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Iver Huitfeldt Class, Calon 'Monster Laut' TNI AL

14 Agustus 2019

Iver Huitfeldt class frigates (image : Thales)

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - KRI Slamet Riyadi, KRI Yos Sudarso, KRI Ahmad Yani, KRI Oswald Siahaan, KRI Karel Satsuit Tubun dan KRI Abdul Halim Perdanakusuma akan segera dipurna tugaskan dari jajaran kapal kombatan TNI AL.

Secara bertahap, keenam kapal kelas Van Speijk itu akan dipensiunkan secara bertahap pada tahun 2024.

Secara, usia keenam kapal itu sudah sangat tua semenjak aktif dari tahun 1967.

Mau tak mau TNI AL harus punya penggantinya.

Meski sudah ada pengadaan Light Fregat KRI Martadinata dan KRI Gusti Ngurah Rai, keduanya serasa tak cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan.

Secara TNI AL masih membutuhkan kapal perang baru baik secara kuantitas maupun kualitas.

Iver Huitfeldt class frigates (photo : forsvaret)

Mengutip Janes, Pemerintah Denmark yang melihat akan adanya pemensiunan keenam KRI tersebut lantas pada 2016 lalu menawarkan fregat kelas berat rasa Destroyer kepada Indonesia yakni Iver Huitfeldt Class.

Jika jadi diakuisisi oleh Indonesia, Iver Huitfeldt Class bisa membuat 'panas dingin' negara tetangga macam Malaysia dan Singapura.

Bagaimana tidak, fregat ini nantinya digadang-gadang bakal menjadi yang tercanggih dan terbesar di Asia Tenggara melebihi Formidable Class milik Singapura.

Berat Iver Huitfeldt Class sendiri mencapai 6.645 ton berbanding dengan Formidable yang hanya 3.200 ton.

Kalau dibandingkan kapal-kapal AL Malaysia maka Iver Huitfeldt Class jauh lebih perkasa lagi.

Missile deck pada Iver Huitfeldt class frigates (photo : Denmark Navy)

Dengan berat segambot itu jelas beragam sensor senjata dan radar canggih nan mematikan dijejalkan kedalamnya.

Iver Huitfeldt Class sendiri dibangun oleh Odense Steel Shipyard pada tahun 2008.

AL Denmark sendiri membangun tiga kapal di kelas ini yakni Iver Huitfeldt (F 361), Peter Willemoes (F362), dan Niels Juel (F363).

Rancang bangun dari Iver Huitfeldt Class sendiri merunut Absalon Class.

Lambung Iver Huitfeldt Class dibangun dengan konsep Stelath yang bisa meminimalkan pantulan radar, radiasi inframerah, suara bawah air, dan pancaran magnetik, sehingga keberadaan kapal ini lebih sulit diendus musuh.

Untuk mata dan telinga, di Iver Huitfeldt Class bercokol radar SMART-L (Signaal Multibeam Acquisition Radar for Tracking) yang berjalan di frekuensi L band.

Radar ini mampu menyapu area sejauh 400 km, jauh sebelum musuh mendeteksi duluan.

Belum cukup sampai situ ada pula radar SCANTER 6000 yang berjalan di frekuensi I Band, penjejak kapal selam sonar ATLAS ASO 94, Saab CEROS 200 dan ES-3701 Tactical Radar Electronic Support Measures untuk menghadapi peperangan elektronika.

Untuk persenjataan, Iver Huitfeldt Class dibekali amat komplit yakni canon reaksi cepat Oto Melara 76mm Super Rapid, 32 sel peluncur rudal vertikal (VLS) Mk 41 untuk rudal permukaan ke udara SM-2 IIIA, 24 sel VLS Mk 56 untuk rudal permukan ke udara RIM-162 ESSM (Evolved SeaSparrow Missile), 2 peluncur berisi empat tabung untuk rudal anti kapal Harpoon, satu unit Oerlikon Millennium 35 mm sebagai CIWS, dan dua peluncur torpedo MU90.

Dengan panjang 138.7 meter dan lebar 19,75 meter, fregat raksasa ini mampu melajy 30 knots karena dukungan empat mesin disesel MTU 8000 20V M70.

Ada dek dan hanggar helikopter di fregat ini yang mampu menampung heli ukuran medium untuk misi buru kapal selam dan lainnya.

Layak diakui jika Iver Huitfeldt Class merupakan kapal yang powerfull di segala sisi dan jika jadi dimiliki TNI AL maka akan ditasbihkan sebagai kapal perang paling canggih di Asia Tenggara.


PHL Army Acquires of Used South Korean Kooryong MLRS

14 Agustus 2019

K136 Kooryong Multiple Launch Rocket System (photo : Koreaarms)

Army to activate Aviation Regiment within this year

MANILA -- The Philippine Army (PA) is set to activate its Aviation Regiment within this year as part of its modernization efforts.

"We'll be activating the regiment this year and we'll be equipping (it) gradually," Col. Romulo Manuel, Army chief of plans, said in an interview with reporters in Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City Wednesday.

Manuel also said around four to eight helicopters will be acquired for the PA's Aviation Regiment and there are Army pilots undergoing training in civilian flight schools on how to operate these aircraft.

MLRS from South Korea

He added that that the multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) acquired from South Korea will undergo its second visual inspection anytime soon.

"May pinag-usapan sa (there are talks on what to use as) transport system (for the MLRS)," Manuel said.

He said the South Korean-acquired MLRS, the "Kooryung," has a range of 48 kilometers to 80 kilometers and that it is composed of four batteries with one going to the Philippine Marine Corps.

K136 Kooryong Multiple Launch Rocket System (photo : KDN)

A battery consists of six launcher tubes or artillery pieces. Manuel said the MLRS can be used for internal and territorial or external defense.

