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Kemenhan Pesan Tank dan Panser ke PT Pindad

13 April 2019

Tank medium Harimau buatan Pindad (photo : Savunma)

TEMPO.CO, Bandung - Menteri Pertahanan Ryamizard Ryacudu baru saja meneken kontrak pembelian alutsista produksi PT Pindad, senilai US$ 215 juta. "Ini termasuk Medium Tank produk kerja sama PT Pindad dan FNSS Turki yang dinamai Tank Harimau. Kemudian kita buat sendiri. Kebetulan yang beri nama Harimau ini kita,” kata Ryamizard di kompleks PT Pindad, Bandung,  Jumat, 12 April 2019.

Kementerian Pertahanan menyatakan memesan panser Cobra 8x8 untuk infanteri, dan Tank Harimau 105 untuk kavaleri kepada PT Pindad. “Itu bukti inovasi teknologi anak-anak bangsa dalam mendukung kebutuhan alutsista TNI Angkatan Darat,” kata Ryamizard.

Direktur Bisnis Dan Pertahanan Keamanan PT Pindad, Widjajanto mengatakan, nilai kontrak pengadaan panser Cobra yang dipersenjatai senjata berat kaliber 30 milimeter itu sebesar US$ 80 juta. Sementara nilai kontrak pengadaan Tank Harimau sebesar US$ 135 juta. “Cobra 8x8 dan Tank Harimau ini proses pengadaannya 3 tahun harus selesai semua,” kata dia.

Widjajanto mengatakan, dua kendaraan tempur itu ditargetkan rampung sekaligus. Namun, ia belum bisa memastikan jumlah masing-masing kendaraan tempur tersebut. “Estimasinya sekitar 18-20 unit totalnya. Tapi tergantung, semakin banyak yang diminta fitur senjatanya, akan semakin mahal,” kata dia.

Setelah Bushmaster mendapatkan nama lokal Sanca, kali ini kendaraan Pandur II 8x8 rupanya mendapat nama baru Cobra 8x8 (photo : defence.pk)

Menurut Widjajanto, Tank Harimau tersebut nantinya diproduksi semua di Pindad. Tank tersebut tidak berbeda dengan tank yang diproduksi di Turki. “Ini join development. Sama-sama punya hak cipta untuk menjual. Cuma Pindad tidak bisa menjual ke Eropa, dan dia enggak bisa jual ke Asia. Ada pembagian wilayah, marketing boundary,” kata dia.

Widjajanto mengatakan, kontrak pengadaan selebihnya dengan Kementerian Pertahanan untuk memenuhi pesanan amunisi senjata ringan dengan nilai kontrak tahun jamak seluruhnya Rp 448 miliar. “Amunisi itu kontrak reguler. Nilainya hampir setengah triliun rupiah, itu akhir tahun penyelesaiannya. Bagian dari multiyears kontrak yang berlangsung antara Kemenhan dan Pindad,” kata dia.

Berikut adalah rincian kontrak yang diteken Kementerian Pertahanan dengan Pindad. Yakni Ranpur  Infantri US$ 82 juta, Rapuh Kavaleri US$ 135 juta , Jatri Infantri Rp 145,5 miliar, serta MKK Rp 185,499 miliar.


Kemhan Order 2 LST ke PT Bandar Abadi - Batam

13 April 2019

KRI Bintuni, salah satu kapal LST tipe 117 meter yang dipakai sebagai standar baru kapal pendarat tank di TNI AL (photo : RRI)

Melalui acara penanda-tanganan kontrak pembelian alutsista secara bersamaan yang bernilai hampir Rp 22 triliun kemarin, termasuk diidalamnya adalah pengadaan 2 kapal Landing Ship Tank atau yang lebih dikenal dengan nama kapal Angkut Tank (AT).

Kali ini yang mendapatkan pesanan adalah PT. Bandar Abadi galangan kapal di Tanjung Uncang, Batam. Pemilihan galangan di Batam ini sekaligus pengakuan bahwa kota-kota di Banten, Surabaya, Jakarta, Lampung dan Batam telah memiliki galangan kapal besar yang siap untuk membuat kapal-kapal bagi kepentingan TNI AL.

