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Viettel VUA CG-3G UAV Make Its Debut

01 Juli 2019

Viettel VUA-SC-3G UAV (all photos : VietDefense)

The Vietnamese-built VUA-SC-3G recently made headlines after three were obtained by the Vietnamese Border Defense Force. 

It was created by Vietnam's Viettel Military Industry and Telecommunications Group. This drone is designed for activities such as tracking targets in remote areas, mapping surveys from above, traffic monitoring, and search/rescue missions.

Border Defense Generals claim that the VUA-SC-3G has over 400 confirmed flight hours while supporting various Vietnamese military exercises. Although the specifications of VUA-SC-3G have not been announced yet, it has many similarities with another reconnaissance UAV model as well - the Viettel VT-Pigeon drone, also shown in this album. 

Both the VU-SC-3G and VT-Pigeon have the same main body design, with the main propeller engine placed at the rear of the aircraft, and using the same design for the landing gear system. landing. The overall size and wingspan of these two UAV models are not too different.

From the above characteristics, we can predict the basic parameters of VUA-SC-3G based on the published information of VT-Pigeon, as well as the technical features of this UAV model in defense applications. 

Based on the size and engine system that VUA-SC-3G is equipped with, it has a range of about 50km with an aerial flight time of more than 3 hours, an average flying speed of about 80 - 130km/h. With small UAV models such as VUA-SC-3G, its maximum elevation can be up to 3,000m.

Able to carry out patrolling and monitoring of border areas, the VUA-SC-3G is equipped with optical surveillance camera (EO Sensor) and thermal imaging camera (IR Sensor), capable of scouting both day and night as well as transmitting high-resolution image data to the command center.


PTDI Selesaikan CN235 Pesanan Nepal dan NC212i Pesanan Thailand

01 Juli 2019

Pesawat CN-235 220 pesanan Angkatan Darat Nepal (photo : Abdiel IR)

AIRSPACE REVIEW (AngkasaReview.com) – Pernah mengalami masa-masa sulit di awal Era Reformasi di penghujung tahun 1990-an hingga awal 2000-an, PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) perlahan mulai bangkit.

Pabrik pesawat yang telah tiga kali bersalin nama ini mulai bergairah lagi, disibukkan dengan proses pengerjaan pesanan pesawat andalannya NC212i-400 dan CN235-220.

Setelah menyerahkan CN295 Special Mission pesanan TNI AU (27/6/2019), pabrik pesawat asal Paris van Java ini tengah menuntaskan pengerjaan sebuah CN235 pesanan Dinas Penerbangan Angkatan Darat Nepal dan satu unit NC212i pesanan MoAC (Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives) Thailand.

Kedua pesawat kini tengah menjalani uji terbang intensif oleh PTDI sebelum diserahkan kepada pemesannya.

Bagi Sobat AR yang tinggal di sekitar wilayah Bandara Husein Sastranegara, pasti tak asing dengan lalu lalang pesawat berlabur warna hijau ini (belum menggunakan livery pemesan).

Pesawat pesanan AD Nepal mendapatkan nomor registrasi pabrik AX-2347 dengan nomor serial N-68 (produksi seri CN235 ke-68 oleh PTDI).

Sementara NC-212i pesanan MoAC Thailand memperoleh nomor registrasi pabrik AX-2124 dan nomer serial N-116 (produksi seri NC212 ke-116 oleh PTDI).

Proses pembelian CN235 untuk AD Nepal ditandatangani pada 16 Juni 2017 di Markas Besar AD Nepal di Kathmandu dengan nomor kontrak No. MGO/Fixed Wing/073/74/65.

Pesawat CN-235 220 pesanan Kementerian Pertanian Thailand (photo : Abdiel IR)

Penandatanganan kontrak dilakukan oleh Mayjen Purna B. Silawal selaku Master General of Ordnance (Provision) AD Nepal dan Budi Santoso selaku Direktur Utama PTDI pada masa itu. 

Khusus untuk pesawat CN235, selain tengah menyelesaikan uji terbang pesanan AD Nepal, PTDI tengah menyelasaikan proses manufaktur CN235 MPA (patroli maritim) pesanan AU Senegal. Pesawat dengan nomer serial N-69 dan dinamai Senegal-2 ini hampir selesai dirakit dan selanjutnya siap untuk di uji terbang.

Seperti diketahui, pada Desember 2016 PTDI telah menerbangkan (ferry flight) CN235-220M pertama pesanan AU Senegal. Pesawat versi angkut multiguna bernomor registrasi AX-2344 tersebut diberangkatkan dari Bandung menuju Dakar, Senegal. Penerbangan memakan waktu 11 hari ini menyinggahi negara Sri Lanka, Maladewa, Pakistan, Arab Saudi, Sudan, Chad, dan Burkina Faso.

Sementara untuk seri NC212i dipesan oleh MoAC Thailand sebanyak dua unit. Pesawat kedua nomor serial N-116 dalam proses penyelesaian perakitannya.

Sebelumnya pada November 2016, PTDI juga telah menerbangkan sebuah CN235 pesanan Polisi Udara Thailand (RTF). Pesawat berregistrasi AX-2343 ini diterbangkan dari Bandara Husein Sastranegara di Bandung menuju Bandara Internasional Hat Yai, Thailand.

Hingga saat ini PTDI telah berhasil memproduksi dan mengirimkan 67 unit seri CN235 dan 114 unit seri NC212.

Selain untuk kebutuhan dalam negeri, kedua pesawat juga diekspor ke manca negara.

Tercatat sebagai pengguna adalah Venezuela, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Uni Emirat Arab, Pakistan, Turki, Malaysia, Korea Selatan, Thailand, Brunei Darussalam, dan Filipina.


