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Australia Issues RFI for Tiger Helicopter Replacement

10 Juli 2019

The Australian government has begun its search for a new armed attack helicopter to replace the ARH Tiger fleet. The planned procurement will require capabilities in manned-unmanned teaming and amphibious operations (photo : Aus DoD)

The Australian government has issued a request for information (RfI) for a replacement of the Australian Army’s fleet of Airbus Helicopters ARH Tiger armed reconnaissance helicopters.

Under the Land 4503 programme, the Australian Department of Defence’s Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group (CASG) is seeking information to acquire a total of 29 airframes. Of these 29, 24 are to be based at a single location, with a further five to be used for training operations.

The timelines for the programme anticipate an initial operating capability (IOC) of a squadron of 12 aircraft by 2026, with full operational capability (FOC) from 2028.

The concept of operations outlined in the RfI documentation include the ability to deploy a troop of four aircraft at the point of IOC, with the other eight aircraft split between continued force generation and build-up training. Once FOC is achieved, the Australian Army would be capable of “generating multiple concurrent deployed forces of up to Squadron [12 aircraft] size,” supported by a training system of up to five aircraft.

The procurement programme is targeting a reduced risk approach, with the cover letter for the RfI noting that the acquisition is aimed at a “proven and mature, off-the-shelf” system to “deliver armed reconnaissance efforts in close and deep contested battlespace”.

The RfI is also seeking information on a platform’s interoperability with unmanned systems, particularly as the country is replacing its fleet of Textron RQ-7 Shadow 200 under the Land 129 Phase 3 programme, and is acquiring the General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc’s (GA-ASI’s) MQ-9 Reaper under Air 7003 programme.


Peperangan Modern akan Jadi Menu Utama di Latihan Armada Jaya ke-37

10 Juli 2019

Gelar Pasukan Armada Jaya ke-37 (photo : Antara)

Surabaya - Ribuan TNI AL mengikuti apel kesiapan Latihan Armada Jaya ke-37 2019. Dalam latihan tersebut, peperangan modern akan jadi menu utama.

Kepala staf angkatan laut (Kasal) Laksamana TNI Siwi Sukma Adji melakukan inspeksi terhadap kesiapan unsur dan prajurit TNI AL yang dilibatkan. Latihan Armada ke-37 2019 itu melibatkan 8.493 personel. Sebanyak 1.959 personel pada tahap Geladi Posko dan 6.534 personel terlibat pada tahap Manuvra Lapangan.

"Latihan Armada Jaya ke-37 tahun 2019 digelar dengan beberapa latihan. Baik metode gelar di Posko dan di lapangan. Jadi yang akan dilaksanakan besok (8-16 Juli) jadi selesai gelar kesiapan ini. Langsung embarkasi ke kapal masing-masing. Ke kapal udara ke satuan yang lain," kata Siwi di Dermaga Ujung Komando Armada (Koarmada) II Surabaya, Selasa (9/7/2019).

Gelar Pasukan Armada Jaya ke-37 (photo : Detik)

Siwi menyampaikan, latihan Armada Jaya ke-37 diikuti beberapa Komando Tugas(Kogas). Di antaranya Komando Tugas Laut Gabungan (Kogaslagab), Komando Tugas Gabungan Amfibi (Kogasgabfib), Komando Tugas Gabungan Pendaratan Administrasi (Kogasgabratmin) dan Komando Tugas Gabungan Pertahanan Pantai (Kogasgabhantai).

"Pada tanggal 12, kita lakukan latihan pertahanan udara, serangan udara, maupun bantuan langsung dari satuan-satuan TNI angkatan udara. Demikian juga kami akan melakukan latihan bersama dengan Angkatan Darat, beberapa kesatuan. Selain itu kita juga akan melaksanakan kegiatan dengan masyarakat yang melibatkan TNI, Polri dan Masyarakat," imbuhnya.

Siwi menegaskan, dalam latihan Komando Tugas Laut Gabungan (Kogaslagab) 2019, pihaknya akan mengembangkan latihan modern dan latihan cyber.

Gelar Pasukan Armada Jaya ke-37 (photo : Antara)

"Ini yang baru kami lakukan tahun ini, dan kemudian latihan operasi amfibi, untuk menerapkan latihan amfibi yang modern dengan alutsista yang kami miliki. Selanjutnya melaksanakan operasi darat," papar Siwi.

Menurutnya, hal yang penting dalam latihan Armada Jaya ke-37 ialah mengaplikasikan peperangan modern dalam menjaga kedaulatan NKRI.

"Yang penting dalam latihan ini, kita akan melaksanakan bagaimana peperangan modern yang kita hadapi untuk menjaga kedaulatan dan keutuhan NKRI yang kita cintai bersama. Latihan ini juga sebagai uji kemampuan menyambut latihan gabungan yang digelar oleh Mabes TNI," tambahnya.

Gelar Pasukan Armada Jaya ke-37 (photo : Tribun)

Alutsista yang terlibat dalam latihan itu terdiri dari berbagai Kapal Perang (KRI). Ada berbagai jenis Kapal Selam, Perusak Kawal Rudal, Kapal Cepat Rudal, Perusak Kawal, Angkut Tank, Buru Ranjau, Kapal Tanker, Kapal Bantu Tunda dan Kapal Bantu Rumah Sakit.

Selain Kapal Perang, latihan juga melibatkan berbagai jenis Pesawat Udara Fixed Wing dan Rotary Wing. Serta Alutsista Marinir seperti BMP-3F, LVT-7, BVP-2, KAPA-K61, How 105, RM - 70 Grad, Rubber Boat, serta Puluhan Kendaraan Pendarat Amfibi milik Korps Marinir.

Setelah gelar apel kesiapan pasukan, acara dilanjutkan fase Manuvra Lapangan (Manlab) mulai 8 hingga 16 Juli 2019 di perairan Laut Jawa, Perairan Kangean, Pulau Sapudi dan Perairan Asembagus, Situbondo, Jawa Timur. Kemudian pada 13 Juli 2019, personel dan unsur yang terlibat akan melaksanakan pendaratan Amfibi di Pantai Banongan, Jawa Timur.


