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TNI AU Uji Smart Hunter di Angkasa Yudha 2019

20 Juli 2019

Radar Smart Hunter TNI AU (all photos : TNI AU)

MADIUN - Latihan terbesar TNI AU, Angkasa Yudha 2019, menjadi ajang uji coba sejumlah alat utama sistem senjata (Alutsista) canggih milik penjaga langit nusantara ini.

Berbagai alat perang terbaru yang dimiliki TNI AU, yang diujicobakan di Angkasa Yudha 2019, antara lain Jammer GPS, anti drone, Mobil DF (direction finder), Communication Jammer Mobile, serta Smart Hunter. 

Smart hunter merupakan peralatan TNI AU yang mengarah pada kelengkapan rudal anti serangan udara (SAM/surface to air missile), dengan basis MANPADS (man portable air defence systems).  

Ini bisa dilihat dari hadirnya sista Mistral, Grom, dan QW-3. Dengan basis MANPADS, rudal dapat dioperasikan secara mandiri oleh satu atau dua orang awak. Dalam beberapa platform, dapat diintegrasikan dengan pola penembakkan otomatis dalam suatu sistem peluncur

SAM SHORAD seperti Mistral, Grom, dan QW-3 rata-rata jarak tembak maksimumnya mencapai 5.000-6.000 meter. Dengan kecepatan supersonic, itu artinya target yang disasar 'hanya' efektif mengejar helikopter dan jet tempur yang terbang rendah dengan kecepatan tinggi. Sementara dalam konteks menghadapi jet tempur yang terbang tinggi di atas 8.000-10.000 meter alat ini tidak begitu efektif.

Smart Hunter yang merupakan buatan China, adalah sistem radar yang digunakan untuk memandu awak rudal QW-3 dalam mengetahui arah datangnya target lawan. Maklum arah datangnya pesawat lawan kadang sulit ditemukan secara visual. 

Dengan demikian, awak rudal dapat mengambil inisiatif pertama untuk melakukan tembakan untuk melumpuhkan pesawat penyusup. Smart Hunter dipasang dalam platform jip 4×4, untuk pesanan Paskhas, digunakan jenis Nissan Frontier 2000 cc dengan warna cat hijau. 

Dilengkapi jaringan wireless, sehingga satu unit Smart Hunter mampu mengendalikan 12 penembak QW-3. Jalur komunikasi antara pusat kendali dan juru tembak mengandalkan gelombang WiFi (wireless fidelity).

Dalam keterangannya, Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (Kasau) Marsekal TNI Yuyu Sutisna mengatakan, sangat bangga dengan semangat yang ditunjukkan para prajurit TNI AU selama latihan Angkasa Yudha 2019.

"Latihan Angkasa Yudha 2019 penuh dengan kompleksitas, namun saya berharap kita mampu melaksanakan latihan ini dengan baik. Tugas kita adalah latihan dan operasi, semuanya membutuhkan biaya yang besar, namun yakinlah kita akan memenuhi kekurangan-kekurangan kita," tegasnya.

Vietnamese Engineering Troops Prepare for Army Games 2019

20 Juli 2019

Engineer Corps of the Vietnamese Army (all photos : QDND)

PANO - At Brigade 229, the Engineer Corps Command has recently inspected the training for its contingent participating in the International Army Games 2019 (Army Games 2019), which will be held in Russia.

Accordingly, the contest themed of excellent engineering units – “Safe Route” will take place in Russia to strengthen the military technical cooperation, improve troops’ levels in performing field missions and military skills of modern weapons as well as equipment of Vietnamese engineering troops.

To prepare for the contest, the Engineer Corps has formed a contingent and provided them with essential knowledge and skills to join the event. The contingent has so far demonstrated their professional skills and creativity in practicing the required contents of the organizing panel.

Through the inspection, the Engineer Corps Command highly appreciated the high determination to overcome all difficulties and hardships of the 27 contingent’s members.

Speaking at the event, Major General Phung Ngoc Son, Commander of the Engineer Corps, stressed that this is the first time the corps has participated in the International Army Games 2019. “This is also a chance for Vietnamese engineers to demonstrate their talent and qualifications in using military equipment,” he added.

The PANO would like to introduce several photos of the engineers before participating in the Army Games 2019.


Naval Group Ready To Produce CANTO Anti-Torpedo System In Australia

20 Juli 2019

CANTO represents a breakthrough in the field of anti-torpedo defence (image : Naval Group)

Naval Group, Europe's leading naval shipbuilder, has submitted a proposal to partner with Australian businesses and industry to locally produce the latest generation torpedo countermeasure technology, CANTO.

Outlined in the proposal is a commitment to transfer skills and knowledge to Australian industry for the manufacture of world leading torpedo defense technology. This sharing of expertise and experience will not only contribute to Australia’s defence landscape, but boost local manufacturing.

CANTO® represents a breakthrough in the field of anti-torpedo defence. The counter-measure is unique as it applies the ‘dilution/confusion’ concept to defend a vessel. This involves generating a high-level, 360-degree acoustic signal as soon as it enters the water to jam the full frequency range of an attacking torpedo. CANTO® then generates hundreds of false targets, forcing the attacking torpedo to recalibrate and reposition an attack vector. This overwhelms the torpedo’s sonar and data processing, ultimately depleting its energy reserves.

