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Panglima TNI Tinjau Puncak Latihan Angkasa Yudha 2019

26 Juli 2019

Latihan Angkasa Yudha 2019 (photos : TNI AU, Keris, SIndonews)

JAKARTA - Panglima TNI Marsekal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto menghadiri puncak latihan Angkasa Yudha 2019 TNI AU, bertempat di Pandanwangi, Kabupaten Lumajang, Jawa Timur.

Angkasa Yudha merupakan latihan puncak TNI Angkatan Udara, sebagai akumulasi dari berbagai latihan yang dilaksanakan secara bertahap, bertingkat dan berlanjut, Rabu (24/7/2019).

Angkasa Yudha Tahun 2019 pada hakikatnya merupakan puncak dari berbagai latihan Komando Utama (Kotama) TNI AU. Dengan demikian latihan ini menjadi refleksi hasil pembinaan yang telah dilakukan mulai dari unsur intelijen, operasi, personel, logistik, komlek, serta unsur-unsur lainnya.

Latihan ini bertujuan untuk menguji tingkat kesiapan operasional satuan-satuan di jajaran TNI Angkatan Udara mulai dari tingkat Kotama Operasi sampai dengan satuan setingkat Lanud dan Skadron dengan berbagai unsur kekuatannya.

Dalam skenario puncak latihan kali ini TNI Angkatan Udara menggelar Fire Power Demo atau demo penembakan udara di Air Weapon Range (AWR) Fire Power Demo yang merupakan demo penembakan dilakukan secara langsung yang diikuti oleh sejumlah alutsista milik TNI AU antara lain 42 pesawat tempur, 12 pesawat angkut, 5 helikopter, dan 2 pesawat intai serta Lebih dari 2.000 prajurit TNI AU terlibat dalam demo penembakan udara ini.

Fire Power Demo terdiri atas sejumlah aksi antara lain penerjunan tim Kopaskhas, juga demo penembakan udara yang bertempat di pesisir pantai selatan Jawa.

"Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk menampilkan kekuatan dan kemampuan daya gempur udara sebagai wujud kesiap-siagaan operasional satuan TNI AU," tegas Panglima TNI.

Selain itu sasaran yang hendak dicapai adalah terujinya kemampuan dan keterampilan personel TNI AU dalam melaksanakan tugas-tugas operasi udara sesuai fungsinya masing-masing.

Sementara itu dalam kegiatan ini Lanud Iswahjudi menyiapkan beberapa jenis Bom antara lain MK 12, Maverick, Roket FFAR 70mm, Bom MK 82. Semua Bom dan roket akan terpasang di pesawat F16 Fighting Falcon, Pesawat T 50I Golden Eagle dan Pesawat Hawk 100/200.

Sedangkan untuk pesawat SU 27/30 Sukhoi EMB 314 Super Tucano yang berhome base di Lanud Abdulrachman Saleh Malang, mengunakan jenis OFAB 250, Roket S8 Kom, MK 66 dan Bom MK 81.


RMAF Atlas Conducting Air to Air Refueling with Su-30MKM

26 Juli 2019

Air to Air Refueling of A400M with Su-30MKM (photos : RMAF)

In-flight refueling is the process of transferring aviation fuel from one military aircraft to another during flight.

Tactical locations are often long distances from supporting airfields, which means aircraft may require refueling midflight. Operating a specialized from A400M, 

In-flight Refueling Specialist pump jet fuel into aircraft in need of fuel.

These highly trained experts must have a steady hand and nerves in order to complete this remarkable and crucial task so we can continue to successfully complete all of our missions.

"Enroute In-flight Refuelling performed by Su30MKM from No 11 Sqn over South China Sea in support of East Malaysia Operation."


RAAF Fighter Pilot Course Completes Synthetic Syllabus

26 Juli 2019

The latest graduates of the RAAF’s Introductory Fighter Course made extensive use of synthetic training with support from CAE (photo : RAAF)

CAE today announced it has supported the Royal Australian Air Force in the trial and implementation of advanced synthetic training capabilities as part of the Introductory Fighter Course (IFC) at RAAF Base Williamtown. 

The first class of pilots taking part in the IFC leveraging an increased use of synthetic training, including networked simulators, recently graduated and are now proceeding to training on their assigned fast-jet aircraft.

Utilising the two CAE-built Hawk Mk127 full-mission simulators at RAAF Williamtown, CAE and RAAF training personnel developed new virtual training scenarios focused on a range of advanced mission profiles, including air combat maneuvering and multi-jet intercept. In addition to enhancing the operating performance of constructive computer-generated forces within the training scenarios, CAE added realism to the advanced final stages of lead-in fighter training by networking the two FMSs, thus allowing multiple students and instructors to fly the same mission or fly against each other.

For its support in developing and implementing the enhancements to the Introductory Fighter Course, CAE Australia received a Certificate of Appreciation from Air Vice-Marshal Catherine Roberts, Head of the Aerospace Systems Division, Royal Australian Air Force.

“CAE developed new lesson plans and mission scenarios to accurately simulate elements of the Introductory Fighter Course traditionally conducted in airborne events,” said Air Vice-Marshal Roberts.  “Maximum training benefit was delivered by supporting our 76 Squadron flying instructors in the use of the new mission profiles, and CAE’s efforts have been outstanding in supporting the Lead-In Fighter Training enterprise for the RAAF.”