Svetlyak Gunboat of Vietnamese Navy Looks Powerful in the Firing Test

10 Juli 2019

The patrol gunboat Svetlyak number 263 shooting AK-630M anti-aircraft artillery (photo : BaoDatViet)

The People's Army Newspaper said that the Battalion 127 under the Navy Region 5 successfully organized a test of firing real bullets at sea.

Participating in the test of real bullets, there are the combat, transport and auxiliary fleets of the 511 Squadron and 512th Squadron. 3 Lesson B41 and Lesson 4c, 4d uses guns and cannons to destroy air targets and at sea in day and night conditions.  

Real bullet shot to check the ability of ships to be ready to fight, tactical level in command and control of ships; combat training on enemy aircraft and surface ships.   

On that basis, draw experience and supplement the combat plan and the Brigade training plan in the coming time. The most notable image in the last exercise was the Svetlyak gun's live ammunition department number 263.

It is known that in the late 1990s, the Vietnamese government signed a contract with Rosoboronexport (Russia) to buy 2 Svetlyak-class ships (Project 10412).

The Svetlyak artillery ships behind the fast attack crfat missile Molniya 1241.RE (photo : BaoDatViet)

Svetlyak gunboat designed by Almaz Shipbuilding Company (Russia) is responsible for patrolling and protecting natural resources at sea, escorting ships and protecting bases against attacks on air and water. .

In 2002, the first two Svetlyak were delivered to the Vietnam People's Navy. In 2008, Vietnam signed another 4 more Svetlyak vessels and in 2012 we received 4 units under contract.

Svetlyak gunship has a displacement of 375 tons, 49.5m in length, 28 crew. The main firepower of the ship was the gunboat AK-176M of 76.2 mm, similar to many other Navy warships of the Vietnamese Navy.

The anti-aircraft firepower of the Svetlyak includes two AK-630M automatic high-speed cannons and a low-range air-to-air missile launcher Igla-1M (16 bullets). In addition, the ship is also equipped with 2 14.5 mm machine guns that can shoot low-flying aircraft or small targets at sea.

The heart of the Svetlyak-Project 10412 is three M504 diesel engines that allow a maximum speed of 30 knots / hr, a range of 3,500 km, a 10-day continuous sailing time.

Terungkap Spek Dasar Kendaraan Panus R600 8x8

11 Juli 2019

Kendaraan beroda ban R600 8x8 (photos : Panus)

Spesifikasi dasar kendaraan R600 beroda ban 8x8 terungkap sudah, sebagai informasi awal kendaraan R600 8x8 yang dibuat oleh Panus Assembly Co Ltd di Phanat Nikom, Provinsi Chornburi, Thailand ini sekarang pekerjaan elektrikalnya masih berjalan dan secara keseluruhan sudah kendaraan ini telah 80% komplet, menjadikannya sebagai kendaraan beroda ban pertama yang dibuat oleh swasta.

Sebagai informasi awal yang bisa diungkapkan adalah bahwa kendaraan ini mempunyai berat 25 ton, panjang of 8.4 m, lebar 3.2 m, dan tinggi 2.75 m. Kemudian untuk tenaga penggerak menggunakan mesin Cummins dengan tenaga 600 hp dan transmisi otomatis Allison dengan 6 percepatan. 

Kecepatan R600 8x8 dapat dipacu hingga 110 km/jam, mampu melibas jalan dengan kemiringan samping 40 % dan kemiringan tanjakan hingga 60 %. Selain itu kendaraan ini mampu melewati penghalang 500 mm, dan mempunyai jarak jangkau 800 km. 

Untuk fungsi pengangkutan kendaraan ini mampu membawa 20 + 2 prajurit. Untuk perlindungan lapis baja Stanag 4569 Level 2, adapun untuk Level 3 adalah opsional. Kendaraan dapat dilengkapi dengan turret otomatis kaliber 30 mm.

(Sompong Nondhasa)

Australia and New Zealand Headed for Exercise TALISMAN SABRE 2019

11 Juli 2019

USS Ronald Reagan (photo : RT)

The fleet sails for Exercise TALISMAN SABRE 2019

Australian, United States, Japanese and New Zealand naval vessels have sailed for Exercise TALISMAN SABRE 2019 following an opening ceremony in Brisbane this week.

The ceremony, held in the Port of Brisbane on the US Navy’s Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan, formally launched Australia’s largest bilateral exercise with the United States of America.

Minister for Defence, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds, CSC, said the exercise was designed to enhance combat readiness and interoperability between the Australian and United States Armed Forces.

“This premier military engagement reflects the strength of the Australia-US alliance and the closeness of our military to military relationship,” Minister Reynolds said.

“Exercise TALISMAN SABRE will involve more than 34,000 personnel from Australia and the United States.

HMA Ships Canberra and Adelaide in formation with amphibious landing crafts (photo : RAN)

“Forces from Canada, Japan, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom will be embedded alongside Australian Defence Force personnel, and delegations from India and the Republic of Korea will observe the exercise. Eighteen nations from across the Indo-Pacific region have also been invited to an international visitors program.”

The bilateral exercise follows extensive and ongoing local community engagement throughout the exercise area.

“TALISMAN SABRE would not be possible without the generous cooperation of the local community including landowners, governments and traditional owners.”

The majority of TALISMAN SABRE 2019 activities will take place in the Shoalwater Bay Training Area and surrounding state forests, near Rockhampton.

Other events will occur around Stanage Bay and the Capricorn Coast, Whitsunday region, Mackay region, Bundaberg and surrounding region, the Townsville Field Training Area and the Evans Head Air Weapons Range in NSW.

