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Air Force Getting 6 More NC-212i Aircraft: PAF Chief

05 Juli 2019

PAF NC-212i (photo : Manila Bulletin)

The Philippine Air Force (PAF) is acquiring six more NC-212i light lift aircraft, PAF chief Lieutenant General Rozzano D. Briguez said during the 72nd anniversary celebration of the service on July 2, 2019.

“An additional six NC-212i light lift aircraft are expected to arrive starting next year to support various operations,” Lieutenant General Briguez said.

PAF is currently operating 2 NC-212i light lift aircraft built by Indonesian state-owned PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero). PAF formally accepted the 2 aircraft in June 2018.

“The NC212i aircraft can be used strategically for producing artificial rain, maritime patrol and coast guard patrol. It can also be utilized for the following missions: passenger and troop transport, cargo/logistic transport, anti-smuggling control, immigration control, search and rescue, paratroop dropping, and medical evacuation,” PAF said.

“Compared to the previous NC212, the new model has a carrying capacity of 28 passengers, a digital avionic and next generation autopilot. It features a ramp access, next generation navigation and communication system, as well as, cheaper operational cost. Moreover, the said aircraft is capable of taking-off and landing on unpaved runway,” PAF added.

PAF also noted that though it has been using the previous generation aircraft which is the C212, this is the “first Indonesian aircraft ordered by the Philippines and is the latest generation of the NC212.”


Royal Thai Navy Seeks for New Aerial Surveillance Radar

05 Juli 2019

Leonardo KRONOS LAND mobile multifunctional radar system, demos for Royal Thai Naval Air and Coastal Defense Command, Royal Thai Navy (photo : AAG)

Aircraft Combat Command and Preservation Unit, Royal Thai Navy There is a project to purchase an aerial surveillance radar. Location on the island in Andaman coast, that can catch low-level aircraft and can avoid airborne surveillance systems or escape interception from the Air Force aircraft
To inform the airborne warning to the naval power units operating at sea And air defense units As well as the Navy's armed units To be able to protect important military targets And an important goal for the survival of the nation in a timely manner And effective

Technical features of air radar detectors such as
1. Use Solid State Technology,
2. Able to detect the target aircraft with a covering range from 0-5,000 feet,
3. The detection range can be detected at least 54nmi,
4. Can track the target automatically (Automatic Tracking) and not less than 100 targets at the same time (used as a basis for evaluating cost-per-performance values),
5. The air surveillance radar system has a low chance of being detected by LPI (Low Probability Intercept), which can still detect aircraft targets with a total of 0-5,000 feet.
6. There is a function to control the operation for searching, tracking, and tracking targets in various ways. Covering various situations As well as being convenient to use as follows
   - Sector Blanking
   - Clutter signal removal system
   - Display moving targets (Moving Targer) by radar, can press the target signal that is not moving (Non Moving Target) that is Clutter (used as a basis for evaluating the cost per performance)
7. Has the ability to measure electronic harassment (ECCM: Electronic Counter Couunter Measures) (used as a basis for evaluating cost-per-performance values)
8. Must be able to export (output interface) target data that Radar can track (Track Target) in Asterix Format Category 048 for connection with the Navy's command control system. For a network-centric war (NCW: Network Centric Warfare) in the future
Which must be demonstrated to be validated at the factory level inspection (FAT) or delivery process in the actual area

Budget allocated amount 150,000,000 baht (4,248,130.73Euros), set the middle price (reference price) in the amount of 2,600,000 Euros or 63,122,400 baht Middle price sources from quotations include companies from six countries are :
Reutech Radar Systems, South Africa, CETC INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD., People's Republic of China, ICS Technologies SrL Italy, Terma Company Denmark, THALES France and Indra Sistemas SA Spain.


Satuan Kapal Ranjau Koarmada II Sukses Uji Coba Senjata Ranjau

05 Juli 2019

Ledakan ranjau yang dinetralisir (photo : TNI AL)

Dua dentuman keras terdengar di Perairan Utara Jawa, disusul oleh Bubble Effect (efek gelembung) yang ditimbulkan dari ledakan ranjau yang dinetralisasi oleh Satuan Kapal Ranjau Koarmada II. Tahap netralisasi tersebut menjadi akhir dari rangkaian Latihan Peranjauan TA 2019 yang dilaksanakan Satran Koarmada II pada akhir Juni lalu.

Ranjau jenis smart mine TNI AL (photo : SatranArmatim)

Dengan mengusung tema “ Koarmada II Melaksanakan Latihan Peranjauan di Perairan Utara Jawa Dalam Rangka Mendukung Tugas TNI Angkatan Laut “, Latihan Peranjauan TA 2019 dipimpin langsung oleh Dansatran Koarmada II Kolonel Laut (P) Bambang Kuncoro , S.T., M.Si , yang juga selaku Wakil Direktur Latihan.

Peserta Latihan Peranjauan 2019 (photo : TNI AL)

Latihan Peranjauan TA 2019 pun dimulai dengan tahap Gladi Posko, Drill Pangkalan, dan Manuver Lapangan. Latihan ini juga menurut Wadirlat Kolonel Laut (P) Bambang Kuncoro, S.T., M.Si merupakan wahana uji Doktrin dan Taktik Peranjauan serta penggunaan Senjata Ranjau TNI AL.

KRI Pulau Rupatt 712 Tripartite class (photo : daftarkri)

Lebih lanjut Bambang Kuncoro mengatakan jika pada Latihan Peranjauan kali ini, tidak tanggung-tanggung Satran Koarmada II melibatkan 2 KRI kelas Buru Ranjau, yakni KRI Pulau Rengat-711 yang dikomandani oleh Letkol Laut (P) Mufianto Machfud, dan KRI Pulau Rupat-712 dengan komandan Letkol Laut (P) Khalimul Khakim. Juga ada 1 KRI kelas Penyapu Ranjau yakni KRI Pulau Rimau-724 dengan komandan Mayor Laut (P) Marthen Roy T.

