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RMAF Peeks on TF-X

24 Juni 2019

RMAF delegation visits TF-X during Paris Air Show 2019 (photo : MFH)

Turkish Aerospace (TAI) took the opportunity to unveil its 5th Generation fighter aircraft currently known through its project name, the Turkish Fighter-Experiment (TF-X).

The unveiling of full scale mock up at Paris Air Show was perhaps an attempt by Turkey to send a message to the Trump Administration that despite the country will not be intimidated by the sanction on its LockheedMartin F-35A Lightning II joint strike fighter (JSF) following decision made by President Erdogan to buy Russian S-400 Triumf (NATO Reporting Name: SA-21 Growler) surface to air missile (SAM).

The United States was so concern of the S-400 would jeopardise the F-35 so much it does not only stop taking parts manufactured by Turkish companies but also kicked out Turkish Air Force (TurAF ) pilots being out of the program.

The TF-X was initially meant as replacements to Turkish built F-16s and would become a stable mate as well as capability gap to the proposed 100 plus Lightnings. With the sanction now in full effect, it is likely that the TF-X program would be given utmost priority to replace both the Falcons and the Lightnings.

TF-X fighter mock up (photo : Hushkit)

TF-X looks similar to the LockheedMartin F-22 Raptor with a touch of BAe Systems Tempest 6th Gen fighter. In 2015, BAe Systems joins the program providing designs for the aircraft. British Rolls Royce also join the bandwagon only to withdraw recently following several issues.

Then again the program still progresses with the likelihood if the British design is to be abandoned, Turkey could rely on Russia’s offer to provide new design based on its KNAAPO built Sukhoi Su-57 (NATO Reporting Name : Frazor) 5th Gen fighter as well as engines.

Already the TF-X has attracted numerous interests from its allies namely Pakistan and Malaysia.

In an interview, Pakistani Air Force (PAF) top brass said the service has no problem to work with TAI for the former’s Project Azm 5th Gen fighter program. Should the Turko-Pak alliance materialised, the TF-X would play important role the success of Project Azm which is aimed to counter Indian’s Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) program. Ironically the AMCA was a back up plan following the fall out of Russo-Indo Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) program based on the PAK-FA / Su-57 jet.

TF-X fighter mock up (photo : Hushkit)

TurAF and PAF relationship was forged so strong, it is widely believed that Turkish pilot on exchange program flew on-board the PAC Kamra JF-17 Thunder light Multi Role Combat Aircraft (MRCA) during cross border conflict with India over Kashmir. At least one Turkish pilot was seen showing off his “Bison Killer” patch on his shoulder.

Meanwhile in Malaysia, talks on the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) interest of the TF-X came around during Defence Services Asia (DSA) 2018 following the signing of MoU between DEFTECH and TAI. The MoU was said to be a stepping stone towards eventual procurement of TF-X by at least in 10 years time.

A scaled model of the aircraft was shown at TAI booth at the event. While the RMAF had pushed the planned MRCA program to 2029, it is also no secret that the Air Force is eyeing on the TF-X and the Su-57. An offer on possible sell of the Frazor has been extended to the Malaysians during the recent Langkawi International Maritime & Aerospace (LIMA) 2019 show.

The need for 5th Gen jets came from the concern of Malaysia’s regional rivals, the Indonesians and Singapore.

TF-X fighter on render (photo : Hushkit)

Indonesia is collaborating with South Korea for the joint development of KF-X/IF-X program. At the same time, the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RASF) is planning for initial delivery of four F-35 for evaluation would happen anytime soon.

Malaysia becoming a TF-X customer would mean that it can balanced out its Indonesian and Singapore counterpart on quality rather than quantity.

The TF-X development time frame fits well with the RMAF CAP 55 schedule where two squadrons of common MRCA  platform would be procured in the future. Accordingly the Boeing F/A-18D Mod 25X Hornet strike fighter and KNAAPO built Sukhoi Su-30MKM  (NATO Reporting Name : Flanker) MRCA would be replaced by 2035 and 2042 respectively.

By that time, the TF-X technology has matured thus allowing the RMAF to fulfill its Capability 2055 (CAP55) strategic plan. The RMAF show no intentions to hide its interest on the TF-X as shown by the Chief of the Air Force and his delegation at Paris Air Show.


New Design of Black Widow 8x8 was Built at Preecha Thavorn Industrial Co Ltd

25 Juni 2019

New improved design of Black Widow 8x8 (all photos : RTA RnD Office)

Director of Royal Thai Army - Research and Development Office, led the research visit at the factory of Preecha Thavorn Industrial Company Limited, at Nadi subdistrict, Mueang District, Samut Prakan Province, on June 16, 2019 revealed the prototype vehicle of the ACPC wheeled vehicle that is a new improved version of the wheeled vehicle armor DTI Black Widow Spider (BWS) 8x8 APC (Armored Personnel Carrier) for the Royal Thai Army.

The vehicle was designed by the National Defense Technology Institute or DTI and Preecha Thavorn Industrial Company Limited received a contract from DTI to revise the prototype of the APC wheeled vehicle (1st vehicle), with amount of 2,475,000 ($ 77,943.80) that has been first launched in the year 2015.