Schiebel Pacific Signs MoU with Air Affairs Australia for LAND and SEA 129 Tender

01 Juli 2019

Schiebel S-100 vertical UAV (photos : Air Affairs)

Schiebel Pacific opens new facility and signs memoranduam of understanding with Air Affairs Australia

Nowra – One year after its foundation, Schiebel Pacific Pty Ltd (SPL) celebrates the opening of its new office and workshop at the Albatross Aviation Technical Park (AATP) in Yerriyong, New South Wales, and announces its cooperation with Air Affairs Australia Pty Ltd (AAA).

This new SPL facility at the AATP firmly establishes Schiebel in Australia and allows for further expansion as the company grows over the next years. It puts SPL in close proximity to its customer, the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) at HMAS Albatross and provides direct access to the airfield. It also facilitates close cooperation with its next-door neighbour and new partner, AAA, who is an established provider of equipment and services to the Australian Defence Force, major government departments and multinational companies.

As part of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), SPL and AAA agree to collaborate on the compilation and submission of Request For Tender (RFT) responses for Remotely Piloted Aerial System (RPAS) opportunities in Australia and the Pacific region, as well as the subsequent close cooperation in contract delivery, support and services.

“Building on our current contracts, we see enormous potential in Australia for Schiebel and our unrivalled CAMCOPTER® S-100 RPAS due to several significant upcoming programmes and working with established Australian companies will be key to success,” notes Hans Georg Schiebel, Chairman of the Schiebel Group. “A strong physical presence through SPL and a MoU with a strong partner are logical steps in preparing for the tremendous opportunities in Australia, a nation at the forefront of embracing robotic technology and modernizing its Defence Force.”

As a mature and proven capability for shipborne intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR), Schiebel’s CAMCOPTER® S-100 is currently under contract for the Navy Minor Project (NMP) 1942. This evaluation programme aims to develop the RAN’s understanding of the capabilities of an advanced Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) Tactical Unmanned Air System (TUAS). SPL is working closely with the RAN on achieving all the goals of the project, while simultaneously preparing for the upcoming tenders for LAND and SEA 129.

In parallel, to help develop doctrine and future requirements, as well as gain further insight into future TUAS capabilities and payloads, the Royal Australian Army has contractually leased the CAMCOPTER® S-100 to conduct a series of advanced payload evaluations. The Army testing focuses on multiple payloads, including the L3 Wescam MX-10, ELTA Systems’ state-of-the-art ELK-7065 Compact Airborne HF COMINT/DF 3D System, Overwatch’s Multi Spectrum Imaging TK-5 and Leonardo’s PicoSAR radar. The most recent S-100 activities will culminate in the participation in Australia’s largest joint high-end warfighting exercise, Talisman Sabre 2019. The S-100 provides the Australian Army with the latest VTOL Multi Role Multi Environment (MRME) TUAS capability.

PH, Japan Warships Meet off Cagayan de Tawi-Tawi

01 Juli 2019

Training between Philippine Navy and JMSDF (all photos : PN)

MANILA -- Filipino and Japanese naval vessels undertook on Friday a maritime engagement activity off Cagayan de Tawi-Tawi island in Sulu Sea, a military official said.

In a statement Saturday, Philippine Navy spokesperson, Capt. Jonathan Zata said the participating ships are the PN's strategic sealift vessel BRP Davao Del Sur (LD-602), and the Japan Maritime Self Defense Force (JMSDF) Escort Flotilla One consisting of "helicopter destroyer" JS Izumo (DDH-183) and destroyers JS Murasame and JS Akebono.

Zata said the BRP Davao Del Sur accorded the customary meeting procedure with the flotilla which culminated with a photo exercise.

Participating in the activity were JMSDF’s SH-60K helicopters and a PN maritime patrol aircraft, a Beechcraft King Air TC-90.

"This cooperative engagement is a prime opportunity for the PN and JMSDF to enhance interoperability and strengthen relationship and partnership among like-minded navies to promote peace and stability in the region," Zata said.

He said the JMSDF’s Escort Flotilla One is scheduled to call on the Port of Subic on Sunday and further interact with the personnel of the PN.

"This further highlights the continuing commitment between the two navies as in building capacities towards the peaceful use of the seas," Zata said.


'Enough' Time for F-35 Glitches to be Solved; Singapore Committed to Planned Orders: Ng Eng Hen

02 Juli 2019

F-35A will replace F-16C/D in the RSAF (photo : foxtrotalpha)

SINGAPORE — There is “enough of a runway” for any technical glitches on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter jets to be solved before they are delivered to Singapore around 2030 — assuming the sale is approved, Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen has said.

“Just by the sheer number of orders that are already placed and… will have to be delivered, the glitches will have to be solved and will be solved,” Dr Ng told reporters last Friday (June 28) at an interview in Murai Camp to mark Singapore Armed Forces Day, which falls on Monday.

The jet’s safety has been in the spotlight after a crash earlier this year, and reports of glitches and flaws that could risk pilot safety and hamper mission success.

In April, a Japanese F-35A aircraft — one of three variants of the F-35 — crashed into the Pacific Ocean during a training mission, prompting Japan to ground its fleet temporarily.

Separately, flaws with the jet reportedly included pressure increases in the cockpit — the compartment where the pilot sits — causing pain in the ear and sinus.

Singapore’s Defence Ministry (Mindef) — which plans to buy four F-35 aircraft, with the option for another eight — said in the wake of the Japanese plane crash that it would ensure the F-35 was “safe to operate” before acquiring it.

Asked how Mindef would further allay public concerns over the jet’s safety, Dr Ng said on Friday: “We were in touch with the agencies and authorities to have a good analysis.

“But assuming that we get approval for the F-35s, you are talking about a delivery in the 2030 timeframe. So that is enough of a runway for technical glitches to be solved.”