KRI Pulau Rengat 711 Tripartite class (photo : Tribunnews)

Selain itu ikut bergabung 2 pesawat udara Cassa NC-212 dari Puspenerbal TNI AL. Sedangkan  Senjata Ranjau Laut yang digunakan terdiri dari Ranjau Jangkar dan Ranjau Dasar yang disebar melalui wahana Kapal Atas Air. Tidak ketinggalan penggunaan Smart Mine (Ranjau Pintar) yang disebar melalui Pesawat Udara dan Kapal Atas Air.

KRI Pulau Rimau Kondor class (photo : 2enam)

Sementara itu Pangkoarmada II Laksda TNI Mintoro Yulianto, S.Sos, M.Si selaku Direktur Latihan mengatakan meningkatnya kemampuan tempur unsur ranjau merupakan hal penting. Sebab terkait dengan munculnya ancaman yang berdimensi militer, maka TNI AL dalam hal ini Koarmada II harus memiliki kesiapsiagaan dalam pelaksanaan tugas pokok.

KRI Pulau Rimau 724 Kondor class (photo : pulaurimau724)

“Selain itu dengan mempertimbangkan kondisi geografis sebagai negara kepulauan sangatlah mungkin mengembangkan operasi tempur laut dengan penerapan taktik dan strategi khususnya dalam Operasi Peranjauan,” terang orang nomor satu di jajaran Koarmada II ini.


Song Thu Launchs STU 1606 Tugboat

06 Juli 2019

Launching of STU 1606 tugboat (all photos : DatViet)

People's Army Online - In the morning of 5 July in Da Nang, Song Thu Corporation (General Department of Industry and Trade) held the launching ceremony of towing ship STU 1606. Witnessing the launching ceremony of the ship, there were comrades: Senior General Le Chiem, Commissioner Central Party member, Central Military Commissioner, Deputy Minister of Defense; Lieutenant-General Nguyen Van Son, Commander of Vietnam Coast Guard; leaders and commanders of agencies, functional units and localities in the locality.

Continuing to succeed in building a new series of DN2000 multi-purpose Marine Police ships, Song Thu Corporation continues to be trusted by the Ministry of Defense and the Vietnam Marine Police Command to build 4 new tug boats. This is a modern towage vessel designed based on STU 1606 model of Damen/Netherlands Group, meeting the requirements of international registration, with additional adjustment in accordance with mission requirements, tactical features and approved by the General Staff. The ship has a total length of 16.76 meters and a width of 5.94 meters. In the process of constructing STU 1606 towage vessel, Song Thu Corporation has actively applied many advanced technologies, secured ground, manpower and materials. The launch of 2 ships STU 1606 out of 4 ships towing the Coast Guard to confirm defense production capabilities of military enterprises.

Speaking at the launching ceremony of STU 1606, Thuong General Le Chiem praised the units' efforts in building a modern towing ship. Vice Minister emphasized that the Marine Police Command and Song Thu Corporation need to have close coordination in training, handing over, staffing, managing, using effectively and mastering equipment. , tactical technical features; of ships; At the same time, to build new ships on schedule and quality. Senior Lieutenant-General Le Chiem asked Song Thu Corporation to continue improving the capacity of building and repairing ships and boats to serve the national defense and economic development tasks.


Dislaikad Sertifikasi Kelaikan Rantis Komodo Produk Pindad

06 Juli 2019

Kegiatan sertifikasi kelaikan rantis Komodo 4x4 (all photos : TNI AD)

Sekretaris Dislaikad Kolonel Chb Nurcahyo Utomo melaksanakan kegiatan sertifikasi kelaikan kendaraan taktis Komodo pengadaan PT. Pindad (Persero) bersama Tim Kelaikan Puslaik Kemhan RI yang dipimpin oleh Kepala Bidang Kelaikan (Kabid Laik) Darat Puslaik Kemhan RI Kolonel Cpl Edy Puryono, SE., MM.  Kegiatan sertifikasi diawali dengan Fambrif di Ruang Rapat Quality Assurance (QA) PT. Pindad yang diikuti oleh Tim Kelaikan, Tim Uji Fungsi dan Personel PT Pindad yang dipimpin langsung oleh Kabid Laik Darat selaku Ketua Tim Kelaikan.

Kegiatan uji fungsi sebagai bagian dari proses sertifikasi kelaikan berlangsung sejak tanggal 1 Juli 2019 hingga tanggal 2 Juli 2019, diawali dengan pelaksanaan uji statis terhadap Rantis Komodo, yang dilanjutkan dengan uji dinamis meliputi uji track band dengan melewati beberapa rintangan diantaranya rintangan dengan kemiringan bersudut 30%, rintangan balok sejajar, rintangan dengan tanjakan 60%, rintangan tegak 40 cm, rintangan bergelombang, uji lintas liku, uji radius putar dan diakhiri dengan uji jelajah terhadap 2 Rantis Komodo yang telah disepakati sebagai sampling pada Rantis Komodo bernomor 16 dan 17. Kegiatan dilanjutkan pada tanggal 2 Juli 2019 dengan uji tanjakan dan uji alat komunikasi yang akan melewati wilayah Subang dan Ciwidey.

