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PHL to Refurbish Navy's Fast Attack Craft Fleet

20 Juni 2019

Philippine Navy to acquires eight Fast Attack Craft (photo : TNI-AL)

MANILA -- The decision to acquire eight fast-attack interdictor craft missile (FAICM) is intended to replace the aging naval vessels tasked for maritime interdiction operations.

Captain Jonathan Zata, Philippine Navy (PN) spokesperson, made this comment when asked for the reason why the naval service is acquiring eight FAICM, with four of the ships armed with non-line of sight of missiles (NLOS), aside from the two more modern corvettes and three more Spike-ER surface-to-surface missile armed multi-purpose attack craft.

"The FAICM is intended for the refleeting program of our eight Patrol Killer Medium (PKM) and Fast Attack Craft Patrols, which are employed for maritime interdiction operations," he added in a message to the Philippine News Agency Tuesday.

PKMs are medium-sized naval craft that functions are patrol boat and are generally armed with machine guns and cannons up to 25mm, 30mm and 40mm in caliber.

BRP Salvador Abcede, a 37m Tomas Batilo-class patrol craft (photo : Wiki)

In the PN, these vessels are designated as the "Tomas Batilo"-class patrol boats, of which there are still four in active service out of the eight acquired from South Korea in 1995.

Formerly these PKMs were operated by the Republic of Korea Navy and later transferred to the PN.

These ships have a top speed of 33 knots and have a range of up to 600 nautical miles.

"With the FAICM, the PN shall have the capability to defend the key sea lines of communications (SLOCs), such as Mindoro, Balabac, Sibutu and Basilan Straits against conventional threats. Operating in restricted waters, the FAICMs can interdict surface threats and launch NLOS missiles safely using the surrounding littoral areas as maneuver space and cover," Zata added.

Earlier, PN flag-officer-in-command Vice Admiral Robert Empedrad said President Rodrigo Duterte has given the green light for the acquisition of eight FAICMs for PHP10 billion.

"Looking further ahead, our President recently approved the acquisition of eight fast-attack craft interdiction craft missile with an approved budget for contract of PHP10 billion, four of these interdiction craft will be equipped with non-line-of-sight missiles that can hit targets 25 kilometers away with pinpoint accuracy, (this) capability will easily destroy the enemy in a Marawi type war," he added. 


Mitsui Unveils Proposal For The RMN Future MRSS Tender

20 Juni 2019

Mitsui E&S MRSS (all photos : NavalNews)

At MAST Asia 2019, the defense exhibition and conference currently held near Tokyo, Japan, local shipbuilder Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding (Mitsui E&S) unveiled its MRSS design that could compete for a Royal Malaysian Navy requirement.

The Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) « 15 to 5 » transformation program involves the acquisition of three Multirole Support Ship (MRSS) ships, with a planned delivery between 2021-2025 for the first two vessels and around 2035 for the third one.

Regarding the MRSS, the Chief of the RMN Admiral Reza told Naval News during LIMA 2019 that he is « still negotiating with the government to make sure it becomes a reality in the near future ».

Talking to Naval News at MAST Asia 2019, a Mitsui E&S naval architect explained that Mitsui’s MRSS design has a transportation capacity of 500 troops, 16 main battle tanks, 6 armored vehicles, 1 ambulance vehicle. The helicopter hangar has room for two medium helicopters plus several UAVs. The well deck can accommodate two landing craft (LCM type).

Mitsui’s MRSS can launch and recover two medium size helicopters simultaneously, EC725 type of the RMAF. The vessel has a length of 160 meters and a breadth of 24 meters for a displacement of 13,000 tons. The crew complement is 150 people.

The main missions of these vessels will be:

-Troop transport
-Amphibious suppport
-Command and Control (C2)
-Logistics support
-Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief
-According to Mistui, this design leverages technical aspects and design features fostered by the previous construction of LPD Osumi and Shimokita of the JMSDF.

According to information gathered since LIMA 2019, there are now at least six shipyards currently shaping their offer with a view to a potential RFP. Besides Japan’s Mitsui, other competitors include the Nertherlands’ Damen, France’s Naval Group, China’s CSOC shipyard, Indonesia’s PT PAL and a South Korean shipyard.


HMAS Arunta Re-Joins Fleet

20 Juni 2019

HMAS Arunta joins fleet after 20 month AMCAP upgrade (photo : RAN)

A cold, wet day didn’t spoil the feeling of optimism that surrounded the Welcome to Country and smoking ceremony that marked the recent return of HMAS Arunta to Fleet Base West after a 20-month Anzac Midlife Capability Assurance Program (AMCAP) upgrade.

Arunta is the first ship to undergo the program which provides significant improvements to the ship’s key sensor and communications systems.

To mark the occasion, a number of elders from the Arrernte Tribe, that the ship takes its name from, travelled from the Northern Territory to Western Australia to undertake the traditional smoking ceremony, while a Welcome to Country was provided by local Noongar elders.

Arunta’s Commanding Officer, Commander Troy Duggan, said the ship was proud to re-establish its connection with the Arrernte people, as it was important to give the crew a sense of the rich cultural heritage they are now a part of.

“The presence of tribal representatives from both the Arrernte and Noongar people at the ceremony was greatly appreciated by the entire ship’s company,” he said.

“Our long connection with our Indigenous namesake tribe remains an internationally unique and precious link – no matter what challenges and difficulties we face, I am sure we will face them with the same strength and resilience that our namesake people have done for the past 30,000 years.