CANTO is unique as it applies the dilution/confusion concept to defend a vessel (image : Naval Group)

CANTO® is compatible with over 50 platforms, and is used in conjunction with the CONTRALTO® reaction module from Naval Group. Once a threat is detected, CONTRALTO® suggests an optimized evasive maneuver along with CANTO® countermeasures. This makes it one of the most successful systems in defeating torpedo attacks.

The dual role of dilution/confusion also means CANTO® requires less space when compared with separate systems that fulfill a single purpose. This is incredibly valuable for submarines, which have a limited number of launch tubes and countermeasures to face subsequent attacks.

“The excellent performance, interoperability and application of CANTO® makes it a valuable defence asset. The French Navy has already selected CANTO® for its SSN submarine and surface fleet. Partnering with local industry will further strengthen our partnership, and with Australia’s defence capabilities,” said François Romanet.

CANTO is available for both submarine (Contralto S) and surface vessels (Contralto V) (image : Naval Group)

Existing customers for CANTO include the French Navy (launch customer for the Contralto S for the Barracuda type SSN), Brazil (for the Scorpene class SSK), Egypt (for its Gowind corvette) and two more undisclosed customers.

Besides supplying the CANTO counter-torpedo system for the Attack-class submarine (SEA1000 program), Naval Group is eyeing Royal Australian Navy’s surface ships as well: The Type 26 Hunter-class frigate (SEA5000 program) and the Hobart-class AWD (SEA4000 program) upgrade program.


Boeing's Range of Products could Meet the Need of Indonesia

21 Juli 2019

AH-64E Apache Guardian attack helicopter (photo : Sandriani)

Boeing was awarded the contract to build Apache helicopters for Indonesia in 2015.  Following production and flight testing at the Boeing facility in Mesa, Arizona USA, the AH-64E Apaches for Indonesia were delivered in-country in late 2017 and in the first quarter of 2018. The Apache is the world’s leading multi-role attack helicopter.

CH-47 Chinook heavy-lift helicopter (photo : RCAF)

Maritime intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities are moving to the forefront in the region and we see opportunities for these capabilities in Indonesia.

Boeing P-8 Poseidon Maritime Patrol Aircraft (photo : Boeing)

Our solutions encompass long range maritime reconnaissance capability with our Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) and P-8 aircraft.

Boeing KC-46A Pegasus tanker (photo : Edwards AFB)

We've also seen the relevance for CH-47 Chinook to aid in humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, search and rescue and general mobility needs across remote island and ocean territories in the region.

Boeing 737 Airborne Early Warning & Control (photo : Air Force Monthly)

Finally, given requirements for long distance operations and situational awareness, we also see opportunities for KC-46 tanker and AEW&C.

(Boeing Defense)

Inkas Sentry 4×4 Armoured Personnel Carrier Promoted to Malaysia

22 Juli 2019

Inkas Sentry 4x4 APC (photos : Inkas)

The Malaysian Army is believed to be conducting trials on Canadian-made Inkas Sentry 4×4 Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC) as part of its global search for High Mobility Protected Vehicle (HMPV).

To date the Malaysian Army is operating two types of HMPV, the Thai-Malaysian DEFTECH/Chaiseri AV-4 Lipanbara and IAG Guardian. Most of the 20 Lipanbara HMPVs are currently deployed to Sabah under the East Sabah Security Command (ESSCOM) while nine Guardians are now operational in southern Lebanon as part of MALBAT 850 peacekeeping mission there.

Under the new Government policy, there will be no more direct negotiation and procurement being made for any projects involving various Government agencies. All new procurement will be made through open tender exercise to ensure transparency in the process. Having said that, being the cheapest does not guaranteed a clear way of success as other elements beside price will also being scrutinised and evaluated.

Beside the Sentry, other HMPVs which have been evaluated in country was the Turkish-made Nurol Makina Ejder Yalcin which have been reportedly evaluated last year by the Malaysian Army following the conclusion of Defence Services Asia (DSA) 2018 exhibition held in Kuala Lumpur.

The Army’s HMPV program is not part of the Radpanzer Condor 4×4 APC replacement program but rather a new program which stems from the lessons learned during Ops Daulat in 2013. The HMPVs are meant to assume the role similar to four wheel drive  (4WD) vehicles currently in service including DEFTECH G-Wagon, VAMTAC Uro and Global Komited GK-M1 in areas where there is medium level of threats.

They have better armor protection and better survivability against Improvised Explosive Device (IED) than the 4WD weapon platform but would have lower procurement cost than the APC. At the same time, they are more suitable for operations in build up area (OBUA) which has been increasingly become major features of today’s modern Malaysia.


CN-235MPA Sajikan Video Down Link System secara Live pada Armada Jaya ke-37

22 Juli 2019

Data digital link CN-235 MPA TNI AL pada Armada Jaya ke-37 (all photos : Puspenerbal)

Kogaslagab berhasil menguasai laut daerah Operasi

Unsur udara Puspenerbal memonitor posisi KRI dalam operasi maritim lintas laut dengan teknologi Flir (Forward Looking Infrared). Terdeteksi ada kekuatan musuh yang menghalangi pendaratan tank-tank amfibi Marinir dari KRI, namun mereka berhasil dilumpuhkan sehingga laut daerah operasi telah berhasil dikuasai oleh KOGASLAGAB Armada Jaya XXXVII.

Latihan Armada Jaya XXXVII merupakan latihan puncak TNI AL yang menggabungkan seluruh komponen sistem senjata armada terpadu (SSAT) TNI AL, pada Mission system Pesud CN-235 MPA Skuadron 800 Wing Udara 2 Puspenerbal dilengkapi dengan Flir dan hasil monitoring Flir diteruskan ke Pusat Komando pengendalian udara TNI AL (Puskodal) secara live dengan metode Video Down Link (VDL) System.