The F-35s were identified as the most suitable replacement for Singapore’s ageing F-16 aircraft, which will become obsolete after 2030.

The plan to buy the jets, announced in January, is subject to approval from the United States Congress, as required under American law. Dr Ng said Singapore took its time to arrive at a conclusion and issue a letter of request to the US to acquire the aircraft.

The F-35, dubbed the world’s most advanced fighter jet, has three variants: A, B and C. Reports had suggested that Singapore was interested in the B model, which can take off from shorter runways and land like a helicopter.

“The F-35s are already in operation, so we think that it is a platform that we can commit to at this point in time,” Dr Ng added.


Vietnam Conducts T-54M3 Firing Test

02 Juli 2019

T-54M3 main battle tank (all photos : QPVN)

Those watching last night's (6/26/19) newscast from Vietnamese National Defense Television (QPVN) were treated to a special sight - the T-54M3 in action as it conducted maneuvers and weapons firing demonstrations. 

After years of nothing but images from inside the factory the project was being worked on, changes to the tank due to project cancellations, and funding issues, Vietnam's new T-54M3 was finally seen in action as it was being used to train Vietnamese armored crews in preparation for the ARMY games Russia is hosting this year.

This is the first time that the Vietnamese public has seen the T-54M3 in action aside from an old QPVN clip regarding the original tank prototype and photos from within the factory where the tanks are being created at.

The T-54M3 is Vietnam's modernization of the T-54/55 tanks that have long been the workhorses of the People's Army of Vietnam.

Clearly shown upgrades are the addition of composite armor and explosive reactive armor lining around the original T-54/55 turret and the front.

There are no detailed technical specifications though it is known that various internal systems have also been upgraded by the Viettel Military Industry and Telecommunications Group. 

Visible above the main gun at the top of the turret are meteorological sensors and a telescope sight with possible IR channel. The original 100mm gun was kept - the M68 105mm cannon on the original T-54M3 prototype was never mass manufactured due to expenses.


Selesai Diretrofit, Tanker A-1309 Siap Kembali Bertugas

02 Juli 2019

Pesawat tanker KC-130B A1309 (photo : TNI AU)

Tiga Tahun Jalani Retrofit di Malaysia, Tanker A-1309 Tiba di Malang

AIRSPACE REVIEW (AngkasaReview.com) – Pesawat tanker KC-130B nomor ekor A-1309 milik Skadron Udara 32 Lanud Abdulrachman Saleh, Malang tiba kembali di rumahnya setelah tiga tahun menjalani retrofit di AIROD ( Aircraft Inspection Repair & Overhaul Depot), Selangor, Malaysia sejak Agustus 2016.

Retrofit merupakan kegiatan penguatan struktur, penambahan komponen, dan peningkatan kemampuan.

Pada A-1309 di antaranya dilakukan penggantian outer wing, struktur, serta peningkatan/modifikasi ECS, APU, avionik, dan generator disconnect.

Kepala Penerangan Lanud Abdulrachman Saleh Letkol Sus Dodo Agusprio menginformasikan kepada Airspace Review, A-1309 kembali ke Tanah Air pada Sabtu, (29/6/2019) pukul 11.50 WIB.

Tangki bahan bakar di dalam peswat A1309 (photo : TNI AU)

Pesawat diterbangkan dari Pangkalan Udara Subang, Malaysia selama empat jam dengan pilot Letkol Pnb Taufik NC.

Setiba di Lanud Abdulrachman Saleh, A-1309 disambut dengan upacara militer dan penyiraman air bunga oleh Komandan Lanud Abdulrachman Saleh Marsma TNI Hesly Paat di lapangan apel Skadron Udara 32.

KSAU Marsekal TNI Yuyu Sutisna sempat meninjau proses retrofit A-1309 di AIROD, Malaysia pada Agustus tahun lalu. Ia berharap proses pengerjaan retrofit A-1309 dapat dilaksanakan tepat waktu karena pesawat tanker ini sangat dibutuhkan oleh Indonesia, TNI AU khususnya.

KC-130B A-1309 merupakan satu-satunya pesawat tanker yang dimiliki TNI Angkatan Udara saat ini. Pesawat ini telah mengabdi di TNI AU sejak tahun 1960-an.

Air refuelling pesawat Su-30 oleh pesawat KC-130B (photo : TNI AU)

Indonesia memiliki dua pesawat tanker berbasis C-130B. Satu lagi, A-1310, mengalami musibah di Medan, Sumatera Utara beberapa tahun lalu.

Walau pesawat ini buatan Amerika Serikat, A-1309 telah dimodifikasi di Indonesia sehingga memiliki kemampuan pengisian bahan bakar di udara (air refueling) terhadap pesawat Su-27/30 buatan Rusia.

Proses pelaksanaan air refueling terhadap jet tempur Sukhoi sudah rutin dilaksanakan sebelum pesawat ini diretrofit di Malaysia.


USMC Awards BAE Systems Team a Contract to Develop ACV Family of Vehicles

02 Juli 2019

Under the $67m contract, BAE Systems and its partner Iveco Defence Vehicles will design and develop the command (ACV-C) and the 30mm medium calibre cannon (ACV-30) variants (photo : BAE Systems)

BAE Systems, along with teammate Iveco Defence Vehicles, has been awarded a $67 million contract modification by the U.S. Marine Corps to develop new variants for the Amphibious Combat Vehicle (ACV) Family of Vehicles program for enhancing battlefield situational awareness and firepower.

The ACV has a maximum amphibious speed of 7 knot (photo : BAE Systems)

“The ACV has proven to be a versatile platform capable of numerous configurations to meet current and future mission requirements,” said John Swift, director of amphibious programs at BAE Systems. “With this award, BAE Systems will be able to develop a family of vehicles that will deliver the technology and capability the Marines require to accomplish their mission in support of our national security.”