“Re-joining the fleet marks an incredible achievement by the ship’s company, our support organisations, and our Australian defence industry partners in the Warship Asset Management Agreement Alliance.

“We have worked hard together to deliver one of the world’s most advanced warships, and are looking forward to getting underway for sea trials very soon.”

The AMCAP upgrade includes a platform systems remediation program to improve platform reliability and maintainability.

A key component of the upgrade improves the Anzac class Air Search capability by replacing the legacy long range air search radar with a new digital phased array radar developed by Australian company CEA Technologies. This radar complements the existing anti-ship missile defence system.

AMCAP also includes an upgrade to the ship’s communications systems, enhancing the communications capabilities of the Anzac class since the platform was introduced approximately 20 years ago.

Work was also carried out improve the ship’s habitability for the crew, while ensuring through-life supportability and reduced total cost of ownership into the future.

Arunta will soon proceed to sea to complete extensive testing and sea trials as part of the AMCAP upgrade.

Arunta is the second Australian warship to carry the name – HMAS Arunta (I) was a Tribal class Destroyer commissioned in 1942, serving with distinction in New Guinea and the Pacific between 1942–1944, and at the Battle of Leyte Gulf in 1944 and Lingayen Gulf in 1945.


Pagu Indikatif 2020 Kemhan Dapat Tambahan Anggaran Rp17,5 Triliun

20 Juni 2019

Pasukan khusus TNI AD dalam upacara (photo : GardaNasional)

JAKARTA - - Kementerian Pertahanan (Kemhan) bakal mendapatkan tambahan anggaran sekitar Rp17,5 triliun. Kepastian itu didapatkan dalam rapat bersama Komisi I soal anggaran kerja tahun 2020 di Ruang Komisi I DPR, Senayan, Jakarta, Rabu (19/6/2019).

Sekjen Kemhan Laksamana Muda TNI Agus Setiadji mengatakan, pagu indikatif 2020 sekitar Rp126,5 triliun. Naik sekitar Rp17,5 triliun dari 2019 sebesar Rp108 triliun. ”Anggaran yang kita ajukan Rp126,5 triliun untuk 2020, dan alhamdulillah disetujui oleh Komisi I,” ujar Agus Setiadji kepada wartawan usai rapat tertutup.

Agus mengatakan bahwa anggaran tersebut dialokasikan untuk Mabes TNI, Kemhan, dan tiga matra AD, AL dan AU. Salah satunya untuk pengadaan alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista), serta untuk kebutuhan bela negara. ”Kenaikan utama adalah untuk sumber daya manusia. Dalam hal ini juga untuk pendidikan latihan, kemudian alutsista, dan untuk di Kemhan otomatis sesuai prioritas kita adalah untuk bela negara,”paparnya.

Panglima TNI Marsekal Hadi Tjahjanto menambahkan, dari kenaikan anggaran sekitar Rp17,5 triliun itu, sebesar Rp1,9 triliun untuk pengembangan organisasi baru yaitu Koopsus TNI sebesar Rp1,9 triliun. 

Sekitar Rp3,4 triliun akan digunakan untuk modernisasi alutsista, nonalusista, sarana dan prasarana Matra Darat. 

Sedangkan untuk Angkatan Laut mendapatkan jatah Rp2,8 triliun. ”Ini juga hal yang sama untuk modernisasi alutsista, nonalusista dan sarpras matralaut,” katanya. 

Sementara untuk Angkatan Udara mendapatkan jatah Rp3,9 triliun untuk merealisasikan alusista, nonalusista dan sarpras Matra Udara.

”Jadi total Rp17 triliun mudah-mudahan akan dibahas sesuai pagu indikatif nanti keluarnya untuk pembangunan khususnya adalah wilayah bagian timur,”katanya.

AFV-420P Equipped with ASELSAN SARP Turret

21 Juni 2019

Thailand company Panus Assembly Co., Ltd was tested its product "AFV-420P" (Armoured Fighting Vehicle-420 Panus) with ASELSAN SARP M2HB .50 caliber Remote Controlled Weapon Station (photos : Sompong Nondhasa)

AMV-420P Mosquito 4x4 armored vehicle developed by Panus Assembly Co Ltd. Thailand that has been tested at the driving training and test vehicles Department of Army Transportation of the Royal Thai Army Ordnance Department. 

Royal Thai Army Ordnance Department visited at the end of the year 2018 has been developed and tested recently by installing the SARP turret remote control of ASELSAN Turkey with a heavy machine gun cover .333 Browning M2HB .50cal (12.7x99mm) size on the AMV-roof. 

The AMV-420P is a 4x4 wheeled armored vehicle that has been updated according to the evaluation and opinion from the Royal Thai Army from the HMV-420 4x4 armored vehicle that has been completely redesigned in Thailand.

The Panus company has developed from the HMV-150 4x4 armored vehicle that is based on the modernization of the Cadillac Gage V-150 Commando 4x4 that is stationed in the Royal Thai Army, Thai Navy, Thai Air Force and the National Police Office. Panus Company, gave the prototype HMV-150 wheeled vehicle to the Marines of the Royal Thai Navy has tried to work at the southern border since the end of the year 2017.

ASELSAN SARP (Stabilized Advanced Remote Weapon Platform) Turkey is a remote turret without a fortress that can be equipped with weapons ranging from a 12.7mm heavy machine gun with 400 rounds of ammunition, 40 mm automatic grenade launchers with 96 of  ammunition and 7.62mm machine guns with 1,000 rounds of ammunition.