During the latest IFC, use of the two Hawk Mk127 FMSs more than doubled compared to previous courses. RAAF and CAE instructors delivered the simulator training after rapid development of the new mission training scenarios. In addition, CAE’s on-site maintenance and support personnel introduced improved maintenance procedures to ensure maximum availability for the increased use of the simulators. 

“The enhanced Introductory Fighter Course is a great example of how a government-industry relationship should work to deliver value and capability,” said Ian Bell, CAE’s Vice President and General Manager, Asia/Pacific/Middle East.  “We are honoured to be part of the integrated team supporting the RAAF’s lead-in fighter training program at both RAAF Williamtown and RAAF Pearce, and privileged to play a role in helping prepare its next-generation fighter pilots.”


Esperon: PH to Use Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to Patrol West PH Sea

26 Juli 2019

ScanEagle UAV of the Philippine (photo : Eagle News)

MANILA, Philippines— National Security Adviser Hermogenes Esperon Jr. on Tuesday said the Philippines will use unmanned aerial vehicles to patrol the country’s maritime territories and strengthen its surveillance capability in the West Philippine Sea.

Speaking during the post-Sona press briefing with other Cabinet officials, Esperon said the government will utilize technology to monitor the Philippines’ maritime domain, particularly the West Philippine Sea, a source of territorail dispute  between Manila and Beijing.

“We will add more marine scientific research, the putting up of lighthouses and the use of technology to take care of our maritime domain,” Esperon said.

“So we will have now the use of unmanned aerial vehicles and imagery satellite to take care of our maritime domain that will, therefore, involve and strengthen our fisheries fishing activities in our maritime domain,” he added.

The Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, Vietnam, Taiwan and China hold different, sometimes overlapping, territorial claims over the South China Sea. China claims more than 80 percent of this extremely significant body of water, which has over 250 small islands, atolls, cays, shoals, reefs and sandbars.

Despite an agreement to refrain from undertaking provocative actions, China has continued to militarize territories that it claims in the region.

Maritime peace in the disputed territories was again tested when a Chinese trawler rammed and sank a Filipino fishing boat in Recto Bank, an area within Manila’s exclusive economic zone. A Vietnamese boat rescued 22 Filipino fishermen who were left floating at sea.


Latihan Landing dan Take Off Heli bagi Calon Awak KRI Teluk Kupang

26 Juli 2019

Latihan landing dan take off heli Panther (photos : Koarmada2)

Surabaya – Komando Latihan (Kolat) Koarmada II menggelar pelatihan teori dan praktek Pengenalan Helly Deck Party dan memberikan Kursus FDC kepada 30 prajurit Calon Pengawak (Cawak) KRI Teluk Kupang-519 yang mengikuti Pelatihan Kursus penyiapan pengadaan kapal (KPPK), bertempat di RON 400 Wing Udara Puspenerbal Juanda. Rabu (24/07/2019).

Latihan yang telah berjalan selam tiga hari tersebut tidak hanya diikuti oleh para cawak prajurit KRI baru (KPPK), namun juga di ikuti oleh prajurit KRI dari Satuan Kapal Eskorta (Satkor) Koarmada II yaitu KRI sigma class seperti KRI Diponegoro-365, KRI Sultan Iskandar Muda-367 dan KRI Frans Kaisiepo – 368.

Helly Deck Party merupakan kegiatan memandu Helly saat take off dan Landing di atas geladak KRI, meliputi penyiapan alat peralatan, manuver kapal dalam menentukan arah angin dan memandu Helly saat akan Take off maupun Landing di atas KRI.

Koarmada II sebagai Kotama Pembinaan yang memiliki kapal perang jenis angkut dan dilengkapi dengan geladak Helly, harus didukung prajurit pengawak KRI yang memiliki kemampuan melaksanakan helly deck party.

KRI Teluk Kupang 519 yang sempat tersendat pembangunannya (photo : Ang Tjeng Yan)

“Oleh karena itu, sebagai Satuan Pelaksana Pembinaan, Koarmada II melaksanakan latihan helly deck party secara berkesinambungan, bertingkat dan berlanjut dengan tujuan untuk menjaga dan meningkatkan kemampuan prajurit dalam memandu dan mengendalikan helly dari darat dan ke KRI untuk mendukung kemampuan calon pengawak KRI “, terang Dankolat Koarmada II Kolonel Laut (P) Arif Badrudin.

Adapun materi yang diberikan kepada peserta latihan meliputi Prosedur Take Off dan Landing Helly di darat dan di Kapal pada siang hari dan malam hari, Prosedur Marshalling, Perlengkapan Marshaller dan Isyarat Marshaller (General Marshalling Signal), Prosedur komunikasi dan Cross Landing Procedure.

Dalam latihan tersebut bertindak selaku Instruktur dari Tim MTT Kolat Koarmada II dan tim Ron 400 Wing Udara Puspenerbal Juanda.

(Paradigma Bangsa)

First Australian Trained F-35A Pilots Take Flight

27 Juli 2019

First local trained pilot  flown RAAF F-35A (photo : RAAF)

The Air Force’s first pilots to complete a RAAF F-35A Joint Strike Fighter transition course in Australia have flown the aircraft for the first time.