Rantis Komodo adalah sebuah kendaraan taktis (Rantis) 4x4 dengan kemampuan manuver yang baik yang dihasilkan PT Pindad sebagai industri pertahanan strategis Indonesia. Rantis ini memiliki lima varian, yaitu Rantis Intai (V1); Rantis APC/Armoured Personnel Carrier atau Unit Angkut Pasukan  (V2); Rantis Komando (V3); Rantis Angkut Rudal (V4) dan Rantis dengan varian khusus (V5). Rantis Komodo ini telah menjadi bagian dari materiil satuan di jajaran TNI AD sejak tahun 2012, baik untuk memperkuat satuan Arhanud maupun Pasukan Khusus (Kopassus).

Komodo difungsikan sebagai kendaraan taktis yang mampu menempuh segala medan berat baik itu jalan berlumpur, berpasir, serta bergunung-gunung. Hal itu ditunjang dengan kemampuan komodo yang dapat menerjang tanjakan 31 derajat dan kemiringan sisi 17 derajat. Komodo sendiri juga memiliki fungsi-fungsi yang lebih spesifik sesuai dengan varian kendaraan.

Komodo yang menggunakan sistem penggerak ban 4x4 ini memiliki berat 4 ton. Komodo menggunakan mesin diesel turbo intercooler dengan power kendaraan 215 ps @ 2500 rpm sehingga tercapai rasio berat terhadap kendaraan 25 hp/ton. Mesin komodo sendiri memiliki kapasitas 5.193 cc. Transmisi yang digunakan adalah transmisi manual dengan 6 maju 1 mundur dan memiliki diferential lock sehingga memiliki kemampuan offroad yang baik. Kendaraan perang ini juga telah dilengkapi dengan body dan kaca anti peluru. Pindad mengklaim daya tahannya bisa sampai dengan peluru berukuran 7.62 mm.


PN Deccommissions BRP Sultan Kudarat

06 Juli 2019

BRP Sultan Kudarat (PS-22) (photo : GMA)

MANILA -- One of the last World War II-era warships in Philippine Navy (PN) service, the BRP Sultan Kudarat (PS-22), formally decommissioned from active service on Friday.

Decommissioning ceremonies be held at the Captain Salvo Pier, Naval Base Heracleo Alano, Sangley Point, Cavite. Its retirement is in line with the PN's "Phase-In/Phase-Out" Program which is implemented to welcome new and more modern naval assets.

Rear Admiral Giovanni Carlo Bacordo, Philippine Navy Fleet commander, said the decommissioning of older naval platforms is being done to ensure that there are sufficient officers and enlisted personnel to man the new ships now in the pipeline.

The PN has acquired the BRP Conrado Yap (an ex-Pohang-corvette of the South Korean Navy) which will arrive sometime in July or August and two Jose Rizal-class missile frigates by next year aside from three multi-purpose attack craft armed with Spike-ER surface-to-surface missiles by the first quarter of 2020.

"This is part of 'Phase-In/Phase-Out’ of the PN (which is) in preparation for our more capable and modern platforms," he added.

Bacordo said more and more World War II or "legacy" ships will be retired from service once their replacements are ready.

The PN is known to operate at least four to six World War II-era ships as of this posting. BRP Sultan Kudarat, formerly the USS Crestview (PCE-895), was commissioned by the US Navy on October 30, 1943.

It was transferred to then South Vietnam on November 29, 1961 and was renamed the RVNS Dong Da II (HQ-07) until its escape to the Philippines in 1975 shortly after the fall of South Vietnam to North Vietnam.

The ship was commissioned into PN service on July 27, 1976 and renamed the BRP Sultan Kudarat, serving 43 years with the Offshore Combat Force.

Last year, the PN also decommissioned BRP Rajah Humabon (PS-11), another World War II-era ship, after 38 years of service. 


Indonesia to Salvage 57 mm Gun from Training Ship for Firing Range

06 Juli 2019

The Indonesian Navy is salvaging a 57 mm naval gun from a soon-to-be-retired training ship. The weapon will be installed at a naval gunfire range under development in East Java (photo : NewsBalikpapan)

The Indonesian Navy (Tentara Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut: TNI-AL) has submitted plans to retire a Yugoslavian-built training ship, and salvage its 57 mm Bofors naval gun, to the country's defence ministry for approval.

The service intends to install the naval gun at a land-based naval gunfire range that will be built in Paiton, East Java, two separate sources close to the matter have confirmed with Jane's .

The ship in question is KRI Ki Hajar Dewantara (364), which was commissioned by the service in October 1981. The vessel has been non-operational since 2017. Given that it will be decommissioned without residual value, a formal approval from the defence ministry is required before the retirement processes can commence. This is in line with Indonesian government regulations, a TNI-AL source told Jane's .

A computer-generated visualisation of one of the facilities that will be built within the naval gunfire range and simulator complex at Paiton, East Java (image : Jane's)

Ki Hajar Dewantara has an overall length of 96.7 m, an overall beam of 11.2 m, a hull draught of 4.8 m, and displaces 2,000 tonnes at full load. While in training service, the ship had a crew complement of 190, including 11 officers and 14 instructors, and could accommodate up to 100 cadets for training missions.

Besides a 57 mm naval gun in the primary position, the vessel is also two Rheinmetall 20 mm cannons, two 533 mm torpedo tubes, and two launchers amidships that can deploy the Aerospatiale Exocet MM38 anti-ship missile.

Once decommissioned, Ki Hajar Dewantara will be donated to the City of Surabaya. Jane's has not received confirmation of what the local government intends to do with the vessel, but local media reports suggest that it will be converted into a floating tourist attraction, incorporating a maritime museum and a restaurant.