The turret has less weight 165kg (excluding weapons, ammunition and armor) has a height of only 70cm. The turret has a tilt angle at -30 degree to +60 degree. Day-night detection system, laser distance measurement and aiming, shooting while moving by the SARP turret, equipped with Turkish armored vehicles and exported to many other foreign armored vehicles such as armored vehicles Ejder Yalcin 4x4 wheeled armor for Qatar and armored vehicles, Turranga 4x4 wheeled special combat units for Paskhas of Indonesian Air Force, etc.

Panus Assembly AMV-420P Mosquito 4x4 armored vehicles equipped with the ASELSAN SARP turret RCWS is the first Turkish weapon system to be brought and installed to the Thai armament system. Previously, there was an image showing that the V-150 4x4 armored vehicle of the Panzer company, Tank Battalion, Marine Corps Brigade that has been improved by the company Chaiseri Thailand at the opening ceremony of the Naval Training Year 2019 has installed a remote turret IMI WAVE 200 Israel for the M2HB .50cal heavy machine gun that has been installed on the First Win I 4x4 MPV armored vehicles of Chaiseri.


Contract Signed for New Air Defence System

21 Juni 2019

A Hawkei PMV with the CEATAC radar deployed (image : Raytheon)

Minister for Defence, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC, and Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Melissa Price MP, today announced the signing of an acquisition contract between Defence and Raytheon Australia Pty Ltd as part of the Government’s investment for the supply of a new short range ground based air defence capability.

Minister Reynolds said the Australian Government was committed to providing the Australian Defence Force with the best capability to defend Australia’s national interests.

“Raytheon Australia will act as the prime systems integrator for the new air defence capability, which combines world-leading Australian radar technology with a highly effective air defence system,” Minister Reynolds said.

“This capability will contribute to the protection of our servicemen and women from modern airborne threats and be based on the proven Raytheon/Kongsberg National Advanced Surface to Air Missile System (NASAMS) which is used by numerous countries, including the United States.”

A graphic showing a proposed concept of an Enhanced NASAMS battery (image : Raytheon)

Advanced radars designed and manufactured by Canberra-based Company CEA Technologies will be integrated with Australian designed and built vehicles.

Minister Price said the signing of this contract marked an important milestone for the project.

“I’m delighted that Australia’s most innovative technologies will be used as an integral part of one of the world’s best short range ground based air defence systems under Land 19 Phase 7B,” Minister Price said.

“Australian industry will continue to play a vital role in the $1.5 billion acquisition, which will replace the Army’s existing RBS-70 system.”

Raytheon Australia’s newly-established Centre for Joint Integration in Adelaide will be used for the design, manufacture and assembly of some key elements of the NASAMS system, contributing to the creation of at least 100 Australian jobs across the life of the capability.

(Aus DoD)

MAF Discussing With Nexter

21 Juni 2019

New Nexter Caesar 8x8 SPH (photo : Nexter)

Delegation of the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) attending the prestigious Paris Air Show 2019 at Le Bourget make use of their presence there with a discussion with Nexter, possibly on the company’s offer to the Malaysian Army for the possible supply of CAESAR  155mm Motorised Self Propelled Howitzer (SPH) system following a worldwide Request for Information (RFI) issued by the MINDEF.

The Minister for Defence tweeted a photo on June 17 of him and Malaysian delegation members having a discussion with sales representatives of Nexter.

Discussing with Nexter in Paris Air Show 2019 (photo : Mat Sabu)

Barely a few week before Langkawi International Maritime & Aerospace (LIMA) 2019 show held last March 2019, several member of the public in Terengganu, an east coast state in the Peninsular Malaysia have reported sightings of the CAESAR driven along the road perhaps as part of a renewed assessment and trial exercise conducted by the Army. The last time such assessment was conducted was in the late 1990’s.


Austal Philippines Ready to Build 6 OPVs for Navy

21 Juni 2019

Austal OPV for PN (image : Austal)

Austal Philippines said that with its more than 900 strong workforce in its shipyard in Balamban, Cebu, it is ready to design, construct, and sustain all 6 Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPVs) being proposed for the Philippine Navy.

Austal Philippines also said that it is exhibiting at #Philmarine2019 in Manila, to promote its OPV solution being offered to the Philippine Navy.

According to Austal, the proposed Philippine Navy OPV is based on a proven platform that has demonstrated success operating in tropical environments and conducting border patrol and maritime operations.

“The Austal Philippine Navy OPV features an aviation deck enabling helicopter and Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) missions,” it noted. “The vessel is arranged with a starboard boat deck and stern well for the safe and rapid launch and recovery of RHIBs. The Austal Philippine Navy OPV is fitted with a mission bay and large aft storage area to facilitate the embarkation of containerised mission modules.”

The proposed OPVs’ overall length is 83m, beam (molded) is 13.3m, and hull draft (maximum) measures 4m.


PAL Tawarkan Pengembangan Strategic Sealift Vessel pada Philmarine 2019

21 Juni 2019

LPD baru usulan PAL kepada Philippines Navy (photo : defence.pk)

Keberadaan PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) dalam mendukung pemenuhan dan pengembangan industri maritim, selama lebih dari 39 tahun menunjukkan kesiapan matang dalam menjadi pemeran pasar nasional dan global. Komitmen PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) dibuktikan dengan adanya success story PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) dalam menyerahkan lebih dari 45 unit kapal ekspor kepada pasar internasional baik produk kapal niaga maupun kapal perang, seperti salah satunya ekspor Kapal Perang berjenis Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) 123 meter pesanan Kementerian Pertahanan Filipina.