VDL System merupakan bagian dari Digital Link sebagai sarana pengiriman data dan informasi antara Pesawat dan stasiun pengendali dalam hal ini adalah Puskodal TNI AL dalam bentuk visual video yang memberikan data maupun informasi posisi target intai dan diteruskan ke video conference pimpinan TNI AL melalui Jaringan (Computer Network) TCP/IP.

Komunikasi dengan metode video conference yang di install sebagai sarana komunikasi dengan pimpinan TNI AL dipusat kendali dan installasi smpai dengan di Markas Besar TNI AL, sehingga pengiriman informasi dan data operasi maritim dari unsur udara Puspenerbal dapat dikirimkan secara live ke seluruh jajaran TNI AL yang terlibat dalam Latihan Armada Jaya XXXVII tahun 2019.


Multinational Force Conducts Talisman Sabre Amphibious Landing

22 Juli 2019

The Los Angeles-class attack submarine USS Key West (SSN 722) leads the Royal Australian Navy amphibious assault ship HMAS Canberra (L 02), left, the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76), the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp (LHD 1), and the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force helicopter destroyer JS Ise (DDH 182) in formation with 12 other ships (photo : US Pacom)

USS GREEN BAY, at Sea - U.S. Marines, Australian soldiers, and Japan Ground Self-Defense Force members trained in Combined Joint Forcible Entry Operations by conducting a multi-national amphibious landing in Stanage Bay, Queensland, Australia, July 16, 2019.

The amphibious landing during Exercise Talisman Sabre 2019 was designed to challenge and validate the Combined-Joint Force’s capacity to seamlessly plan, synchronize, and execute a complex ship-to-shore movement in response to contingency operations anywhere on the globe.

JMSDF landing at Talisman Sabre 2019 (photo : US Pacom)

Marines were embarked aboard the USS Wasp, USS Green Bay, Royal Australian Navy ships, and Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) ships. The Marines launched from the ships by Landing Craft Air Cushion (LCACs), Assault Amphibious Vehicles (AAVs), Combat Rubber Raiding Crafts (CRRCs), and an array of combat aircraft.

“Talisman Sabre 19 provides the Navy-Marine Corps team with a great opportunity to enhance our combined operational capabilities with our partners and allies." said U.S. Marine Corps Maj. Gen. William Jurney, commanding general, 3rd Marine Division, and Commander Combined Landing Force for Talisman Sabre 19. "Our ability to operate as a fully integrated multi-national Marine Air Ground Task Force makes us even more prepared to respond to any situation or crisis, together, as partners."
Royal Marine landing at Talisman Sabre 2019 (photo : Plymouthherald)

Talisman Sabre equally showcased the critical integration of U.S Marines and sailors with Australian and Japanese units and ships. Marines from across III Marine Expeditionary Force were also embarked aboard the HMAS Canberra, HMAS Adelaide, JS Ise, and JS Kunasaki.

“Talisman Sabre 19 has provided a fantastic opportunity to enhance our readiness and interoperability with the U.S. and other partners, and to build on the relationships and trust that underpin our contribution to a stable and prosperous region,” said Australian Army Col. Kim Gilfillan, Commander Landing Force, Australian Amphibious Task Group. “In a short time, we have come together as a cohesive team capable of executing complex amphibious actions, and today we launch a Combined Forcible Entry Operation with teams from the U.S., Japan, New Zealand, and the U.K. The operation includes simultaneous surface and air assault to secure key objectives and was preceded by sophisticated pre-landing reconnaissance and shaping operations.”

Australian Army landing at Talisman Sabre 2019 (photo : Talisman Sabre 2019)

Unique to this eighth iteration of Talisman Sabre is the participation of the Japan Self-Defense Force. Japan’s newly established Amphibious Rapid Deployment Brigade travelled to Australia aboard the JMSDF ships JS Ise and JS Kunasaki.

''We are excited to be a part of this year's Talisman Sabre and to prepare for the exercise’s D-Day successfully with partner forces,” said Japan Ground Self-Defense Force Maj. Gen. Shinichi Aoki, Commander Landing Force, Japan Amphibious Rapid Deployment Brigade. “We are able to enhance our amphibious operational capability, demonstrate it, and contribute to peace and stability in the Pacific.''

Amphibious landing at Talisman Sabre 2019 (photo : Talisman Sabre 2019)

Talisman Sabre 19 further strengthened existing alliances in the region through the execution of one of the most difficult operations for any military – amphibious operations. After careful command and control, logistics, communication, air asset, reconnaissance and surveillance, and beach landing planning, coordination, and collaboration at sea, the coalition landed as a synchronized team.

The alliances between the U.S. and Australia, and the U.S. and Japan, are critical to the Indo-Pacific region, with exercise Talisman Sabre improving interoperability of partner nations in order to maintain security and stability in the region.

(US Pacom)

Coastal Patrol Boat will be Equipped with Russian AK-306 Machine Gun

22 Juli 2019

AK-306 30mm automatic gun (photo : Rosoboronexport)

Naval Ordnance Department, Royal Thai Navy publish 2 documents for the procurement of fire control systems and related equipment were announced. The project for the supply of  two coastal patrol boat.