In preparation for TALISMAN SABRE 2019, the Australian amphibious task group comprising HMA Ships Canberra and Adelaide have completed Exercises SEA EXPLORER and SEA RAIDER 19 to hone operational skills and undertake required certifications. (RAN)

Royal New Zealand Navy's HMNZS Canterbury berthed in Australia as New Zealand Army's Light Armoured Vehicles (NZLAVs) disembark the ship for Exercise Talisman Sabre (photo : NZDF)
Kiwis headed for Talisman Sabre 2019

More than 600 New Zealand Defence Force personnel, 27 New Zealand Army light armoured vehicles, three Royal New Zealand Air Force NH90 helicopters and Royal New Zealand Navy ship HMNZS Canterbury are on their way to Australia for Exercise Talisman Sabre 2019.

This is the third time New Zealand has been invited to take part in the exercise, which is a bilateral, Australian-hosted and United States-supported combined exercise that is held every two years to improve combat readiness, exercise war fighting skills and systems and interoperability.

More than 30,000 service men and women will take part, including personnel from Canada, the United Kingdom and Japan.

Commander Joint Forces Rear Admiral James Gilmour said the exercise provided an essential training opportunity for the NZDF to test its people, capabilities, skills and focus around combat scenarios, while working alongside some of its closest military partners.

New Zealand Army vehicles after disembarking the Royal New Zealand Navy's HMNZS Canterbury (photo : NZDF)

“Being invited to participate in this exercise shows that New Zealand has a place at the table when it comes to providing war-fighting expertise and support in an international environment,” Rear Admiral Gilmour said.

“This exercise allows our Navy, Army and Air Force the opportunity to work alongside our allies and partners, focusing on our interoperability on the sea, land and in the air and testing real-world scenarios.

“It is the perfect opportunity for us to integrate as both a joint force and in a coalition-like environment.

“To ensure we are able to protect New Zealand’s interests, we must guarantee the NZDF’s effectiveness in a war-fighting environment.

“We are engaged in operations around the world, as well as working with our neighbours in the South West Pacific.”

HMNZS Canterbury will transport most of the NZDF contingent and machinery. (Contact)

Latihan Mission Oriented Training Melibatkan 7 Skadron Udara TNI AU

11 Juli 2019

Pesawat tempur Hawk 200 TNI AU (photo : Skadron Udara 1)

Kadisopslatau Buka Mission Oriented Training

TNI AU -  Kepala Dinas Operasi dan Latihan TNI AU (Kadisopslatau) Marsekal Pertama TNI Kusworo, S.E, M.M., membuka latihan gabungan “Mission Oriented Training” (MOT) di Ruang Tedy Kustari Lanud Iswahjudi. MOT merupakan latihan gabungan yang memadukan dari seluruh fase latihan-latihan sebelumnya di tiap-tiap satuan, sehingga terbentuk sebuah kekuatan besar dalam melaksanakan operasi udara. Selasa (9/7).

Pesawat tempur Su-27 TNI AU (photo :  Syamill Jusuf)

Kadisoplatau dalam sambutan pembukaannya mengatakan latihan gabungan MOT dimaksudkan untuk memberikan bekal pemahaman dan pengalaman serta meningkatkan kemampuan dalam bekerja sama antara penerbang yang mengoperasikan alutsista dengan flatform yang berbeda-beda, untuk secara terpadu melaksanakan operasi udara yang memiliki kompleksitas tinggi.

Pesawat tempur F-16C/D TNI AU (photo :  Adri Mahindra)

“Sehingga para penerbang tempur dalam memahami berbagai macam konsiderasi, situasi, ancaman, ketersediaan aset untuk merencanakan dan melaksanakan misi-misi pertempuran dalam operasi udara, sekaligus meningkatkan kemampuan koordinasi dan kerja sama antara penerbang yang mengoperasikan alutsista dengan platform yang berbeda diantaranya Ground Control Interception (GCI) maupun Ground Forward Air Controller (GFAC),” papar Kadisopslatau.

Pesawat tempur Su-30 TNI AU (photo :  Luqman Alif)

Sementara Komandan Lanud Iswahjudi Marsma TNI Widyargo Ikoputra, S.E.,M.M., dalam keterangan menambahkan bahwa target dalam MOT adalah mencapai profesionalisme penerbang tempur dengan disesuaikan perkembangan alutsista, Selain itu mampu menggunakan persenjataan yang berada di pesawat. juga melatih kerja sama antar pesawat dalam skenario besar.

Pesawat tempur F-16A/B TNI AU (photo : Diaz Eko Prasetyo)

“Latihan gabungan ini akan melibatkan 7 Skadron Udara diantara 6 Skadron Tempur, satu Skadron Hely. Alutsista yang akan digunakan dalam latihan yang direncanakan akan berlangsung selama 4 hari melibatkan pesawat tempur Sukhoi 27/30 Flanker Skadron Udara 11, F-16 C/D Fighting Falcon Skadron Udara 3 dan Skadron Udara 16, T50i Golden Eagle Skadron Udara 15, Hawk 100/200 Skadron Udara 1 dan Skadron Udara 12, dan Skadron Udara 6 SA -330/NAS 332 serta Satuan di jajaran Radar seluruh Indonesia, serta Pasukan Khas TNI AU.

Pesawat tempur T-50i TNI AU (photo : Nanda Aviation)

Hari ini Selasa (9/7) Latihan MOT telah menyelesaikan 73 sortie. Tidak seperti biasanya Lanud Iswahjudi yang menyelesaikan rata-rata sortie sebanyak 23-28 sortie.

Helikopter NAS-332 TNI AU (photo : TNI AU)

Penambahan jumlah sortie ini berkaitan digelarnya MOT yang dibuka kemarin (8/7). Latihan ini akan berlangsung hingga Jumat (12/7). Yang direncanakan juga ditutup oleh Kadisopslatau.


Russia to Export Armed Ground Robots

11 Juli 2019

Uran-9 UGV (photo : EDR)

Russia has received the first request for delivery of its new Uran-9 armed unmanned ground vehicle (UGV), according to the country’s Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (Federalnaya Sluzhba PO Voyenno-Tekhnicheskomy Sotrudnichestvu, FSVTS).