Dalam memperluas pasar internasional, khususnya di wilayah Asia Tenggara. PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) berperan aktif dalam pameran sekaligus konverensi di bidang industri pertahanan dan energi di Filipina, melalui program Philippines Marine Expo (Philmarine) 2019 yang diselenggarakan oleh Philippines Maritime Industry Authority.

LPD baru usulan PAL kepada Philippines Navy (photo : MaxDefense)

Philmarine 2019 merupakan pameran internasional di bidang maritim, pembangunan kapal, teknologi minyak dan gas, industri berat serta industri penunjang. Diadakan dari Tanggal 18 – 20 Juni 2019 bertempat di SMX Convention Center Manila, Mall of Asia Complex, Pasay City, Philippines. Pembukaan acara Philmarine 2019 dihadiri langsung oleh The Deputy of Chief Staff, Armed Forces of The Philippines Vice Admiral Narcisco A. Vingston Jr. 

Pada acara Philmarine 2019, PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) menampilkan beberapa produk unggulannya seperti New Version of Strategic Sealif Vessel, Landing Platform Dock, Offshore Platform Vessel, Kapal Selam Diesel Elektrik U209/1400 serta Barge Mounted Power Plant (BMPP). Direktur Utama PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) yang turut hadir di dalam Philmarine 2019 pada kesempatan pertama menyampaikan bahwa momentum tersebut harus dijadikan sebagai sarana memperkuat posisi PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) dalam memperluas pasar serta menunjukkan eksistensi PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) dalam penguasaan teknologi kapal perang di kancah internasional.

Komunikasi dan kerjasama yang kuat antara PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) dalam mendukung program modernisasi alat utama persenjataan Filipina sudah terbangun sejak adanya pembangunan kapal perang berjenis Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV); BRP Tarlac LD-601 yang telah diserahkan pada tahun 2016 dan BRP Davao Del Sur LD-602 yang telah diserahkan pada tahun 2017 dan menjadi Hak Kekayaan Intelektual yang terdaftar di Indonesia atas nama PT PAL Indonesia (Persero).

OPV usulan PAL kepada Philippines Navy (photo : defence.pk)

Dalam acara pameran kali ini PT PAL Indoneisa (Persero) menunjukkan salah satu inovasi produk unggulannya, dan menjadi bukti kesiapan PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) untuk selalu hadir mendukung program modernisasi system persenjataan dan alat pertahanan Pemerintah Filipina khususnya di Kementerian Pertahanan Filipina.

Landing Dock (LD) yang merupakan pengembangan dari produk sebelumnya Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) memiliki fungsi azasi sama yaitu, Militer dan Non-Militer; Operasi Militer di laut, Logistik serta sebagai Kapal Angkut. Selain itu, kapal ini mampu membawa Tank dengan kapasitas 40 ton , serta memiliki landasan pendaratan yang dapat mengangkut 2 Helikopter di landasan dan 1 Helikopter di Hangar dengan kapasitas ukuran Helikopter 10 Ton. 4 kapal support; 2 jenis Kapal Pengangkut Pasukan Batalyon (LCU) yang berfungsi untuk mendaratkan prajurit saat melakukan operasi militer ke darat dan 2 kapal pengangkut pasukan patroli militer (RHIB) untuk misi patroli pengintaian di perairan. Kemampuan lain dari kapal adalah dilengkapi dengan fasilitas support medis ini mampu menjalankan operasi kemanusian (non-militer) yang diemban. Adapun salah satu pengembangan teknis teknologi rancang bangun pada Landing Dock (LD) yang tidak ditemui di Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) adalah Provision Armament/persenjataan pada buritan kapal tepat di sisi port & straboard.

Produk unggulan tersebut diharapkan mampu memenuhi kebutuhan Alutsista Pemerintah Filipina serta meningkatkan kepercayaan diri dan profesionalisme Angkatan Laut Flipina di mata dunia.


R-R Engine Upgrade to Extend Thai Hercules Life

22  Juni 2019

RTAF C-130H Hercules (photo : Teerawut)

Rolls-Royce has received an engine upgrade contract that will extend Thailand’s operational use of the Lockheed Martin C-130H tactical transport and also reduce the maintenance demands of its turboprop engines.

Announced on 18 June, the deal makes Bangkok "the first international customer to update its C-130H fleet with the T56 Series 3.5 engine upgrade", R-R says. The activity covers a total of 58 engines, with an initial three-year phase to cover upgrades on 20 of these.

R-R-authorised maintenance centre Segers Aero of Fairhope, Alabama, will perform the upgrade work, which the engine manufacturer says will be conducted during periods of scheduled overhaul.

"The Series 3.5 upgrade will help the Royal Thai Air Force to reduce operational costs due to reduced maintenance requirements, and [deliver] potential fuel savings exceeding 12%," R-R says. "It will also enable the fleet to remain in service until at least 2040."

Cirium's Fleets Analyzer shows that the Royal Thai Air Force has an active inventory of 12 H-model Hercules, aged between 26 and 38 years.

The T56 upgrade has previously been selected as part of a modernisation effort being performed on legacy C-130s for the US Air Force, and Lockheed P-3 Orion aircraft employed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.