The budget amount received is at 459,000,000 baht ($ 14,825,689), set the middle price (reference price) in the amount of 455,557,764.44 baht ($ 14,747,834.19), the source price from EA Aviation Co. Ltd (EA Aviation Co. Ltd) for Fire Control System and 2 related equipment for 2 coastal patrol boat.

Previously, the Naval Acquisition Management Office The Royal Thai Navy has issued a project document to purchase a 30mm machine gun system with 2 related equipment. The project for the supply of two coastal patrol boats on the 5th April 2019.

Budget amount that has been allocated and the reference price is valued 140,000,000 baht ($ 4,527,390), the source of the medium price from Aura Sky Group Co. Ltd., when combined with details from the purchase documents for the fire control system for the new coastal patrol boat two  ships at Marsun PCL (Marsun PCL) were selected, so it should be clear that the Thai Navy will supply Russian 30mm AK-306 type guns as the main weapon against the new ship.

Model of Royal Thai Navy's Coastal Patrol Boat T.995 that builded by Thailand's shipyard company Marsun Public Company Limited (photo : AAG)

According to information from Rosoboronexport The Russian government's munitions weapons management department, AK-306, is a mechanical turret system that is a Close-In Weapon System (CIWS) designed for self-defense of ships. With the ability to resist aircraft, helicopters and other air attack weapons as well as attacking specific surface targets and hunt to destroy mines, target enemy infantry without cover and the location of the firing base on the coast.

AK-306 is controlled by the camera The Eletro-Optical OPU-1 is designed to replace the old 30mm twin AK-230 guns on boats with small AK-306 water droplets attached to the six-barreled cannon. The AO-18L has a small dimension. Lightweight. There is a system for loading ammunition in the shelter under the deck

See full article AAG

Dislaikad Laksanakan Sertifikasi Kelaikan Fasilitas Produksi Bersama Kemhan RI

23 Juli 2019

Meriam 155 mm Howitzer Gerak Sendiri Caesar (photo : DislaikAD)

Kasubdislaik Dislaikad Kolonel Arm Wiwin Sugiono melaksanakan sertifikasi kelaikan fasilitas produksi terhadap materiil Meriam 155 mm GS Howitzer Caesar bersama Tim Puslaik Kemhan RI yang dipimpin Kepala Bidang Kelaikan (Kabidlaik) Darat Puslaik Kemhan RI Kolonel Cpl Edy Puryono, SE., MM di Nexter – Roanne, Perancis (Senin, 15/7).

Kegiatan sertifikasi kelaikan fasilitas produksi yang berlangsung di Perancis ini dilaksanakan selama sepekan dengan memverifikasi dokumen terhadap 24 item fasilitas produksi, yaitu meliputi struktur organisasi, surat penetapan Indhan, surat ijin produksi, kualifikasi pekerja/karyawan, clearance test personel,  pengamanan instalasi listrik, pengamanan instalasi lingkungan, prosedur penanganan kecelakaan kerja, sertifikasi uji conformity internal, sertifikasi klaribasi alat ukur, dokumen pengujian mutu, dokumen bangunan gedung dan sarana prasarana, dokumen pengolahan limbah, dokumen rencana produksi, fasilitas pengamanan instalasi, instruksi kerja, layout produksi, prosedur tanggap darurat, company profile, ISO 9001 : 2015, ISO 14001 : 2015, OHSAS 18001: 2007 dan katalog produk.

Dalam setiap prosedur kegiatan kelaikan, Dislaikad selalu memedomani ketentuan dan aturan yang ada, diantaranya yaitu verifikasi dokumen (Review Document), meliputi ISO, keselamatan kerja, design, drawing dan lain-lain; kemudian pemeriksaan kesesuaian (Conformity Inspections); dan dilanjutkan dengan uji fungsi (Functional Check) sebagai bagian dari kelaikan dalam menjamin keselamatan personel, materiil dan lingkungan.


Cambodia Denies Report Of Deal With China For Use Of Naval Base

23 Juli 2019

Location of naval base (photo : ZeroHedge)

Cambodia's prime minister has denounced as "fake news" a report in The Wall Street Journal that his country had signed a secret deal to allow Chinese warships to use a naval base in the Gulf of Thailand.

"This is the worst-ever made up news against Cambodia," Hun Sen told the country's pro-government Fresh News on Monday, according to The South China Morning Post.

"No such thing could happen because hosting foreign military bases is against the Cambodian constitution," the prime minister said.

Hun Sen's remarks follow a report published in the Journal on Sunday that cites unnamed U.S. officials confirming that China and Cambodia had reached a deal essentially leasing part of the Ream naval base near Sihanoukville.

Last month, China also denied that it was seeking access to Ream, with Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe, who was speaking during a defense summit in Singapore, saying there was "no such thing."

Earlier this month the State Department issued a statement urging Cambodia to honor its "constitutional commitment to its people to pursue an independent foreign policy."

"We are concerned that any steps by the Cambodian government to invite a foreign military presence in Cambodia would threaten the coherence and centrality of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in coordinating regional developments, and disturb peace and stability in Southeast Asia," the statement said, according to Reuters.

China and Cambodia enjoy close relations and Beijing has backed a $3.5 billion investment zone, including a port and luxury resort that encompasses one-fifth of Cambodia's coastline. A Chinese company has an exclusive 99-year lease on the project.

The Journal reported that China planned to build two new piers at Ream, one for Cambodia and the other for China's use.

Getting access to the port could help China expand its already growing influence over the waters of Southeast Asia and especially the South China Sea, where it has numerous disputed claims with its maritime neighbors.