Kasau Resmikan Lanud Hang Nadim Batam untuk Jaga Kedaulatan Wilayah Udara Perbatasan

07 Juli 2019

Pangkalan Udara Hang Nadim, Batam (image : GoogleMaps)

BATAM, DISPENAU. Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (Kasau) Marsekal TNI Yuyu Sutisna, S. E., M. M., meresmikan Pangkalan TNI Angkatan Udara (Lanud) Hang Nadim Batam, Kepulauan Riau (Kepri), untuk menjaga kedaulatan wilayah udara di perbatasan dan mendukung operasi penerbangan di wilayah Batam, Kamis (4/7/2019).

Peresmian Lanud Hang Nadim merupakan tindak lanjut dari Peraturan Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara Nomor 6 Tahun 2019 tanggal 18 Februari 2019, tentang Organisasi dan Tugas Pangkalan TNI Angkatan Udara Hang Nadim.

Kasau mengatakan, kekuatan TNI Angkatan Udara merupakan salah satu komponen kekuatan nasional yang akan menjadi deterrence effect dan bargaining power dalam upaya untuk mempertahankan kedaulatan wilayah NKRI maupun dalam memperjuangkan kepentingan nasional.

“Kebijakan TNI AU harus terus dilanjutkan dan diarahkan pada upaya peningkatan kemampuan serta kesiapan operasional. Prioritas utama difokuskan pada segenap upaya tercapainya kemampuan operasional yang optimal di setiap jajaran,” tegasnya.

Intensitas operasi penerbangan militer di bandara Hang Nadim cukup tinggi dalam mendukung kegiatan operasi dan latihan TNI AU.

“Tercatat 596 sorties penerbangan militer yang dilaksanakan di bandara Hang Nadim, baik itu misi latihan Angkasa Yudha, Tutuka, Operasi Poros Sagara, penerbangan VIP/VVIP, navigation exercise, Eye in the Sky, dan misi penerbangan special flight,” kata Kasau.

Oleh karena itu, sebagai langkah strategis untuk mendukung penyelenggaraan operasi penerbangan di wilayah Batam, perlu menetapkan Pos TNI AU Hang Nadim menjadi Pangkalan TNI Angkatan Udara tipe C.

“Pangkalan ini akan menjadi salah satu satuan pelaksana di bawah Koopsau I yang menyelenggarakan penyiapan pangkalan dan dukungan baik operasi penerbangan maupun latihan TNI AU,” jelas Kasau.

Bersamaan diresmikannya Lanud Hang Nadim, dilantik pula Letkol Pnb Urip Widodo sebagai Komandan Lanud Hang Nadim yang pertama.

Kepada personel Lanud Hang Nadim Kasau menekankan agar bekerja profesional, militan, dan inovatif. Tingkatkan kemampuan diri dan satuan, keberadaan Lanud Hang Nadim adalah ujung tombak TNI AU dalam menjaga dan mengamankan kedaulatan wilayah udara NKRI.

Seusai upacara peresmian, Kasau didampingi Gubernur Kepri, Pangkoopsau I, Kapolda, Danlanud, dan pejabat setempat melaksanakan acara pembukaan papan nama Lanud Hang Nadim, penandatanganan prasasti, dan pengguntingan pita.

Hadir pada acara tersebut, Gubernur Kepri, para asisten, Pangkohanudnas, Pangkoopsau I, Kapolda Kepri, para Kadis jajaran Mabesau, pejabat Pemda, Ketum Pia Ardhya Garini Ny. Ayu Yuyu Sutisna, dan para pengurus pusat Pia Ardhya Garini.


New 155mm Towed Howitzer for Royal Thai Army

07 Juli 2019

US Army M777 155mm howitzer conducting live in the Cobra Gold exercise 2019 at Royal Thai Army 3rd Army Area firing range, Ban Dan Lan Hoi, Sukhothai, Thailand (photo : Cobra Gold)

The Royal Thai Army has a new 155mm towing field artillery project. The standard/general features are as follows.

1. A field cannon with a width of 155mm, with a weight of not more than 8,000kg, with high mobility can shoot in all terrain and climates in Thailand.
2. Strong and durable for military operations can be moved by car, military, train, aircraft or by boat That is stationed in the army without having to disassemble. 
3. Has the longest firing range for at least 25km of explosive shells, and can fire explosive shells at a distance of not less than 30km.
4. Able to fire with ammunition, slates and ground to deliver ammunition used in the army or NATO standard eye by shooting, testing and certification from the country/factory. 
5. Can be used in conjunction with other devices of the fire support weapon system that is stationed in the army.
6. Can be used in conjunction with military radio sets that are stationed in the army. 
6. Can lift the barrel to shoot a large angle (from 801mil or 45 degree up) and have a lower angle of the barrel less than 0 degree. 
6. The highest rate of fire since 3 appointments per minute or more. 
7. Can shoot both automatic and manual shooting systems, with an electric generator which is the main power source and an inverter for the backup power supply.
10. Can install the coordinates and automatic direction and able to install the Panoramic aiming camera.
11. There is a production line and is stationed in the army of producing countries. and is stationed in other countries as well as being able to support repair parts of various systems for at least 20 years.

Towing cannons M777, size 155mm/39 caliber produced by BAE Systems United Kingdom, with a weight of 4,200kg, was stationed in the US Army and the US Marines to replace the heavier cannon towing M198 which is also stationed in the Thai Army.

In addition to the US Army, the M777 has also been procured in many countries such as Canada, Australia, Saudi Arabia. And India, which has obtained domestic production patents is a type of towing cannon that meets the characteristics that have been brought to the Cobra Gold training in Thailand.