DTI still has progress in the research and development of rubber wheeled vehicle development (Phase 2) that continues from DTI BWS 8x8 wheeled vehicles, including the design of electric vehicle systems, tires, 8x8 tires, 4,200,000 Baht ($ 155,818.75) by Theppon Aeromotics Industry Company Limited, purchasing heavy machine guns 12.7mm/40mm automatic grenade launcher and equipment installed on the prototype APC wheeled vehicle (1st vehicle) 25,200,000 baht ($ 800,000) from ST Engineering Land LTD Singapore From the prototype car used to install the turret RWS (Remote Weapon Staion) Elbit Systems UT30MK2 30mm size Israel and the purchase of command control systems (BMS: Battle Management System) Anti Heat Screen protection system for prototypes of rubber wheeled vehicles ACPC (2nd car), 25,900,000 baht ($ 812,177.52) by Datagate Company Limited, which represents the construction of the second prototype 8x8 wheeled vehicle.

Photos within the factory of Preecha Thavorn Industrial Company Also shows the truck equipped with additional armor that should be developed from the modification of the Toyota Hilux Revo 4x4 truck, which is understood to be a prototype for tactical use that will be used to test the demonstration for the Thai army.

Including the PT 30 Type 85 conveyor belt, the Royal Thai Army modified to install the 122mm DTI-2 multi-caliber rocket launcher with hexagonal 20 tubes, developed by DTI Thailand in accordance with the high performance rocket development program.

The DTI-2 122mm has been tested for real firing at the gun field. Artillery Center Which will be replaced by JL. 31 Type 82, size 130mm, 30 pipe firing installed on K. Type 85, China that has been in service since the year 1988 Number 6, which is outdated


COA Questions Economic Viability of PADC

25 Juni 2019

Activities in Philippine Aerospace Development Corporation (PADC) (photo : PADC)

Facing management issues, the Philippine Aerospace Development Corporation’s “economic viability” to exist as a state-run corporation is under serious scrutiny.

The Commission on Audit, in its 2018 PADC annual audit report, said the PADC is no longer performing “its core mandate”, noting that it has incurred financial operational losses reaching P177.9 million from 2013 to 2018.

In the recently released report, COA called for a “comprehensive review” of PADC’s structure, policies, financial capability, and business market” as state auditors aired strong doubts about its sustainability and economic viability to continue operating.

COA said that in determining the viability and necessity of allowing PADC to exist, its management must assess the current condition of the aviation industry, the PADC’s existing facilities, and technical capability, its financial position, and competitiveness with private suppliers and representatives of foreign suppliers and distributors.

There have been three top management changes since 2018 after retired Commodore Gilbert Rueras, the ten president and chief executive officer, was suspended.

Rueras was replaced by Transportation Undersecretary Manuel Antonio Tamayo who was replaced when President Duterte appointed lawyer Steve Victor Siclot as the new president and CEO.

Created in 1973, the PADC is tasked to advance available related transport services in the country. Among its other goals are to offer reliable technical repair and maintenance support system and develop an aircraft assembly and manufacturing industry.

COA gathered that the PADC was able to perform its core mandate in the ’80s and ’90s but business waned in the late ’90s as the firm absorbed operational losses, especially from 2013 to 2017.

Audit examiners revealed that in 2018, sales reached a meager P5.91 million but the cost of sales and operating expenses reached P34.207 for the year, thus resulting in operating losses aggregating P28.28 million.

IN 2018, the only revenue sources of the PADC were the AMA Properties and Management and the Philippine Navy for the sale of aircraft parts and cost of repair of a PN Islander plane, respectively.

Financial records further disclosed that PADC’s existence is being sustained primarily by the P43.448 million rental payment for three hangars leased by Cebu Pacific and eight other companies.

COA said other contributory factors to the losses are the absence of tax clearance due to the cases filed by the Bureau of Internal Revenue against PADC, the expired accreditation to conduct repair and the lack of landline telecommunications connection and internet service.

“With these in view, it is clear that PADC is no longer performing and carrying out its principal/core mandate,” the state audit agency said.

“It is also worth mentioning that the Manila Bulletin in its January 4, 2018 issue, reported that the abolition of PADC was already raised in one of the meetings of the Governance Commission for GOCC’s (GCG) but one of its directors opposed the proposal and instead recommended for its revitalization,” COA disclosed.

(Manila Bulletin)

GMF Akan Modifikasi dan Rawat Hercules C-130 Milik TNI AU

26 Juni 2019

Pemeliharaan pesawat Hercules TNI AU (photo : TNI AU)

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - PT GMF AeroAsia Tbk memproyeksikan pengembangan bisnis baru pada 2020, yakni melakukan perawatan alutsista untuk pesawat militer dalam negeri milik TNI AU. Pelaksana tugas Direktur Utama sekaligus Director of Business and Base Operation GMF Tazar Marta mengatakan pada tahap awal, GMF akan menggarap perawatan dan modifikasi armada angkut Hercules Lockheed Martin C-130.

"Kita segera finalisasi agreement-nya bersama Airforce (TNI AU)," ujar Tazar saat ditemui dalam acara halal bihalal di Restoran Seribu Rasa, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, Selasa, 25 Juni 2019.

GMF sebelumnya telah mempresentasikan rencana pemeliharaan mesin pesawat Hercules C-130 di hadapan TNI AU pada Oktober 2018 lalu. Semula perawatan pesawat armada Hercules TNI AU dilakukan di Malaysia.

Berdasarkan hasil pemaparannya, GMF bersepakat secara bertahap menggarap perawatan armada sesuai dengan kebutuhan TNI. Selain modifikasi armada Hercules, GMF akan menggarap perawatan engine pesawat pertahanan milik negara meliputi pemeliharaan airframe serta perawatan armada VVIP.

Director New Business Portofoli GMF I Gusti Wayan Susena mengatakan modifikasi armada Hercules yang pertama kali akan dilakukan ialah mengganti center wings box dan mengganti cockpit. Cockpit yang semula masih berbasis analog nantinya bakal diganti dengan mesin digital.