BRP Gregorio Del Pilar Installed with 25mm Gun Systems

22 Juni 2019

Installment of 25mm gun on BRP Gregorio del Pillar (all photos : MaxDefense)

Philippine Navy’s offshore patrol vessel (OPV) BRP Gregorio Del Pilar  (PS-15) – damaged in a grounding incident in Hasa-Hasa (Half-Moon) Shoal last August 29 – was installed with BAE Systems Mk.38 Mod.3 25mm gun systems in Subic in early June.

According to MaxDefense Philippines, “the Philippine Navy together with US Navy Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) and International Fleet Support Program Office (PMS 326) made use of the ship’s downtime to start some of the upgrade works on the ship.”

“The first upgrade works involved the installation of the BAE Systems Mk.38 Mod.3 25mm gun systems,” MaxDefense noted.

According to BAE Systems, the Mk 38 Mod 3 provides a range of 2.5 kilometers and selectable rates of fire from single to 180 rounds per minute, and fires all US Navy-approved 25mm ammunition.

“It can be remotely operated from the combat information center or other protected ship structures, allowing operators to remain safe and out of harm’s way,” it added.


Boustead Shipyard Wins RM96mil Navy Contract for KD Terengganu

22 Juni 2019

KD Terengganu 174 - next generation patrol vessel (photo : TCMarine)

Boustead shipyard wins RM96mil Navy contract

PETALING JAYA: Boustead Holdings Bhd’s unit has won a contract worth RM95.99mil for vessel refit works from the Defence Ministry.

In its filings, the diversified group said its subsidiary, Boustead Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd (BNS), would undertake the works for the military vessel KD Terengganu.

Kedah class NGPV (photo : MMP)

It added that a formal contract between the government and BNS would be signed at a later date.

Boustead said the contract was expected to contribute positively to its current and future earnings.

Meanwhile, Boustead Heavy Industries Corp Bhd said the contract win by BNS, its associate company, was also expected to contribute positively to its current and future earnings.

Boustead’s shares closed half sen higher at RM1 yesterday, while Boustead Heavy’s shares fell seven sen to RM1.19.

(The Star)

Cope West 2019, Ajang Tepat Penerbang F-16 TNI AU Asah Keterampilan dan Tingkatkan Kemampuan

22 Juni 2019

Cope West 2019 (firs photo : TNI AU, others : USAF)

MANADO-DISPENAU.   Latihan Bersama (Latma) menjadi ajang yang tepat bagi para pesertanya untuk mengasah keterampilan dan menambah pengalaman guna meningkatkan kemampuan, seperti yang terlihat dalam pelaksanaan Latma Cope West 2019 antara TNI AU-USAF.

“Latma seperti ini merupakan sebuah kesempatan baik untuk membahas dan bertukar pikiran tentang taktik pertempuran udara, sehingga dapat menambah pengetahuan dan pengalaman serta keterampilan para penerbang semakin terasah,” ujar Komandan Skadron Udara (Danskadud) 3 Mayor Pnb Agus Dwi Aryanto, S.E.M.M.O.A.S., di sela kegiatan latihan, di Lanud Sam Ratulangi Manado, Jumat (21/6/2019).

Ditambahkannya, bagi para teknisi, melalui ajang ini mereka juga dapat langsung berdiskusi dengan teknisi USAF sehingga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan mereka dalam perawatan pesawat untuk menjaga kesiapsiagaan pesawat F-16 TNI AU.

Dalam latihan yang akan berlangsung hingga 28 Juni nanti, para penerbang TNI AU dan USAF akan berlatih skema latihan yang berkaitan dengan strategi dan taktik pertempuran udara.

Diawali taklimat di pagi hari, para peserta latma mendengarkan serta memperhatikan dengan saksama berbagai hal, meliputi informasi tentang ATC (Air Traffic Control), meteorologi, kesiapan penerbangan hingga rencana penerbangan yang akan dilaksanakan.

Selanjutnya, setiap penerbang yang akan berlatih, akan melakukan taklimat kecil sesuai dengan jadwal dan skema latihan yang telah ditentukan.

Seusai terbang, para penerbang akan melakukan taklimat akhir (debrief) sebagai bahan evaluasi latihan untuk perbaikan pada latihan selanjutnya.

Melalui latihan ini Danskadud 3 mengharapkan agar hubungan kedua angkatan udara semakin solid dan terus menuju ke arah yang positif.

“Bagian terpenting dari latma ini adalah semakin mempererat persahabatan serta hubungan baik yang sudah terjalin sejak lama antara kedua angkatan udara dan kedua negara,” tutupnya.

Sebagaimana kita ketahui bahwa Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat memperingati 70 tahun hubungan diplomatik secara bilateral pada tahun ini.


KRI Siwar 646, Kapal Cepat Rudal yang Amankan Selat Malaka

23 Juni 2019

KRI Siwar 646 bersama Komandan kapal (photo : Pelita8)

LHOKSEUMAWE, KOMPAS.com – Kapal Republik Indonesia (KRI) Siwar 646 menepi di Pelabuhan Pabrik Asean Aceh Fertilizer (AAF), Jumat (21/6/2019). Kapal cepat rudal keluaran 27 September 2014 itu singgah untuk mengisi air bersih dan bahan bakar. 

Seorang personel TNI AL, Hasan, bersiaga di bagian belakang kapal lengkap dengan pakaian dinas loreng. 

Dilengkapi dua rudal dan tiga meriam, kapal ini menjadi salah satu andalan di gugus tempur laut Koarmada Satu TNI AL Indonesia. Di bagian belakang kapal lantai satu, terdapat dua rudal yang siap diluncurkan. 