“One can state the growth of interest in the unmanned systems, which have been marketed by Rostec’s company Rosoboronexport since 2018. FSVTS has received foreign customers’ requests for the Uran-9E (E for Eksportniy, Export-oriented) multipurpose robotised system and the Orion-E unmanned aerial system with medium-altitude long endurance (MALE) unmanned aerial vehicles,” said a spokesperson for FSVTS during the Army 2019 defence show held in Kubinka near Moscow in late June.

The Russian military has detailed only the domestic modification of the Uran-9 robot; thus, the features of the export-oriented variant are still unknown. The Uran-9 robotised system integrates a mobile command and control post, four unmanned combat vehicles, and support systems and spare parts. The UGV weighs some 12 tonnes and is fitted with an electric transmission, a diesel-electric powerplant with a power output of 300 hp, and a light armoured hull. 

Its armament suite incorporates a wide range of weapons, including up to six RPO PDM-A Shmel-M rocket launchers (‘flamethrowers’, according to Russian designation), one 2A72 30 mm automatic cannon, one Kalashnikov PKTM 7.62 mm general-purpose machinegun, and up to four upgraded 9M120-1 Akaka “AT-9 Spiral-2” anti-tank guided missiles. The UGV can be controlled at a distance of up to 3 km. The Uran-9 is manufactured by 766th UPTK, which is now controlled by Rostec’s Kalashnikov Group.

The Russian military is reported to have adopted the Uran-9; however, there is no official confirmation of the adoption.

The Russian Armed Forces are also receiving the Uran-6 mine clearance UGV and the Uran-14 firefighting robot. In 2019 the military engineers units will get more than 10 Uran-6 robotised platforms.

Russian defence industry largely invests in the development of robots, including combat ones. At the Army 2019 exhibition, Rose’s High-Precision Weapons holding showed the Paladin combat UGV which was, in fact, a remotely controlled BMP-3 Dragun (Dragoon) infantry fighting vehicle.


Giliran KRI I Gusti Ngurah Rai 332 Dipasang Meriam CIWS

12 Juli 2019

KRI I Gusti Ngurah Rai 332 di dermaga PT PAL (photo : Military Buzz)

Pada bulan Maret 2019 yang lalu, bertempat di PT PAL Surabaya pada fregat KRI Martadinata dilakukan pemasangan meriam CIWS Rheinmetall Oerlikon Millenium Gun 35mm, rudal permukaan ke udara MBDA VL Mica dan rudal permukaan ke permukaan MBDA Exocet Block 3.

Empat bulan kemudian terlihat bahwa KRI I Gusti Ngurah Rai 332 berada di dermaga PT PAL Surabaya untuk dipasangi meriam CIWS Rheinmetall Oerlikon Millenium Gun 35mm. Dipastikan bahwa pemasangan rudal permukaan ke udara VL MICA dan rudal permukaan ke permukaan Exocet pada fregat ini akan langsung berlanjut setelah pemasangan meriam CIWS tersebut.

Millenium Gun 35mm (photo : defense sector)

Meriam 35mm Millenium Gun dapat dipakai untuk Shore target warfare (untuk mendukung operasi amfibi), Surface Warfare (untuk sasaran permukaan bahkan RHIB yang bergerak cepat) dan Anti air warfare (mengatasi rudal yang mendekat ataupun sasaran udara lainnya).

Dengan pemasangan meriam CIWS (close in weapon system) dan rudal udara dan permukaan pada fregat berkode GNR ini maka kapal ini dapat melaksanakan misi secara penuh dan mandiri untuk mendukung operasi TNI AL.

(Defense Studies)

MDHI Offers Single- and Twin-Engined Helicopters for Australian SOF Role

12 Juli 2019

MD 969 helicopter (photo : vertical flight)

MD Helicopters Inc (MDHI) has confirmed to Jane's that it is to bid for one single-engined and two twin-engined helicopter types for Australia's special forces requirement.

Responding to a request for information on 10 July, a company representative said that it has submitted its single-engined MD 530G light-attack and observation helicopter for Australia's Land 2097 Phase 4 requirement, as well as its twin-engined MD 902 and MD 969 rotorcraft.

MD 902 helicopter (photo : LT Orosco)

Australia's Land 2097 Phase 4 requirement is to airlift up to four special operations helicopters aboard a Boeing C-17 Globemaster III strategic transport aircraft for rapid forward deployment.

Developed from the Hughes Model 369 that was adapted into the military OH-6 Cayuse scout helicopter during the Vietnam War, the MD 530G is the latest variant of the venerable 'Little Bird' that MDHI has developed. It features a four-station weapons plank, external bench seating for four special forces soldiers, a 'glass' cockpit, and comes with a chin-mounted L-3 Wescam MX-10D electro-optic/infrared sensor and target designator. Weapons include 7.62 mm and 12.7 mm machine guns, 70 mm rockets, and AGM-114 Hellfire air-to-surface missiles.

MD 530G helicopter (photo : MDHI)

Performance figures released by MDHI give the MD 530G a maximum cruise speed of 110 kt; a maximum range of 574 km (this can be increased with auxiliary tanks); a maximum gross weight of 1,700 kg and a useful load of 780 kg; a service ceiling of 16,000 ft; a hover in ground effect of 14,400 ft; and a hover out of ground effect of 14,000 ft.

The MD 530G has already been selected by the armed forces of both Lebanon and Malaysia.


India Batalkan Permintaan Proposal Senapan Sniper Termasuk dari Pindad

12 Juli 2019

Senapan Sniper SP4 buatan Pindad (photo : malang voice)

Pindad dan 3 Perusahaan Ditolak India, Proposal Ribuan Sniper dan Jutaan Amunisi Pun Melayang

Angkasa.news - Kementerian Pertahanan India (MoD) memutuskan untuk membatalkan permintaan proposal (RFP) September 2018 kepada produsen asing untuk memasok 5.719 senapan sniper kaliber 8,6mm dan 10,2 juta amunisi untuk Angkatan Darat dan Angkatan Udara India.

