the Battalion combat support,” says in the description under the Technical Specification of the project.

“Another reason is that apart from being vintage, the current 81mm mortar system in the PMC (Philippine Marine Corps) inventory have been used overtime which makes its quality no longer the same as it was before,” it says.

“Technological advancement is also a prime factor that was considered for this procurement. The advent of the Ballistic Computer will enable our mortar crews to react faster than the manual computation which gives the end user a quick and responsive indirect fire support,” it adds.

The acquisition involves the 81mm Mortar units, ballistic computers, forward observer systems, accessories and spare kits, and integrated logistic support (ILS).


HTMS Prachuap Khiri Khan - Second Krabi-Class OPV was Lauched

04 Agustus 2019

HTMS Prachuap Khiri Khan 552 (photo : RTN)

2nd Krabi-Class OPV Launched For Royal Thai Navy

The second Krabi-class offshore patrol vessel (OPV) for the Royal Thai Navy (Kong Thap Ruea Thai) was launched on Friday.

The launching ceremony took place at the local Bangkok Dock Limited shipyard in presence of HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, second daughter of King Bhumibol Adulyadej.

The vessel, HTMS Prachuap Khiri Khan (pennant number 552) was built locally just like first ship of the class, HTMS Krabi (551) with technology transfer from the United Kingdom. The class is based on the British River-class OPV design in use by the Royal Navy.

Krabi was launched on 3 December 2011 and commissioned with the Royal Thai Navy fleet on 26 August 2013. The class is 91 meters in length with a displacement of about 2,000 tons. It is fitted with a Leonardo 76mm main gun and two MSI Defence 30mm remote weapon stations.

Pictures from Prachuap Khiri Khan launching ceremony show that the second ship in the class is fitted with 4x RGM-84 Harpoon anti-ship missiles (in place of a satellite dish in the same location aboard Krabi).


Hobart and MH-60R Combine

04 Agustus 2019

HMAS Hobart’s embarked MR-60R helicopter ‘COBRA 16’ during first-of-class flight trials off the east coast off Australia (photo : RAN)

The Green Ghost and Cobra 16 combine

Two of Navy’s newest cutting-edge platforms have combined, with the air warfare destroyer HMAS Hobart embarking an MH-60R Seahawk helicopter and standing up an aviation department for the first time for first-of-class flight trials.

Hobart - nicknamed the ‘Green Ghost’ - has been carrying out trials with the aircraft from 816 Squadron - dubbed ‘COBRA 16’ - off the coast of New South Wales, establishing operating limits and testing recent upgrades to the ship under the AIR9000 project.

Personnel from Navy’s Aircraft Maintenance and Flight Trials Unit (AMAFTU) collected real-time data on different ways an MH-60R can approach and land on Hobart’s flight deck in different conditions at sea, as well as perform vertical replenishments and on-deck handling.

Hobart is the first of three new Destroyers built in Australia, while COBRA 16 is one of 24 anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare helicopters based at the Fleet Air Arm in Nowra.

Hobart’s Commanding Officer, Commander Ryan Gaskin said the flight trials required the ship’s flight and deck teams to work closely with AMAFTU to ensure the ship was ready to deploy overseas later this year.

HMAS Hobart AAW (photo : Oukas) 

“The trials have proven highly successful with day and night sorties flown to test and expand our operating limits,” Commander Gaskin said.

“The expanded operating limits will be a pivotal capability multiplier as Hobart prepares for her maiden task group deployment to North East Asia later this year.

“Beyond this year, the findings from AMAFTU’s trials will be converted into procedures for how we can best use the MH-60R on our sister ships Brisbane and Sydney.”

Leading Seaman Aviation Technician Aircraft Carlos Chu said the trials had shaped many aspects of how the ship and aircraft would work together, from high-end warfighting and flight elements to practical considerations like upkeep and repairs.