Aside from this, the Army official also said ongoing procurement programs for the PA include the acquisition program for 155 mm self-propelled artillery which can be used for territorial defense and other land-based weapons systems.

"Actually, the Revised Armed Forces Modernization is for all, not only for the Air Force and Navy, including the Army. We have different Horizons (which consists of three) so right now we are in the Second Horizon to procure equipment so it’s ready, the President (Rodrigo Duterte) has allotted funds for the procurement of like modern equipment, like self-propelled artillery, this will be used in the territorial defense, right now the Army is contemplating to buy one land-based system, we have already upgraded our air aviation, from (Army) Aviation Battalion, it will be upgraded to (Army) Aviation Regiment wherein our Army will have its own helicopters to support its ground forces," he added.

The Revised Armed Forces of the Philippines Modernization Program started in 2013 and will end in 2028.

The modernization program's First Horizon started in 2013 and ended in 2017 while the Second Horizon started in 2018 and will end in 2023. 


CEA Technology Signs First ‘Australia Defence Export Facility’ Deal

15 Agustus 2019

CEAFAR radar aboard HMAS Perth (photo : Aus DoD)

CEA Technologies Signs 90 million loan to aid expansion

High-tech radar and communications specialist CEA Technologies has signed the first contract under the Defence Export Facility.

The $90 million loan agreement, as reported by @AuManufacturing, was originally announced in January this year. It is administered by Export Finance Australia (then EFIC) under the Defence Export Facility. The Facility was announced by the then-Turnbull federal government in January 2018.

According to the release, it will help create 200 jobs through a new engineering and manufacturing facility for Canberra-based CEA.

“This loan will ensure CEA has access to the necessary capital, which will allow them to meet the demands of multiple customers and grow their business through research and development at the same time,” said trade minister Simon Birmingham.

CEA’s phased array radars are used on the ANZAC Class frigates, and will be used on the upcoming Hunter Class frigates, for which prototyping will start next year. 

(AU Manufacturing)

Philippine Army Procuring Self-Propelled Artillery

15 Agustus 2019

ATMOS 2000 155mm truck mounted howitzer (photos : Elbit, wheelsage)

The Philippine Army will be procuring self-propelled artillery as part of Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Modernization Program Second Horizon, this was confirmed by Philippine Army Assistant Chief-of-Staff for Plans Colonel Romulo Manuel.

“Actually, the Revised Armed Forces Modernization is for all, not only for the Air Force and Navy, including the Army. We have different Horizons so right now we are in the Second Horizon to procure equipment so it’s ready, the President has allotted funds for the procurement of like modern equipment, like self-propelled artillery, this will be used in the territorial defense, right now the Army is contemplating to buy one land-based system, we have already upgraded our air aviation, from [Army] Aviation Battalion, it will be upgraded to Aviation Regiment wherein our Army will have its own helicopters to support its ground forces,” Colonel Manuel said as quoted by PNA.

According to MaxDefense Philippine, the self-propelled artillery project will be a government-to-government deal with Israel.

The project will be acquiring several units of Elbit Systems ATMOS 2000 155mm/39cal on 6×6 all terrain truck.


Samoa Receives Guardian-Class Patrol Boat

16 Agustus 2019

Nafanua II Guardian class Patrol Boat (photo : Brian Scott)

The Australian Government has today handed over the newest Guardian-class Patrol Boat Nafanua II to the Samoan Government at a ceremony in Henderson, Western Australia.

Nafanua II was received by Samoa’s Deputy Prime Minister the Honourable Fiame Naomi Mata'afa and the Commissioner of Police Mr Fuivaili’ili Egon Keil.

Minister for Defence Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC said Defence engagement with Samoa is continuing to grow through ship visits, cultural and sports engagements and community activities.

 “The strong and enduring security partnership we have with the Samoa Police Service is evident as we deepen our defence cooperation through the exchange of the Guardian-class Patrol Boat under the Pacific Maritime Security Program,” Minister Reynolds said. 

Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Melissa Price MP, welcomed the Samoan delegation and congratulated them on their new capability, designed and built by Australian company Austal.

“The Guardian-class Patrol Boat programme supports 400 direct and indirect jobs here at Henderson, and is a great example of Australian industry coming together to support our Pacific neighbours.

“I am honoured to host the Deputy Prime Minister and Commissioner of Police, along with the crew - including the first three female officers of the Samoa Police Maritime Wing - who are training with our Navy in preparation for the journey home.”

Samoa has accepted the request of the Australian Fisheries Management Authority to gather surveillance information in Australian waters during Nafanua II’s return transit to Samoa. This activity will occur under the Niue Treaty Subsidiary Agreement.

The decades-long commitment to maritime security is part of the Australian Government’s $2 billion Pacific Maritime Security Program. One component is the handover of the new vessels, with the first three being delivered to Papua New Guinea, Tuvalu and Tonga. 

Following HMAS Sirius’ successful visit in June, HMAS Choules will visit Samoa in late August.

(Aus DoD)

TNI AL Uji Coba Aerial Drone Ghora-01

17 Agustus 2019

Uji coba aerial target drone Ghora-01 (all photos : TNI AL)

Kepala Staf Koarmada II Saksikan Uji Coba Drone Autopilot

Kepala Staf Koarmada (Kaskoarmada) II Laksma TNI Ahmadi Heri Purwono, S.E.,M.M., bersama Asisten Logistik (Aslog) Koarmada II Kolonel Laut (T) I Wayan Maradana, S.T., menyaksikan secara langsung Uji Coba Sistem Autopilot pada Aerial Target Drone Ghora - 01 di Lapangan Ambalat, Markas Koarmada II, Jumat (16/08).