Sumber resmi mengatakan seperti dikutip janes.com pada 10 Juli, RFP ditarik pada akhir Juni setelah tawaran yang diajukan pada Februari lalu oleh empat vendor, gagal memenuhi persyaratan kualitatif tender terkait pasokan amunisi .358 Lapua Magnum.

Keempat vendor dimaksud adalah PT Pindad dari Indonesia, Rosoboronexport dari Rusia serta Barrett dan MSA Global dari Amerika Serikat.

Khususnya AD India, sudah menunggu cukup lama untuk mendapatkan senapan sniper. Sebelumnnya dilaporkan ada 20 perusahaan menjawab permintaan informasi (RFI) dari AD India, namun semua ‘melayang’ tahun lalu. Karena tidak satupun dari perusahaan itu yang memproduksi amunisi.

Tidak adanya kapasitas pembuatan amunisi di India dipandang sebagai kelemahan utama. Karena  Angkatan Darat sedang berusaha mengamankan transfer teknologi di bawah kesepakatan akhir untuk memiliki senapan sniper untuk jangka panjang.

Sampai saat ini India masih terus mencari pemasok atas dua tender ini. Yaitu pengadaan senapan sniper dan amunisi.

Beberapa waktu lalu mengemuka pendapat untuk memodifikasi RFI dengan memasukkan klausul bahwa perusahaan yang tertarik harus juga membuat amunisi, dan kemudian mentransfer teknologinya ke India.

Sejak awal India sudah sepakat bahwa senapan berpresisi tinggi akan dibeli lewat kategorisasi 'Buy Global'. Untuk amunisi pada tahap awal akan dibeli, namun kemudian diproduksi di India.

Ada 12-13 perusahaan asing di antara 20 perusahaan yang menjawab RFI 2018. Namun setelah mengevaluasi, pihak berwenang India menemukan bahwa tidak ada yang memiliki kemampuan memproduksi amunisi.

Amunisi adalah syarat penting untuk senapan sniper. Jika ada perusahaan yang membeli amunisi dari tempat lain, mereka tentu tidak akan bisa mentransfer teknologinya ke India.

AD India membutuhkan senapan sniper di tengah meningkatnya ancaman serangan sniper di sepanjang Garis Kontrol.

Sementara pengadaan peralatan pertahanan merupakan proses yang lama, dengan beberapa langkah dan evaluasi menyeluruh.

Menurut lembaga pertahanan India, pembelian senapan sniper presisi tinggi adalah bagian dari rencana modernisasi sehingga tidak mungkin menghadapi banyak penundaan.


U.S., Royal Malaysian Navies Conduct Submarine Warfare Talks

12 Juli 2019

Guided missile submarine USS Ohio (SSGN 726) gets underway after being moored alongside submarine tender USS Emory S. Land (AS 39) when visit in Sepanggar, Malaysia (photo : Pacom)

SANTA RITA, Guam - Commander, Submarine Group 7 conducted bilateral talks with the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN or TLDM for Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia) July 9-10 at Polaris Point, Naval Base Guam.

The meeting, hosted by Commander, Submarine Squadron (CSS) 15, brought together key leaders from the U.S. and Malaysian submarine forces.

Rear Adm. Jimmy Pitts, commander of Submarine Group 7, met with RMN submarine force commander, First Adm. Baharudin Bin Wan Md Nor, to review and establish combined goals and future plans for joint training and exercises.

“Our two navies have had a long history of working together,” said Baharudin. “As a relatively young submarine force, we are humbled and grateful for the opportunity to meet and discuss ways to further enhance our cooperation with our U.S. counterparts. We believe this cooperation will not only improve our capability but also contributes to wider effort in promoting regional security and stability.”

RMN currently has two diesel electric Scorpene-class submarines homeported in Sepanggar, Malaysia. In 2018, they announced plans to procure two more by 2040.

“Malaysia and the U.S. have been a steadfast partners in matters of maritime domain awareness and regional stability for more than 60 years,” said Pitts. “Last year we did a number of engagements together, including a Submarine Exercise (SUBEX) in which RMN submariners rode one of our boats, port calls to Kota Kinabalu by USS Greeneville and our submarine tender Emory S. Land, and tours of our units. We share the same excitement about doing more together, and demonstrating our commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific.”

The talks culminated with signing an action item agreement that lined out plans and steps to improve and expand collaboration between the two navies.

CSS-15 is located at Polaris Point, Naval Base Guam in Santa Rita, Guam, and includes four Los Angeles-class attack submarines.

The squadron staff is responsible for providing training, material and personnel readiness support to these commands. Also based out of Naval Base Guam are submarine tenders USS Frank Cable and USS Emory S. Land.

The submarines and tenders are maintained as part of the U.S. Navy's forward-deployed submarine force and are capable of meeting global operational requirements.


Spanish Firm to Supply 76mm Ammo of Jose Rizal-Class Frigates

12 Juli 2019

Ammunition of  Oto Melara 76mm Rapid Gun (photo : Seaforces)

MANILA -- Spanish firm Expal Systems S.A. was named the winning supplier for the ammunition of the Oto Melara 76mm Rapid Gun arming the two Jose Rizal-class missile frigates now undergoing construction by South Korean shipbuilder Hyundai Heavy Industries.

"This is to inform you that the proposal of Expal Systems S.A .for the Frigate Acquisition Project Lot 2C Sublot-1 (76mm Ammunition) of the Philippine Navy, with a corresponding contract price in the amount of PHP63,389,708 is hereby accepted," Secretary Delfin Lorenzana said in the Notice of Award posted at the Department of National Defense website.

The project has an approved budget of PHP77,536,964. Aside from Expal Systems S.A., another firm, the Joint Venture of Elbit Systems Land and C41, Ltd. and IMI Systems Ltd, participated.