The contract calls for the design and development of the command (ACV-C) and the 30mm medium caliber cannon (ACV-30) variants. The ACV-C incorporates seven work stations to provide situational awareness and control of the battle space. The ACV-30 integrates a 30mm cannon to provide the lethality and protection the Marines need while leaving ample room for troop capacity and payload.  

BAE Systems’ amphibious combat vehicle launches out the back of USS Somerset (LPD-25) in the first-ever launch and recovery test of ACVs (photo : USMC)

BAE Systems was previously awarded a low-rate initial production contract in June 2018 for the personnel variant (ACV-P). The Marine Corps announced the ACV had successfully completed anticipated requirements testing and would no longer be pursuing an envisioned incremental ACV 1.1 and ACV 1.2 development approach. The program is now known as the ACV Family of Vehicles, which encompasses the breadth and depth of the vehicle’s capabilities and multiple variants.

BAE Systems has a long legacy of designing and building amphibious vehicles and is a leading provider of combat vehicles, having produced more than 100,000 systems for customers worldwide. Iveco Defence Vehicles brings additional proven experience, having designed and built more than 30,000 multi-purpose, protected, and armored military vehicles in service today.

The vehicle successfully navigated through waves measuring over six feet in height, meeting the ACV 1.2 anticipated requirements, and enabling the Marine Corps to combine the program into a singular ACV family of vehicles (photo : USMC)

The development of the ACV variants will take place in Stafford, Virginia; San Jose, California; Sterling Heights, Michigan; Aiken, South Carolina; and York, Pennsylvania. 

(BAE Systems)

PAF’s 2nd Radar from Israel Installed in Mindoro, 3rd to be Installed in Palawan

03 Juli 2019

IAI ELM-2288ER AD Star radar (photo : IAI)

Philippine Air Force (PAF) commanding general Lieutenant General Rozzano D. Briguez confirmed during the 72nd anniversary celebration of PAF at Colonel Jesus Villamor Air Base in Pasay City that the second radar acquired from Israeli company Elta Systems is already installed.

The second radar, ELM-2288ER Air Defense & Air Traffic Control Radar AD-STAR, was installed at Gozar Air Station, Lubang Island in Occidental Mindoro.

“We have installed our second radar at Gozar Air Station, Lubang Island, Mindoro,” Lieutenant General Briguez said.

“And we are continuously working on the construction of the radar basing support system for the third radar at Mount Salakot, Palawan,” he added.

The first radar was installed at Paredes Air Station in Ilocos Norte.


Depohar 10 Lakukan Cek “D” Pesawat Boeing A 7301

03 Juli 2019

Pelaksanaan Cek D pesawat intai A7301 (all photos : TNI AU)

Dankoharmatau Meninjau Pelaksanaan Cek “D” Pesawat Boeing A 7301 Di Sathar 14 Depohar 10 

Bandung, rakyatmerdekanews.com – Komandan Komando Pemeliharaan Material TNI Angkatan Udara (Dankoharmatau) Marsda TNI Dento Priyono meninjau pelaksanaan Cek “D” pesawat Boeing A 7301 di Sathar 14, Depohar 10 Bandung, Senin Siang 01/07/19. Pelaksanaan Cek”D” tersebut merupakan pesawat yang ke dua yakni dari Skadron udara 5 Lanud Hassanudin Makassar.

Dankoharmatau mengatakan pesawat Boeing A 7301 tersebut sudah dilengkapi dengan Mession Consule yang berfungsi untuk Patroli udara. Selain itu pelaksanaan perawatan oleh Teknisi dari TNI Angkatan Udara, jadi kerahasiaan sangat terjamin.

Marsda TNI Dento Priyono menambahkan kemampuan yang dimiliki pihaknya sangat membanggakan khususnya insan teknisi TNI AU. “Kemampuan Cek D”

Jenderal TNI AU dengan dua bintang dipundaknya itu menjelaskan bahwa dari hasil kunjungan ditemu kan dua permasalahan yang harus dikonsultasikan pihak Boeing dengan difasilitasi GMF.

“Hal ini yang menyebabkan dukungan suku cadang perlu waktu tambahan 3 Bulan dari sekarang, “tegasnya.

Tak ada yang meragukan kemampuan Koharmatau dalam memelihara alutsista TNI AU. Hal inipun diakui Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (Kasau) Marsekal TNI Yuyu Sutisna beberapa waktu yang lalu dengan memberikan pengharagaan. Bahkan orang nomor satu di TNI AU  tersebut terkesan dengan kemampuan Koharmatau dan Sungguh patut diacungi jempol Teknisi TNI AU.

(Rakyat Merdeka)

Australian Navy Retires Replenishment Ship and Frigate

03 Juli 2019

HMAS Newcastle is last Aussie-built FFG (photo : Aus DoD)

The Royal Australian Navy (RAN) has retired auxiliary oiler replenishment (AOR) ship HMAS Success (II) and Adelaide-class (US Oliver Hazard Perry design) guided-missile frigate HMAS Newcastle .

After 33 years of service, Success (pennant number OR 304) was decommissioned in a ceremony held on 29 June at Sydney's Garden Island, Fleet Base East.

Commissioned in 1986, the 157.2 m-long vessel steamed almost one million n miles, participated in 11 'Rim of the Pacific' exercises, and earned battle honours for service during the 1991 Gulf War and in East Timor in 1999, according to a statement by the Department of Defence (DoD) in Canberra.

Success , along with RAN supply ship HMAS Sirius , are expected to be replaced with a single-class of two double-hulled AOR vessels based on the Spanish Navy's Cantabria-class AORs.