Dalam uji coba tersebut, sang inovator Kapten Laut (E) Dhaesa Pramana, S.T. yang kesehariannya berdinas di KRI Raden Eddy Martadinata- 331 menyampaikan bahwa kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk berpartisipasi dalam Lomba Kreativitas Prajurit dan PNS TNI tahun 2019 sub bidang Cipta Karya Teknologi Aspek Alutsista di Jakarta.

Dhaesa sapaan karibnya,  juga menjelaskan bahwa Aerial Target Drone Ghora Vira - 01 memiliki beberapa manfaat, diantaranya adalah sebagai sasaran latih bagi personel KRI Kelas Perusak Kawal Rudal (PKR) dengan teknologi SIGMA 10514 seperti KRI Raden Eddy Martadinata - 331, dan KRI  I Gusti Ngurah Rai - 332.   Selain itu juga sebagai sarana uji bagi material Sewaco di bidang Pertahanan Udara seperti Radar Udara, Fire Control, dan Senjata.

"Manfaat lain yang tidak kalah penting ialah Aerial Target Drone ini dapat menjadi metode tahap awal menuju kemandirian alutsista ", terangnya.

Lebih lanjut menurut Dhaesa- panggilan akrabnya, produk yang nantinya akan diberi nama "Aerial Target Drone GHORA VIRA - 01" memiiki beberapa keunggulan, diantaranya produk ini menggunakan 70% komponen lokal, sehingga biaya pembuatannya bisa bersaing dengan produk kompetitor.

"Bahkan material utamanya berupa limbah foam bekas yang sangat mudah didapatkan. Begitu halnya dalam pengoperasian yang juga tidak sulit sehingga memungkinkan para prajurit KRI dapat mengoperasikan maupun menerbangkannya dengan cara dilempar (Hand Launch) saja", terang Dhaesa.

Selain mudah dalam pengoperasian, menurut Kapten Dhaesa, Aerial Target Drone juga didukung dengan sistem keamanan yang teruji sehingga mengurangi resiko kerusakan saat diterbangkan. Sebagai contoh apabila komunikasi dengan remote pengendali terputus maka unit akan otomatis kembali ke titik peluncuran.

Hasil karya ini pun ditegaskan Dhaesa bukan sembarang proyek karena dikerjakan oleh tim peneliti yang sudah berpengalaman dan tersertifikasi di bidang pembuatan Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). Diharapkan dengan adanya Aerial Target Drone , mampu mendukung kemandirian alutsista secara bertahap sehingga mendukung terwujudnya Industri Pertahanan Dalam Negeri yang handal.

Sementara itu Kaskoarmada II mengapresiasi dengan positif hasil karya inovatif salah satu prajurit Koarmada II ini, dan berharap bisa memenangkan lomba Cipta Karya Teknologi Aspek Alutsista.

"Saya bangga dengan hasil teknologi ini yang murni sebagai karya cipta prajurit Koarmada II. Sebab memiliki manfaat yang luar biasa bagi TNI AL, karenanya saya dan keluarga besar Koarmada II berharap semoga Kapten Dhaesa dengan Aerial Target Drone Ghora - 01  mampu memenangkan lomba tersebut ", pungkas Kaskoarmada II disela menyaksikan uji coba tahap II ini.

Dalam uji coba di lapangan Ambalat Koarmada II dengan hasil seluruh fitur Autopilot berfungsi dengan baik. Meliputi mode manual, mode stabilize, mode return to home dan mode waypoint.


PHL Fleet Welcomes BRP Cebu after 4 Years in Operational Area

18 Agustus 2019

BRP Cebu PS28 corvettes (photo : Philippine Fleet)

Barko ng Republika ng Pilipinas (BRP) Cebu PS28 arrived today at Captain Salvo Pier, Naval Base Cavite, August 16 after 4 years and 7 months in the operational area.

Accordingly, BRP Cebu is scheduled to undergo drydocking and other related repairs to further enhance its operability and maintain its sea readiness.

The Offshore Combat Force held an arrival ceremony for BRP Cebu with the Deputy Commander of Philippine Fleet Commodore Wilfredo F Burgonio Jr as speaker.

Commo. Burgonio led the welcome handshakes and congratulates the Officers and Men of BRP Cebu for missions they have successfully undertaken.

“Your tasks will not end here. This is just another beginning of our plans ahead. May you remain vigilant and steadfast as you face new endeavors. May you also continue the enthusiasm and dedication that you have shown in the Naval service and in the service to the Filipino people and our country.” Commo. Burgonio said.


Singapore and Indonesian Navies Conclude Bilateral Mine-Countermeasure Exercise

19 Agustus 2019

The Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN)'s Mine-countermeasure Vessel (MCMV) RSS Punggol (extreme left), the Indonesian Navy (TNI AL)’s MCMV KRI Pulau Rengat (middle) and MCMV RSS Bedok (extreme right) in a mine-countermeasure breakthrough operation (photo : Sing Mindef)

The Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) and the Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) concluded Joint Minex Pandu at Changi Command and Control Centre in Singapore this morning. Held in Batam, waters off Bintan, and Singapore, the bilateral mine-countermeasure (MCM) and clearance diving exercise was conducted from 14 to 19 August 2019 to enhance the two navies' ability to counter underwater threats together.

Joint Minex Pandu combines Joint Minex, an MCM exercise, and Exercise Pandu, a clearance diving exercise, to synergise the Mine-Countermeasure Vessel (MCMV) and dive team capabilities of both navies to neutralise underwater threats. This year's exercise saw the participation of more than 250 personnel from the RSN and the TNI AL. The RSN participated in the exercise with two Bedok-class MCMVs, RSS Bedok and RSS Punggol, and a Clearance Diving Team, while the TNI AL sent two Pulau Rengat-class MCMVs, KRI Pulau Rengat and KRI Pulau Rupat and an Underwater Demolition unit.