"Lalu ke depan kami akan menambah military division. Kami tambahkan komersial dan TNI AU," ucapnya.

Kendati telah dipresentasikan, TNI AU belum berkomentar banyak ihwal kerja sama dengan GMF. "Belum ada perintah," tutur Kepala Dinas Penerangan TNI AU Marsekal TNI Fajar Adriyanto dalam pesan pendek kepada Tempo.

Lockheed Martin C-130 Hercules sebelumnya pernah digunakan untuk mengevakuasi korban gempa di Palu pada akhir September hingga Oktober 2018. Selain itu, burung besi ini juga mengangkut jenazah Ibu Negara periode 2004-2014, Kristiani Herrawati Yodhoyono atau Ani Yudhoyono, dari Singapura ke Jakarta pasa 2 Juni lalu.


Australian DoD Denies any Involvement in Reported Planning for a New Deep-Water Port near Darwin

26 Juni 2019

ABC reported that the new facility will help US Marines, who rotate into Darwin for six-month deployments (photo : ABC)

Australia’s Department of Defence (DoD) has denied any involvement in classified or unclassified planning to develop a new deep-water port near Darwin to support the deployment of US Marines for training in Australia.

The DoD’s statement follows a 23 June report by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), which quoted multiple unnamed officials as saying that secret planning had begun for a new multi-use port facility in the Glyde Point area. This location is about 40 km northeast of Darwin’s existing port, which was controversially leased in 2015 to Chinese company Landbridge Group for 99 years by the government of Australia’s Northern Territory.


Panus R600 8x8 will be Equipped with Turkey's ASELSAN Turret NEFER 30mm

26 Juni 2019

Panus R-600 8x8 vehicle (photos : Sompong Nondhasa)

Phanat Assembly Company is currently building an 8X8 armored vehicle called the prototype "R 600" which is currently under completion for the installation of a 600 horsepower Cummins engine and drop the gear set Including piping and wiring expected to be completed soon.

The first R600 is expected to be a military combat vehicle version. Install the NEFER 30mm automatic turret of ASELSAN of Turkey. In addition, Panus will also build R 600 as a vehicle that can be used in a variety of applications. There are many versions such as an army transport vehicle, cannon version, equipped with missile weapons, amphibious vehicles, etc., to meet the needs of the Army design engineers have designed more than 100 designs for their appearance so that they don't look like other cars that are already in the world market, finally came to this end.

Panus R-600 8x8 vehicle (photos : Sompong Nondhasa)

The purpose of creating the R600 armored vehicle is to provide the Army with a high-quality vehicle capable of repairing and delivering power within the country at a reasonable price. The important thing is that the work of Thai people produced in the country "We do well". In addition, the 8X8 wheeled armor vehicle is also preferred in the world market. Which Phanus sees to create sales to foreign countries in the future as well ... must help each other to encourage and support each other.

The 8x8 wheeled vehicles prototype was developed by Panus Assembly Co Ltd., Thailand for Marines Royal Thai Navy received the name of the prototype code "R600 8x8 wheeled vehicle", which is powered by the Cummins US 600HP diesel engine. In the form of an 8x8 amphibious wheeled vehicle, two water jet propulsion systems are installed for movement while floating in the water.

The R600 rubber armored vehicles in the IFV Infantry Combat Vehicle (Infantry Fighting Vehicle) model will be equipped with the NEFER RCSWS Remote Controlled Stabilized Weapon System of ASELSAN Turkey with a 30mm mechanical cannon.

Aselsan NAFER RCWS 30mm (photo : Aselsan)

ASELSAN NEFER is a turret with a weight of 1,550kg, height 64cm, rotated 360 degrees, down-10 / + 60 degrees, with a stabilizing system capable of shooting the target and moving while the car is running. Laser distance is measured. Day-night camera, automatic tracking 
with NATO STANAG 4569 Level 2 protective shell, can choose to install Mk44 30x173mm US artillery or 2A42 30x165mm Russian, with 200 rounds of ammunition with a 7.62mm joint machine gun. Choose between FN MAG58 / M240 NATO or Russian PKT with 300 shots ammunition.

NEFER turret has been developed, built and exported to be tested for real use, such as Kazakhstan's Barys 8x8 rubber wheeled vehicle built in the country, based on the 8 Mbombe rubber wheeled vehicles of Paramount Group, South Africa, in the name of the 30mm Sarbaz Remote turret

At present, the Panzer Corps of Marine Corps Battalion (Marine Tank Battalion, Royal Thai Marine Corps Division) have been awarded the Amphibious Armored Personnel Carrier (AAPC) amphibious armored 8x8 armored vehicles developed by the DTI (Defence Technology Institute) and the Office of naval Research and development of military ready to trial. AAPC 8x8 amphibious landing gear tires will be G Installation size 30mm turret of Singapore Technologies Kinetics (ST Kinetics), Singapore amounting to 69.3 million baht ($ 2,246,013), Instead of the mock-up model turret seen now.


Singapore Add 18 Leopard 2 SG in 2018

27 Juni 2019

Leopard 2 SG MBT (photo : Mike Yeo)

German government export documents reveal that Singapore is continuing to take delivery of Leopard 2 MBTs, with 18 more transferred in 2018. 

43 MBT delivered since 2016, and brings the number of tanks received to between 199 and 204 starting from 2007.


Vietnamese T-90 Tanks are Updated by Russia with New Armor Piercing Bullets

27 Juni 2019

 Advanced tank shells will be introduced by Russia at the Army 2019 Military Exhibition (photo : Rostec)

According to sources from Rostec Group, at the 2019 Army Military Forum, Tekhmash will introduce piercing bullets under Svinets-2 and Mango-M sizes to customers.
The bullets under the size 3BM-42 Mango fired a 125 mm smooth tanker gun officially into the Soviet Army staff since 1986 and remained the main energy-penetrating projectile of the Russian Army and many other countries current time.