“We have had the usual lessons that help all newly embarked flights and ship’s companies work together and on top of that we’ve learned how the systems of a new ship like Hobart interact with a new type of aircraft like the MH-60R,” Leading Seaman Aviation Technician (Avionics) Chu said.

“Some of the biggest lessons so far have centred on how our maintenance regime will function at sea in a hanger like Hobart’s to keep an aircraft flying and mission-capable,” he said.

HMAS Hobart is based at Garden Island in Sydney and will deploy in September as the lead ship in a task group deployment through Asia.


Raih Certiticate PUSLAIK, Ini Keunggulan Bom P-100L dan P-250L Produksi Dahana

04 Agustus 2019

Bom P-250L produksi Dahana (photo : Dahana)

Jakarta, Bumntrack.com - Setelah sekian lama berusaha, akhirnya Bom P-100L dan Bom P-250L mendapatkan Type Certificate dari Pusat Kelaikan (PUSLAIK) Kementerian Pertahanan RI. Penyerahan Type Certificate dilaksanakan di PUSLAIK BARANAHAN KEMHAN.

"Dengan adanya sertifikat PUSLAIK diharapkan user atau calon pembeli akan lebih percaya pada produk Dahana, terutama bom P-100L dan P-250L. Dokumen ini dapat juuga sebagai dokumen penjamin untuk berjualan di luar negeri," ujar Yusep Nugraha R, GM Divisi Minyak & Gas PT DAHANA (Persero) dalam keterangan yang diterima di Jakarta, Rabu (31/7).

Menurutnya, proses yang dilalui oleh DAHANA begitu panjang dan kompleks hingga diterbitkannya Type Certificate. Proses dimulai sejak membuat desain bersama PT Sari Bahari dan Dislitbang AU, uji statis, uji dinamis, kemudian penerbitan sertifikat kelaikan oleh Dislitbang AU. Proses kemudian berlanjut dengan pengecekan casing, proses produksi, dokumen dan lainnya oleh PUSLAIK KEMHAN.

Bom pengembangan dari tipe P-100L ini diperuntukkan bagi pesawat tempur Sukhoi yang dimiliki oleh TNI AU. Bom ini menjadi pilihan karena spesifikasinya yang telah memenuhi standar pesawat NATO dan Rusia. Selain itu, Bom P-100L dan Bom P-250L termasuk dalam jenis bom High Drags General Purpose (HDGP) yang memiliki kemampuan untuk meledak dan efek pecahannya dapat digunakan untuk menghancurkan bangunan dan fondasi bunker, juga dapat menghancurkan benda hidup di area yang luas.

Bom P-100L produksi Dahana (photo : Dahana)

"Kelebihan lainnya, bom ini mudah dalam perawatan dan penyimpanan di gudang. Penggunaan jenis bom ini terbilang efisien karena tidak menggunakan bahan peledak untuk melepaskan bom dari bomb rack (impulse cartridge). Dengan terbitnya Type Certificate, DAHANA diharapkan menjadi lebih mudah dalam pemasarannya karena mendapat kepercayaan dari konsumen," jelasnya.

Selain itu, rasa syukur turut disampaikan oleh perwakilan PT Sari Bahari yang mencetak casing dari kedua bom tersebut dan ikut terlibat pada setiap proses pengujian.

"Akhirnya, setelah proses sekian lama, kita mendapatkan Type Certificate ini," ungkap Putra Egam, General Manager PT Sari Bahari.

Turut hadir dalam penyerahan Type Certificate Bom P-100L dan Bomb P-250L, Kepala PUSLAIK BARANAHAN KEMHAN Laksamana Pertama (TNI) Teguh Sugiono, SE, MM., General Manager Divisi Migas  PT DAHANA (Persero) Yusep Nugraha, dan Putra Egam General Manager PT Sari Bahari.