The exercise comprised table-top planning exercises, professional exchanges on mine-hunting and clearance diving techniques, and MCM breakthrough operations in the eastern entrance of the Singapore Strait to clear a "mine free" lane for safe passage of ships through a "mined area". The exercise also saw both navies conduct MCM drills to respond to non-conventional maritime security threats, such as the disposal of water-borne improvised explosive devices off the eastern coast of Bintan, Indonesia.

RSN personnel giving a brief on the K-STER C Expendable Mine Disposal System to TNI AL personnel on RSS Bedok (photo : Sing Mindef)

RSN Commander Maritime Security Task Force, Rear-Admiral (RADM) Seah Poh Yeen and TNI AL 1st Commander of Sea Battle Task Force, 1st Fleet Command, First-Admiral Irvansyah officiated at the opening ceremony in Batam on 14 August 2019. RADM Seah spoke on the importance of maritime trade for both Singapore and Indonesia, and both navies' shared resolve and close working relationship to keep the sea lanes free from underwater threats. "Singapore and Indonesia are both heavily dependent on maritime trade for economic survival. Being close neighbours, we have a shared responsibility to keep our common waterways open to ensure sustained economic growth in this region", he said.

The RSN and TNI AL conduct regular professional exchanges, exercises and visits, and also collaborate through the multilateral Malacca Straits Patrol. The RSN's other bilateral exercise with the TNI AL, Exercise Eagle Indopura, is the Singapore Armed Forces' longest-running bilateral exercise with a foreign military. These activities underscore the close and long-standing defence relationship between Singapore and Indonesia.

(Sing Mindef)

HMAS Hobart Conducts First SM-2 Standard Missile Firing

20 Agustus 2019

HMAS Hobart fires SM-2 missile (all photos : Aus DoD)

HMAS Hobart strikes in Australian-first missile firing

HMAS Hobart has become the first Hobart-class Guided Missile Destroyer to fire a missile in Australian waters.

Hobart fired an SM-2 Standard Missile against an unmanned target during trials off the coast of New South Wales, achieving excellent results.

Minister for Defence, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC said the successful missile firing demonstrates the capabilities of the Royal Australian Navy’s most advanced warships.

“HMAS Hobart is the most sophisticated and lethal warship ever operated by the Royal Australian Navy, and this missile firing is a demonstration of how she can fight and win at sea,” Minister Reynolds said.

“The Australian Government is modernising our Navy into a state-of-the-art maritime power through an additional $90 billion commitment.”

Hobart’s Commanding Officer, Commander Ryan Gaskin said the successful firing was a significant step in progressing Navy’s high-end warfighting capability.

“The missile firing was an opportunity to test recent upgrades to the ship’s Aegis combat system and prepare the ship’s company for their upcoming deployment,” Commander Gaskin said.

“Our advanced sensors provide a real-time picture of the tactical situation, which when combined with our weapons systems gives us a formidable defence capability.”

HMAS Hobart carries a range of weapons systems, including a Mk41 Vertical Launch System containing SM-2 Standard Missiles and Evolved Sea Sparrow missiles, a Mk 45 5-inch main gun, Phalanx Close-In Weapons System, two 25mm Typhoons guns, and MU90 and Mk54 light-weight torpedoes for subsurface defence.

HMAS Hobart is based at Garden Island in Sydney and will deploy for the first time next month as the lead ship in a task group deployment.

(Aus DoD)

BRP Conrado Yap Arrived in Manila

20 Agustus 2019

BRP Conrado Yap PS39 corvettes (photo : Inquirer)

BRP Conrado Yap to boost PH anti-submarine capability

MANILA -- The arrival of the BRP Conrado Yap is a big boost to the Philippine Navy’s (PN) anti-submarine warfare capability that was activated with the arrival of two AgustaWestland (now Leonardo) 159 anti-submarine helicopters last May, an official said.

"The ship is (a) welcome addition to the Navy as it boosts our anti-submarine capability, which was initially being provided by the two AgustaWestland AW-159s (that arrived last May)," Philippine Fleet commander, Rear Adm. Giovanni Bacordo, said in an interview with reporters on Monday.

He was referring to the Conrado Yap that was formerly the South Korean “Pohang”-class corvette “Chungju”.

Pohang-class corvettes, especially those designated as Flight II, are optimized for anti-submarine warfare missions.

Aside from boosting the PN's anti-submarine capabilities, Bacordo said the arrival of the Conrado Yap also enhances the navy’s abilities to neutralize surface and air threats.

The BRP Conrado Yap’s anti-submarine weaponry: a triple-tube Mk 32 grenade launcher at starboard (right side) and portside (left side) (photo : Chiara Zambrano)

For these missions, the ship is armed with two 76mm Oto Melara automatic guns, two Oto Breda 40mm light cannons, depth-charge racks, and two triple torpedo tubes and surveillance systems, such as radar and sonar.

The Conrado Yap was formally turned over and commissioned to the PN during short ceremonies at the Jinhae Naval Base in Changwon City, South Korea last August 5.

The corvette and her escort, the BRP Davao del Sur (LD-602), departed the South Korean facility last August 12 for their voyage home, which ended early morning of August 18.

The Conrado Yap is manned by 100 naval personnel, headed by Capt. Marco Buena.

The ship measures 88.3 meters long, with a beam of 10 meters and a draft of 2.9 meters, with displacement at 1,216 tons full load. It is rated for a crew of 118 personnel and can sustain operational presence for 20 days.

Its combined diesel or gas (CODOG) propulsion configuration of motor transport unit (MTU) diesel engines and LM2500 gas turbine with controllable pitch propellers (CPP) enable the ship to move at a maximum speed up to 32 knots to a distance of 4,000 nautical miles. 