Rencana TNI AL untuk memiliki 12 kapal LST baru hingga 2024 benar-benar diwujudkan, sudah 7 kapal LST dipesan. Adapun pesanan LST sebelumnya telah dilakukan di PT Dok Kodja Bahari Jakarta sebanyak 2 unit, PT Daya Radar Utama Lampung sebanyak 2 unit yang kemudian disusul lagi dengan kontrak lanjutan sebanyak 3 unit. Sehingga total sudah 7 unit.

Kini Kemhan memesan lagi 2 kapal LST sehingga total jumlah kapal LST baru yang dimiliki TNI AL akan menjadi 9 unit. Masih tersisa 3 unit LST untuk periode 5 tahun ke depan agar dapat mencapai jumlah 12 kapal hingga tahun 2024. Kapal LST baru ini akan menjadi kapal yang ke-8 dan 9.

PT Bandar Abadi adalah perusahaan galangan kapal swasta besar di Batam yang mempunyai dry dock dengan kapasitas 70,000 DWT dan panjang kapal maksimal hingga 202 meter.

Kapal LST yang dibangun adalah kelas AT-117 yang memiliki panjang 117 m, lebar 16.4 m, dan dengan berat total 2.300 ton kapal mampu dipacu hingga kecepatan 16 knot, jarak jelajah kapal sekitar 6,000 nm pada kecepatan 14 knot. Kapal LST ini dapat menampung 10 tank Leopard atau 15 unit tank BMP-3F dan mampu membawa 2 helikopter dengan berat total 10 ton di dek kapal.

(Defense Studies)

Royal Australian Navy Getting AUD 600 Million IT Upgrade

13 April 2019

RAN armada (photo : RAN)

Navy Embarks on Major IT Overhaul

The IT equipment the Navy uses on its ships will receive a major overhaul worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

The Minister for Defence, the Hon Christopher Pyne MP, have announced the Government will strengthen the Navy’s computer networks by modernising the Fleet Information Environment (FIE).

“The FIE consists of both classified and unclassified computer networks which are used throughout the fleet,” said Minister Pyne.

These networks can exchange information within the ship or externally using radio and satellite connections.

“It’s fundamental to Navy’s ability to operate the fleet day-to-day, including participating in operations with allied nations.”

The project is worth around $600 million and will create more than 100 jobs designing and developing the new computer systems.

This is the first step towards rolling out contemporary computer systems to the fleet over the next decade ensuring the Navy continues to meet the challenges of modern warfare.

The current FIE has supported Navy’s deployed computer network requirements for over a decade.

Minister for Defence Industry, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC, said with technology moving rapidly, many components require upgrading and Australian industry will be approached to provide innovative solutions.

“The Commonwealth is continuing to work with Australian industry to improve Defence capabilities and create local jobs,” said Minister Reynolds.

“It’s an exciting project which provides numerous opportunities for Australian small and medium sized businesses.”

(Aus DoD)

Honeywell Eyes Malaysia F/A-18D, C-130 Upgrade Work

14 April 2019

5 RMAF F/A-18D (photo : Chaity)

Honeywell is eyeing upgrade opportunities for Kuala Lumpur’s Boeing F/A-18D Hornet fighters and Lockheed Martin C-130 Hercules tactical transports.

Honeywell has a significant amount of content on the F/A-18Ds that it could upgrade, says company vice-president Tim Van Luven.

Potential upgrade work could involve the aircraft’s displays, global positioning system, antennas, lighting, wheels and brakes, and cabin pressure system. In addition, Honeywell produced the main fuel controls on the type’s General Electric F404 engines.

"The needs of Malaysia’s defence and aerospace industry are constantly evolving,” he says. “Honeywell is well positioned in the region to evaluate ways in which we can offer customized support to the Royal Malaysian Air Force. As a key solutions provider for the F/A-18D, we are continuously exploring possibilities that leverage our local partnerships and global supply chain network to bring enhanced aftermarket support to Malaysia.”