Structure of piercing bullet 3BM-42 Mango consists of 2 cores (bar piercing) made from high-strength tungsten alloy with serial structure, integrated with ballistic cap and special vibration reduction mechanism to limit impact Destroy the bullet structure too soon before it hits the target.
The barrel tip of Mango 3BM-42 bullets reaches 1,700 m / s, it penetrates 500 mm of homogeneous steel (RHA) after explosive reaction armor (ERA) when fired from a distance of 2,000 m at a contact angle of 0 degrees.

According to calculations when shot from a distance of 2,000 m, at the target collision, the speed of the 3BM-42 Mango bullet is about 1,000 m / s. With a bar length of 570 mm, it will take more than 1 / 2,000 seconds to pass through the outer surface of the reactive armor, too short to detonate the block and knock the rod through.

However, due to the long-established birth of Mango 3BM-42 bullets, it was judged to be somewhat backward, it would be significantly reduced if it encountered the advanced reactive 3rd generation explosive reactors such as Nozh's. Ukraine or Relikt made by Russia.

Vietnamese T-90 tank (photo : IndoPacificSCS)

Before this situation, Tekhmash will officially introduce bullets under size 3BM-44-1 Mango-M at the 2019 Army Exhibition this year, this is the modernized version of 3BM-42 Mango bullets, the ability to penetrate armor Rostec announced a 20% increase.

The 3BM-44-1 Mango-M dynamic ballistic bullet is suitable for all types of integrated automatic reloaders on the old T-90 and T-72 main battle tanks, no need to edit any What details of the load mechanism. 
There is a noticeable detail on the newly-produced T-90S / SK or T-90MS and T-90M tanks equipped with a new generation loader, which allows the loading of high-power ballistic bullets with bars For a longer time, to take advantage of this advantage, Russia produced a caliber bullet named Svinets.

This is an advanced bullet with a length of 740 mm and an initial velocity of 1,850 m / s, its kinetic energy is much larger than Mango, able to defeat the most heavily protected tanks.

Two versions of the trans-Svinets include the use of poor uranium cores 3BM-60 Svinets-2 and tungsten carbide core bullets 3BM-59 Svinets-1.

Test results showed that at a distance of 2,000 m and 60 degree angle, 3BM-42 Mango bullets penetrated 230 mm, this figure at 3BM-44-1 Mango-M was 280 mm, while 3BM-60 Svinets-2 up to 300 mm.
New types of new generation kinetic energy bullets to be released under evaluation will help Russian tanks maintain superiority in modern battlefields.

Philippines Wants to Sign Deal With Russia on Mi-171 Helicopters in 2019- Defense Official

27 Juni 2019

Mi-171 assault transport helicopter (photo : Military Today)

PATRIOT PARK (UrduPoint News/Sputnik) The Philippines wants to agree a deal to buy Mi-171 helicopters from Russia within this year and considers the deal a "priority," the undersecretary for finance and materiel at the Philippine Department of National Defense, Raymundo DV Elefante, told Sputnik.

Philippine Undersecretary of National Defense Cardozo M. Luna told Sputnik in April that the country was considering buying Mi-171 helicopters from Russia. According to Luna, the Philippines might be interested in buying 16 or 17 helicopters.

"It [Mi-171] is a priority; right now we are in the process of procuring it. It's in initial stages but hopefully within this year we will be having commitment for that.

There is no signing yet but we intent to do it hopefully within this year," Elefante said on the sidelines of the ARMY-2019 International Military-Technical Forum currently held in Moscow region.

The undersecretary said that these aircraft would be particularly useful for the Philippines in disaster relief operations.

"There are other things that are essential also, but we will do it one at a time and on a priority basis," the undersecretary said.

The forum started earlier in the day and will be held until June 30 at the Patriot Congress and Exhibition Center, located at the Kubinka air base just outside Moscow.

Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency is an official media partner of the forum.


Australian Businesses to Build Hunter Class Frigate Prototyping Blocks

27 Juni 2019

Hunter class frigates (image : BAE Systems)

Australian businesses that supply equipment and services, from scaffolding and pipes to deck coverings and insulation, will today learn how to secure an estimated $20 million in contracts through the Hunter Class Frigate Program, providing local jobs and building the defence industry of the future.
More than 150 businesses from around Australia will converge in Adelaide for a procurement update that launches the process to bid for work during the Hunter program’s prototyping phase, which commences next year.

Starting in December 2020, five ship blocks will be built at the Osborne Naval Shipyard, in South Australia.

During this phase Australian businesses that supply minor equipment, materials and services can bid for an estimated $20 million in contracts across two specific supplier categories.

In one of those categories, known as “category D”, the Hunter program is committed to achieving 100 per cent Australian suppliers.

The prototyping phase is a crucial stage in the program where all the processes, systems, tools, facilities and workforce competencies will be tested and refined before construction on the first frigate commences in 2022.

The $35 billion Hunter program will deliver nine state-of the-art anti-submarine warfare frigates to the Royal Australian Navy, and is the biggest surface ship project in Australia’s defence history.

PTDI Kirim Pesawat CN295 Special Mission kepada TNI AU

28 Juni 2019

CN295 versi Special Mission TNI AU (photo : PTDI)

PTDI Kirim Pesawat CN295 ke-10 Pesanan TNI AU

PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) melakukan ferry flight satu unit pesawat CN295 versi Special Mission untuk TNI Angkatan Udara (AU) pada hari Kamis, 27/6/2019. Ini merupakan pesawat jenis serupa ke-10 pesanan TNI AU yang dikirim PTDI.