"If you have a naval base in Cambodia it means the Chinese navy has a more favorable operational environment in the waters surrounding Southeast Asia," Charles Edel, a former State Department official who is now a senior fellow at the United States Studies Center at the University of Sydney, was quoted by The South China Morning Post as saying.

"You have all of a sudden mainland Southeast Asia potentially sitting behind a defensive Chinese military perimeter. This is by far the biggest implication and one that would likely have political effects," he said.


First Photos of PHL Coast Guard’s H145 Helicopter Revealed

23 Juli 2019

PCG H145 helicopter (photo : Maxdefense)

Photos of PHL Coast Guard’s new helicopter emerge online

The first photos of Philippine Coast Guard (PCG)’s upcoming new Airbus Helicopters H145 light twin engine helicopter were uploaded in MaxDefense Philippines Facebook page.

In September 2018, Airbus announced that the Philippine government ordered the first H145 for government use.

“We are honoured by the Philippine Coast Guard’s decision to introduce the country’s first parapublic H145 into its fleet, as the perfect complement to the current workhorse BO105 which has served the agency well for the past 40 years. We have full confidence in the H145’s ability to support the agency’s work, coupled with our dedicated in-country customer centre which stays committed to supporting its operations in close proximity,” said Head of Southeast Asia and Pacific of Airbus Helicopters Philippe Monteux in September 2018.

H145 is a 4-tonne-class twin-engine helicopter specially equipped with high frequency radios, emergency flotation gear, fast roping, cargo sling, search light, and electro-optical systems to perform critical missions including search and rescue, medical evacuation, maritime patrol and law enforcement.


Patrol Boat Preview for Timor-Leste Delegation

23 Juli 2019

Timor Leste delegation previewed their future patrol boat (photo : RAN)

Senior officers and officials of Timor-Leste’s military - Falantil Forcas Defesa de Timor Lorosae (F-FDTL) - and Defence Department previewed their future patrol boat during a recent visit to the Republic of Tuvalu’s new Guardian Class Patrol Boat Te Mataili II in Cairns.

Te Mataili II is the second Guardian Class Patrol Boat built by Western Australian shipbuilder Austal under a contract that will see 23 ships built for Timor-Leste and 12 Pacific island nations over four years.

The patrol boats are being gifted by Australia, complete with through-life training and support, under the Pacific Maritime Security Program (PMSP).

Timor-Leste will receive two Guardians in 2023, providing much-needed maritime surveillance and response capability.

The important visit gave the delegation firsthand experience of the patrol boat’s unique design, systems, equipment, habitability, operational capabilities and manoeuvrability.

The delegation included F-FDTL Inspector General, Brigadier General Cornelio Xemenes ‘Maunana’, Ministry Defence Director Maia Goncalves Martinho, 2nd Tenente Ermenio dos Santos and 2nd Tenente Jacinto Nascimento, who were escorted by Timor-Leste Ministry of Defence Adviser, David Seymour and Senior Defence Cooperation Program Navy Adviser, Lieutenant Commander Mark Sorby.

Te Mataili II Tuvalu's new patrol boat (photo : dailypost)

Commanding Officer Te Mataili II, Inspector Seleganui Fusi, and his officers were very proud to showcase their new ship with a guided tour and a demonstration underway in the vicinity of Cairns Harbour.

Brigadier Maunana and Mr Martinho experienced being deployed in the sea boat from the uniquely designed stern launch position, and also manoeuvred the ship during a man overboard exercise.

Tuvalu’s Commissioner of Police also welcomed a Timor-Leste Naval officer to join the vessel for part of its passage to its home port in Funafuti, Tuvalu,

The Commanding Officer said the high standard of training his crew received from the Australian Defence Cooperation Program’s Sea Training Group had improved their ability to perform well together and meet the required standards.

The Timor-Leste delegation also visited HMAS Cairns to be briefed on Cairns Naval Base facilities in anticipation of future visits when the patrol boats operate in the Pacific or undergo maintenance.

When thanking the Commanding Officer and ship’s company for their warm hospitality, Brigadier Maunana presented Inspector Seleganui with a traditional hand-woven scarf, called a tais, and a DCP crest, wishing them a safe voyage home to Funafuti.

According to Lieutenant Commander Sorby, the visit did more than just showcase capability.

“Not only did the officers and ship’s company of Te Mataili II reveal their ship’s capabilities, they also enjoyed sharing Tuvaluan culture and language, which to everyone’s surprise was similar to Timorese.

“For me, this visit highlighted the important language and cultural links which exist across the PMSP group of nations that could help to promote closer cooperation and support, particularly for Timor-Leste, who is starting from a much lower baseline,” Lieutenant Commander Sorby said.


Tingkatkan Daya Saing, Menhan Tekankan Kerjasama Erat Tiga Pilar Industri Pertahanan

24 Juli 2019

Fregat Sigma 10514 sudah dapat dibuat oleh PT PAL (photo : Damen)

Jakarta – Dalam usaha memajukan industri pertahanan, Indonesia menghadapi tantangan yang sangat kompleks baik berupa persaingan ketat antar negara dalam merebut pangsa pasar maupun kemampuan dan daya saing.

Menghadapi tantangan tersebut diperlukan strategi yang jitu serta kerja sama yang erat diantara ketiga pilar industri pertahanan yaitu pemerintah, pengguna dan industri pertahanan.