“Baru keliling perairan dari Belawan, Sumatera Utara hingga Aceh Utara ini,” kata Komandan KRI Siwar, Mayor Laut (P), Ricky Ricky Intriadi kepada Kompas.com di ruang rapat KRI Siwar. 

Nama Siwar diambil dari senjata tradisional khas Riau.

KRI Siwar 646 saat bersandar di AAF (photo : Kompas)

Dengan 38 awak, KRI Siwar 646 membelah Selat Malaka yang terkenal sebagai selat terpadat yang dilalui ribuan kapal dari berbagai negara di dunia. 

Dalam sekali patroli laut, mereka menghabiskan waktu enam hari dan memasuki hari ketujuh mereka akan menepi untuk mengisi bahan bakar. 

“Kapal ini bisa lari dengan 30 knot. Sangat taktis dan cepat. Dia kecil tapi mematikan,” kata Ricky. 

KRI Siwar 646 yang memiliki bobot 250 ton dengan panjang 44 meter dan lebar 7,40 meter adalah buatan anak bangsa di PT Palindo Marine Industries, Batam. 

KRI Siwar 646 beroperasi mengawasi laut di Selat Malaka bekerjasama dengan para nelayan sekitar. 

“Kami maksimalkan komunikasi dengan nelayan setempat. Nelayan di daerah yang kita lintasi, apa ada informasi dan seterusnya. Penyelundupan sabu-sabu dan kejahatan lainnya semua menjadi monitor kita,” jelas Ricky. 

Menurutnya, sepanjang dua bulan ini, tak ada kasus menonjol di laut. Terakhir KRI Siwar menangkap Kapal MV Vox Maxima berbendera Belanda yang membuang limbah di perairan Pulau Galang, Bintan, Kepualuan Riau pada 8 April 2019 lalu.

KRI Siwar 646 saat diresmikan tahun 2014 (photo : Kaskus Militer)

Selain itu, setiap kali berpapasan dengan kapal lain, para anggota akan selalu menanyakan apakah ada gangguan di laut. Jika ada keluhan dari awak kapal maka segera ditindaklanjuti. 

“Selat Malaka ini harus aman dan nyaman bagi kapal yang melintas,” terangnya. 

Saat sore hari, belasan remaja terlihat mendekati KRI Siwar 646 dan mereka berfoto dengan latar belakang senjata yang ada di atas kapal. Para remaja ini ditemani oleh personel TNI AL yang memberi penjelasan tentang kapal tersebut. 

Menurut Ricky, setiap menepi, warga bisa naik dan melihat langsung seluruh peralatan KRI Siwar 646. 

Ia mengaku menepi di perairan Aceh Utara adalah suatu kebahagiaan. Sebagai putra asli Blang Tuphat, Kota Lhokseumawe, dia akan menyempatkan diri pulang dan bertemu teman-teman lamanya saat menepi di Aceh Utara. 

“Bangsa kita pelaut, jiwa bahari harus tumbuh di benak anak muda kita,” pungkasnya


Thomas Global Systems Completes Delivery of Australian Submarine Control System

23 Juni 2019

Collins class submarine (photo : AUs DoD)

SYDNEY, Australia – Thomas Global Systems has completed delivery of key components for Stage 2 of the Integrated Ship Control Management and Monitoring System (ISCMMS) Obsolescence Remediation Project for the Royal Australian Navy’s Collins Class submarines.

Saab Australia, the ISCMMS project manager, developer and provider, selected Thomas Global to design and manufacture hardware for the updated Distributed Control Modules and Fixed Conning Consoles as form-fit-function replacements for the current units.

CEO of Thomas Global Systems, Angus Hutchinson said “We are pleased to have delivered Stage 2 of the project on time and within budget in support one of Australia’s most important defence assets. Thomas Global is honoured to continue our long-term support for the Collins Class program in increasing the fleet’s availability for the Royal Australian Navy,” Mr. Hutchinson said.

“We look forward to continuing to offer our support and expertise to the Australian Defence Force and Saab on this and other important programs,” he said.

In January 2018, Saab was awarded the Stage 2 project for the upgrade of HMA Ships Dechaineaux, Rankin, Sheean and Farncomb, following the earlier upgrade of HMA Ships Collins and Waller. Saab Australia is undertaking the ISCMMS Upgrade project in collaboration with ASC, the prime contractor for the Upkeep, Update and Upgrade of the Collins Class submarine fleet.

(Thomas Global)

Lockheed Martin Mengembangkan Rudal Udara-Ke-Udara Jarak Jauh AIM-260

23 Juni 2019

Jika rudal AIM-120 dikembangkan dari seri A yang mempunyai jarak jangkau 55km, dan saat ini telah sampai pada seri D yang mempunyai jarak jangkau 160km, rudal AIM-260 akan langsung mempunyai jarak jangkau melebihi AIM-120 (image : Aus DoD)

Lockheed Martin sedang mengembangkan rudal udara-ke-udara jarak jauh baru, yang diberi nama  AIM-260 Joint Advanced Tactical Missile (JATM), untuk Angkatan Udara dan Angkatan Laut AS.

Pengembangan ini pertama kali diumumkan oleh Pejabat Eksekutif Program Senjata Angkatan Udara Brig Jenderal Anthony Genatempo saat berbicara kepada wartawan di Dayton, Ohio pada 20 Juni.