Pesawat lepas landas dari Husein Sastranegara, Bandung menuju Halim Perdanakusuma, Jakarta.

Pengadaan pesawat ini dilakukan di bawah kontrak Jual Beli bernomor TRAK/820/PDN/XII/2015/TNI AU yang ditandatangani pada 23 Desember 2015, antara Kementerian Pertahanan dengan PTDI.

Direktur Teknologi dan Pengembangan PTDI, Gita Amperiawan berharap, diserahkannya CN295 Special Mission dapat meningkatkan kinerja TNI AU dalam setiap pelaksanaan operasi.

CN295 versi Special Mission TNI AU (photo : Akang Aviation)

“Semoga dapat meningkatkan kinerja TNI Angkatan Udara dalam setiap pelaksanaan operasi udara. Kami merasa bangga dapat memberikan dukungan terhadap kebutuhan Pemerintah,” ungkap Gita saat seremoni ferry flight di hanggar Delivery Center PTDI.

CN295 merupakan pesawat terbang hasil kerja sama industri antara PTDI dengan Airbus Defense & Space (ADS) yang dikerjakan di kawasan produksi PTDI di Bandung, Jawa Barat.

Pesawat ini merupakan pengembangan dari pesawat CN235. Badan pesawatnya (fuselage) diperpanjang tiga meter, sehingga mampu membawa 50 penumpang.

CN295 menggunakan mesin terbaru, turboprop Pratt & Whitney PW127G yang dilengkapi enam bilah baling-baling Hamilton Standard 586-F.

Unit yang dikirim hari ini merupakan pesawat CN295 ke-11 yang diproduksi PTDI. Pesawat ke-10 yang diproduksi dikirim untuk Direktorat Kepolisian Udara RI.


RAAF’s AP-3C(EW) Orions Transferred to 42WG

28 Juni 2019

RAAF AP3C(EW) Orions (photo : Aus DoD)

The RAAF’s remaining two AP-3C Orions and their operating 10SQN have been transferred from 92 Wing (WG) to 42WG to better reflect their realignment as a specialist Electronic Warfare Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (EWISR) unit.

The two remaining Orions (as well as two RAAF C-130H Hercules) were upgraded with advanced electronic warfare systems by L3 in the late 1990s and early 2000s under Project Peacemate, but until recently the AP-3C(EW)s have not been publicly acknowledged by Defence.

But in the wake of the retirement of the rest of the AP-3C fleet in favour of the new P-8A Poseidon, retaining the two airframes until they are replaced by four Gulfstream G550-based MC-55A Peregrines in 2023 has become harder to justify. The P-3 celebrated 50 years in RAAF service in December 2018, although the AP-3Cs were delivered as new P-3Cs in 1984-86.

Officer Commanding (OC) 42WG GPCAPT Hinton Tayloe welcomed 10SQN into 42WG. “42WG is honoured to command 10SQN and its proven team of EW professionals,” he said. “Ironically, the Orion, given its 50 years of RAAF Service, still leads the way in our understanding of the deciding factor in air combat – electronic warfare.

“With the addition of 10SQN AP-3C(EW), 42WG now has two squadrons under its command – joining 2SQN, operating the E-7A Wedgetail based at RAAF Base Williamtown.” Despite 42WG and 2SQN being based at RAAF Williamtown, the AP-3C(EW)s and 10SQN’s personnel will remain at RAAF Edinburgh where the aircraft’s reduced sustainment footprint is located.

All 12 of the RAAF’s 12 P-8A – eight of which have now been delivered – will be operated by 11SQN and 92WG at Edinburgh. It is yet to be announced what unit will operate the new MC-55As, the Northrop Grumman MQ-4C Tritons or the MQ-9B Predator-B/Reaper unmanned systems.


Russia will Supply Indonesia with More than 40 Combat Vehicles until 2020

28 Juni 2019

BT-3F amphibious APC at Army 2019 (photo : BMPD)

PARK PATRIOT (Moscow region) - RIA Novosti. Russia will supply Indonesia with 22 BMP-3F combat vehicles and 21 BT-3F armored personnel carriers by the end of 2020, the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation told RIA Novosti.

"The contract provides for the delivery of 22 infantry fighting vehicles BMP-3F and 21 BT-3F armored personnel carriers. We expect to carry it out before the end of 2020," the FSMTC was told at the Army-2019 forum.

Earlier it was reported that Russia and Indonesia signed a contract for the supply of Russian armored personnel carriers BT-3F.

The BT-3F floating armored transporter based on the BMP-3 chassis is intended for the transportation of units of the marine infantry, coast guard and ground forces, as well as for fire support of dismounted troops in all types of military operations. The machine can transport 17 people, including crew members. The driver’s office is a mechanic driver, the left and right sides are the assistant commander and paratrooper, who have the ability to fire from machine guns in autonomous installations.

The armored personnel carrier is also equipped with energy-absorbing folding chairs, providing a significant reduction in shock loads during the blasting of a mine and when driving on rough terrain. The seats are equipped with seat belts that ensure reliable fixation of the crew and landing force. In addition, the machine is equipped with aggregate compressor air conditioning, which is important in a hot tropical climate.

South Korea Completes Development of 120 mm Self-Propelled Mortar System

28 Juni 2019

A screengrab taken from a DAPA video showing South Korea's recently developed 120 mm mortar system integrated into an M113 tracked APC (photo : DAPA)

South Korea has completed development of a 120 mm self-propelled mortar system that has been integrated into an M113 tracked armoured personnel carrier (APC).