Makassar Class LPD for Myanmar Navy

21 Agustus 2019

First LPD of Myanmar Navy, UMS Moattama, pennant number is 1501, will enter service on 2019 Navy Day. Moattama means gulf of  Martaban, an arm of the Andaman Sea in the southern part of Myanmar (photos : RoK Armed Forces, defence.pk)

We finally have a clear photo of a Makassar-class LPD being built at Daesun Shipbuilding & Engineering shipyard in Busan, which had been spotted on Google Earth since at least a year ago.

The ship's hull number is 1501 and it is most likely meant for the Myanmar Navy according to local source. This deal was not reported on either Korean or Myanmar media, most likely due to the latter's human rights issue and its connection to North Korea. South Korean government likes to keep potentially controversial arms deal "low key," for understandable reasons.

As seen in the photo, LPD 1501 was already launched, with the ceremony allegedly taking place at least a month ago. LPD 1501 is expected to be delivered to the Myanmar Navy soon.

Despite Makassar-class design's export right being granted to Indonesia, it seems like Daesun still retains the original IP considering Daesun also exported the Makassar-class to Peru in 2012.

Indonesia independently exported the class to the Philipines, which is locally known as Tarlac-class LPD.

(RoK Armed Forces)

BAE Systems 57mm Gun Systems Selected for Indonesian Navy’s Fast Attack Craft

21 Agustus 2019

Bofors 57 Mk3 naval gun system (photo : BAE Systems)

The Indonesian Navy has selected BAE Systems’ Bofors 57 Mk3 naval gun system for the country’s KCR-60 fast-attack vessel program.

The initial contracts with government-owned shipbuilder PT PAL Indonesia include four 57 Mk3 gun systems.

The Bofors 57mm naval gun is designed to address surface, air, and land threats in the littoral environment, and is already in service with a wide range of navies and coast guards, including those of the United States, Canada, Sweden, Finland and Mexico.

“This most recent contract with PT PAL Indonesia signifies the nation’s continued trust that BAE Systems naval guns consistently meet quality requirements and capability needs,” said Ulf Einefors, director of Weapon Systems Sweden at BAE Systems.

With a length of 60 meters, the KCR-60 was designed to quickly deploy guided anti-ship missiles against surface combatants and then rapidly and safely withdraw into the region’s archipelagos. Three KCR-60 vessels are currently in service with the Indonesian Navy, Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Laut, or TNI-AL, with a fourth ship scheduled to be operational in 2021.

Two of the new 57 Mk3 systems will be for two KCR-60 vessels currently under construction, while the remaining two guns will be integrated onto two existing KCR-60 ships. The gun systems will be produced at BAE Systems facilities in Karlskoga, Sweden. The first unit is scheduled for delivery in 2020 and the final unit in 2021.

TNI AL Luncurkan Kapal PC-40M, KRI Gulamah 869

22 Agustus 2019

Peluncuran kapal PC-40M yang dinamakan KRI Gulamah 869 di galangan PT Caputra Mitra Sejati (photos : bang mandor, TNI AL) 

TNI AL Luncurkan Kapal PC-40 M

TNI AL meluncurkan (Launching) 1 unit kapal jenis PC-40 meter yang diresmikan Asisten Logistik Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (Aslog Kasal) Laksamana Muda TNI Moelyanto, di Halte Slipway PT Caputra Mitra Sejati, Cilegon, Banten, Rabu (21/08).

Aslog Kasal dalam sambutannya antara lain  mengatakan bahwa pembangunan PC-40 Meter memiliki makna yang sangat strategis bagi industri pertahanan nasional di mana hal ini telah dibuktikan oleh PT Caputra Mitra Sejati yang telah berhasil dan mampu diandalkan dalam pengembangan teknologi industri pertahanan bagi kepentingan nasional.

Selain itu, keberhasilan ini merupakan salah satu solusi kongkrit bagi kebijakan industri pertahanan dari negara lain terkait dengan pengadaan Alutsista TNI AL.

“Pembangunan Kapal ini juga merupakan manifestasi penting dari kebijakan dasar pembangunan TNI AL menuju kekuatan pokok minimum dan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kekuatan dan kemampuan TNI AL dalam melaksanakan tugas dan fungsinya sebagai komponen utama pertahanan negara di laut”, kata Aslog Kasal.

Peluncuran Kapal jenis PC-40 Meter ini ini secara resmi ditandai dengan penekanan tombol sirine oleh Aslog Kasal, dan untuk pertama kalinya kapal ditarik winch slipway keluar dari Dock ke atas air dengan diiringi Mars TNI AL ”Jalesveva Jayamahe”.

Rangkaian seremonial pembangunan Kapal Perang meliputi First Steel Cutting, Keel Laying, Shipnaming, Launching, Delivery dan terakhir Pengukuhan KRI.

Kapal jenis PC-40 Meter memiliki panjang keseluruhan 45,5 meter, dengan lebar terbesar 7,9 meter dan tinggi tengah kapal 4,2 meter serta sarat air 1,8 meter . Adapun kecepatan maksimum 24 knot, dengan kecepatan jelajah 17 knot dan kecepatan ekonomis (patroli) 15 knot.


Javelin and Carl Gustav Range at Garuda Shield 19

23 Agustus 2019

Firing of Javelin and Carl Gustav at Garuda Shield 19 (all photos dvids)

Soldiers Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Darat (TNI-AD Indonesia Armed Forces) work to acquire targets through the Command Launch Unit (CLU) which is part of the Javelin missile system during a joint fires range with 1-27 Infantry Regiment, Wolfhounds, 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division on Pustapur Marine Base. The joint range was a part of the ongoing training conducted during Exercise Garuda Shield.