JATM akan memiliki jangkauan yang lebih jauh namun mempunyai dimensi yang serupa dibandingkan dengan Raytheon AIM-120 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missle AMRAAM, rudal yang saat ini beroperasi sebagai beyond-visual-range air-to-air missile (BVRAAM).

Pekerjaan pengembangan untuk rudal baru dimulai dua tahun lalu, uji terbang akan dimulai pada 2021 dan kemampuan operasional awal dijadwalkan untuk 2022, menurut Brig Jenderal Genatempo.

Awalnya, senjata itu rencananya akan diintegrasikan di ruang senjata utama (main weapons bay) pesawat tempur siluman F-22 Raptor Angkatan Udara dan kemudian pada pesawat F/A-18 Super Hornet milik Angkatan Laut. Integrasi pada pesawat F-35 Lightning II akan mengikuti setelah itu.

Rudal baru ini dikembangkan untuk menghadapi rudal PL-15 China very long range air-to-air missile (VLRAAM). PL-15 adalah rudal berpemandu radar aktif yang mampu menghancurkan target pada jarak setidaknya 150 km. Rudal itu melengkapi jet tempur J-10, J-16 dan J-20.


SAMI Signs MoU to Buy Singapore’s Terrex 8x8 and Develop New ICV

24 Juni 2019

Terrex 2 8x8 wheeled armpured vehicle (photo : ST Kinetics)

SAMI Inks MoU with ST Engineering at International Paris Air Show

PARIS --- Saudi Arabian Military Industries (SAMI) today signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with ST Engineering, a global technology, defence and engineering group specializing in the aerospace, electronics, land systems, and marine sectors, to identify and explore commercial opportunities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to collaborate in land, aviation, naval, electronics, and weapons and ammunition sectors, as well as future systems. 

Dr. Andreas Schwer, CEO of SAMI, said: “The agreement with ST Engineering represents SAMI’s commitment to establishing and strengthening industry partnerships to accelerate Saudi Arabia’s journey towards localizing half of its military spending, increasing local content, boosting exports, and attracting foreign direct investment as envisaged in the Saudi Vision 2030. We are keen on leveraging the expertise and capabilities of ST Engineering to realize our overarching goal of establishing a sustainable military industries sector in the Kingdom.” 

Vincent Chong, President & CEO of ST Engineering, said, “We are delighted to ink the MoU with SAMI, which cements the intent between the two companies to explore how we can work together to help modernize and enhance the defense capabilities of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which is a key market for the ST Engineering Group. 

“Given our proven technological and defense solution expertise, as well as core competencies in the aerospace, electronics and marine sectors, I am confident that we will be able to identify areas in which ST Engineering can provide strong and value-added support to the Kingdom.” 

Signed at the International Paris Air Show, the MoU will entail introducing the 8x8 Terrex 2 platform to the Royal Saudi Land Forces (RSLF), developing a next-generation Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) for RSLF, and exploring partnership in MRO capability for commercial and military customers. 

In addition, it will include building ships and naval crafts, examining scope for participation in C-130 upgrade and development of a new transport aircraft, and helping modernize the Saudi electronics manufacturing industry. 

(Defense Aerospace)

Japan Promotes P-1 MPA to Malaysia

24 Juni 2019

Kawasaki P-1 MPA (photo : JMSDF)

The Malaysian Minister for Defence took the opportunity to have yet another close look of Japanese-made Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA), the four engined Kawasaki P-1 at Paris Airshow.

The minister and his delegation took a walk around while being briefed by Japanese officials and Japanese Maritime Self Defence Force (JMSDF) representatives on the capabilities of the P-1. This has been the second briefing on the P-1 given by Japan to Malaysian DEFMIN.

The first one was on September 10, 2018 when Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI) officials brought him for a tour at its P-1 production plant in Nagoya, Japan.

It is no secret that Japan is trying hard to market its P-1 and C-2 aircraft abroad. Considered as pricey to small countries like Malaysia, marketing focus has been given to Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) for the eventual replacement of the Lockheed P-3k2 Orion MPA as well as the Royal Air Force (RAF) which back then was looking for a replacement to the BAe Systems Nimrod MRA4. Kawasaki took the initiative to bring its P-1 to the UK and further down south to the New Zealand so that evaluations could be made on the aircraft’s performance.

Unfortunately both the Brits and Kiwis decided to opt for two engines Boeing P-8A Poseidon as a natural successor to their respective MPA.

At the same time, it is also not a secret that the RMAF had long has this interest on the P-8 too. Yet, the financial constraint that befell on MINDEF and the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) means that it can only afford to buy IAe CN-235MPA, Airbus C-295MPA/PC-295 Persuader or Leonardo ATR-72MPA/P-72.

Japan did offer the RMAF with former JMSDF Kawasaki built P-3J Orion but to the Air Force these were too old and costly to operate.

Kawasaki P-1 MPA (photo : NickP)

Is there any way Japan could see a light for its P-1? Taking into consideration of very close ties between Malaysia and Japan plus the need to check on China’s expansion of its sphere of influence in ASEAN, a Smaurai Bond mechanism needs to be considered to fund up to 4 P-1 for the Malaysians.

Is it workable and feasible? This blogger would say yes provided that there strong political will for two separate main issues. First, the will by Japan to transfer such expensive and highly sophisticated military equipment to Malaysia.