Demikian dikatakan Menteri Pertahanan Ryamizard Ryacudu pada saat memimpin Rapat Pleno Komite Kebijakan Industri Pertahanan (KKIP) 2019 dengan tema “Sinkronisasi Arah Kebijakan Strategis Pengembangan Industri Pertahanan Tahun 2020-2024”, Senin (22/7) di kantor Kemhan, Jakarta.

Kapal selam Type 209/1400 sudah dapat dibuat oleh PT PAL (photo : Liputan6)

“Ketiga pilar industri pertahanan harus dapat merumuskan suatu kebijakan strategis, yang sinkron dan bersinergi, serta memiliki komitmen dan konsistensi yang kuat dalam membangun dan mengembangkan industri pertahanan”, tandas Menhan.

Lebih lanjut Menhan mengatakan, semenjak ditetapkannya Undang-Undang Nomor 16 tahun 2012 tentang Industri Pertahanan, telah ditetapkan berbagai kebijakan strategis terkait industri pertahanan, sehingga telah dicapai berbagai kemajuan antara lain, dalam penguasaan teknologi manufacturing kapal selam, kapal PKR, tank medium, roket nasional, dan peningkatan kapasitas produksi munisi.

Selain itu, kontrak pengadaan Alpalhankam melalui PDN pada Renstra saat ini meningkat sangat pesat sebesar 262% dibandingkan dengan Renstra sebelumnya. Implementasi pelaksanaan IDKLO (2014 s.d 2018) telah mencapai 74,8% dari nilai kontrak, atau setara dengan nilai 2,46 miliar USD.

Tank medium Harimau sudah bisa dibuat oleh PT Pindad (photo : S. Honggo)

Namun demikian, Menhan meminta semua pihak yang terkait dengan industri pertahanan tidak cepat berpuas diri karena masih terdapat hal-hal yang perlu menjadi perhatian untuk lebih meningkatkan lagi kinerja industri pertahanan.

Beberapa hal yang menjadi penekanan Menhan antara lain, perlunya komitmen pengguna untuk secara konsisten mengutamakan produk dalam negeri pada rencana strategis jangka menengah dan panjang dalam pemenuhan Alpalhankam tahun 2020-2024.

Selanjutnya, kepada industri pertahanan ditekankan harus dapat meningkatkan kualitas dan kapasitas produksi serta senantiasa mengikuti perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi termasuk teknologi four point zero (4.0) untuk memenuhi alpalhankam yang sesuai dengan tuntutan opsreq dan spektek dari pengguna.

Pesawat tempur KFX/IFX sebentar lagi akan dibuat oleh PT DI (photo : KoreaArms)

Sedangkan, kepada sebelas kementerian/lembaga anggota KKIP ditekankan untuk membangun sinergitas dan sinkronisasi sesuai Tupoksi masing-masing, melalui koordinasi yang lebih intensif dan efektif sehingga terjadi akselerasi/percepatan program pembangunan dan pengembangan industri pertahanan yang maju, kuat, mandiri dan berdaya saing.

Rapat Pleno KKIP dihadiri Anggota KKIP, Tim Pelaksanan dan Staf Ahli KKIP serta perwakilan industri pertahanan dari Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) dan Badan Usaha Milik Swasta. Berkesempatan pula turut hadir pada rapat tersebut, Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika Rudiantara.


Peruntukan RM 440 Juta untuk Perolehan Helikopter, Bot Baharu TLDM

24 Juli 2019

One of candidate is Airbus H145M (photo : Masterdeis)

KUALA LUMPUR – Panglima Tentera Laut, Laksamana Datuk Mohd Reza Mohd Sani menyatakan Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia dalam proses perolehan  helikopter utiliti dan bot baharu.

Beliau menyatakan perkara tersebut semasa Perjumpaan Panglima Tentera laut Bersama Media Sempena Penembakan Peluru Berpandu Exocet dan Sea Skua di Kementerian Pertahanan, hari ini.

Menurut beliau, sebanyak 3 buah helikopter operasi maritim akan dibeli dengan peruntukan sebanyak RM 220 juta .

Helikopter yang bakal diperoleh lebih tertumpu kepada helikopter utiliti yang bertujuan untuk melaksanakan tugas-tugas logistik seperti melakukan operasi ulang bekal serta mengangkut anggota Pasukan Khas Laut (PASKAL),” jelas Panglima Tentera Laut.

One of candidate is Fast Interceptor Boat Onuk MRTP16 (photo : Cari)

Sementara itu, jumlah yang sama diperuntukan untuk perolehan bot pemintas (Fast Interceptor Craft).  Perolehan FIC bertujuan untuk memperkukuhkan operasi TLDM menjaga perairan di Zon Keselamatan Pantai Timur Sabah. FIC mampu untuk melakukan pelayaran di kawasan perairan yang cetek dan sukar dimasuki oleh bot-bot biasa.

“Pada ketika ini, kita berhasrat untuk memperoleh sebanyak 18 buah bot pemintas,

“Selain mempunyai kelajuan, FIC mempunyai daya tahan yang tinggi untuk memintas sebarang bot-bot yang menceroboh di perairan tersebut,” ujar Reza.

Difahamkan kesemua perolehan tersebut dilakukan dengan cara tender terbuka.

Menyentuh tempoh perolehan, beliau memaklumkan kesemua kontrak perolehan akan ditandatangani dalam masa terdekat selewat-lewatnya pada tahun ini.