Gempita Mortar 120mm Diuji Coba pada LKT 2019

08 Juli 2019

Gempita Mortar 120mm, diuji coba bersama Adnan Mortar 81mm dan Adnan Mortar 120mm dalam Latihan Kuasa Tembakan 2019 (all photos : RAMD (Mek) 12)

GEMAS  - Latihan Kuasa Tembakan (LKT) merupakan aktiviti tahunan bagi menguji keupayaan aset yang dimiliki Tentera Darat (TD) di mana ianya bukanlah satu pembaziran sebaliknya merupakan medan untuk mengetahui tahap prestasi anggota TD dalam mengendalikan aset TD.

Pasukan 12 RAMD (Mek) telah terpilih untuk sama-sama terlibat dengan Latihan Kuasa Tembakan (LKT) Tahun 2019 yang bakal dilaksanakan pada 14 hingga 24 Sep 2019. Bagi menyokong tugasan ini, pasukan telah mengambil pendekatan proaktif untuk melaksnakan latihan tembakan Pra-LKT bagi menguji senjata mortar 120mm dan mortar 81mm serta kecekapan krew mortar pasukan memgendalikannya.

Latihan ini dilaksanakan adalah untuk menguji INU pada sistem mortar 120mm yang baharu siap dibaiki sebelum LKT sebenar dilaksanakan.

Latihan ini melibatkan 4 buah KP Adnan jenis AMC 81 mm Mortar, 3 buah KP Adnan jenis 120 mm Mortar. Selain itu, terdapat juga sebuah KP Gempita jenis AMC 120 mm Mortar tumpangan 19 RAMD (Mek) turut terlibat dalam sesi latihan ini.

Objektif latihan adalah untuk mencapai tahap kemahiran (proficiency standard) pasukan dalam peranan ofensif dan defensif. Selain itu, melatih anggota menembak senjata bantuan di dalam suasana yang hampir sama dengan peperangan serta memahirkan anggota untuk mengendalikan senjata dalam pelbagai suasana pertempuran untuk mewujudkan mutu profesionalisma yang tinggi.

(RAMD (Mek) 12)

Multi-Role Fighters Soon to Complete PHL’s Integrated Defense System: PAF Chief

08 Juli 2019

Lockheed Martin F-16PH (Flying Defense)

Philippine Air Force (PAF) commanding general Lieutenant General Rozzano D. Briguez said during the 72nd anniversary celebration of PAF at Colonel Jesus Villamor Air Base in Pasay City that the acquisition of multi-role fighters will soon complete Philippines’ integrated defense system.

“The acquisition of multi-role fighters would soon complete the integrated air defense system of the entire country which is composed of the sensors, the radars, the ground defense, and the interceptors which will be our multi-role fighters,” Lieutenant Genreal Briguez said.

He noted that the third radar system acquired from Israel will soon be installed at Mount Salakot, Palawan. The first and second were installed in Paredes Air Station in Ilocos Norte and Gozar Air Station, Lubang Island in Occidental Mindoro, respectively.

He also said that recently National Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana approved the Notice of Award for the Ground-Based Air Defense System (GBADS) Acquisition Project.

“Furthermore, the PAF strategic basing plan intends to develop areas as Lal-lo in Cagayan, Guiuan in Samar, Mati in Davao Oriental, Hill 900 in Zamboanga, and Balabac Island in Palawan to ensure effective and efficient air operations in support to the AFP (Armed Forces of the Philippines) mission,” Lieutenant General Briguez said. (Mintfo)

Saab Gripen C/D (photo : Defaiya)

Duterte vows to complete P139-B Air Force modernization by 2022

PRESIDENT Duterte vowed on Tuesday to complete the P139-billion modernization program of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) by 2022.

Durterte committed to prioritize the 16 projects benefiting PAF under the Armed Forces of the Philippines’ (AFP) Second Horizon project. 

The project includes the procurement of utility vehicles, drones and other command-and-control fixed-wing aircraft among others. 

“I am hoping and praying that before my remaining three years will expire, that all of these things especially those labeled Horizon projects of yours will be completed,” Duterte said in a speech at the 72nd Anniversary of the PAF at the Colonel Jesus Villamor Air Base in Pasay City. 

He also disclosed the successful acquisition of a flight simulator, new aircraft and an air defense surveillance system.   

“I assure you, this administration will continue to pursue all efforts to enhance your capabilities . . . through modernization and capacity-building initiatives,” Duterte said.  

During the event, Duterte also recognized the award recipients from various Air Force units and airmen who have displayed exemplary service and dedication in PAF.

Thai Army Canceled the Supply of Armed Helicopter, to Switch to Purchasing via FMS

08 Juli 2019

MD Helicopters MD-530G armed helicopter (photo : Ahmaed Hader)

Department of Army Transportation The Royal Thai Army (Department of Army Transportation, Royal Thai Army) issued two notices on July 1, 2562 (2019) relating to the cancellation of a project to purchase 8 helicopters for armed patrols. 

By which the project to purchase a helicopter patrol armed with a number of 8 devices equipped with standard equipment with weapon system, fire control, surveillance cameras, repair parts, maintenance and simulated flight aid with transportation. According to the project for the fiscal year 2019, which proceeds in the form of debt obligations across the fiscal year (new start) 2019-2021, the credit limit of 4,036,529,900 baht ($ 131,439,430) that is expected to be announced the procurement for the month of June 2019 will be repealed in order to supply procurement through FMS (Foreign Military Sales) agents including hiring, training, pilot and aircraft mechanic armed reconnaissance helicopter research projects, find patrol armed helicopter with a limit of 191,3131,442 baht ($ 5,262,990) bound across the ongoing fiscal year 3 years 2019-2021 to cancel to purchase by FMS instead.

Earlier, the Department of Army Transport issued a price announcement on June 12, 2019 by specifying the source of the middle price that was priced from Euro Intertrade Pte Ltd. Singapore, MD Helicopters distributor, US helicopter manufacturer.