Soldiers from the Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Darat (TNI-AD Indonesia Armed Forces) fire a Javelin as a part of a joint fires range with -27 Infantry Regiment, Wolfhounds, 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division on Pustapur Marine Base. The joint range was a part of the ongoing training conducted during Exercise Garuda Shield.

A Javelin round impacts on target at a range conducted between U.S. Army Forces and Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Darat (TNI-AD Indonesia Armed Forces) at Puslatpur Marine Base in Indonesia. Soldiers from 1-27 Infantry Regiment, Wolfhounds, 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division conducted the range with TNI-AD Indonesia Armed Forces a part of the ongoing training conducted during Exercise Garuda Shield.

Soldiers from 1-27 Infantry Regiment, Wolfhounds, 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division fire a M3 Carl Gustav rocket launcher as a part of a joint fires range with Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Darat (TNI-AD Indonesia Armed Forces) on Pustapur Marine Base. The joint range was a part of the ongoing training conducted during Exercise Garuda Shield.

Garuda Shield is an annual, bilateral military exercise sponsored by the U.S. Army Pacific and hosted annually by Tentara Nasional Indonesia. This year marks the thirteenth iteration of this continuing effort to promote regional peace and security.


P-8A Poseidon of the RAAF and US Navy to Get sixth Mission Workstation

24 Agustus 2019

Poseidon with six workstation (photo : US Navy)

More capability coming to P-8A aircraft

On any given day, a P-8A Poseidon crew can be searching for submarines, monitoring surface ships, or participating in search and rescue operations around the globe. The ability to perform such versatile missions is due largely to the mission crew workstations on board the aircraft.

P-8A aircraft currently are delivered with five workstations, all composed of state-of-the-art dual monitors (including a touch screen) that can collect and report on data from sensors, sonobuoys, radar and an electro-optical/infrared camera.

These powerful data-crunching systems can support all of the various crew roles so that any station can serve any purpose as required to meet the mission.

That already makes the P-8A a formidable intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance aircraft, program leaders said. Now it will become even more capable.

Thanks to recently awarded contracts totaling $34.5 million, Boeing will provide the equipment and kits to add a sixth mission crew workstation to previously delivered U.S. Navy and Royal Australian Air Force P-8As, a total of 60 aircraft.

The addition will expand crew size from five active operators to six, increasing mission capability and versatility.

According to Fred Bruner, P-8 program manager, more operators means more functions can be performed, more functions means more data collected, and more data means increased mission effectiveness.

The retrofit also brings existing fleet aircraft up to the same crew configuration as on recent production aircraft, including the four aircraft to be delivered to the New Zealand Air Force, which already include a sixth workstation. 

“Our ability to continue to enhance the P-8’s capabilities is really a reflection of our commitment to give our customers the product they need, when they need it” Bruner said.

“By using this kind of evolutionary approach, we’ve been able to get the aircraft out there, performing at an incredibly high level, and now will add even more capability to support missions around the world.”


PT Bandar Abadi Siap Bangun 2 Kapal LST Pesanan TNI AL

25 Agustus 2019

LST 117 class yang akan dibuat 2 unit oleh PT Bandar Abadi di Batam (photo : Kemhan)

Pemenuhan Alutsista TNI, Sekjen Kemhan: Keterlibatan Industri Pertahanan Dalam Negeri Lebih Diutamakan

Batam – Sekretaris Jenderal Kementerian Pertahanan (Sekjen Kemhan) Laksdya TNI Agus Setiadji, S.A.P, M.A., berharap keterlibatan industri pertahanan dalam negeri lebih diutamakan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan Alustsista TNI terutama TNI AL yang saat ini banyak yang perlu diremajakan.

“Dari sekian unit Kapal KRI TNI beberapa sudah tua dan perlu peremajaan, dan Kemhan berharap adanya keterlibatan industri pertahanan dalam negeri”, ungkap Sekjen Kemhan.

Hal tersebut diungkapkan Sekjen Kemhan saat menerima paparan tentang rencana pembangunan dua unit Kapal Landing Ship Tank (LST) atau Kapal Angkut Tank Pesanan TNI AL dari PT Bandar Abadi Shipyard, Rabu (21/8). di sela – sela kunjungan kerjanya ke Batam, Provinsi Kepulauan Riau.

Lebih lanjut Sekjen Kemhan mengatakan, dari alokasi Anggaran Pinjaman Dalam Negeri yang ada diharapkan dapat mewadahi pengadaan pembangunan beberapa kebutuhan Alutsista TNI AL terutama kapal – kapal jenis LPD, kapal Rumah Sakit dan kapal LST. “Pengadaan Kapal LST ini sangat dibutuhkan, karena kapal LST banyak yang sudah berusia tua”, jelas Sekjen Kemhan.

Fasilitas produksi PT Bandar Abadi Shipyard (photo : Bandar Abadi)

Kepada pihak PT Bandar Abadi Shipyard yang telah diberikan kepecayaan oleh Kemhan untuk membangun dua unit kapal LST, Sekjen Kemhan berharap untuk menjalin komunikasi dengan pihak pengguna dalam hal ini TNI AL. Sehingga, proses pembangunannya sampai dengan penyerahan dapat berjalan dengan lancar dan tepat waktu.

Sementara itu, Komisaris PT Bandar Abadi Shipyard Stanley Rojali menyampaikan apresiasi atas kepercayaan dan kehormatan yang diberikan oleh Kemhan kepada PT Bandar Abadi Shipyard untuk membangun dua unit Kapal LST untuk TNI AL yang kontraknya sudah ditandatangani bulan Januari 2019.

Dikatakannya, PT Bandar Abadi Shipyard merasa bangga telah mendapatkan kepercayaan kontrak pengadaan LST dari Kemhan dan kedepan diharapkan mampu memberikan yang terbaik dalam berpartisispasi mendukung terwujudnya kemandirian Alutsista dalam negeri.