Two pilots conducted their first training mission on the F-35A at RAAF Base Williamtown on 15 July after undertaking an intensive two month academic and simulator training program at the base’s Integrated Training Centre.

Squadron Leader (SQNLDR) William Grady, a former F-22 exchange pilot, said the transition course has been tailored to leverage previous fighter experience.

“The F-35A training is unique in that there is no two-seat variant to aid airborne instruction,” SQNLDR Grady said.

“As a result, we do comparatively more simulator training before flying for the first time.

“It has been an intensive few months, but I’m happy to say the training is first class,” he said.

Commanding Officer Number 3 Squadron (3SQN), Wing Commander (WGCDR) Darren Clare, said the 15 July flights marked an important milestone in the F-35A’s introduction to service.

“Being able to watch the launch of the first two Australian-trained pilots on their first flight was a proud moment,” WGCDR Clare said.

“Although we currently still send pilots to the US for training, this shows Australia is quickly becoming self-sufficient and it all contributes to our F-35A squadrons reaching combat readiness as planned.”

“The introduction of a Fifth-Generation aircraft and all of its new systems has been highly complex.

“It has only been since January that we started testing out how the F-35A integrated with the Australian logistics, base support and local training systems.

“So the credit for today’s milestone goes to all those who have worked tirelessly to ensure the F-35A has had a smooth introduction to service,” he said.

Australia’s fleet of 10 F-35A aircraft based at Luke Air Force Base and RAAF Base Williamtown have collectively achieved over 2900 hours across more than 1750 sorties since 2014.

The F-35A attainment of Initial Operating Capability is on schedule for December 2020.


Ruang Udara Sabah Medan Latihan TUDM selama 19 Hari

27 Juli 2019

F/A-18D Hornet TUDM (photo : SNT)

KOTA KINABALU: Orang ramai dinasihatkan agar tidak cemas dan risau sekiranya melihat pesawat-pesawat Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) terbang rendah dan mendengar bunyi letupan di beberapa kawasan sekitar ruang udara Sabah.

Ini disebabkan TUDM sedang menjalankan Latihan Tembakan Misil Udara ke Udara dan Tembakan Udara Ke Bumi di Lapang Sasar Udara Kota Belud selama 19 hari bermula 23 Julai.

Sepanjang latihan tersebut ruang udara Sabah dan perairan disekitarnya akan digunakan oleh jet-jet pejuang TUDM.

Pesawat TUDM yang terlibat dalam latihan tembakan ini termasuklah pesawat pejuang jenis SU-30MKM dan F/A-18D Hornet.

Pesawat B200T dari No 16 Skn akan  melaksanakan range clearance. Sementara pesawat A400M dan C130H pula berfungsi sebagai ‘transup‘.

SU-30MKM TUDM (photo : SNT)

Air-to-Air Refuelling akan menggunakan pesawat A400M sepenuhnya.

Dalam kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh Bahagian Perhubungan Awam TUDM hari ini, latihan kali ini juga turut melibatkan bantuan dari kapal laut milik Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) setta juga Agensi Penguatkuasa Maritim Malaysia (APMM).

TLDM dan APMM akan membantu melaksanakan surface clearance (memastikan kawasan tembakan selamat untuk beroperasi).

Latihan yang berakhir pada 10 Ogos ini bertujuan menguji kecekapan dan keupayaan para juruterbang TUDM dalam mengendalikan pesawat pejuang dan melancarkan pelbagai persenjataan tepat ke sasaran.

Selain itu, ianya juga bagi memastikan kesiagaan aset-aset dan persenjataan TUDM sentiasa berada pada tahap terbaik khususnya di dalam melindungi kedaulatan ruang udara negara.


Pelatihan M3I Amphibious Ponton TNI AD

27 Juli 2019

M3I amphibious ponton TNI AD (all photos : Zeni TNI AD)

Tidak lama lagi Satuan Zeni Tempur TNI AD mempunyai alutsista Amphibi yang dapat mendukung keperluan taktis militer dalam pertempuran sebagai perakitan jembatan dengan panjang 100 m (8 unit) dalam waktu 10 menit dan sebagai ferry untuk mobilitas penyeberangan mengangkut kendaraan personil/logistik dan kendaraan tempur salah satunya adalah MBT (Main Battle Tank) Leopard 2A4 yang berkapasitas 60 ton. 

Amphibious ponton mempunyai daya angkut max 85 ton kendaraan beroda rantai dan 132 ton beroda ban.

Kelebihan Kendaraan M3I Amphibious Ponton dapat difungsikan di darat dengan kecepatan 80 km/jam dan di air 14 km/jam sebagai kapal ferry penyeberangan, kendaraan ini cukup besar dengan panjang 13,3 meter, lebar 3,35 meter dengan self deployable by road penggerak 4×4 dengan berat total 26 ton berbahan bakar solar.

M3 I Amphibious Ponton digunakan sejak tahun 1999 produksi negara Jerman dan manufaktur alutsistanya dari negara Cekoslowakia yang mendapat lisensi dari General Dynamics European Land Systems.

Pengadaan M3I Amphibious Ponton dari Kementerian Pertahanan dengan item sebagai berikut : M3 18 unit, Rantis pokko 3 unit, Ran trackway 5 unit, Recovery Vehicle 2 unit.