The country's Defence Acquisition Programme Administration (DAPA) announced in a 27 June statement that the self-propelled system, development of which began in March 2014, has successfully met all the requirements set by the South Korean military following final tests and evaluations.

Developed for the Republic of Korea Army (RoKA) by several South Korean companies, including Hanwha Defense and S&T Dynamics, for KRW 41.3 billion (USD35.7 million), the integrated mortar system, which can rotate 360°, is stated to have a strike range 2.3 times that of the ageing M30 107 mm rifled mortar it is expected to replace.

The DAPA also revealed that new weapon is equipped with an automated fire control and reloading system. South Korea is also using an M113 variant as a command vehicle for the new system.

The development of this self-propelled mortar system is expected to greatly improve the capabilities of RoKA mechanised troops, a DAPA official was quoted in the statement as saying, adding that Seoul would "actively support" the export of the system to countries interested in acquiring it.


Budget for Transfer of Cobra Helos and GBAD Released

29 Juni 2019

AH-1S Cobra attack helicopter (photo : rotor & wing)

Allotment for transfer of Cobra attack helicopters from Jordan released

The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) released the Special Allotment Release Order (SARO) for the transfer of AH-1S Cobra Attack helicopters donated by the Kingdom of Jordan on June 3.

The SARO has an amount of PHP 158,204,428.00 “to cover the requirements for the transfer and acceptance of two (2) units AH-1S Cobra Attack Helicopters from the Kingdom of Jordan under the Revised AFP Modernization Program.”

Last year, President Rodrigo Duterte announced that the Kingdom of Jordan is donating 2 Cobra attack helicopters. The attack helicopters are expected to be transferred this year. (Mintfo)

Allotment for Ground-Based Air Defense System Acquisition Project released

The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) released the Special Allotment Release Order (SARO) for the Department of National Defense (DND)’s Ground-Based Air Defense System (GBADS) Acquisition Project under the Revised AFP Modernization Program on June 6, 2019.

Spyder air defense (photo : DefenseNews)

The SARO released for said project has an amount of PHP 1,027,012,500.00 which will be used for partial payment of the total cost.

SARO is an authorization issued by DBM to an agency allowing to incur obligation for specified amounts contained in a legislative appropriation.
DBM said the SARO will “cover the FY 2019 cost for the implementation of Ground-Based Air Defense System Acquisition Project under the Revised AFP Modernization Program.”

In December 2018, former Philippine Air Force (PAF) chief Lieutenant General Galileo Gerard Kintanar Jr. said that the deal for acquisition of 3 GBADS from Israel is nearing conclusion.

“2019 is particularly sweet, a giant leap in our quest to defend our precious skies, and keep our nation free,” former PAF chief Lieutenant General Kintanar said.

National Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana confirmed in January 2019 to state-run news agency PNA that Philippines will acquire the SPYDER (Surface-to-air PYthon and DERby) air defense system developed by Israeli Rafael Advanced Defense Systems. (Mintfo)

CN-295 Special Mission Bergabung dengan Skadron Udara 2 Lanud Halim Perdanakusuma

29 Juni 2019

CN-295 Special Mission TNI AU (photos : PTDI, TNI AU)

CN295 SM, Pesawat Misi Khusus Produksi PTDI untuk Skadron Udara 2

AIRSPACE REVIEW (AngkasaReview.com) – PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) baru saja mengirimkan secara ferry flight satu unit pesawat CN295 Special Mission (SM) untuk TNI AU.

Pesawat Misi Khusus ini diterbangkan dari Bandung menuju Jakarta pada Kamis (27/6/2019).

Selanjutnya pesawat akan diserahkan secara resmi oleh PTDI kepada Kementerian Pertahanan sebagai pemesan, lalu kepada Mabes TNI, dan terakhir kepada TNI AU sebagai pengguna.

Di TNI AU, pesawat yang sudah diberi logo Kuda Terbang ini akan bergabung dengan Skadron Udara 2 “Kalong” di Lanud Halim Perdanakusuma, Jakarta.

Pemesanan pesawat yang semula diperkenalkan sebagai CN295 MPA ini dilakukan pada 23 Desember 2013 berdasar kontrak nomor: TRAK/820/PDN/XII/2015/TNI AU.

Mengenai spesifikasinya CN295 SM memiliki panjang 24,5 m, tinggi 8,6 m, dan rentang sayap 25,8 m. Pesawat dengan bobot terbang maksimum (MTOW) 23.200 kg ini dibekali sepasang mesin Pratt & Whitney Canada (PWC) PW127G dan dilengkapi enam bilah baling-baling Hamilton Standard 586-F.

Kecepatan terbang maksimumnya dapat dicapai pada angka 576 km/jam. Sementara untuk ketinggian terbang maksimal di angka 9.100 m (29.855 kaki).

Jangkauan operasi CN295 SM pada kisaran 4.600 km dengan muatan 3 ton. Sementara bila terbang feri dapat mencapai jarak 5.400 km.

Peralatan Special Mission CN295 TNI AU

Sebagai pesawat dengan fungsi misi khusus, CN295 SM dibekali sistem manajemen misi (MMS) buatan Nexeya dari Perancis. Seperti diketahui Nexeya juga memasok sistem misi ARGOSIA MMS untuk pesawat CC295 FWSAR pesanan Kanada.

Berdasar pada siaran pers PTDI disebutkan, CN295 Special Mission mampu mengakomodasi tiga console. Pesawat dilengkapi search radar yang dapat mendeteksi target berukuran kecil berjarak sejauh 200 mil laut (370 km).