Honeywell also believes that maintenance for Malaysia’s Hornet fleet would be better expedited were this to be conducted under a direct commercial arrangement, as opposed to the existing Foreign Military Sales (FMS) arrangement.

5 RMAF C-130s (Dzirhan Mahadzir)

Cirium’s Fleets Analyzer shows that the Royal Malaysian Air Force operates eight F/A-18Ds, with an average age of 21.7 years.

Van Luven made the remarks during the recent Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition.

In addition, Honeywell sees broad scope for work on Kuala Lumpur’s fleet of C-130s.

“We talked to [local MRO firm] Airod and the Malaysian government as well,” says Van Luven.

“We understand there is funding to support the programme, but there are no decisions, contracts or tenders as of yet on what the upgrade is. We're going to give some briefings to some of the local decision makers on what Honeywell can do.”

Van Luven says that Honeywell can offer a broad range of upgrades to the legacy fleet, including avionics, mechanical systems, safety systems, and communications.

“There's lots of places to spend money on old C-130s from the 1970s, so it will depend on their requirements,” he says. “They seem very committed to upgrading.”

The RMAF operates 14 C-130s with an average of 34.9 years. Its in service fleet comprises three C-130Hs, eight C-130H-30s, and two KC-130Hs. It also has a single C-130H-30 in storage.


Saab Receives Order for Carl-Gustaf Ammunition to the Australian Army

14 April 2019

Carl Gustaf ammunition (photo : Saab Group)

Saab has received an order for deliveries of Carl-Gustaf® ammunition to the Australian Army, the total order value is SEK 168 million and deliveries are expected to take place in 2020. 

In September 2018, the Australian Army placed an order for deliveries of the newest version of the system – Carl-Gustaf M4.

“We are happy to see that the Australian Army keeps investing in the Carl-Gustaf system and we are proud of the trust our customer puts in Saab. This order demonstrates the continued strong belief in the Carl-Gustaf system and the state-of-the-art ammunition delivered from Saab. The wide range of variations of Carl-Gustaf ammunition brings a true tactical flexibility to the user,” says Görgen Johansson, head of Saab business area Dynamics.

Saab’s world-leading weapon system Carl-Gustaf has a long and distinguished service history all around the world, including the Nordic and Baltic region. Employing a wide range of ammunition types, the Carl-Gustaf system allows dismounted soldiers to take on multiple challenges – from neutralising armoured vehicles to clearing obstacles and defeating enemies in buildings. The Carl-Gustaf system, which has been sold to more than 40 countries, is successively being developed with new ammunition types and enhanced capabilities.

This order was booked during Q4 2018.


PT Pindad Jajaki Ekspor 120 Unit Tank Harimau ke Asia Selatan

14 April 2019

Tank medium Pindad-FNSS (infographic : FNSS)

TEMPO.CO, Karawang - PT Pindad (Persero) pada tahun ini menargetkan kontrak sebesar Rp 7 triliun dan penjualan sebesar Rp 5,7 triliun. "Target tahun ini cukup besar jadi target kontrak kami hampir Rp 7 triliun, target penjualan kita hampir Rp 5,7 triliun, sehingga (target) laba bersih kita Rp 145 miliar," ujar Direktur Utama Pindad, Abraham Mose kepada wartawan di Karawang, Jawa Barat, Kamis, 21 Maret 2019.

Dia menjelaskan bahwa target tahun lalu Pindad Rp 5,6 triliun, dan yang terealisasi menjadi penjualan Rp 3,9 triliun serta laba bersih sebesar Rp 100,5 miliar.

Produk-produk pertahanan Pindad yang paling diminati oleh negara-negara luar yakni amunisi dan senapan penembak jitu atau sniper. "Saat ini produk pertahanan yang mulai populer adalah senapan sniper, karena permintaan akan senapan ini banyak sekali," kata Abraham.