Tinjauan di laman eTender Kementerian Pertahanan mendapati iklan tender perolehan helikopter operasi maritim dan FIC telah disiarkan pada 19 Julai 2019.


First Australian Boxer Armoured Vehicle Arrives in Brisbane

24 Juli 2019

First Australian Boxer armoured vehicle (photo : Rheinmetall)

The first of 25 Rheinmetall Defence Boxer 8x8 armoured vehicles being built in Germany for the Australian Army arrived in Brisbane in mid-July, sources have told Jane's .

Rheinmetall Defence Australia (RDA) declined to comment, but the sources said the drive module of the multi-purpose vehicle (MPV) variant would be joined in early August by a turreted reconnaissance variant.

The platforms are the first two of an initial tranche of 13 reconnaissance platforms and 12 MPVs that are being built in Germany as part of Project Land 400 Phase 2, under which RDA was selected in March 2018 to provide 211 Boxer vehicles between 2019 and 2026 at a cost of AUD3.3 billion (USD2.4 billion).


Indonesia to Add Personnel for KFX/IFX Program

24 Juli 2019

KFX/IFX fighter (photo : picdeer)

Indonesia seeks reduction in share of expenses in joint fighter jet project

Indonesia is seeking a reduction of its share of expenses in the fighter jet development project with South Korea, as it is running about 300 billion won ($254 million) in arrears.

According to South Korea’s Defense Acquisition Program Administration on Monday, Indonesia had paid about 220 billion won of its share of 1.7 trillion won as of Monday. The first deposit was made in 2016. Since paying 132 billion won early this year, there have not been any additional payments from Indonesia, and it is running about 300 billion won in arrears as of July, DAPA said.

While admitting that they have been renegotiating the deal since early this year, the Korean government refused to elaborate on details of their talks.

“Aside from the financial problem, the development of the fighter jets is going smoothly. We do not see that Indonesia will withdraw from the project,” an official from Korea Aerospace Industries, which is participating in the project, told The Korea Herald. 

Add 32 more personnel

According to the official, 32 more Indonesian personnel are set to arrive in Korea in August, adding to the current 80 working here. 

The Critical Design Review meeting is also expected to take place in September, in which the two sides will review the development of the project. It would then lead to building an actual prototype of the fighter jets, the official said. 

The KFX/IFX project is aimed at producing semi-stealth fighter aircraft of generation 4.5. From the program, the two countries will build 168 units, of which 120 will belong to Korea. 

The warplanes are expected to be equipped with semi-conformal missile launchers, advanced avionics and air-refueling functions. 

The KFX project is South Korea’s second domestic fighter jet development program, first proposed in 2001. 

See full article KoreaHerald

Singapore and Indonesian Navies Celebrate 25th Edition of Exercise Eagle Indopura

24 Juli 2019

 Exercise of Eagle Indopura 2019 (photo : Sing Mindef)

The Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) and the Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) are conducting the 25th edition of Exercise Eagle Indopura from 18 to 25 July. The exercise is conducted in three phases – the harbour phase in Surabaya, Indonesia; the sea phase in the Java Sea, Karimata Strait and Singapore Strait enroute to Singapore; and culminating in the post-exercise shore phase in Singapore. The RSN deployed a Formidable-class Frigate RSS Steadfast, a Victory-class Missile Corvette RSS Vigour, and an Independence-class Littoral Mission Vessel RSS Justice for the exercise. The TNI AL participated with a Diponegoro-class Frigate KRI Sultan Iskandar Muda, a Fatahillah-class Missile Corvette KRI Fatahillah and a CN-235 Maritime Patrol Aircraft. 

RSN Fleet Commander Rear-Admiral (RADM) Aaron Beng and TNI AL Second Fleet Commander RADM Mintoro Yulianto officiated at the opening ceremony of the exercise on 18 July in Surabaya. Speaking at the ceremony, RADM Beng highlighted the continued need for both navies to work together to protect the key maritime trade routes between Singapore and Indonesia. He said, "The RSN and TNI AL have a long and deep history of cooperation. I am certain that we will continue to grow and deepen these bilateral interactions in the years to come. This will enable both our navies to cooperate and tackle future challenges." A commemorative dinner organised by both navies was also held on the same day of the opening ceremony to mark the 25th edition of Exercise Eagle Indopura.

RSS Justice 2018 (photo : Piet Sinke)

For the sea phase of the exercise, both navies executed a series of advanced anti-surface and anti-air naval warfare serials. They also conducted maritime security drills, where they collaborated to disrupt a simulated terrorist attack on commercial shipping transiting through the Singapore Strait. This was in response to alerts of the simulated terrorist threat via the RSN's Information Fusion Centre Real-time Information-sharing System (IRIS), a web-based system for information sharing and sense-making. 

Held since 1974, Exercise Eagle Indopura is the Singapore Armed Forces' longest-running bilateral exercise with a foreign military. The RSN and TNI AL conduct regular professional exchanges, exercises and port calls, and also collaborate through the multilateral Malacca Straits Patrol and other activities including socio-civic programmes. These regular interactions have enhanced the close ties and mutual understanding between the personnel of both navies.

(Sing Mindef)

Romualdez: PH Eyeing Chinook Helicopters from US

25 Juli 2019

Boeing CH47F Chinook of the United States Army (photo : thule100)

MANILA - The Philippines is keen on buying new helicopters from the United States, Philippine Ambassador to US Jose Manuel Romualdez said Tuesday.