HMAS Success replenishment oiler ship (photo : theherald)

Currently being built by Spanish shipbuilder Navantia, the new 19,500-tonne ships, Supply (II) and Stalwart (III), are scheduled for delivery in 2020 and 2021. The lead ship, Supply , was launched at the Navantia Shipyards in Ferrol, Spain, on 23 November 2018.

A day after decommissioning Success , the RAN retired Newcastle (06) in a ceremony held at the same location in Sydney. The 138.1 m-long frigate, which was commissioned in December 1993 as the last of six ships of the Adelaide class, had returned from its final overseas mission on 12 June.

During its 25 years in service, Newcastle steamed about 815,000 n miles; was deployed on operations to the Middle East six times; earned battle honours for its service in East Timor, the Persian Gulf, and the Middle East; and conducted peacekeeping operations in the Solomon Islands, according to the DoD.


PAF Commander Announces Upcoming Air Assets

03 Juli 2019

Gulfstream G280 aircraft (photo : Gulstream)

The Commanding General Philippine Air Force (CGPAF), Lt.Gen. Rozano Briguez mentioned in his speech during the 72nd Founding Anniversary Celebrations of the PAF the following expected deliveries:

* 1 C-295 Command and Control Aircraft by July 2019
* 1 C-130 Hercules by last quarter 2019
* 4 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles by 2019
* 6 Super Tucanos by February 2020
* 16 Combat Utility Helicopters starting 2020
* 6 NC-212i light lift aircraft starting 2020
* 1 G280 Command and control aircraft by 2020.

1. The C-295 Command and Control Aircraft was the one awarded by DND to Airbus late last year, and was discussed in our resource portal since April 2019.

2. The C-130 Hercules is the same aircraft mentioned by former CGPAF Lt.Gen. Galileo Kintanar last year. This was acquired with assistance by the US government and is a refurbished unit. The PAF has asked for assistance with the US to also replace the C-130H that caught fire early this year, but that remains to be seen if the US will help.

3. The 4 UAVs are the Elbit Hermes 450 MALE UAVs that MaxDefense has reported since last year. Last Monday we posted the photo of 1 of the UAVs in PAF markings. The 4 UAVs constitute 1 whole Hermes 450 UASystem, and was acquired under the Unmanned Aerial Systems acquisition project.

PAF NC-212i (photo : Ryu Guji)

4. The 6 Super Tucanos were the ones under the Horizon 1 Close Air Support Aircraft acquisition project. Previous PAF statements mentioned delivery of 1st batch will be made by November 2019, while the rest by early 2020.

5. The 16 Combat Utility Helicopers are the Sikorsky S-70i Black Hawk that we first reported last March. These were already contracted last April 2019 and NTP released last May.

6. The NC-212i is something new. This is not in the Horizon 2 plan, although it is possible that the PAF decided to convert its Medium Lift Aircraft acquisition into acquiring the 6 smaller NC-212i. It still remains to be seen how much the deal was, since its cheaper to buy 6 NC-212i than 3 C-295W.

7. The Gulfstream G280 is the aircraft selected to fulfill the C2 Jet Aircraft acquisition. This would be a Command and control and VVIP transport of the president to replace the Fokker F28 Fellowship jet. MaxDefense posted about this in our resource portal as early as yesterday. Also, MaxDefense has some concerns since we believe the G280 jet is too small, and the PAF could have acquired a larger business jet like the G500 since the budget is enough for it.

8. The Notice of Award (NOA) for the Ground Based Air Defense Systems (GBADS) Acquisition Project was already released. MaxDefense previously reported that the PAF and DND will award this to Rafael Advance Systems Ltd for the Rafael SPYDER Air Defense System. This is a Horizon 1 project.


KRI Nala-363 Berhasil Hancurkan Sasaran Tembak

03 Juli 2019

KRI Nala 363 korvet TNI AL buatan Belanda (photo : IMF)

Panglima Komando Armada II Laksamana Muda TNI Mintoro Yulianto S.Sos, M.Si, yang didampingi Aslog Pangkoarmada II Kolonel Laut (T) I Wayan Maradana menyaksikan langsung saat meriam KRI Nala -363 berhasil menghancurkan sasaran tembak Tomato Killer di perairan Laut Jawa dalam uji coba penembakan yang dilaksanakan pada Selasa (02/07/2019).

KRI Nala-363  yang berada dijajaran Satuan Kapal Eskorta Koarmada II dipersiapkan untuk mendukung latihan puncak  TNI AL yaitu Latihan Armada Jaya (AJ) XXXVII/2019  pada awal bulan Juli 2019.

Radar WM28 (photo : Thales)

Dikomandani oleh Letkol Laut (P) I Gede Dharma Yoga, KRI Nala melaksanakan uji coba penembakan yang terintegrasi dengan radar senjata WM 28 yang dikendalikan dari ruang Pos Informasi Tempur (PIT) yang berada di KRI, sehingga sasaran Tomatto Killer yang berada di laut  berhasil dihancurkan.

Kanon utama Bofors 120mm KRI Nala (photo : TNI AL)

Pangkoarmada II yang menyaksikan langsung uji coba tersebut mengapresiasi baik atas keberhasilan penembakan. Namun orang nomor satu di jajaran Koarmada II ini mengingatkan agar seluruh prajurit yang terlibat tidak lekas puas dengan hasil yang diperoleh. Sebaliknya terus tingkatkan profesionalisme sebagai awak KRI.