Japan did transfer a number of parapublic equipment to the Malaysian Coast Guard. It also provides converted trainers to the Philippines Navy which have been used as MPA. The P-1 case would be a precedent to Japan and other non China affiliated ASEAN countries as no similar arrangement has been considered prior to this.

Secondly, the willingness of Malaysia to play tough on China. Despite the efforts taken by current ruling Government to avert China’s debt trap, no thanks to various dealings made prior May 2018, the contractual obligations dictate that it would be costly for Malaysia to cancelled these agreements. While Malaysia manage to reduce the exorbitantly high price tags previously agreed to China, the initial Samurai Bond taken from Japan would merely pay some of these costs while the remaining debts need to be contra trade through commodities and procurement of defence article like the Keris class Littoral Mission Ship (LMS).

Without doubt if all two hurdles were overcome, the P-1 could be in the hands of the RMAF at nominal price funded through non burdening Japanese financing solutions.

P-1 would introduce significant capability increase to the RMAF in a way similar to the two Lockheed PC-130H Camar long range MPA did to the RMAF in the 1980’S. Many did not know that the Camar, despite being equipped with Mark I Eyeball sensors can actually dropped depth charges as well as sea mines out of its cargo bay.

During the disappearance of Flight Mh370, the crew of now converted Lockheed/AIROD C-130T dispensed Australian owned sonobuoys over the southern Indian Oceans which other more capable MPA especiallly the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) AP-3C Orion and US Navy P-8s could be able to pick up any signs of the ill fated jetliner wrecks underwater.


Philippine Army to Receive 12 More Upgraded M113A2 with Elbit 12.7mm RCWS this June

24 Juni 2019

12 newly rehabilitated and upgraded M113A2 tracked APCs equipped with Elbit's 12.7mm ORCWS (photo : MaxDefense)

As part of the Department of National Defense's (DND) deal with Israel's Elbit Systems Land & C4I, the Philippine Army's Mechanized Infantry Division (MID) would be receiving another batch of upgraded M113A2 tracked armored personnel carriers (APC) this June 2019, fitted with the Elbit Systems 12.7mm overhead remote controlled weapon stations (ORCWS).

The deal is part of the Philippine Army's M113 Firepower Upgrade Project, which is a Horizon 1 Phase 2nd List Project of the Revised AFP Modernization Program. The projects aims to deliver the upgrade for 44 M113A2 tracked armored personnel carriers that include installation of the Elbit Systems 12.7mm ORCWS and other systems, and conversion of 5 M113A2 to armored mortar carriers and installation of the Soltam Cardom 81mm Recoil Mortar System.

Aside from up-arming, these vehicles were also installed with Elbit Systems' Combat NG Battlefield Management System (BMS) allowing them to be integrated into a network with other similarly-equipped units of the Philippine Army.

While the electronic and mechanical systems like the weapon mounts and computers were all imported from Elbit Systems, the rehabilitation and modifications of the M113s, as well as the installation works of the RCWS and computer systems were all made by the Mechanized Infantry Division with technical assistance provided by Elbit Systems. This means the MID now has the know-how and capability to not just install, but also conduct maintenance works of these complicated systems.

Originally, Elbit Systems was supposed to deliver 17 units for the first batch, but the Philippine Army requested for an initial 5 units to be delivered earlier in April 2019 to allow the vehicles to be deployed to Jolo, Sulu before the 2019 Mid Term Elections last May.

See  Full artcle MaxDefense

Tonga Receives Guardian-class Patrol Boat

24 Juni 2019

A Guardian-class Patrol Boat, the Voea Ngahau Koula, berthed alongside in Henderson, Western Australia (photo : Aus DoD)

Australia is stepping up in the Pacific as we continue to take engagement with our regional partners to a new level with the handover of a new Guardian-class Patrol Boat to the Kingdom of Tonga.

The Tongan Royal Navy’s Ngahau Koula was received by His Royal Highness, Crown Prince Tupouto'a 'Ulukalala and Captain Sione Ulakai, Deputy Chief of Defence Staff to His Majesty’s Armed Forces, at a ceremony in Western Australia.

Minister for Defence, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC, said the replacement of the Pacific Patrol Boats is an important part of the Government’s $2 billion 30-year commitment to the Pacific region under the Pacific Maritime Security Program.

“The Australian Government is delivering 21 new Guardian-class Patrol Boats to 12 Pacific Island nations and Timor-Leste, as well as delivering improved maritime surveillance capability to our Pacific partners,” Minister Reynolds said.

Assistant Defence Minister and Minister for International Development and the Pacific, the Hon Alex Hawke MP, representing the Australian Government at the official ceremony said the Guardian-class Patrol Boats make an important contribution to regional security.

“Tonga is one of Australia’s key partners in the Pacific region and we work closely together to address regional maritime security threats,” Minister Hawke said.

“Tonga’s military plays an important and active role in the security of the region.

“The enhanced capabilities of the Ngahau Koula, together with other maritime surveillance and law enforcement operations, contribute to the Pacific community’s efforts in securing the sea.”

Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Melissa Price MP, said the Pacific Maritime Security Program demonstrates the Government’s commitment to delivering more jobs and opportunities in the Australian defence industry.

“The Guardian-class Patrol Boat Project supports around 400 direct and indirect Australian jobs through the supply chain and is part of our Government’s wider commitment to increasing opportunities for small and medium enterprises in the Australian defence industry,” Minister Price said.

The first Guardian-class Patrol Boat was gifted to Papua New Guinea in 2018 and the second to Tuvalu in April this year.

(Aus DoD)
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