According to the country's top envoy to US, Washington is offering helicopters aside from the Black Hawk helicopters which the Philippines agreed to buy in December 2018.

"The US is offering the Philippines to buy heavy-lift Chinook helicopters," Romualdez said in a roundtable interview.

“We are buying more equipment but on the high-ticket items. I think you know about the 16 Blackhawk helicopters. And then there are the heavy-lift Chinook helicopters which are being offered to the Philippines,” he said.

Romualdez said if the military purchase will proceed, it will help the Armed Forces of the Philippines in their operations.

“This is very important for our disaster relief and then also in the movement of our soldiers,” the Philippine envoy said.

Romualdez said the Philippine military prefers American-made equipment.

“Our soldiers would prefer obviously American-made, not because they have anything against Russian or Chinese-made, but because interoperability is very important," Romualdez said.

The Philippines agreed to buy 16 UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters from the Sikorsky Aircraft Corp for P12.67 billion ($240 million), shunning cheaper Russian equipment due to US sanctions on Russian military exports.

US President Donald Trump signed a law last year punishing Russia for its 2014 annexation of Crimea from Ukraine, its support for Syria's government and its suspected meddling in the 2016 US presidential election, an accusation the Kremlin has denied.

US allies buying weapons and equipment from Russia, the world's second-largest arms exporter, would also be penalized and could see the transfer of those arms disrupted.

(ABS CBN News)

Pindad Terima Pesanan 51 Komodo Nexter

25 Juli 2019

Danpussenarmed melihat langsung produksi kendaraan Komodo Nexter (photo : Pindad)

Danpussenarmed Kunjungi Pindad Tinjau Progress Komodo Nexter

Direktur Utama Pindad, Abraham Mose menerima kunjungan Komandan Pusat Kesenjataan Artileri Medan (Danpussenarmed), Brigjen TNI Purbo Prastowo dalam rangka untuk melihat progress Komodo Nexter pada Kamis, 18 Juli 2019. Danpussenarmed membawa jajarannya serta pengguna di Batalyon untuk menyampaikan masukan terkait Komodo.

Abraham Mose mengapresiasi kunjungan Danpussenarmed beserta jajaran dan mengatakan Pindad siap mendukung penuh percepatan progress Komodo Nexter.

“Terimakasih kepada Danpussenarmed beserta jajaran yang berkunjung ke Pindad. GM Kendaraan Khusus, Widjil Djatmiko memaparkan mengenai Komodo Nexter yang diproduksi di Pindad, setelah itu nanti kita akan tinjau langsung ke fasilitas produksi, mohon masukan dan arahannya, Pindad mendukung penuh percepatannya,” ujar Abraham.

Brigjen TNI Purbo Prastowo mengatakan Komodo Nexter nantinya akan disebar dan digunakan oleh jajaran Pusenarmed.

“Komodo Nexter nantinya akan digunakan di jajaran Pussenarmed. Kami datang dengan tim dan pengguna di batalyon untuk melihat progress-nya. Kami juga datang dengan para pengguna di batalyon, kami harap kelebihan tetap dipertahankan dan ditingkatkan dan kekurangannya bisa diperbaiki.

Rombongan kemudian meninjau ke fasilitas produksi Divisi Kendaraan Khusus untuk melihat langsung perkembangan Komodo Nexter.

Pindad akan membuat 51 unit Komodo Nexter yang terdiri dari berbagai tipe dan rencana akan selesai di akhir tahun 2019. Adapun tipe yang diproduksi antara lain: Battalion Command Vehicle (BnCV), Battery Command vehicle (BCV), Meteo Vehicle (MeV), Forward Observer Vehicle (FoV), Relay Vehicle (ReV) dan Logistic Vehicle (LoG).


ADF MRH 90 Helos Grounded

25 Juli 2019

ADF MRH-90 Taipan helicopter (photo : George Canciani)

The ADF has reportedly grounded its entire fleet of 47 Airbus MRH 90 Taipan helicopters following a recent precautionary landing caused by a tail rotor vibration.

A report in Fairfax Media says a Navy MRH 90 was flying from the LHD HMAS Adelaide off the Queensland coast to Brisbane recently when it experienced the vibration, causing it to make a precautionary return to the ship.

“The aircraft captain aborted the mission and returned to HMAS Adelaide for a precautionary landing,” the report said, quoting a Defence spokesman. “No personnel were injured during the incident.”

The Navy operates six MRH 90s from the ADF’s larger pool, and regularly rotates aircraft back through the pool for periodical maintenance, most of which is conducted by Airbus at Brisbane Airport or a combined Airbus and Army team at Townsville. The aircraft are operated by Navy’s 808SQN at Nowra, and Army’s A and B SQNs of 5 Aviation Regiment (5Avn) at Townsville.

The grounding follows an ABC report last month which revealed Project AIR 9000 Phases 2, 4 and 6 which resulted in the acquisition of the MRH 90 in three batches to initially complement and ultimately replace Army’s S-70A-9 Black Hawk and Navy’s Sea King helicopters, remain on the Government Projects of Concern list.

The MRH 90 was originally scheduled to have been declared fully operational (FOC) in 2014, a milestone which, despite improvements in aircraft availability and sustainment in recent years, is still yet to be formally achieved. As a result, Army has been forced to retain about a dozen Black Hawks for the special operations support role some five years beyond their originally planned retirement.

The grounding will likely have a significant effect on the ADF’s ability to provide airborne assault and logistics support to the multi-national Exercise Talisman Saber currently underway off central Queensland.

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