Cancellation of purchase patrol armed helicopter with agents from overseas changed to a FMS procurement model, which is the US government's military assistance program directly to the country therefore is more suitable, more cost-effective and transparent to the government budget.

It is understood that patrol armed helicopter with new weapons. The 8 machine that the Royal Thai Army will procure from MD Helicopters in the United States to be in service along with helicopter AS550 C3 Fennec (Airbus Helicopters H125M) stationed in the 1st Battalion, Department of Aviation, 9th Army Aviation Center

Airbus Helicopters H125M or AS550 C3 Fennec (photo : Wikiwand)

Probably the MD 530G armed reconnaissance helicopter based on the light-weight general helicopter MD 530F (369F) by the family of MD 530. Special Operations/armed models used by the US Army are known in the name MH-6M/AH-6M Little Bird, which is the latest improved version of the MD 530G, equipped with E3 L-Wescam MX-10D (Electro-Optical/ Infrared) cameras of Canada FN HMP400 .50cal (12.7x99mm) heavy machine gun of  Belgium and Bulbous rocket FZ220 capacity of 7 rounds 70mm (2.75 ") of Belgian.

The MD 530G armed reconnaissance helicopter has been tested and equipped with a bulb, air gun and FN RMP rocket equipped with an M3P air gun and a 70mm air rocket to 3 rounds and a M260 rocket bulb capacity 6 shots for a Hydra rocket 70 and the rocket bulb FZ220

The latest clients in the ASEAN group are the Malaysian Army, which has ordered the US MD 530G armed reconnaissance helicopter in 2016 that is expected to be delivered in 2019However, the supply of the military reconnaissance, MD 530G, is the issue of the previous government investigation into the corruption.

According to the plan to improve the modernity of the aircraft the Thai Army needs a total of 16 armed reconnaissance helicopters. Procurement of new helicopters with 8 machines from the US MD Helicopters that are equipped with avionic systems and modern weapons ready to make the helicopter complete the requirements

In addition, the Thai army still needs at least a new attack helicopter 6 machine for replacement the helicopter attack on Bell AH-1F, Cobra, 7 machine stationed in the 3rd Battalion, Department of Aviation, Army Aviation Center expects that when the Royal Thai Army has proceeded to set up a new procurement project in accordance with the procedure the US Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA: Defense Security Cooperation Agency) will be announced by the US Department of State regarding the possibility of continuing to sell FMS.


Upgraded BrahMos with 500-km Range Ready: CEO of BrahMos Aerospace

08 Juli 2019

Brahmos missile (photo : National Interest)

The upgraded version of the homegrown BrahMos missile with an enhanced range of up to 500 km is ready, the CEO of BrahMos Aerospace, Sudhir Kumar Mishra, has said. Mishra, in an interview broadcast on Doordarshan News Sunday, said it is possible to increase the range of this missile because India is now a part of the elite Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR). 

"India has successfully test-fired a vertical deep dive version of BrahMos, the world's fastest supersonic cruise missile, that can now change the dynamics of conventional warfare... The upgraded version of the missile with enhanced range of up to 500 km is also ready," he said. 

He said India is now the only country in the world to integrate long-range missiles onto fighter jets after the BrahMos missile was test-fired from a Sukhoi 30 aircraft of the Indian Air Force. 

Brahmos missile, which cruises at almost three times the speed of sound at Mach 2.8, is the heaviest weapon to be deployed on the Su-30 fighters. 

"We can take on any ship at sea up to 300 to 400 km (far) and after some time, may be longer; we can take on land targets up to hundreds of km and with the test that we have conducted some time back (from Sukhoi 30), ranges up to thousands of km," he said, according to a release by the state-run broadcaster. 

Mishra said for the Army, the Navy and the Air Force, Brahmos has become a weapon of choice and the steep 90-degree version has become an ultimate aircraft carrier killer. 


Pemeliharaan Pesawat Su-30 di Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin

09 Juli 2019

Pemeliharaan pesawat Su-30 di Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin, Makassar (all photos : Dambiev)

Bertempat di Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin, Makassar dilakukan pemeliharaan ringan atas pesawat buatan Rusia Sukhoi Su-30MK2. Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin adalah sarang dari Skadron Udara 11 yang mengoperasikan pesawat Su-27 dan Su-30 buatan Rusia.

Selama ini Indonesia melakukan pemeliharaan tingkat berat atas pesawat Sukhoi yang dimilikinya di Rusia atau Belarusia. Sejak tahun 2015, beberapa pesawat Sukhoi telah selesai menjalani perawatan di kedua negara tersebut.

Pemeliharaan pesawat Sukhoi untuk bisa dilakukan di Indonesia muncul dalam pembicaraan antara Menteri Pertahanan Indonesia Ryamizard Ryacudu bersama Menteri Perdagangan dan Perindustrian Rusia Denis Manturov di Jakarta pada Januari 2016.

Untuk pemeliharaan ringan yang dilakukan di Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin ini dilakukan oleh teknisi Indonesia dengan arahan dari staf Rusia Aviation Holding Sukhoi. Diharapkan kerjasama pemeliharaan pesawat dapat dilanjutkan hingga ke tingkat berat karena akan dapat meningkatkan kesiapan operasional pesawat tempur dan penghematan devisa negara.

(Defense Studies)

Boeing Australia Accredited to Repair Chinook Rotor Blades

09 Juli 2019

The Australian Army’s Chinook rotor blades can now be repaired locally by Boeing Defence Australia (photo : AeroAustralia)

Boeing Australia Component Repairs (BACR) has been accredited to overhaul CH-47 Chinook rotor blades, bringing new capability to Australia and delivering time and efficiency savings to local operators of the platform.