Kanon sekunder Bofors 40mm KRI Nala (photo : TNI AL)

“ Saya menyambut baik keberhasilan ini, tapi saya harap kalian tidak cepat puas dengan hasil tersebut. Tetap tingkatkan profesionalitas kalian sebagai awak KRI Nala, dengan tetap penuh semangat dalam berlatih, dan tentunya selalu perhatikan  prosedur penembakan yang benar  juga keselamatan personel dan material, serta doa untuk mohon perlindungan dan pertolongan kepada Allah SWT “, pungkas Pangkoarmada II.


TLDM Selenggarakan Latihan Terbesar di Laut China Selatan

04 Juli 2019

Kapal TLDM yang mempunyai rudal MM-40 Exocet Block II adalah fregat Kedah class dan korvet Kasturi class (photo : Ray Griggs)

Medan uji kuasa tempur

LATIHAN terbesar dalam sejarah Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM), Eksesais Kerismas diadakan semula selepas 14 tahun dihentikan, membabitkan 11 kapal TLDM termasuk kapal selam KD Tun Razak.

Panglima Tentera Laut, Laksamana Datuk Mohd Reza Mohd Sany berkata, eksesais itu turut membabitkan 3,000 anggota dan diadakan di perairan Laut China Selatan selama 11 hari, bermula kelmarin.

Katanya, tujuan utama eksesais itu adalah meningkatkan dan menilai tahap kesiapsiagaan Armada TLDM di peringkat operasi serta taktikal.

Super Lynx TLDM dengan rudal Sea Skua (photo : Laurence M Bean)

“Eksesais ini untuk menguji ketahanan dan keselamatan Armada TLDM dalam melaksanakan operasi maritim secara berterusan.

“Saya harap pegawai dan anggota terbabit mempelajari dan menambah pengetahuan serta kemahiran dalam konteks pelaksanaan operasi maritim,” katanya selepas Majlis Pembukaan Eksesais Kerismas 26/2019 di Auditorium Al-Haimi, Markas Wilayah Laut 1 di sini, semalam.

Turut hadir, Timbalan Panglima Tentera Laut, Laksamana Madya Datuk Khairul Anuar Yahya dan Panglima Armada Timur, Laksamana Madya Datuk Abdul Rahman Ayob.

Beliau berharap eksesais itu mencapai objektif spesifik seperti digariskan dan seterusnya berupaya mempersiapkan armada bagi menangani sebarang bentuk ancaman sama ada konvensional atau sebaliknya.

Kapal selam KD Tun Razak (The Malaysian Reserve)

Mohd Reza berkata, selepas Eksesais Kerismas, eksesais di perairan Laut China Selatan diteruskan dengan Eksesais Taming Sari siri 19/2019 yang bermula pada 12 hingga 18 Julai ini.

“Dua eksesais ini diadakan berterusan membabitkan 11 aset TLDM dan 3,000 pegawai dan anggota. Eksesais ini turut membabitkan aset dari Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM).

“Acara kemuncak siri eksesais kali ini adalah penembakan peluru berpandu Exocet MM40 Block 2 dan Sea Skua. Selepas lima tahun tanpa sebarang tembakan peluru berpandu, eksesais kali ini secara tidak langsung memberi peluang kita menguji kesiagaan missile platform,” katanya.

Katanya, walaupun penembakan peluru berpandu ini bukan luar biasa, namun bagi TLDM ia perkara yang amat penting dalam membuktikan keupayaan sebenar kuasa tempur TLDM. 


AFP Eyes French-Made Military Equipment

04 Juli 2019`

Scorpene submarine (all images : Naval Group)

Discussions are underway for the possible Philippine procurement of French-made military equipment and material, visiting French Minister of State Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne said over the weekend.

The Philippines had earlier expressed interest in acquiring French and Russian made submarines as part of the modernization program of the Armed Forces of the Philippines.

“Those discussions will continue… of course we have great expertise in a submarine and in the region, we established a strategic partnership with Australia and it’s a proof of the quality of our industry… France can establish (a) partnership in the region. The Philippines has to state what is the need, what they want and of course we will apply to fulfill these needs,” Leymone told journalists at the conclusion of the 8thPhilippines-France Joint Economic Council meeting in Makati City on Friday.

This developed as France, a country that is more than 10,300 kilometers from the South China Sea, reiterated its commitment to continue “patrolling” and “cruising” one of the world’s highly volatile waters in defense of freedom of navigation and the international law.

Lemoyne was short of responding to questions on whether France will accept the challenge posed by President Duterte for western powers like the United States, Great Britain and France to join him in challenging Chinese dominance in the South China Sea.

“France is very committed to promote and defend (the) rule of international law that’s why our navy is very often patrolling, cruising in the South China Sea and we will continue,” he said.

The French official pointed out that France, being part of the Indo-Pacific area, is strongly committed to maintain its links with countries in the region.

France administers several island territories in the Pacific and Indian oceans and maintains about 7,000 forces in those areas.

“And of course, freedom of navigation is at the heart of multilateralism, and we must ensure that freedom of navigation is effective. That’s why our navy, twice a year, cruises in the South China Sea, and we will continue,” Lemoyne said.

At the recent Shangri-la Dialogue in Singapore, French Defense Minister Florence Parly stressed her country’s commitment to continue its patrolling of the South China Sea, as it considers France as “part of the region.”

“France is not going anywhere, because we are part of the region. We have territories here; we have more than 1.6 million inhabitants, several islands with different statutes, vast exclusive economic zones and the responsibility that goes with the territory,” Parly said.

(Manila Bulletin)

First Phase of the Protected Mobility Project Begins

04 Juli 2019

Thales Australia Bushmaster (photo : DTR Magz)

Defence Minister Ron Mark has announced the first phase of a project to replace many of the New Zealand Defence Force’s operational vehicles. 

“Vehicles that protect our people when they move around in hostile environments are vital,” says Minister of Defence Ron Mark. “Our current fleet of vehicles have reached the end of their life and it’s time to replace them.