Earlier, the PN said the Oto Melara 76mm Rapid Gun was selected for the Jose Rizal-class frigates due to its high rate of fire and its ability to shoot down air targets like missiles.

"It (the gun) is capable of intercepting air targets to include missiles using special munitions," Navy spokesperson Captain Jonathan Zata quoting Offshore Combat Force head, Commodore Caesar Bernard Valencia, said.

Also, the Rapid Gun has a faster rate of fire, around 120 rounds per minute, compared to the current 76mm guns in the PN inventory which is only 80 rounds per minute.

These slower firing 76mm guns are fitted to the three Del Pilar-class offshore patrol vessels and three Jacinto-class patrol vessels.

And having the Super Rapid Gun fitted to BRP Jose Rizal (FF-150) and the BRP Antonio Luna (FF-151) is ideal as PN personnel are already trained in the maintenance of 76mm guns and compatible with the current munition inventory.

"(And the Super Rapid Gun is) within Approved Budget Contract for the (frigates' weapons systems)," Zata said.


Malaysia’s Second Keris-Class Littoral Mission Ship Sundang Launched in China

13 Juli 2019

KD Sundang 112, second Littoral Mission Ship of the Royal Malaysian Navy (photo : RMN)

The Royal Malaysian Navy’s second Keris-class littoral mission ship (LMS) was launched in Wuhan, China, by China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC) on July 12.

Named Sundang (with pennant number 112), the LMS is the second of four ships in the class ordered under a RM1.17 billion (approx. US$265 million) contract from March 2017.

The initial plan stipulated that the first two units would be delivered from China, while the remaining two would be built in Malaysia by Boustead Naval Shipyard.

This changed earlier this year, however, as the Malaysian government negotiated a reduction in the price of the ships in exchange for all four ships being built in China.

KD Sundang 112 of the Royal Malaysian Navy, has length 69,0 m, width 9,0 m, max displacement 780 tonnes, speed 24 knots, endurance 15 days, and range 2.000nmi/3.700km (photo : RMN)

LMS Keris, the lead ship, was launched in April and is expected to be delivered in December, this year. LMS Sundang will undergo further outfitting and trials before being delivered in April 2020, according to the Malaysian Navy.

All four units are scheduled to be delivered by 2021.

The 68.8-meter vessels are part of the Malaysian Navy’s transformation plan that intends to bring down the number of ship classes operated by the navy from 15 to 5. Many of the current classes are now obsolete and present an expensive upkeeping challenge.

LMS will displace about 700 tons and will be capable of accommodating a containerized mission module aft. The ships will support mine warfare, hydrography, and ISR missions.

(Naval Today)

Singapore Enhances Naval Interoperability with Myanmar in First-Ever PASSEX

13 Juli 2019

Victory class corvette of Singapore and Kyan Sit Thar frigate of Myanmar Navy (photo : RSN)

Two warships from the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) have conducted the service's first passing exercise (PASSEX) with the Myanmar Navy.

The activity was undertaken by the RSN's Victory-class corvettes, RSS Valiant and RSS Valour , as the two vessels sailed up the Yangon River after a call at Port Blair in India's Andaman and Nicobar Islands territory.

Missile Corvettes RSS Valiant and RSS Valour of the Singapore Navy (photo : RSN)

Other vessels that took part in the activity include a Kyan Sit Thar-class frigate from the Myanmar Navy. The service operates a fleet of two ships in this class.

"These exchanges are important to building strong defence relations and practical interoperability with our regional partners," said the RSN via an official social media channel on 10 July.


Australia’s Airspeed Wins Contract for UK Global Combat Ship Project

13 Juli 2019

Type 26 frigate (image : save the Royal Navy)

Australian company Airspeed has received a contract from BAE Systems to supply for the UK Global Combat Ship project.

The programme to develop the Type 26 Global Combat Ship for the British Royal Navy currently involves building three multi-mission warships in Glasgow, Scotland.

Under the contract, Airspeed will design and build the replenishment at sea stump mast (RASSM) for the first batch of three Type 26 ships.

The RASSM is intended to enable the transfer of ammunition and small amounts of stores to a ship at sea.

BAE Systems awarded this contract under its Global Access Program. Six other Australian companies were previously selected for the Type 26 programme, including Electro Optic Systems, Liferaft Systems Australia, Thales Australia, Mackay Consolidated Rubber, Rowlands Metalworks, and CBG Systems.

Australia Defence Minister Linda Reynolds said: “Airspeed is the latest Australian company to win an export opportunity to supply the UK’s Type 26 frigate programme, and will design and build the replenishment at sea stump mast for the UK’s newest warships.”

The Global Combat Ship can be used to support anti-submarine warfare, air defence and general purpose operations.

The Type 26 is set to replace the UK’s Type 23 frigates. The first warship is expected to join the Royal Navy fleet in the 2020s.

BAE Systems Australia’s subsidiary ASC Shipbuilding is under contract to design and build nine Hunter-class anti-submarine warfare frigates for the Royal Australian Navy.

Based on the Type 26 ship design, the Hunter-class ships will feature next-generation capability.

ASC Shipbuilding managing director Craig Lockhart said: “On the Hunter programme we are committed to engaging with the nation’s defence industry and discovering the world-class capability that Australian companies offer, and I am delighted seven local businesses are now supplying into the Type 26 programme.”

Lockhart added that the supply contracts for the Type 26 programme will allow the company to evaluate the potential of local businesses to serve on other defence projects.

(Naval Technology)

Vietnam, Thailand and Others Interested in Gepard Frigate and Karakurt-class Missile Corvettes

13 Juli 2019

Project 22800 Karakurt missile corvettes (photo : TASS)

UAE, Saudi navies eye Russian-made Gepard frigate, Karakurt-class missile corvettes

ST. PETERSBURG/TASS/. Military delegations from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, Thailand and Vietnam have displayed interest in the Russian-made frigate Gepard-3.9 and Project 22800 ‘Karakurt’ missile corvettes at the St. Petersburg International Maritime Defense Show, the press office of the Zelenodolsk Shipyard reported on Friday.