Dirut Pindad itu juga menambahkan bahwa produk senapan sniper diminati dan dilirik oleh negara-negara ASEAN karena sudah diuji coba, dipakai, serta kecepatannya yang presisi. "Paling tidak ekspor kita naik terus dibandingkan dari tahun sebelumnya untuk amunisi, pistol, senjata dan kendaraan tempur. Kurang lebih 30 persen," katanya.

Menurut Abraham Pindad sudah menerima sejumlah pesanan dari negara-negara ASEAN serta mengikuti lelang di Filipina. "Kami lagi coba memasukkan produk Medium Tank ke Filipina, doakan saja mudah-mudahan kita menang lelang di sana karena sudah masuk tiga besar dan semoga Pindad yang terpilih," ujar Abraham.

Pindad memproduksi tiga senapan sniper yakni SPR-3 dengan kaliber 7.62mm serta jarak efektif tembak sejauh 900 meter, kemudian SPR-4 kaliber 8.6mm dengan jarak efektif tembak 1.500 meter, dan senapan SPR-2 kaliber 12.7mm dengan jarak efektif tembak sejauh 2.000 meter.

Sedangkan Medium Tank merupakan produk tank Pindad yang memiliki sejumlah keunggulan seperti hanya mengalami kerusakan minor saat terkena ranjau, mampu menahan kaliber peluru hingga 30mm, serta mampu menerjang di segala medan.


Royal Thai Navy Holds Ceremony to Launch New Tugboat

15 April 2019

Second tug boat for RTN (photos : RTN)

BANGKOK (NNT) – The Royal Thai Navy has launched the second YTM-858 H.T.M.S. Panyi medium-sized tugboat, in a ceremony according to naval tradition for good fortune.

This is the second Panyi-class medium sized tugboat, number 858 commissioned in a boat launching ceremony, presided over by Royal Thai Navy Commander in Chief Luechai Ruddit, with the Navy Wives Association President Ubonwan Ruddit as the christening lady taking part in the ceremony at ItalThai Marine’s shipyard in Samut Prakan.

The Royal Thai Navy previously hired ItalThai Marine to build two tugboats, with one of the two currently in service with the Amphibious and Combat Support Service Squadron. The second Panyi-class boat in the ceremony today was built under contract to replace older boats and increase the number of medium size tugboats in the fleet.

The Navy Deputy Chief of Staff Vice Admiral Yongyut Phrompromrach said the new boat will assist in the navigation of large warships into and out of piers; fighting fire in naval bases, and in other operations more effectively, such as the removal of oil slicks at piers and on shore, and pulling weapons’ exercise targets.

The hiring of a domestic company to construct the boat is considered a demonstration of Thai ship building capacity and proficiency required for technological transmission which will help drive the country’s ship building industry forward.


Dahana Raih Kontrak Bahan Peledak dari Kementerian Pertahanan Rp 104,73 Miliar

15 April 2019

Bom P-250 Live produksi Dahana (photo : Jakarta Post)

KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. PT Dahana melakukan penandatanganan kontrak pengadaan Bomb P-250 Live dengan Kementerian Pertahanan untuk proyek pengadaan Alutsista dan konstruksi di lingkungan Kementerian Pertahanan atau TNI, Jumat (12/4).

Direktur Operasi Dahana Bambang Agung menyampaikan nilai kontrak ini sebesar Rp 104,73 miliar.

Ia mengungkapkan kerjasama ini bertujuan untuk mendukung kemandirian industri pertahanan dalam negeri. Perusahaan plat merah yang bergerak di Industri bahan peledak baik untuk komersil ataupun militer ini telah memproduksi berbagai kebutuhan militer, salah satunya adalah Bomb P-250 Live. Bomb yang sudah melewati proses pengujian ini akhirnya diproduksi secara masal.

Bomb P-250 Live merupakan alat peledak jenis High Drags General Purposes (HDGP) yang memiliki kemampuan untuk meledak dan efek pecahannya dapat digunakan untuk menghancurkan bangunan dan fondasi bunker, juga dapat menghancurkan benda hidup di area yang luas.