“Cabinet has approved a project to procure High Mobility Utility Light Vehicles and approved another project to negotiate the purchase of up to 43 Protected Vehicle Mediums

“For the Light Vehicles, Defence is considering the procurement of the Polaris MRZR, which is a militarised development of the side by side All-Terrain Vehicles that are in widespread use across New Zealand.

“This vehicle is highly agile and well proven in military service. It can carry up to four troops and cargo, and can be easily airlifted by aircraft and helicopters. The MRZR will replace current quad bikes and other small vehicles and provide improved mobility, safety and versatility to our rapidly deployable mobile forces.

Polaris MRZR (photos : Polaris)

“The Protected Vehicle Mediums project will give our Army similar levels of capability and protection that our Special Forces currently have with the Bushmaster vehicles already in service.

“For this project Defence is working with the Australian Defence Force and related suppliers to examine whether further cooperation on this class of vehicle is the best way forward for New Zealand. I will bring a firm proposal to Cabinet next year.

“This particular project is to replace the current Armoured Pinzgauers and some Unimogs, which, due to age and lack of protection, are no longer adequate for many operational tasks. We’re looking for vehicles to fill roles such as; troop transport, command and communications, and casualty evacuation. 

“These two procurements are the first in a range of projects to replace the unarmoured Pinzgauer Light Operational Vehicles and all remaining Unimogs that still have an operational role.

“$18.6 million has been allocated for the purchase of High Mobility Utility Light Vehicles, and to undertake trials and risk reduction work to support future Protected Mobility procurements.

“These trials will provide assurance around vehicle performance and ensure that our modern equipment, such as that provided by the Network Enabled Army programme, can be integrated and supported by the vehicles.

“The project was highlighted in the Defence Capability Plan 2019.  The Plan represents the Coalition Government’s commitment to ensuring the men and women of the Defence Force have the equipment they need to do the jobs we ask of them, do them with distinction, and come home safe. 

“Vehicles are as vital to our troops as uniforms and rifles. Whether it is helping our communities in a time of need, or supporting our global partners in vital peacekeeping operations, these projects will provide the vehicles our service people can depend on,” says Ron Mark.


"Narai 3.0" UAV Produced by 80 Units

04 Juli 2019

Narai vertical UAV (photo : Sompong Nondhasa)

Today at the Department of Education, Naval Salaya, Admiral Luechai Ruddidit, Naval Commander presided over the award ceremony honoring the Royal Thai Navy Researcher.

Outstanding work in research 2019, which received an outstanding award in the year 2019, is a vertical unmanned aerial vehicle named the Narai 3.0 model with Dr. Panupong Chumsin as project officer  which is further developed in the 3rd generation.

Is the creation of unmanned aircraft, 4 rotor and control systems suitable for military operations compact, removable, foldable convenient to move, easy to use and maintenance.

Including being able to connect to the command control system for operating between departments as well this aircraft can be programmed to fly at a speed of 60 km/h, flying for 30 minutes, operating approximately 2 km, carrying 1 kg.

Stick the camera that can operate day and night, use the GPS system to navigate.  

At present, there are many agencies that use to carry out the mission in flight, photographing the situation and transferring the signal to the command control system used in the border patrol : drug detection Invasion, logging in the forest, etc.

In addition to being used in the Navy also used in the Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters Suranaree, Pha Muang task forces which has been built to be used for more than 80 machines.

For the price of aircraft with daytime cameras and computer control units, the price is 350,000 baht, and the night vision camera model is 450,000 baht, the price of the aircraft is 200,000 baht.

Thus reducing procurement from foreign countries and using domestic products in accordance with the policy "Self-reliance"


Singapore Armed Forces to Roll Out New Urban Training Capabilities from 2023

04 Juli 2019

Singapore Army troops seen preparing to enter a mock building during urban warfare instruction. The service will have access to new high-tech urban operations training facilities from 2023 (photo : Jane's)

The Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) will progressively operationalise a new 88-ha urban training complex from 2023, Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen announced on 28 June.

Construction of the new facility, called SAFTI City, is set to commence at an undisclosed date as part of a wider SGD900 million (USD663 million) effort by the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) to modernise the SAF’s training grounds in the western part of the island over a 10-year span. It will be jointly developed by the Singapore Army and the Defence Science and Technology Agency (DSTA).

According to the MINDEF, Phase 1 of the SAFTI City programme will cost approximately USD295 million to complete and encompass an estimated gross floor area of 107,000 m 2 , which the ministry states can support brigade-level training.

The initial phase will feature more than 70 mock buildings including three 12-storey blocks, underground facilities and other urban structures – a bus interchange with retired buses, a subway with decommissioned trains and several surface exits, high-rise interconnected buildings, and dense building clusters – that will support a range of training activities such as homeland security, counter-terrorism, and humanitarian and disaster relief (HADR) operations.

Building interiors and road networks can be reconfigured to meet specific training requirements, enabling instructors to modify building and street layouts to create fresh challenges for trainees.

SAFTI City will also leverage on a range of simulation technologies to enhance training realism and effectiveness, including the use of smoke and blast generators as well as mobile targets that can be dynamically repositioned and capable of returning simulated fire.

Battlefield instrumentation and a suite of video cameras will be used to monitor trainees in real time, with the acquired data collated and processed by a data analytics. MINDEF noted that detailed individual feedback will enable trainees to benchmark scores against their peers, increasing their motivation to improve.


Tellumat-Supplied IFF System Operating on Indonesian Navy Corvette

04 Juli 2019

KRI Fatahillah corvettes (photo : Jane's)

Tellumat has successfully completed a three year contract for the supply of an Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) system for the Indonesian Navy, providing one of its warship’s with the ability to safeguard itself by responding to interrogations from other friendly vessels or aircraft and preventing friend-on-friend incidents.