Sesuai rencana, pengiriman 5 tahap sampai batas akhir tahun 2020 dimana tahap awal pengiriman pertama 4 unit pada tahun 2019.

Saat ini pelatihan sebagai operator dan mekanis maintenance dalam proses pelatihan di negara Jerman di Cekoslowakia sebanyak 60 personil Zeni AD dari satuan Batalion Zipur 9/K, Batalion Zipur 10/K, Bengpuszi Ditziad dan Pusdikzi dengan periode waktu 29 April sampai dengan 30 Agustus 2019.


US Approves Sale of 60 Stryker to Thailand

28 Juli 2019

Stryker infantry carrier vehicle (photo : Denice Lopez)

WASHINGTON - The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to Thailand of 60 Stryker infantry carrier vehicles with equipment and support for an estimated cost of $175 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale on July 26, 2019.

The Government of Thailand has requested to buy sixty (60) Stryker Infantry Carrier Vehicles (ICV); and sixty (60) M2 Flex .50 cal machine guns. Also included are spare parts, Basic Issue Items (BII), Components of End Items (COEI), Additional Authorized List (AAL) (specific items for operations and maintenance), Special Tools and Test Equipment (STTE), technical manuals, OCONUS Deprocessing Service, M6 smoke grenade launchers (4 per vehicle) and associated spares, AN/VAS-5 Driver's Vision Enhancer (DVE), AN/VIC-3 vehicle intercommunications system, contractor provided training and Field Service Representatives (FSR), and other related elements of logistics and program support. The total estimated program cost is $175 million.

This proposed sale will support the foreign policy and national security objectives of the United States by helping to improve security of a Major Non-NATO ally in INDO-PACOM, which is an important force for political stability and economic progress in the region.

The Stryker vehicles will increase Thailand's capability to defend its sovereign territory against traditional and non-traditional threats by filling the capability void between light infantry soldiers and heavy mechanized units. Thailand will have no difficulty absorbing this equipment into its armed forces.

The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region.

The principal contractor for the Stryker vehicle is General Dynamics Land Systems, Sterling Heights, MI. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.

Implementation of this proposed sale will not require the assignment of any permanent additional U.S. Government or Contractor representatives to Thailand.


Eksesais Linud Malindo Perkukuh Hubungan

28 Juli 2019

Eksesais Linud Malindo 2019 (photos : Utusan)

KOTA BHARU - Eksesais Linud Malindo yang melibatkan Batalion Kelapan Rejimen Renjer Diraja (8 RRD) (Para), Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) dan Batalion Infantri Pararider 501/Bajra Yudha, Tentera Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Darat (TNI-AD) telah berakhir hari ini.

Eksesais yang bermula sejak Ahad lalu dilaksanakan untuk kedua-dua kumpulan bertukar strategi peperangan.

Pegawai Perisikan 8 RRD Para, Leftenan Suhanraj Rajasegaran berkata,  eksesais berkenaan bertujuan mengasah kemahiran mengenai latihan peperangan konvensional.

Menurutnya, latihan itu melibatkan 38 pegawai dan 486 anggota dari ATM dan empat pegawai dan 36 anggota negara jiran.

"Eksesais ini berkonsepkan latihan operasi payung terjun yang memfokuskan kepada terjun 'jatuhan besar-besaran', guguran udara dan latihan peperangan konvensional.

"Simulasi peperangan selama tiga hari ini bermula dengan sekumpulan pasukan perisikan membuat peninjauan lokasi yang sesuai untuk menerjunkan anggota tentera di dalam kawasan musuh ," katanya kepada pemberita selepas Majlis Penutup Eksesais Linud Malindo 2019 di Pantai Irama di sini, hari ini.

Majlis penutup berkenaan dirasmikan oleh Pengarah Latih Markas Tentera Darat (OPLAT), Kolonel Asri Shukor.

Yang turut hadir, Asisten Operasi Kostrad, TNI-AD Kol. Inf. Elkines. Villando Dewangga dan Pemangku Panglima 10 Briged, Lt. Kol. Ahmad Fitri Othman. 

Suhanraj berkata, simulasi berkenaan membabitkan sejauh kira-kira 40 kilometer bermula di Cherang Ruku, Pasir Puteh sehingga ke Pantai Irama di sini.

"Dalam tempoh 72 jam itu, peserta hanya dibekalkan dengan rangsum (ration), senjata dan amunisi untuk keperluan dalam tempoh tersebut.

"Mereka perlu berjalan kaki dan akan berperang dengan musuh untuk mencapai objektif yang ditetapkan," katanya

Tambahnya, latihan kali ini memberi peluang kepada peserta untuk menajamkan kemahiran mereka dalam situasi peperangan dalam hutan dan serangan bandar.


Thales Buys Insolvent Hawkei Engine Manufacturer

28 Juli 2019

Steyr engine for Thales Hawkey (photo : Steyr)

Thales has bought bankrupt Hawkei engine manufacturer Steyr Motors, it has emerged.

The Austrian company went into receivership in February, threatening the supply of engines to the Hawkei progam and the jobs of 150 Thales workers in Bendigo.

The news saw some vehicles slated for Initial Operational Capability delayed, although Final Operational Capability is set to occur as scheduled. Army has procured engines for the vehicles scheduled under low rate initial production and has an order for the subsequent 1,000 engines.