CN295 SM juga dibekali perangkat Automatic Identification System (AIS), yakni sistem pelacakan otomatis untuk mengidentifikasi dan menemukan kapal laut serta menentukan posisi obyek.

Perangkat lain yang diusung CN295 SM adalah IFF integrator, sebuah sistem identifikasi yang dirancang untuk mengetahui lawan atau kawan. Pesawat juga menggunakan sistem komunikasi satelit (SATCOM).

Kehadiran CN295 SM di Skadron Udara 2 akan menambah armada pesawat jenis CN295 menjadi sepuluh unit.

Sebelumnya, Skadron Udara 2 telah diperkuat CN295M versi angkut berigistrasi A-2901 hingga A-2909. (AirspaceReview)

Intip Penampakan Bagian Dalam Pesawat CN295 Special Mission TNI AU

AIRSPACE REVIEW (AngkasaReview.com) – Pesawat CN295 SM (Special Mission) hasil produksi bersama PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) dan Airbus Defence and Space, Spanyol telah tiba di Skadron Udara 2 Lanud Halim Perdanakusuma, Jakarta.

Pesawat langsung ditinjau oleh Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (KSAU) Marsekal TNI Yuyu Sutisna, Kamis (27/6/2019).

Sebelumnya, pesawat diterbangkan dari Lanud Husein Sastranegara, Bandung (PTDI) menuju Lanud Halim Perdanakusuma.

Dinas Penerangan Angaktan Udara (Dispenau) dalam siaran pers yang diterima Airspace Review menyatakan, CN295 Special Mission dilengkapi sistem identifikasi otomatis (Automatic Identification System/AIS), IFF Integrator, dan perangkat Satellite Communication (Satcom).

Pesawat CN295 Special Mission memuat tiga konsol yang dilengkapi search radar dengan kemampuan deteksi hingga 200 mil laut (370 km). (Angkasa Review)

TNI AL Bersama Australia Akan Latihan Peperangan Permukaan Laut

30 Juni 2019

HMAS Toowoomba 156 (photo : RAN)

JAKARTA - TNI AL bersama dengan Royal Australian Navy (RAN) menggelar latihan peperangan permukaan laut di perairan Laut Jawa tepatnya di Surabaya pada pertengahan November 2019. 

Latihan dengan sandi New Horizon ini melibatkan sejumlah kapal perang TNI AL di antaranya, KRI kelas Diponegoro, KRI kelas Fatahillah serta Helilopter TNI AL. Sedangkan RAN akan mengerahkan kapal frigate HMAS Toowoomba dan satu oil tanker HMAS Sirius serta Helly MH60R (RAN) 

KRI Fatahillah 361 (photo : InfoBanua)

New Horizon merupakan sandi latihan bersama antara TNI AL dan RAN yang dimulai sejak tahun 1990 dan diselenggarakan setiap dua tahun sekali. Tujuannya, untuk mempererat hubungan kerja sama antara TNI AL dengan RAN serta meningkatkan profesionalisme prajurit matra laut.

"Rapat perencanaan awal atau Initial Planning Conference (IPC) dalam rangka persiapan latihan bersama, Exercise New Horizon 2019, telah digelar di Canberra, Australia dari 25-27 Juni 2019," kata Kepala Dinas Penerangan Angkatan Laut (Kadispenal) Laksamana Pertama TNI M. Zaenal, Jumat (28/6/2019).

Menurut dia, kegiatan yang dibuka oleh Director General Maritime Operation (DG MAROPS) Commodore Matt Buckley dihadiri oleh Atase Pertahanan RI di Canberra, Laksamana Pertama TNI R. Teguh Isgunanto dan Atase Laut Australia di Jakarta Captain Matt Brown.

KRI Fatahillah 361 (photo : Suara Indonesia)

"Pada rapat perencanaan dibahas garis besar pelaksanaan latihan yang meliputi waktu, tempat, materi atau jenis latihan maupun unsur yang terlibat. Materi latihan dititikberatkan pada aspek peperangan permukaan laut," ujarnya. 

Selanjutnya, Planning Conference dipimpin oleh Staff Officer of Maritime Operation dari RAN, Commander Ian Hutchins, beserta tiga perwira RAN lainnya. Sedangkan delegasi TNI AL dipimpin oleh Paban III Latihan, Staf Umum Operasi TNI AL Kolonel Laut (P) Sigit Santoso.


New BT-3F Armored Personnel Carrier will Receive a 30-mm Cannon

30 Juni 2019

BT-3F amphibious armored personnel carrier (photo : BMPD)

KUBINKA / Moscow Region /Tass / - The BT-3F armored personnel carrier will receive reinforced armament in the version for the Russian army - a 7.62 mm or 12.7 mm machine gun will be replaced with a 30mm cannon. This was reported by TASS in the framework of the forum "Army-2019" chief designer of JSC "SKBM" (included in the holding "High-precision complexes" of the Rostec state corporation) Sergei Abdulov.

“The Defense Ministry’s interest in the BT-3F exists. Moreover, they are interested in increasing the power of weapons. Preparatory work is planned to install a 30-mm module,” said Abdulov.

The BT-3F floating armored personnel carrier is based on the BMP-3 and is designed for the transportation of infantrymen (up to 14 people), as well as for fire support. The mass of the car is more than 18 tons, the reservation provides all-round protection against a heavy machine gun.

Current cannon of BT-3F (photo : BMPD)

In the basic version, the BT-3F is armed with a remote-controlled machine gun of 7.62 mm caliber. Another variant of the BT-3F armament is a combat module with a 12.7 mm Kord machine gun.