Su-30 TNI AU dengan bom lokal (photo : Rezza Habibie)

Melihat kemampuan Dahana dalam memproduksi bahan peledak yang berkualitas dan berdaya saing, Kementerian Pertahanan menjatuhkan pilihan membeli Bomb P250 L dari perusahaan yang masuk di kluster National Defence & Hitech Industry tersebut. 

Selain itu, kegiatan penandatanganan ini dimaksudkan untuk terus mendorong Industri Pertahanan dalam negeri.

"Tentunya ini peluang sekaligus tantangan untuk kami di sektor militer. Dan kami akan memberikan yang terbaik, sesuai motto Dahana yaitu Serving the Nation Better," ungkap Bambang Agung dalam siaran pers, Jumat (12/4).


NGPC Deliveries by December 2019

15 April 2019

Fifth NGPC with hull number 4545 (photo : Paul Nobbs)

Malaysian shipyard Destini Shipbuilding will complete deliveries of a 2016 order for six 44.25 m New Generation Patrol Crafts to the Malaysian maritime agency by the end of this year. German shipbuilder FASSMER Defence is providing the design license agreement for the manufacture of the advanced patrol crafts in Malaysia and Destini Shipbuilding has already delivered three vessels to the Malaysia Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA).

The first vessel KM Bagan Datuk was commissioned in March 2017 and the vessels undertake missions such as search and rescue, firefighting, fishery protection, law enforcement, disaster relief, training, pollution control and EEZ (Economic Exclusion Zone) duties. Each NGPC has a range of 2,000 nautical miles and is capable of speeds up to 24 knots. The vessel is armed with an Aselsan 30mm remote controlled naval gun and a Thales UAV.

German Shipyard FASSMER Defence won THE contract to provide the engineering and material support packages for six NGPCs for the MMEA.FASSMER has grown rapidly and did not export maritime products until a decade ago. Over the last50 years, the company has designed 50 different patrol vessels. The company is also showcasing anew patrol vessel called the ‘Flex Patrol Vessel’ for the 1st time at the ongoing LIMA. The new vessel entered the market in 2018 and is now available for export.


Kasau : Tahun 2019 MEF TNI AU Akan Capai 67 % dan Akan Capai 100% di Akhir Tahun 2024

15 April 2019

F-16 TNI AU melaksanakan patroli (photo : TNI AU)

JurnalJakarta.com - Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (Kasau) Marsekal TNI Yuyu Sutisna, S.E., M.M., menyampaikan kebijakan TNI AU kedepan bahwa, pada tahun 2019 ini berada dipenghujung renstra ketiga tahun 2015 - 2019. TNI AU harus menyelesaikan tugas -tugas perencanaan yang ada di renstra ketiga, yang merupakan akhir dari pada kekuatan pokok minimum atau Minimum Essential Force (MEF) Angkatan Udara Indonesia (TNI AU) yang saat ini baru mencapai 44 %.

"Angka ini di bawah target yang ditentukan sebelumnya. Tahun depan kita sudah mulai Renstra ke IV tahun 2020 - 2024," jelasnya dalam press conference nya usai melaksanakan upacara peringatan HUT Ke-73 TNI AU, Selasa (9/4).

Kasau berharap di tahun 2019 ini kekuatan pokok minimum kita akan mencapai 67 % dan di akhir 2024 nanti dapat mencapai 100%. Kasau optimis bahwa rencana tersebut dapat terealisasi, hanya mungkin waktu dari tahun ketahunnya bergeser, namun pada tahun 2024 dirinya yakin akan tercapai, tegasnya.

Tahun ini TNI AU bertekat untuk menyelesaikan semua kontrak - kontrak pengadaan Alutsista yang sekarang sedang proses di Kemhan, dan diharapkan bisa selesai tahun 2019 ini.

Kita ketahui bahwa, Alutsista tersebut tidak bisa tentunya sekarang dipesan sekarang datang, tentunya akan bertahap mulai akhir 2020.

Dengan demikian diharapkan akhir tahun 2024 atau di akhir renstra ke IV TNI AU sudah memiliki Angkatan Udara yang Kuat dan setara untuk menjaga keamanan di kawasan.