The Vietnamese Navy's Pohang 20 is in Combat Ready

26 Agustus 2019

Pohang 20 corvette (all photos : Hai Quan)

According to the latest information recently published by the Navy newspaper, the Pohang 20 submarine hunter corvette ship has been listed as "combat ready" by the Vietnamese Navy.

Thus, after being moved from Korea to the country and undergone the upgrade process, overhaul at the X46 factory finally Pohang ship number 20 has been put on the list of ready to fight.

The Navy reported, Pohang 20 ships were assigned to the on-line squadron of the 172st Brigade of the 3rd Regional Navy and stationed in Da Nang City.

The remaining Pohang-class submarine-hunting corvettes, bearing No. 18, were also given to us by the Korean side to be staffed in the 171 Brigade stationed in Vung Tau.

In some respects, the 20th corvette can now be considered the most powerful ship of the Vietnamese Navy belonging to the Guards class with the massive weapons system it is equipped with. In particular, anti-submarine weapons are mainly 324mm torpedo tube systems arranged on both sides of the ship.

Basically the weapons system that South Korea equipped with the 20 ships was kept in the status quo with two 76mm OTO Melara guns, two twin 40mm guns and 2 × 3 torpedo tubes.

Even the Pohang ships are also delivered to us by South Korea with full electronic equipment such as Marconi ST-1810 surface reconnaissance radar, ST-1802 fire control system, optical sight equipment. Radamec 2400 with Signaal PHS-32 sonar equipment.

Pohang-class corvettes are quite small in size with a length of 88.3 m; width of 10 m; drained 2.9 m; amount of water expansion 1,300 tons. The ship is equipped with a diesel engine and a combined gas turbine that allows the ship to run at a maximum speed of 32 knots and has a range of 4,000 nautical miles, with a crew of 95 people.

The fact that the Navy is on board the 20th Ship at 172 Brigade is a great addition to the 3rd Navy, which has limited anti-submarine warfare capability when this responsibility is placed on the shoulders of the generation warships. old.


Vietnam Mau Bangun 23 Bandara, RI Tawarkan Pesawat & Helikopter

13 Agustus 2019

Pesawat NC-212i Angkatan Udara Vietnam (photo : PTDI)

Vietnam - Vietnam berencana membangun 23 bandara baru. Ketika bandara-bandara tersebut rampung, Vietnam tentu akan membutuhkan banyak pesawat untuk dioperasikan serta sarana dan prasarana bandara.

Hal itu disampaikan oleh Ms Luong Thi Xuan, Direktur GK WINTRON, dalam keterangan tertulis KJRI Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, Senin (12/8/2019). Dia merupakan penyelenggara Vietnam International Aviation Exhibition (VIAE) 2019. Untuk memanfaatkan peluang tersebut, Indonesia akan ikut andil dalam VIAE 2019.

"Indonesia sebagai sahabat dekat Vietnam diharapkan dapat memanfaatkan peluang kerja sama tersebut," jelas Xuan melalui keterangan tertulis, Senin (12/8/2019). 

Peluang tersebut ditangkap pemerintah Indonesia. Konsulat Jenderal RI (KJRI) di Ho Chi Minh City bekerja sama dengan berapa pihak komunitas dirgantara Vietnam, diminta menghadirkan produk manufaktur pesawat dan helikopter PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) dalam pameran dirgantara pertama Vietnam.

PTDI dalam hal ini mendapatkan kepercayaan untuk diundang sebagai tamu kehormatan (guest of honor) pada ajang Vietnam International Aviation Exhibition (VIAE) 2019 yang diadakan pada 26-28 November 2019 di Ho Chi Minh City.

Konsul Jenderal (Konjen) RI di Ho Ci Minh City, Hanif Salim, mengaku senang dan bangga dengan kepercayaan yang diberikan kepada PTDI sebagai guest of honor setelah pada tahun 2018 berhasil menjual 3 pesawat NC212i ke Angkatan Udara Vietnam.

PT DI juga menawarkan helikopter buatannya ke Vietnam (photo : Antara)

"Hal ini menunjukkan kepercayaan Vietnam terhadap PTDI sebagai world class perusahaan industri penerbangan dan kepada Indonesia sebagai sahabat dan mitra strategis di ASEAN." ujar Hanif Salim, dalam keterangan tertulis, Senin (12/8/2019)

Dia mengharapkan partisipasi pada VIAE 2019 dapat memperkuat brand image PTDI dalam upaya memperluas pangsa pasar di Vietnam dan kawasan ASEAN. 

"Penjualan produk strategis seperti pesawat dan helikopter akan mendukung target perdagangan Indonesia-Vietnam $10 miliar pada tahun 202," tutur Hanif Salim. 

Dikutip dari keterangan tertulis KJRI Ho Chi Minh, volume perdagangan Indonesia-Vietnam pada tahun 2018 mengalami peningkatan yang sangat signifikan sebesar 30% menjadi $8,45 milyar dari US$ 6 miliar pada tahun 2017. 

Sebagai undangan guest of honor, PTDI mengutus R. Krisnan, Plt Manager Pengembangan Bisnis PTDI untuk mempersiapkan partisipasi PTDI pada VIAE 2019 tersebut. Sebelumnya R Krisnan yang juga didampingi Heber Panjaitan, Staf Pengembangan Bisnis Helikopter dan Pesawat PTDI telah melakukan pertemuan dengan sejumlah pihak untuk menjajaki penjualan produk PTDI di Vietnam


Lima KRI Pengawal Samudera Purna Tugas

16 Agustus 2019

KRI Slamet Riyadi 352, frigates buatan De Schelde, Vlissingen, Belanda 1967 (photo : TNI AL)

Dinamika perubahan lingkungan strategis yang semakin kompleks dan berubah begitu cepat, telah menuntut TNI dan TNI Angkatan Laut untuk menyusun suatu program pembangunan kekuatan yang Tangguh dalam system pertahanan negara. Pembangunan kekuatan pertahanan negara ini tidak hanya melalui penambahan alutsista saja, namun juga melaksanakan peremajaan dan penghapusan bagi alutsista yang telah memasuki tahapan akhir dari masa daur hidupnya (Life Cycle).