(BUMN Track)

Vietnam Develops New Mobile Self Propelled Artillery

04 Agustus 2019

Vietnamese new mobile self propelled artillery (photo : QPVN)

Vietnam has developed a new experimental self propelled artillery platform using the D-44 85mm field gun as the platform's primary weapon. 

This image was screenshotted from a news report on Vietnam's National Defense Television. 

In the past, Vietnam developed another SPAAG platformed that combined a 105mm howitzers on Ural trucks.


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Australia Funds DefendTex to Develop Rocket-Propelled Grenade

05 Agustus 2019

The contract will allow DefendTex to develop RPGs for the ADF. Credit: Defence

Boost for Victorian small business partnering with Defence

The Morrison Government’s record investment in Australia’s defence industry is helping small businesses across Australia develop new technologies for our military.

Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Melissa Price MP, joined Senator David Van today to announce the Morrison Government’s $2 million investment into cutting-edge technologies developed by DefendTex.

Minister Price and Senator Van visited the DefendTex headquarters in Melbourne to tour the facility and learn more about their current projects with Defence.

The $2 million contract through the Defence Innovation Hub will help DefendTex develop rocket propelled grenade technology for the Australian Defence Force.

Minister Price said the Morrison Government is delivering for small business, opening up more opportunities and creating more jobs in the Australian defence industry.

 “The Morrison Government is on the side of Australian workers in the defence industry,” Minister Price said.

“Small business is the backbone of the Australian economy and the Defence Innovation Hub is just one avenue for these businesses to succeed in our defence industry.”

Senator Van said DefendTex represented another outstanding success for a Victorian defence business, and highlighted the developing strength of Australia’s sovereign capabilty.

“DefendTex is an excellent example of how Victorian businesses are able to contribute to the broader research and development picture of our defence industry.”

“I encourage Victorian manufacturers to look at the example set by DefendTex and work with us to support our servicemen and women through their research and development.”

DefendTex is an Australian owned and operated defence technology company based in Melbourne, with offices in Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States of America.

Operasi Helikopter Nuri Digantung – Panglima Tentera Udara

05 Agustus 2019

Helikopter S-61A Nuri TUDM (photo : helosrgreat)

KUALA LUMPUR – Panglima Tentera Udara, Jeneral Tan Sri Affendi Buang hari ini menyatakan operasi perkhidmatan helikopter Sikorsky S-61A-4 Nuri telah digantung untuk sementara waktu.

“Pada ketika ini, kita telah menggantung perkhidmatan Nuri sementara menunggu hasil siasatan kemalangan,” katanya.

Beliau menyatakan perkara tersebut ketika dihubungi Air Times News Network bagi mengulas insiden sebuah helikopter Nuri milik Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) yang dilaporkan mendarat cemas di Kem Gubir, Kedah.

Semalam, sebuah helikopter Nuri yang membawa 4 orang anak kapal berserta 11 orang anggota Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM) telah mendarat cemas di dalam kawasan kem Gubir. Kesemua penumpang berserta anak kapal dilaporkan selamat dan mengalami kecederaan ringan.

Menyentuh sama ada helikopter Nuri akan diteruskan perkhidmatannya, Panglima Tentera Udara menjelaskan keputusan tersebut akan dibuat selepas siasatan kes selesai.

“Keputusan untuk sama ada untuk meneruskan atau menghentikan perkhidmatan Nuri akan ditentukan selepas penyiasatan kes ini selesai,” jelas Affendi.

Mengenai program penggantian Nuri, beliau turut menyatakan perkara tersebut telah diterapkan dalam Program Capability 2055 (CAP 55) TUDM.

Helikopter Sikorsky S-61A-4 atau lebih dikenali sebagai Nuri merupakan sebuah helikopter ikonik kerana tempoh perkhidmatannya yang panjang dalam TUDM semenjak tahun 1967. Untuk rekod, perolehan helikopter ini telah dilakukan secara dua peringkat dengan perolehan kumpulan pertama yang melibatkan 10 buah Nuri.

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