Tellumat’s Defence & Security business unit, a South African manufacturer and supplier of defence solutions, provided the PT-2500 naval IFF system to UK-based Ultra Electronics – prime contractor for the mid-life upgrade (MLU) of Indonesian Navy corvette KRI Fatahillah.

Brian Ferguson, Key Accounts Manager at Tellumat Defence & Security, said Tellumat was contracted in December 2013. A period of system engineering and implementation followed until handover, whereupon it was installed, commissioned and accepted into service.

The warship was handed to the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Indonesia in December 2016. In 2017, the Indonesian Navy had the system in hand, enabling necessary trials and checks, the favourable outcome of which culminated in the end of a successful project.

The IFF system is a key part of the KRI Fatahillah’s new combat management system and sensors, replaced along with the ship’s re-powering and general overhaul, Tellumat said.

Ferguson said of the strategic value of this contract to Tellumat. “Not only has it seen the netting of a new customer in Ultra Electronics, but also a new end-user – the Indonesian Navy – as well as the opportunity to integrate the naval IFF system with a new platform type.”

Tellumat is a reputable and longstanding supplier of defence systems, he said. Part of the reason for this is the company’s flexibility and willingness to customise systems, provide full project management and client interaction.

“We are a niche and stable supplier with the flexibility to provide more personal service, including technology transfer, which larger suppliers struggle to accomplish,” he said.

“Being from a non-aligned country speaks volumes for our flexibility and independence,” Ferguson said.

The upgrade effectively adds at least 15 years to the life of the Fatahillah, which is currently 40 years old.

“We are delighted to be recognised with this prestigious contract from Ultra Electronics and the Republic of Indonesia. We have demonstrated our hands-on collaborative style and our flexibility and non-aligned status. It’s with a matter of great pride we were able to meet the respective needs of client and end-user and we look forward to further opportunities to develop this and similar relationships in time to come.”


PAL dan DSME Siap Bangun 3 Kapal Selam Pesanan Kemenhan

05 Juli 2019

Kapal selam KRI Alugoro 405 saat diluncurkan di PT PAL (photos : Liputan6)

Bareng Korsel, PT PAL Bakal Kembali Bangun 3 Kapal Selam

Liputan6.com, Jakarta - PT PAL Indonesia dan Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering (DSME), Korea Selatan akan kembali membangun tiga kapal selam dalam upaya memenuhi Minimum Essential Force (MEF).

"Pada 12 April itu sudah signing di Pindad, Bandung, Jawa Barat dengan nilai USD 1,2 miliar untuk tiga kapal. Pembiayaannya melalui pinjaman luar negeri dan sampai sekarang masih berproses di Kementerian Keuangan (Kemenkeu)," kata Direktur Keuangan PT PAL Indonesia, Irianto Sunardi, dikutip dari Antara, Kamis (4/7/2019).

Irianto berharap sebelum akhir tahun ini sudah efektif dilakukan pembangunan kapal selam dengan tipe 209-1400 karena DSME sudah siap.

"Begitu juga dengan kami PT PAL, juga sudah siap dengan segala perjanjiannya. Jadi perjanjian seksi mana saja yang dibikin di sini dulu dan mana yang dibuat di sana, sampai kapal selam yang ke enam full dibuat di sini," katanya.

Irianto mengaku, seluruh perjanjian antara kedua belah pihak sudah siap tinggal menunggu keputusan dari Kemenkeu.

Saat ini, kata Irianto, pihak yang telah siap mendanai proyek tersebut adalah Korean Exim Bank. Berdasarkan catatan Bappenas, bank tersebut masuk dalam kategori Lembaga Penjamin Kredit Ekspor (LPKE) atau Export Credit Agency (ECA).

Namun, Kemenkeu masih melihat pemberian pinjaman oleh bank tersebut pada pembuatan kapal selam batch pertama masih mahal.

"Kemenkeu melihat Indonesia saat ini tingkat investasinya bagus sehingga harapannya lebih murah dari penawaran tiga kapal selam yang batch pertama. Ini yang belum ketemu. Kalau itu sudah efektif, Insya Allah kita bisa mulai akhir tahun ini," jelasnya.

Persenjataan Disesuaikan

Dalam pembuatan tiga kapal selam pada batch kedua ini, ada peningkatan-peningkatan yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Indonesia, baik persenjataan maupun kenyamanan lainnya.

Indonesia sebelumnya telah menerima tiga kapal selam dari hasil kerja sama dengan Korea Selatan. Dua kapal selam yang dibuat di Korea yakni Nagapasa 403 dan Ardadedali 404 yang saat sudah beroperasi. Sedangkan, satu kapal selam Alugoro 405 saat ini dalam proses uji ketahanan di utara Pulau Bali.

"Kita cari laut yang dalam untuk sea trial. Diuji coba berbagai macam diperbaiki lagi sampai waktunya kita serahkan pada 2020 mendatang," jelas Irianto.

Kemampuan PT PAL dalam membangun kapal selam membuat Indonesia menjadi negara satu-satunya negara di Asia Tenggara yang bisa membangun kapal selam

Karo Humas Setjen Kemhan Brigjen TNI Totok Sugiharto mengatakan, Indonesia merupakan negara di Asia Tenggara pertama yang bisa membuat kapal selam.

Menurut Totok, industri pertahanan yang dinakhodai oleh PT PAL dinilai mampu membuat alutsista khususnya untuk Angkatan Laut (AL) sesuai dengan amanat UU No 16 Tahun 2012.

"Saya berharap PT PAL bisa berkembang, lebih hebat, lebih canggih dan disegani oleh negara-negara di Asia Tenggara bahkan dunia," katanya.

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