According to Austrian news outlets, four bidders, some under tender groups, were in the race to buy Steyr, with Thales only entering the bidding process two weeks ago. Negotiations reportedly concluded late Wednesday night local time. The purchase price is unclear.

"It was one of my [most] costly procedures so far, since there were economic, technical and legal problems," liquidator Norbert Mooseder said.

“Thales is fully committed to delivering the world-class Hawkei to the ADF," a Thales spokesperson said to ADM.

“After a deep-dive analysis of the Steyr Motors situation, Thales has committed to support the company to ensure long term sustainability and assure engine supply.

“Thales has been working closely with Steyr Motors for several years and we know the quality of its products so this decision has been made with an excellent understanding of the context.

“Thales will continue to work closely with the Commonwealth to deliver Hawkei to the ADF.”

“Thales have kept us closely in the loop. They’ve leant forward very heavily to support Steyr Motors,” MAJGEN Bottrell told ADM earlier this year. “The advice we’ve had back through the administrator is that had Thales not done that, then Steyr Motors may not have continued to operate."

Thales is contracted to deliver 138 Hawkei vehicles for IOC. All are set to be delivered towards the end of the year.


Cooperation with Thailand, Ukraine Opens Production Line for BTR-3KSH

29 Juli 2019

BTR-3Ksh command vehicle (all photos : UkrOboronProm)

"Ukroboronprom" send to Thailand the first BTR-3Ksh vehicle for the licensed assembly in this country. This was announced by the General Director of the Concern Pavlo Bukin.

"We consider this export supply as a marker for deepening our cooperation with Thailand, a strategic partner of Ukraine in Southeast Asia, Ukraine has serious prospects in this direction and should use them in their national interests," said P. Bukin.

According to him, a few years ago a framework agreement was signed with the authorized agency of the Ministry of Defense of Thailand for the production of BTR-3E1, various modifications and machines on its base, as well as for the provision of service in the kingdom.

"The BTR-3Ksh command-and-staff vehicle on the basis of BTR-3 is a joint project of KBTZ, which is part of Ukroboronprom, other Concern companies and private companies, developed by the order of the Royal Thailand Army in cooperation with the Institute of Defense Technologies Insitute (DTI) of the Defense Ministry of Thailand," - the head of the Concern informed.

In his opinion, in the current conditions, expansion of export supplies is the only opportunity to provide innovative development of enterprises Ukroboronprom. "Cooperation with Thailand allowed Ukraine to expand the line of BTR-3 and launch mass production of an entirely new world-class combat vehicle," said the general director.


Mahathir Mohamad's Agenda on Defense Industry in Turkey

29 Juli 2019

Aircraft are seen when Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Malaysian delegates visit the Turkish Aerospace Industries at the outskirts of Ankara July 25, 2019 (photo : Bernama)

Dr M: Turkey willing to go all-in to aid Malaysia's foray into defence industry

ISTANBUL,  — Turkey has pledged to offer Malaysia whatever it needs in order to develop a defence industry, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad revealed yesterday amid his official visit here. 

Speaking at a hi-tea event with the Malaysian diaspora here, the prime minister however said that Putrajaya still needs to consider the jump into the field as it would cost money. 

“Not many countries are willing to transfer technologies to us,” he told the audience. 

“But Turkey has promised to give whatever we want when it comes to technology, manufacturing, and so on.

“Turkey is ready to collaborate,” he added.

Hurkus trainer aircraft (photo : Ahaber)

A Malaysian engineer with a defence firm here had asked the prime minister if Putrajaya had discussed the purchase of Turkey’s planned fifth-generation multi-role fighter jet TF-X.

The Malaysian delegation had visited the jet’s manufacturer Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) on Thursday. 

Dr Mahathir said Malaysia will never be sovereign as long as it needs to depend on foreign powers for its military supplies.

But while that may currently be difficult, Malaysian can kick start its efforts through a technological transfer with Turkey.

“That is why we are studying for a collaboration with Turkey, and finally we would be able to manufacture our own defence

“But it needs some time, because we need money,” he added.

On Thursday, the Malaysian delegates were given a tour of the sprawling TAI complex, before an air show featuring its T129 Atak attack and reconnaissance helicopter, Hurkus trainer combat aircraft, and the Anka medium-altitude long endurance unmanned aerial vehicle.

Erdogan and Mahathir tour facilities of Turkish unmanned aerial vehicles manufacturer Baykar (photo : Anadolu)

Other crafts on display included the TF multirole fighter jet, and Hurjet, a trainer and light attack aircraft.

The show will likely whet Putrajaya’s appetite, as Malaysia looks for more affordable choices for aerial defence following spending cuts.

This comes amid Turkish’s growing ambition to ramp up its defence industry and exports, with UAV production reportedly a key focus of its plan.

TAI’s majority shareholder is the Turkish Armed Forces Foundation, and was established under its Ministry of Industry and Technology in a bid to reduce foreign dependency in its defence industry. (MalayMail)

Malaysian premier visits Turkish engine maker TUSAS

Malaysia's prime minister paid a visit to Turkish engine maker TUSAS on Thursday as part of his official visit to Turkey.

Mahathir Mohamad was accompanied by Turkey's Industry and Technology Minister Mustafa Varank during his visit.

The Malaysian prime minister got information about Turkish defense industry and toured the facilities of TUSAS, also known as Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI).