“Until now, rotor blades have been shipped to the US for overhaul work,” said Boeing Defence Australia (BDA) director sustainment operations, Darryn Fletcher.

“BACR’s accreditation provides customers with faster turnaround, enabling them to better maintain and restore airworthiness of these robust, multi-mission rotorcraft.

“Developing in-country capability also supplements BACR’s extensive portfolio of maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) services and provides another practical means for Boeing to minimise costs and deliver improved value-for-money solutions to our customers.”

CH-47F of the Australian Army (photo : Boeing)

CH-47 Chinooks serve the defence forces of more than 19 countries worldwide, with the Australian Army operating a fleet of ten.

“While the Commonwealth of Australia will be the initial customer, this unique Australian MRO capability will enable BACR to service international CH-47 customers,” said Fletcher.

BACR’s engineering expertise, repair facilities, equipment and experience provide valued and flexible repair solutions to both local and international commercial and defence customers.

The rotor blade overhaul capability, which typically involves composite structure repairs for damage ranging from lightning to bird strikes, complements BDA’s CH-47 Integrated Support Services Contract (ISSC). The ISSC delivers training, engineering and maintenance support to optimise readiness of the Australian Army’s Chinook fleet.


Korea EximBank Supports $ 1.2 billion to Build Three Indonesian Submarines

09 Juli 2019

Third submarine KRI Alugoro (photo : Kemhan)

Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co. Ltd. has announced that Korea Eximbank will provide $ 1.2 billion in construction costs for three submarines exported to Indonesia. 

The Korea Export-Import Bank is ready to fund the construction of the submarine, according to a report by the defense industry specialist Media World Net. According to reports, the Export-Import Bank will provide funds to the Indonesian Treasury Department in the form of a loan, and the Indonesian Treasury will support the funds to the PT PAL Shipyard.

"We are expecting the funding rate to be lower than that of the first submarine because the Ministry of Finance appreciates the investment grade of Indonesia well," said Ilian Thorntal, Director of Treasury Finance at the Surabaya Office. 

On April 12, DSME ordered three Type 209-1400 submarines from Indonesia for $ 1.2 billion and jointly with Indonesian shipyard PT PAL. Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co., Ltd. will be delivered to the Indonesian Navy by the first half of 2026 through joint construction with Indonesian PT. PAL shipyard as in the first project. 

The submarine to be built jointly by DSME is 61m long and can carry 40 crew members. It also has eight launchers that can launch various torpedoes, mines, and missiles. Submarine drying starts at the end of the year as soon as DSME is ready.

Previously, DSME and PT PAL were built in Korea in the Type 209-1400, and the last submarine made a block in Korea and finally assembled at the Indonesian PT PAL shipyard in Suarabaya - Indonesia. The first ship Nagapasa is going out, the second ship is Ardadedali, and the third ship is an Alugoro. The No. 1 and No. 2 vessels have already been commissioned to the Indonesian Navy, while the No. 3 vessels are undergoing marine navigation tests. 

(Global Biz 24)

USN Marks Fourth Littoral Combat Ship Deployment in Singapore after 19-Month Hiatus

09 Juli 2019

The US Navy has deployed its fourth littoral combat ship to Singapore. The vessel will be involved in maritime security, and capacity-building efforts with partners in the region over the next few months (photo : USN 7th fleet)

The US Navy's (USN's) Independence-class littoral combat ship USS Montgomery (LCS 8) arrived at Singapore's Changi Naval Base on 6 July, marking the service's fourth rotational deployment of this vessel type to the republic.

Montgomery is part of the USN's long-standing plan to rotationally deploy LCSs out of Singapore. Previous ships that have operated out of the republic's Changi and Sembawang naval bases are namely USS Freedom (LCS 1), USS Fort Worth (LCS 3), and USS Coronado (LCS 4).

Coronado departed Singapore in November 2017 after a 14-month tour-of-duty in Southeast Asia, and there have been no other rotational deployments of the LCS in the republic since then.

"Rotational deployments by our littoral combat ships provide the presence and flexibility that are so important in this region," said Rear Admiral Joey Tynch, commander, Logistics Group Western Pacific, in a statement released by the US Embassy in Singapore.

"This platform is a utility player, ready to perform a full spectrum of tasking from maritime security operations and theatre security co-operation to humanitarian assistance and disaster response. That versatility strengthens our ability to integrate with our partner navies in the Indo-Pacific," he said.


First Steel Cutting Kapal Bantu Rumah Sakit Pesanan TNI AL

09 Juli 2019

First steel cutting seromoni di PT PAL (photo : Antara)

PT PAL Bangun Kapal Khusus Rumah Sakit Senilai Rp 764 Miliar

PT PAL Indonesia bakal membuat sebuah kapal rumah sakit pesanan TNI Angkatan Laut. Kapal yang bernomor pembangunan W000302 ini direncanakan bakal rampung pada Oktober 2021 dengan nilai investasi sebesar Rp 764 miliar. 

Direktur Utama PT PAL, Budiman Saleh mengatakan, bahwa kapal rumah sakit ini menjadi proyek pertama, yang sebelumnya hanya memodifikasi KRI Semarang sebagai kapal rumah sakit sementara. Kapal ini akan dibangun secara paralel dengan pendekatan modular system. Pendekatan tersebut diperuntukan sebagai optimalisasi durasi pembangunan kapal agar tepat waktu.

Menurut Budiman, kapal rumah sakit bakal dilengkapi dengan sejumlah fasilitas kesehatan laiknya rumah sakit di daratan. Selain itu, kapal rumah sakit juga direncanakan dapat melakukan operasi sipil maupun operasi bantu militer.