The Army 2019 Forum takes place from June 25 to June 30 at the Patriot Convention and Exhibition Center in the Moscow Region, and exhibition events will be held in other regions of Russia. More than 1.3 thousand enterprises and organizations that represent over 27 thousand products and technologies take part in the forum.


Pindad Siapkan Produksi Massal Roket RHAN-122B

30 Juni 2019

Roket Pertahanan RHAN-122B (photo : IndoTech)

Pindad Gelar Seminar Nasional RHAN-122B

Dalam upaya pemenuhan kebutuhan alat pertahanan dan keamanan (Alpalhankam) di Indonesia, PT Pindad (Persero) sebagai salah satu BUMN strategis telah berkomitmen melakukan penguasaan teknologi dan pengembangan industri pertahanan nasional agar tercipta kemandirian Alpalhankam nasional.

Salah satu program prioritas yang telah diselesaikan Pindad yakni R-Han 122B berhasil melewati berbagai ujicoba dan saat ini dalam proses sertifikasi.

Adapun tujuh program prioritas Industri Pertahanan Nasional yang telah dicanangkan lainnya  yakni Roket, Rudal, Propelan, Radar, Kapal Selam, Pesawat Tempur dan Medium Tank.

Direktur Teknologi dan Pengembangan PT Pindad, Ade Bagdja menyatakan keberhasilan konsorsium R-Han 122B merupakan hasil kerja keras bersama.

“Program R-Han 122B yang telah dimulai sejak tahun 2005 dibawah Konsorsium Ristek dilanjutkan oleh Kementerian Pertahanan. Pindad mendukung dalam segi pengerjaan assembling roket yang telah menjadi keahlian kami.

Salah satu hal yang paling mendebarkan adalah saat proses pengujiannya.” Ujar Ade Bagdja saat membuka seminar nasional R-Han 122B di Graha Pindad, Jum’at (28/6/2019).

Uji coba roket RHAN-122B (photo : Korps Marinir)

Dalam sambutannya, Ade Bagdja menyampaikan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang mendukung keberhasilan konsorsium R-Han 122B, termasuk kepada korps marinir yang telah bekerjakeras membantu sekaligus mencoba roket yang telah dibuat sehingga telah terbina kerjasama yang baik.

Sementara itu, Dirjen Pothan, Bondan Tiara Sofyan menyampaikan apresiasi yang paling tinggi kepada konsorsium R-Han 122B dan seluruh pihak yang telah menyelesaikan program R-Han 122B dengan tepat waktu, tepat kualitas dan tepat administrasi.

Siap Produksi Massal

Program R-Han 122B, merupakan program pengembangan secara mandiri yang telah berlangsung sejak  lama.

Pada tahun 2018, program pembuatan tabel tembak dan sertifikasi R-Han 122B tahap II telah selesai dilaksanakan dengan baik dan tepat waktu. Adapun proses sertifikasi ditargetkan akan selesai 100 persen pada tanggal 3 Juli 2019.

Dari hasil uji statis dan dinamis, diketahui bahwa performa Roket R-Han 122B sudah Baik dan Konsisten sesuai dengan target desain.

“Kami berharap program ini dapat berlanjut ke tahap berikutnya yaitu produksi massal. Proses sertifikasi juga telah dilakukan bersamaan dengan proses uji coba. Besar harapan sertifikasi kelayakan dapat segera terbit,” ujar Bondan.

Bondan pun menyampaikan kepada Korps Marinir agar mengajukan usulan anggaran Pinjaman Dalam Negeri (PDN) tahun 2019 untuk pengadaan roket.

Hal itu difokuskan untuk segera ditindaklanjuti di tahun anggaran 2018-2019. Selain itu, Korps Marinir sebagai pengguna khususnya agar dapat menggunakan produk anak negeri agar menjadi kebanggaan bangsa.

Dalam seminar tersebut ditandatangani juga Berita Acara penyelesaian pekerjaan penyusunan Tabel Tembak dan Sertifikasi produk Roker R-Han 122B Tahap II TA 2018 antara pemilik program Direktur Jenderal Potensi Pertahanan, Bondan Tiara Sofyan dan Direktur Utama PT Pindad (Persero).


Russia Developing New Lightweight Amphibious Tank

30 Juni 2019

The ampibious tank will be based on the Sprut-SDM1 platform and will get enhanced protection especially in armor shield (photo : Said Aminov)

KUBINKA /Moscow Region/TASS/ - Russian specialists are developing a new lightweight amphibious tank based on the Sprut-SDM-1 airborne self-propelled anti-tank gun, Chief Designer of the Special Machine-Building Design Bureau (part of Precision Systems Company) Sergei Abdulov told TASS at the Army-2019 international military and technical forum on Thursday.

"Work is underway to develop a lightweight non-airborne but amphibious tank based on the Sprut-SDM1 platform. As compared to the Sprut, the new vehicle will get enhanced protection and different running gear: it will use a torsion bar suspension from the BMP-3 IFV [infantry fighting vehicle] that is more reliable and easier to operate than the Sprut’s hydro-pneumatic gear, the chief designer said, adding that "the weapons on the vehicle will remain the same."

The chief designer did not specify the project’s name.

The Sprut-SDM1 self-propelled anti-tank system that will be used to develop the new tank is armed with a 125mm 2A75M smoothbore gun and can fire the entire range of domestic tank shells.

The self-propelled gun is referred to the category of lightweight tanks. However, initially, the Sprut was developed in the interests of the Airborne Force as a self-propelled gun designated to fight a potential enemy’s modern tanks. Besides, the vehicle’s weight is restricted to 18 tonnes so that it can be transported by Il-76 military transport planes and airdropped by parachutes. Due to the weight restrictions, the Sprut’s armor shields the vehicle only against bullets.

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