Anka UAV. Hurkus trainer aircraft and T129 attack helicopter (photo : Anadolu)

Mahathir also watched an airshow of unmanned air vehicles (Anka), helicopters (Atak) and planes (Hurkus) at TUSAS on the last leg of the visit.

Varank said Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Mahathir will discuss issues related to the defense industry later in the day, and that there are many areas of cooperation between Turkey and Malaysia.

Mahathir arrived in Turkey at the invitation of Turkey's president and he will stay in the country until July 27.

Bilateral relations between Turkey and Malaysia will be discussed during the talks, which are expected to begin on Thursday, according to a statement released by Turkey’s Presidential Communications Directorate.

The statement underlined that defense industry relations would be high on the agenda of the meeting between Erdogan and Mahathir.

Regional and international issues of common concern and cooperation opportunities between the two countries will also be discussed during the meeting.

Mahathir is also expected to hold meetings with Turkish business representatives.


Panglima TNI: Pulau Nipah Butuh Radar dan Kamera Pengawas

29 Juli 2019

Panglima TNI meninjau peralatan AIS (photo : TangOL)

Antisipasi Penyelundupan, Panglima TNI Tambah Radar Canggih di Pulau Nipah

Batam - Panglima TNI Marsekal Hadi Tjahjanto dan Kapolri Jendral Tito Karnavian meninjau Pulau Nipah, Batam, Sabtu (27/7/2019) siang. Pulau terdepan yang berbatasan dengan Singapura ini akan dilengkapi radar canggih.

“Karena Pulau Nipah adalah tempat yang sangat strategis untuk mengawasi daerah perairan, khususnya Selat Malaka,” ujar Hadi Tjahjanto, dijumpai wartawan usai kegiatan di Mapolda Kepri.

Hadi meninjau perlatan-peralatan untuk mengontrol radar dan peralatan Automatic Identification Sistem (AIS) termasuk kamera pengawas.

“Saya kira ini akan menjadi bahan evaluasi di Mabes TNI, untuk memperkuat peralatan tersebut khususnya kapasitasnya. Sehingga kami mampu untuk memonitor lalu lintas kapal yang ada di sana, baik berangkat dari negara-negara lain yang hanya melintas saja, atau berangkat dari negara tetangga,” ucap Hadi.

Peralatan militer di Nipah (photo : Antara)

Menurutnya peralatan canggih dibutuhkan memperkuat peralatan yang ada. Seandainya ada kapal yang bisa menembus sistem AIS, setidaknya masih ada peralatan yang bisa melihat pergerakan dengan jelas.

“Kalau mereka mematikan AIS kan bisa jadi melakukan yang tidak baik. Terutama yang tidak kami harapkan adalah penyelundupan minuman keras,” katanya.

Oleh sebab itu dirinya juga mengajak Kapolri untuk ikut ke Nipah dalam wacana tugas pengamanan terkait peredaran narkoba.

Sedangkan persenjataan untuk melindungi wilayah perbatasan tersebut, Hadi menjelaskan cukup baik.

“Tapi itu (persenjataan) tidak masalah, karena kami mempermasalahkan peralatan-peralatan yang ada di sana (perlu di tambah teknologinya),” katanya lagi.


Dua Su-30MK TNI AU Kembali dari Pemeliharaan Berat

30 Juli 2109

Kedatangan kembali 2 pesawat Su-30MK TNI AU (all photos : TNI AU)

Dua pesawat tempur TNI AU jenis Sukhoi Su-30MK tiba kembali di Indonesia selesai menjalani pemeliharaan tingkat berat di Belarusia. Pemeliharan tingkat berat ini dilakukan di  OJSC 558 ARZ, Baranovichi, Republik Belarusia yang merupakan perusahaan berlisensi Rusia untuk melakukan perbaikan dan upgrade pesawat tempur.

Kedua pesawat ini datang dengan pesawat angkut raksasa An-124-100.Ruslan yang mendarat di lanud Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar sebagai home base Skadron Udara 11. Dengan kedatangan 2 pesawat tempur TS-3001 dan TS-3002 ini maka kesiapan operasi Skadron Udara 11 akan naik. Skadron ini mengoperasikan pesawat varian Su-27 dan Su-30.

(Defense Studies)

PHL Air Force Team Starts Training for 2 Donated Cobra Attack Helicopters

30 Juli 2019

Jordan AH-1S Cobra attack helicopter (photo : Marco Djikshoon)

The Philippine Air Force (PAF) team has started their training in Jordan for the donated 2 AH-1S Cobra attack helicopters.

“A team from the Philippine Air Force has started their training in Jordan recently in preparation for the upcoming 2 Bell AH-1S Tzefas Cobra attack helicopters donated by Jordan (which in turn are former Israeli units donated to Jordan in 2014),” MaxDefense Philippines said in a social media post.

The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) released the Special Allotment Release Order (SARO) for the transfer of AH-1S Cobra Attack helicopters donated by the Kingdom of Jordan on June 3.

The SARO has an amount of PHP 158,204,428.00 “to cover the requirements for the transfer and acceptance of two (2) units AH-1S Cobra Attack Helicopters from the Kingdom of Jordan under the Revised AFP Modernization Program.”