Hal tersebut disampaikan Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut Laksamana TNI Siwi Sukma Adji, S.E., M.M.,dalam amanat tertulisnya yang dibacakan oleh Panglima Komando Armada II (Pangkoarmada II) Laksda TNI Mintoro Yulianto, S.Sos, M.Si., selaku Irup Penurunan Ular-ular Perang KRI Koarmada II, bertempat di Dermaga Madura Markas Komando Armada II. Jum’at (16/08/2019).

KRI Ki Hajar Dewantara 364, training frigates buatan Uljanic SY, Split, Yugoslavia 1981 (photo : TNI AL)

Lima kapal perang di jajaran Koarmada II yang telah memasuki tahap akhir dari masa tugasnya antara lain KRI Slamet Riyadi- 352, KRI Ki Hajar Dewantara- 364, KRI Teluk Penyu -513, KRI Nusa Utara -584 dan KRI Sambu- 902.

Lebih lanjut Kasal menyampaikan jika upacara penghapusan Kapal Perang Republik Indonesia (KRI) yang dilaksanakan pada hari ini, merupakan salah satu bentuk rangkaian pembangunan kekuatan TNI Angkatan Laut,  yang sekaligus juga merupakan wujud penghargaan yang tinggi terhadap dharma bakti kelima KRI di jajaran Koarmada II tersebut.

KRI Teluk Penyu 513. Landing Ship Tank, buatan Korea-Tacoma SY, Masan, Korea Selatan 1981 (photo : AstianNews)

Kasal menambahkan bahwa sejumlah prestasi maupun pencapaian hasil penugasan yang sangat membanggakan telah ditorehkan dengan tinta emas oleh KRI Slamet Riyadi 352, KRI Ki Hajar Dewantara 364, KRI Teluk Penyu 513, KRI Nusa Utara 584 dan KRI Sambu 902. Sejak awal penugasannya, ke-5 KRI tersebut  telah melaksanakan berbagai penugasan baik dalam Operasi Militer Perang (OMP) maupun Operasi Militer Selain Perang (OSMP).

“Dengan demikian, sungguh sangat pantas bagi kita selaku generasi penerus TNI AL untuk melepas masa dharma bhakti ke lima kapal perang yang pernah mengharumkan nama bangsa Indonesia, TNI dan TNI Angkatan Laut ini dalam sebuah upacara militer yang hikmat dan penuh dengan kebanggaan.  Memang tidak mudah melepas kepergian ke lima patriot ini, namun kita harus meyakini bahwa semangat pengabdian dari bahtera-bahtera pengawal samudera ini tetap akan menjadi penyulut semangat pengabdian kita semua sebagai prajurit Jalasena “, tegas Kasal dalam amanatnya.

KRI Nusa Utara 584, Landing Craft Utility, buatan PT PAL tahun 1978 (photo : Kaskus Militer)

Orang nomor satu di tubuh TNI AL ini juga menyampaikan sebuah pesan kepada seluruh prajurit TNI AL melalui sepatah kata bijak yakni  “Ketika sebuah kapal sudah terlepas dari pandangan mata, tidak berarti perjalananya usai, namun justru itu menandakan ia memasuki track atau jalur berikutnya “.

Senada dengan Kasal,  Pangkoarmada II Laksda TNI Mintoro Yulianto, S.Sos, M.Si menambahkan bahwa dharma bakti yang telah diberikan oleh ke-5 kapal perang tersebut kepada bangsa dan negara, patut menjadi tauladan dan penyemangat bagi ABK KRI lainnya dalam memberikan pengabdian kepada bangsa dan negara.

KRI Sambu 902, Replenishment Oiler Ship, buatan Zhdanov Shipyard, Leningrad, Rusia tahun 1958 (photo :ordendebatallainternacional)

“Jadikanlah upacara pelepasan yang penuh dengan penghargaan terhadap ke lima Kapal Perang Republik Indonesia ini sebagai obor penyulut tekad kita dalam memberikan pengabdian yang terbaik kepada bangsa dan negara, TNI dan TNI Angkatan Laut “, tegas Pangkoarmada II.

Hadir sebagai deputasi antara lain Irkoarmada II, Koorsahli Pangkoarmada II, Asisten Pangkoarmada II, Sahli Pangkoarmada II, Kasatker Koarmada II, Komandan KRI di Pangkalan Surabaya.


South Korea Planning to Donate Two More Corvettes

21 Agustus 2019

BRP Conrado Yap-PS39 (photo : GMA)

“I think the South Korean government is thinking of donating two more of this Pohang-class,” National Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana said on August 20 during the welcome ceremony for BRP Conrado Yap (PS39) and 300-man Philippine contingent aboard BRP Davao Del Sur (LD602).

BRP Conrado Yap is a former Pohang-class corvette donated by South Korea.

BRP Davao Del Sur participated in Russian Navy Day celebration in Vladivostok, Russia and passed by South Korea to sail with BRP Conrado Yap to Philippines.

“Regarded as the PN’s “most powerful ship” to date, BRP Conrado Yap will certainly provide significant boost to the PN’s capability in patrolling and safeguarding our maritime nation and territorial limits,” the Philippine Navy said.

“It will also serve as transition platform in empowering and upgrading our sailors’ knowledge and skills in handling such high-level and advanced equipment/vessel especially with the impending delivery of modern frigates in the next two years,” it added.

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