The military attache from Nigeria, the delegations of the UAE, Saudi and Vietnamese navies and the armed forces of Namibia, Ghana, Thailand and other countries viewed the exposition at the St. Petersburg naval show, the press office said.

"The visitors displayed a special interest in the frigate Gepard-3.9, Project 22800 small missile ships, Project 22160 patrol vessels, Project 21980 anti-subversion boats and Project A223 amphibious assault boats," the Shipyard’s representatives said.

The visitors of the St. Petersburg naval show could also view the Project 21631 small missile ship, the Project 21980 special-purpose boat and the Project 22160 patrol vessel built by the Zelenodolsk Shipyard, the statement said.

Project 22800 Karakurt missile corvettes (photo : Navy Recognition)

Project 22800 Karakurt-class missile corvettes are a Russian series of green-water multipurpose missile/artillery warships. The corvettes of this class developed by specialists of the St. Petersburg-based Almaz Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering displace about 800 tonnes and develop a speed of over 30 knots.

Karakurt-class corvettes are armed with Kalibr or Oniks missiles, and also with the modernized AK-176MA 76.2mm artillery system. The corvettes’ endurance is 15 days.

Overall, the shipbuilders are planning to build 18 warships of this Project for the Russian Navy.

The Project 11661 Gepard-3.9 frigate is designated to carry out patrol missions and protect state maritime borders and exclusive economic zones, support maritime operations and be present in the areas of national interest.

The Project 11661 frigate has a displacement of 1,500 tonnes. It is equipped with artillery guns, anti-ship, air defense and anti-submarine warfare weapons.

The ninth International Maritime Defense Show runs at the Lenexpo Exhibition Center in St. Petersburg on July 10-14. The naval show has been organized by the Industry and Trade Ministry with the support of the Defense Ministry, the Foreign Ministry, the Federal Service for Military and Technical Cooperation, the state arms exporter Rosoboronexport and the St. Petersburg government. A total of 353 companies, including 28 foreign firms from 19 countries are taking part in the naval show.


More Second Hand Indonesian CN-235 Enters African Market

14 Juli 2019

CN235-110M of the President of Madagascar (photo : Presidence de Madagascar)

Madagascar has recently unveils its nine new aircraft consist of an IAe CN-235-110M, three AS350 Squirrel helicopters, five Cessna 206 aircraft. The CN-235 was formerly operated by the Botswana Defence Force Air Wing. It was initially sold to Togolese Air Force in 2012 as part of fleet capitalisation of the former. The deal did not materialised though and the Indonesian-made aircraft, acquired by Botswana in 1988 find itself in South Africa before eventually ended up in Madagascar hand.

The CN-235 and the C206 will be used in support of the air transport operation of the Malagasy military as well as Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC) and Humanitarian Assistance, Disaster Response (HADR) operations.

The Malagasy CN-235 is the second Indonesian made aircraft that ended up in Africa’s secondary market. Previously a CN-235-110 aircraft formerly operated by the United Arab Emirates Air Defence & Air Force (UAEADAF) was handed over to the Mauritanian Air Force  last May 2019.

This was not the first CN-235 operated over Madagascar as Tiko Air had previously operated a former South African Air Force (SAAF) CN-235 until 2006.


RAAF Begins Annual Training with F-22 Raptors

15 Juli 2019

USAF F-22 Raptor with the F/A-18F Super Hornet (photo : Aus DoD)

The RAAF has started flying alongside USAF F-22 Raptor stealth fighter aircraft as part of an Enhanced Air Cooperation (EAC) activity for Exercise Talisman Sabre 2019.
The aim of Enhanced Air Cooperation is to strengthen the ability of Australia and the US to work together as well as regional partners.

Group Captain Stephen Chappell, Commander of the Amberley based Australian-US task unit for the exercise, said training with the stealth fighter aircraft honed Australian fifth-generation integration and provided valuable training.

“Talisman Sabre builds on the regular exercises we do at Amberley, in the United States and the key training programs and exchanges with USAF and US Navy that we use to develop our tactics, techniques and procedures,” Group Captain Chappell said.

“Integration with the fifth-generation platforms like F-22 and F-35 are key to how we will do our job both now and in the future.

“We train with Raptors annually, and this is a continuation of the journey and the ongoing pursuit and maintenance of full air combat integration.

“For Talisman Sabre, we will be focusing on how we operate and train on our F/A-18 Classic Hornet, F/A-18F Super Hornet, EA-18G Growler and E-7A Wedgetail in the same theatre as this advanced F-22 Raptor stealth fighter jet.”

Colonel Barley Baldwin, Amberley USAF Group Commander, 13th Expeditionary Air Force said his personnel were looking forward to the opportunity to exercise in Australia.

“Exercises and training opportunities like Talisman Sabre 19 foster stronger relationships and increase interoperability with our Australian allies, as well as enable our aircrew and support personnel to become familiar with conducting operations out of Royal Australian air bases,” Colonel Baldwin said.

“I am excited for the 90th Fighter Squadron to return to Queensland where the squadron first established its long term relationship in with the Australians in 1942.

“During Talisman Sabre 2019, RAAF and USAF Airmen will train for high-end, modern combat as we continue to build upon our 70-plus year relationship.”

The USAF have deployed F-22 Raptors from 90th Fighter Squadron, the E-3C Sentry from the 962nd AACS, the KC-10 Extender from the 6th Air Refuelling Squadron, and a B-52 Stratofortress from the 69th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron to support Talisman Sabre.


Vietnam Seeks for Bigger Surface Combatans

15 Juli 2019

Delegation of the Ministry of Defense of Vietnam visited the frigate Admiral Kasatonov - Project 22350 Admiral Gorshokov class at IDMS Exhibition 2019, which has length of 120m and 5.400 tonnes in weight (photo : BaoDatViet)

Missile defense ship Project 22356 is the commercial version of Admiral Gorshokov - Project 22350, Russia was officially launched at IDMS 2019.