Last year, President Rodrigo Duterte announced that the Kingdom of Jordan is donating 2 Cobra attack helicopters. The attack helicopters are expected to be transferred this year.


ST Engineering Land Systems Unveils Unmanned NGAFV Variant

30 Juli 2019

A screen capture of the unmanned NGAFV performing manoeuvres and a teaming assault on a mock target during a company demonstration for Singapore's defence minister (photo : Sing Mindef)

The Land Systems division of Singapore defence prime ST Engineering has revealed an unmanned ground combat vehicle development based on its 29-tonne tracked Next-Generation Armoured Fighting Vehicle (NGAFV) platform.

The prototype vehicle was unveiled in a July video documenting Singapore Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen's visit to ST Engineering Land Systems' facility in western Singapore, which featured the unmanned NGAFV manoeuvring with an armed 4×4 unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) and quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).

Several visual distinctions between the baseline manned NGAFV- which was earlier commissioned into service on 11 June as the Hunter AFV following a 10-year development programme by the Defence Science and Technology Agency (DSTA), ST Engineering, and the Singapore Army - and the unmanned platform can be clearly seen in the video, including a revised exhaust placement to the rear of the hull as opposed to the front, a GPS/GNSS antenna and positioning and orientation sensor package behind the turret, as well as a light detection and ranging (LIDAR) sensor on either side of the glacis plate.


Resmi Dibentuk, Pasukan Super Elite Dipimpin Petinggi BAIS TNI

30 Juli 2019

Panglima TNI Marsekal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto saat meresmikan Koopsus TNI di Mabes TNI Cilangkap, Jakarta pada Selasa, 30 Juli 2019 (photo : Anadolu Agency)

Panglima TNI Marsekal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto meresmikan Komando Operasi Khusus Tentara Nasional Indonesia (Koopssus TNI) di Mabes TNI Cilangkap, Jakarta pada Selasa.

Hadi Tjahjanto menunjuk Brigjen TNI Rochadi yang sebelumnya menjabat Dir A Bais TNI sebagai Komandan Koopsus TNI.

Pembentukan Koopssus TNI ini berdasarkan Peraturan Panglima (Perpang) TNI Nomor 19 Tahun 2019 tanggal 19 Juli 2019 tentang Organisasi dan Tugas Komando Operasi Khusus Tentara Nasional Indonesia.

Panglima TNI Marsekal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto mengatakan Koopsus TNI merupakan pasukan gabungan pasukan elite dari tiga matra TNI, yakni TNI Angkatan Darat, TNI Angkatan Udara, dan TNI Angkatan Laut.

"Mereka memiliki kualifikasi untuk melakukan berbagai jenis operasi khusus di dalam maupun di luar negeri yang menuntut kecepatan dan keberhasilan yang tinggi," ujar Hadi saat upacara peresmian Koopsus TNI.

Meski Koopsus TNI dibentuk, Hadi mengaku tidak akan meninggalkan pasukan khusus dari ketiga matra yang ada.

"Justru saya ingin mendirikan pelaksanaan tugas TNI secara gabungan sebagaimana doktrin TNI matra terpadu yaitu Tri Dharma Eka Karma," tegas dia. (Anadolu)

Panglima TNI: 80 persen tugas Koopsus mengintai teroris

Panglima TNI Marsekal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto menyatakan Komando Operasi Khusus TNI (Koopsus TNI) bertugas untuk mengatasi aksi terorisme di dalam dan luar negeri.

Hadi mengatakan Koopsus TNI mengedepankan kecepatan dan keberhasilan tinggi dalam melaksanakan tugasnya mengatasi ancaman terorisme.

Dia menambahkan secara struktural Koopsus TNI berada di bawah Panglima TNI dan akan digunakan berdasarkan perintah Presiden RI Joko Widodo.

"Pasukan khusus dari 3 matra AD, AL, AU standby di mabes TNI dan sewaktu-waktu bisa digunakan oleh Panglima TNI atas perintah presiden," ujar Hadi di Cilangkap, Jakarta Timur, pada Selasa.

Hadi juga mengatakan bahwa Koopsus akan fokus dalam tiga hal mengatasi ancaman terorisme yakni penangkalan, penindakan serta pemulihan.

"Penangkal adalah surveillance yang di dalamnya intlijen sebanyak 80 persen kita laksanakan surveillance atau observasi jarak dekat dan 20 persen baru penindakan," kata Hadi.

Pasukan super elite itu kata Hadi melaksanakan tugasnya berdasarkan UU Nomor 5 tahun 2018 tentang Tindak Pidana Terorisme dan Perpres Nomor 42 tahun 2019.

Hadi juga menegaskan bahwa Koopsus TNI akan berkoordinasi dengan Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Terorisme (BNPT) dan Detasemen Khusus Anti Teror Polri.

Panglima TNI Marsekal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto meresmikan Komando Operasi Khusus Tentara Nasional Indonesia (Koopssus TNI) di Mabes TNI Cilangkap, Jakarta pada Selasa.

Hadi Tjahjanto menunjuk Brigjen TNI Rochadi yang sebelumnya menjabat Direktur A Bais TNI sebagai Komandan Koopsus TNI.

Pembentukan Koopssus TNI ini berdasarkan Peraturan Panglima (Perpang) TNI Nomor 19 Tahun 2019 tanggal 19 Juli 2019 tentang Organisasi dan Tugas Komando Operasi Khusus Tentara Nasional Indonesia.