Pemotongan pelat baja pertama (photo : detik)

“Kapal ini dapat memberikan bantuan kesehatan sebagai rumah sakit terapung atau bergerak yang dilengkapi dengan fasilitas poliklinik, unit gawat darurat IGD, fasilitas operasi, fasilitas rawat inap serta beberapa fasilitas lainnya,” ujar Budiman di kantor PT PAL Indonesia, Surabaya, Selasa (9/7).

Direktur Pembangunan Kapal PT PAL, Turitan Indaryo menyebut, kapal rumah sakit ini bakal berbeda dengan kapal lainnya. Pasalnya, pihaknya bakal merancang bentuk kapal dengan gaya yang berbeda. Selain itu, sejumlah perlengkapan alat kesehatan modern bakal menghiasi kapal dibandingkan kapal rumah sakit sementara, KRI Semarang.

Kapal Bantu Rumah Sakit 124 meter (photo : Surya)

“Secara desain kapalnya sengaja tidak kotak (pada umumnya), tapi lebih futuristic,” ujar Turitan.

“Semua diinstal oleh PAL, hanya saja nanti akan bekerja sama dengan dinas kesehatan dengan TNI,” terangnya. 

Berdasarkan informasi yang dihimpun, kapal rumah sakit ini memiliki panjang 124 meter, lebar 22 meter, tinggi 6,8 meter, dan berat 7.300 ton. Sementara, kecepatan jelajah sekitar 14 knots dan kecepatan maksimum 18 knots. Selain itu, kapal tersebut direncanakan dapat menampung sekitar 651 penumpang, baik anak buah kapal, staf kesehatan, dan pasien.


Construction of Pag-asa Island’s Beaching Ramp Now 60% Complete – DND

09 Juli 2019

A aerial photo of the Philippine-claimed Pag-asa Island, also known as Thitu Island (photo : AP)

The construction of a beaching ramp on Pag-asa (Thitu) Island, which forms part of the disputed Spratlys (Kalayaan) Group of Islands in the West Philippine Sea, is now 60-percent complete, according to the Department of National Defense (DND).

Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana said the construction of the beaching ramp, which was originally targeted to be completed by the end of 2018, was hampered by delays due to bad weather.

He said it is now scheduled to be finished by the end of 2019.

“The [construction] of the beaching ramp has been intermittent because of bad weather and the contractor cannot bring in the construction materials,” Lorenzana said.

“But it is now 60-percent finished and we expect the beaching ramp to be finished by the end of this year,” he added.

The completion of the beaching ramp will pave the way for the repair of a runway on Pag-asa Island in a bid for Philippine forces to strengthen their presence in the area that they have occupied since 1971.

The Philippines has established a lone municipality on Pag-asa Island, the 5th-class Kalayaan town, which is part of Palawan. A community of fishermen and military and police forces are living in the area.

The military aims to improve the living condition of the community and the Philippine forces on Pag-asa Island with the planned improvements in its infrastructure.

However, since the Defense Department announced that there would be construction and repair efforts on Pag-asa Island in 2017, there had been an increase in the number of Chinese vessels in the area, as reported by United States-based think tank Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative (AMTI).

The AMTI further revealed that there had been efforts from China to disrupt the construction and repair on Pag-asa Island by sending operating vessels around the area.

Aside from China, other countries such as Taiwan and Vietnam claim Pag-asa as part of their territory.

In 2016, the Permanent Court of Arbitration ruled against China’s claim to sovereign rights over most of the South China Sea, including parts of the Philippines’ 200-mile Exclusive Economic Zone which the previous Aquino administration named the West Philippine Sea.

(Manila Bulletin)

Two Repaired Su-30MK Fighter Jets Ready for Shipment to Indonesia

10 Juli 2019

Sukhoi Su-30MK TS 3002 (photo : Eddy F Putra)

TSAMTO - OJSC 558 ARZ (Baranovichi, Republic of Belarus) completed maintenance and repair of two Su-30MK fighter jets of the Indonesian Air Force.

According to Scramble Magazine, in early July, both aircraft (sn. TS-3001 and TS-3002) were seen at the site of the overhaul center of the aircraft repair plant in Baranavichy, presumably awaiting shipment to the customer.

According to the publication, the aircraft has been upgraded to the level of the Su-30MK2, although this information has not yet been officially confirmed.

As TSAMTO already reported, on December 9, 2015, the Indonesian Air Force in its press release reported that two multi-purpose fighter aircraft Su-27SK with tail numbers TS-2701 and TS-2702, produced in 2003, will be repaired in Belarus. As reported, on December 8, 2015, both planes were loaded aboard an An-124 Ruslan chartered plane.

In April 2018, the Tribune News edition, citing a representative of the Indonesian Air Force, announced that it would overhaul four Su fighter planes of the Indonesian Air Force (two Su-27SKs and two Su-30MKs).

Two repaired Su-27SK fighters were returned to the Sultan Hasanuddin airbase on August 3, 2017 on board the An-124-100M Ruslan transport aircraft. Earlier, on the March 15, 2017, two Su-30MKs also produced in 2003 were delivered to Belarus for maintenance and repair.

Following the meeting of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to Indonesia Valery Kolesnik with the commander (chief of staff) of the Indonesian Air Force, Air Marshal Yu Sutisna on May 25, 2018 in Mabesu Chilangkap (East Jakarta), it was announced that Indonesia expects to receive two repaired Su-30MKs by September 2018 year. It is obvious that the return of the aircraft to the customer was delayed.

The 11th Squadron of the 5th Aviation Wing deployed at the Sultan Hasanuddin airbase is armed with 16 vehicles from the Su mixed fleet: two Su-27SKs (obtained in 2003) and three Su-27SKMs (2010), as well as two Su-30MK (2003) and nine Su-30MK2 (2008-2013).

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