Currently, Vietnam is actively looking for a new class of battleships with higher combat capability than the first 4 3.9 Gepard missile defense ships that have entered service.

There has been an assumption that we will order 2 more Gepard 3.9 with a more powerful weapon configuration but unfortunately, the upgraded version design has not yet been completed by Russia but only in the form of a demonstration model.

The image of the warship appearing on the screen is the fringe of Project 11356 (photo : BaoDatViet)

Before this situation, at the two international military exhibitions, Army 2019 and especially IDMS 2019, noted the move of the Vietnamese military delegation.

Russian media recently posted a meeting of Vietnam's high-level military delegation to attend IDMS 2019 Exhibition with the Russian state-owned Rosoboronexport State Import-Export Corporation. During the meeting, the image of the missile defense ship Project 11356 appeared, showing our interest.

But the Vietnamese delegation not only paid attention to the frigate Project 11356 but also directly visited and evaluated missile defense ship Admiral Kasatonov - Project 22350, second Admiral Admiral Gorshkov class. This vessel is rated as a more advanced design when placed next to Project 11356.

Multi-purpose frigate model Project 22356 is displayed by Russia at IDMS Exhibition 2019 (photo : BaoDatViet)

Project 22356 frigate is designed to destroy all targets of air, on and in the sea surface of the enemy, with the ability to attack the ground very strong through a powerful missile array.

The ship is 135 meters long; width 16.4 m; water draft 4.53 m; load of full load of 4,550 tons; maximum speed of 29.5 knots / h; range of 4,500 nautical miles; The time for continuous sea fishing is 30 days.

Russia has pre-engineered a number of basic configurations for customers to choose from, when the electronic system can include Fregat-M2EM or Fregat-MAE-3 air reconnaissance radar, fire control radar is Mineral-ME, Sigma-E22356 or Trebovanie-M combat management system, with electronic countermeasures TK-25E or KT-308-05.

Project 11356 Admiral Grigorovich-class frigate has a length of 124.8m and 4.075 tonnes (photo : Naval Today)

The ship's armament is notable, customers can choose to configure 16 Yakhont supersonic anti-ship missiles or 16 Kalibr-NKE missiles, but the second option is superior to the Kalibr-combination. NKE deployed both anti-submarine missiles and ground-based cruise missiles via UKSK multi-purpose launchers.

Air defenses are also available in two options: carrying Shtil-1 medium-range missile combos with 36 9M317ME interceptors 50 km long, or Rif-M system (naval version of S-300F lift level) with 32 long range 48N6E2 missiles of 195 km, creating a room that is not extremely reliable.

In addition, there was a single 130 mm gunboat and 2 30 mm rapid-firing guns, flight deck and stern carrier that allowed carrying a Ka-28 underground helicopter or warning helicopter. early air Ka-31.

Both 22356 and 11356 Project frigates are extremely powerful ships, if Vietnam chooses any class of ships, it will take naval forces to a new level.


RMAF’s Bomb Evolutions

15 Juli 2019

An LGB and JDAM inert units displayed with an F/A-18 Hornet at LIMA 2017 (photo : Malaysian Defence)

The introduction of McDonnell Douglas A-4PTM Skyhawk fighter bombers in 1984 brought along new capabilities in the fight against Communist Terrorists (CT) hiding deep in the jungles of Peninsular Malaysia.

Previously, two of Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) strike aircraft namely the Canadair CL-41G-5 Tebuan light strike/jet trainer and Northrop F-5E Tiger II supersonic interceptor were employed to drop Mk 80 iron bombs over suspected CT camps often with mixed results.

The Malaysians managed to get unspecified numbers of Mark 14 Tail Retarding Device (TRD) kits to be installed on Mk 80 family bombs. In Snake Eye configuration, the extended fins increases tail drag and slows down front speed thus enabling the low flying aircraft to pass through bombing area safely without the risk of hitting its own bomb shrapnel and fragments.

In 1997, with the delivery of McDonnell Douglas F/A-18D+ NiteStrike Hornet to the RMAF’s No 18 Skn, a more precise delivery capability has been obtained in the form of GBU-16 Paveway II laser guided bomb (LGB). The Paveway II essentially is kitted together with Mk 82 bombs. It is believed that the Hornet is also able to dispense Snake Eye bombs but with the acceptance of Paveway II smart bombs, the Snake Eye has essentially becomes obsolete and eventually being withdrawn from use.

Su-30MKM with Paveway II (GBU-12 bomb) (photo : MMP)

The effectiveness of Paveway II bombs in combat could be seen during Ops Daulat in 2013 as around five rounds were dispensed with devastating effect on the enemy’s positions. Paveway becomes the Air Force weapon of choice so much so they integrate the system with the KNAAPO built Sukhoi Su-30MKM (NATO Reporting Name: Flanker), the only country that have mated Russian made aircraft with US made weapon system.

During the Langkawi International Maritime & Aerospace (LIMA) 2017 show, the Air Force took the opportunity to showcase its Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) bombs now equipping the upgraded Boeing F/A-18D Mod 25X Hornet. Unlike Paveway bombs which needs their targets to be painted by special forces on the ground, Mk 82 bombs equipped with JDAM kits only need GPS coordinates of target being keyed in. Malaysian JDAM have yet to see combat.

Tubitak Sage KGK bomb (photo : sondakika)

The next evolution of bomb that yet to be acquired by the RMAF is glide bombs. Turkish TUBITAK Sage has come up with Kanatlı Güdüm Kiti (KGK) precision guidance wing kit that converts Mark 82 bombs into long range fire and forget smart weapons. The KGK would give the RMAF’s strike fighters especially the Hornets and the Sukhoi a stand off strike capability.

Owing strong relationship with Turkish defence industries and strategic value, KGK should be considered as a priority procurement.

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