Panglima TNI Marsekal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto mengatakan Koopsus TNI merupakan pasukan gabungan pasukan elite dari tiga matra TNI, yakni TNI Angkatan Darat, TNI Angkatan Udara, dan TNI Angkatan Laut. (Anadolu)

India to Supply Refurbished ‘Kilo’-Class Submarine to Myanmar

31 Juli 2019

The INS Sindhuvir will be used by the Myanmar Navy which is looking at acquiring its own submarine fleet in the coming years for training purposes (photo : Jerry E)

India readies submarine for Myanmar 

NEW DELHI: India is set to hand over Myanmar its first ever submarine, with a Kilo class boat likely to be sent across this year after being refitted indigenously. 

The INS Sindhuvir will be used by the Myanmar Navy — which is looking at acquiring its own submarine fleet in the coming years — for training purposes. 

The Kilo class submarine, bought from Russia in the 1980s, is currently being modernised by the Hindustan Shipyard Limited (HSL) in Vizag with sources saying that is likely be completed before the end of this year. 

Sources have told ET that requisite permissions have been taken from Russia that is the original manufacturer of the submarine and that it will be fitted with indigenous systems to train the Myanmar Navy. 

There have been a series of high level exchanges and meetings between the two nations in recent months, with the Myanmar Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services (CDS) Senior General Min Aung Hlaing currently on an official visit to India. 

The Indian Defence Ministry has said that that talks with the Senior General were aimed to “enhance defence co-operation, review joint exercises and training provided to Myanmar Defence Services, strengthen maritime security by joint surveillance and capacity building…and developing new infrastructure”. 

(Economic Times)

PTDI Targetkan Kontrak Pesawat dan Helikopter Senilai US$ 283,04 Juta di 2019

31 Juli 2019

Helikopter H225M/EC-725 TNI AU (photo : Skadron Udara 8)

KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) menargetkan perolehan nilai kontrak pembelian pesawat dan helikopter senilai US$ 283,04 juta di sepanjang tahun 2019.

Menurut Direktur Niaga PTDI Ade Yuyu Wahyuna, kontrak pembelian pesawat dan helikopter yang dikejar terdiri atas lima kontrak, dari dalam negeri maupun luar negeri. Untuk dalam negeri, PTDI tengah mengejar satu kontrak dua unit Helikopter H225M VIP dari TNI Angkatan Udara (AU).

Untuk target luar negeri, PTDI sedang mengejar empat kontrak pembelian dengan rincian; satu unit pesawat CN235 Military Transport untuk Nepali Army, enam unit pesawat NC212i Military Transport untuk Department of National Defense Philippines, pesawat CN235 Military Transport untuk Royal Thai Police, dan Helikopter Bell 412 EPI untuk Philippines Fire Fighting.

Selain mengejar lima kontrak tersebut, PTDI juga berencana membidik pasar Afrika, di antaranya yakni Pantai Gading dan Senegal, serta Timor Leste.

Untuk mengejar target ini, PTDI akan melakukan sejumlah upaya seperti untuk menggaet pelanggan baru, menyediakan skema buyer’s credit untuk target pasar di luar negeri, meningkatkan kepuasan customer, serta melakukan perbaikan internal.

Dalam menggaet customer baru, PTDI telah melakukan kerja sama dengan Kedutaan Besar Indonesia dan Atase Pertahanan di berbagai negara yang meliputi negara-negara di wilayah Amerika Latin, Afrika dan Asia Pasifik guna mempromosikan produk-produk PTDI.

Dalam menyediakan skema buyer’s credit, PTDI menjalin kerja sama dengan Lembaga Pembiayaan Ekspor Indonesia (LPEI) guna meningkatkan volume ekspor ke negara-negara yang dibidik.

Untuk diketahui, total pendapatan yang diperoleh PTDI bersumber dari beberapa lini bisnis, di antaranya yakni bisnis penjualan pesawat dan helikopter (aircraft), engineering services, aircraft services, bisnis aerostructure, serta berasal dari anak perusahaan.

Sebelumnya, PTDI secara keseluruhan telah mencatatkan nilai perolehan kontrak sebesar US$ 79,6 juta di semester I 2019. Nilai ini bertumbuh sebesar 119,88% apabila dibandingkan dengan nilai perolehan kontrak semester I 2018 yang mencapai US$ 36,2 juta.

Kontrak ini terdiri dari kontrak pembelian pesawat terbang dan helikopter, serta kontrak untuk portofolio aerostructure, engineering services, aircraft services, dan anak perusahaan.

Direktur Niaga PTDI Ade Yuyu Wahyuna mengatakan, pertumbuhan nilai perolehan kontrak pada semester I 2019 didorong pertumbuhan yang signifikan untuk perolehan kontrak aircraft services sebesar 114%, anak perusahaan sebesar 40%, serta engineering services sebesar 14%.

Lebih rinci, Ade menyebutkan, kontribusi terbesar pendapatan PTDI di semester I 2019 bersumber dari bisnis penjualan pesawat dan helikopter dengan kontribusi sebesar 63,41%, serta aircraft services sebesar 20%. Adapun pendapatan sebanyak 16,59% sisanya diperoleh dari bisnis aerostructure, engineering services, dan lain-lain.

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