Selan itu, Kasau juga mengatakan bahwa TNI Angkatan Udara akan membentuk satuan baru yakni Skadron Udara 33, Skadron Udara 27, Satrudal Pam Ibukota, serta 3 Detasemen Hanud di Lanud Iswahjudi Madiun, Lanud Roesmin Nurjadin Pekanbaru, serta Lanud Raden Sjadad Ranai.

"Beberapa Lanud juga akan ditingkatkan menjadi tipe A, yakni lanud SMO (Adi Soemarmo-Solo), ELI (El Tari-Kupang), SRI (Sam Ratulangi-Manado), berikutnya Lanud tipe C akan dibangun di Batam, Saumlaki, Wamena, serta ditambah Pos Angkatan Udara di Sorong", kata Kasau dalam press conference nya usai melaksanakan upacara peringatan HUT Ke-73 TNI AU, Selasa (9/4).

Dikatakannya, beberapa program prioritas TNI Angkatan Udara yang akan dilaksanakan pada tahun anggaran 2019 adalah melanjutkan program road to zero accident untuk mempertahankan zero accident, mempercepat program pengadaan alutsista, memperkuat organisasi dan system pertahanan udara, serta pembangunan Network Centric Warfare.

"Berlandaskan jiwa professional, militant, inovatif, dan kemanunggalan bersama rakyat, TNI AU siap melaksanakan tugas matra udara dalam mendukung tugas pokok TNI", jelasnya.

Menurutnya, Program prioritas TNI Angkatan Udara lainnya adalah penyiapan latihan Angkasa Yudha 2019, peningkatan kemampuan Night Combat, pelaksanaan operasi kehadiran alutsista TNI Angkatan Udara di seluruh wilayah tanah air, peningkatan kualitas dan transparansi rekrutmen prajurit, evaluasi piranti lunak logistic TNI Angkatan Udara yang tidak sesuai, dan peran aktif dalam penyusunan RUU pengelolaan Ruang Udara Nasional atau PRUN. (Jurnal Jakarta)

Su-30MK2 melaksanakan patroli bersama fregat TNI AL (photo : TNI AU)

TNI AU Harapkan Kemhan Segera Proses Pengadaan

JAKARTA, KOMPAS  – TNI Angkatan Udara hingga kini masih membutuhkan berbagai persenjataan untuk menunjang tugasnya menjaga kedaulatan. Saat ini, target utama TNI AU adalah selesainya berbagai kontrak pengadaan. 

”Tahun 2019 adalah pengujung renstra (rencana strategis) ketiga. Ini sangat menentukan pembangunan kekuatan TNI AU ke depan," kata Kepala Staf TNI AU Maesekal Yuyu Sutisna, Selasa (9/4/2019), di sela-sela upacara peringatan HUT Ke-73 TNI AU.

Menurut Yuyu, tahun 2019 menjadi saat yang menentukan karena TNI AU harus menyelesaikan segala hal yang direncanakan untuk dipenuhi di renstra ketiga (2015-2019). Apalagi, ke depan TNI AU harus mempersiapkan diri untuk memasuki masa awal pemenuhan kebutuhan pokok minimum yang kedua yang akan berlangsung tahun 2020-2024.

"Tahun depan kita sudah mulai renstra keempat. Oleh karena itu, kami harapkan bisa menaikkan pemenuhan MEF (minimum essential force) dari 44 persen saat ini menjadi sesuai target 67 persen pada akhir tahun 2019 dan 100 persen di tahun 2024," kata Yuyu. 

Saat ini beberapa kontrak pengadaan persenjataan masih ditangani Kementerian Pertahanan. Pengadaan persenjataan yang dimaksud adalah untuk pengadaan pesawat tempur generasi 4.5 pengganti F5, Hercules tipe J, pesawat amphibious yang juga untuk pemadam kebakaran, pesawat CN 212, 8 helikopter dan 2 VIP, pesawat tanpa awak atau UAV dengan kelas MALE, 6 radar pertahanan udara, 2 radar pasif, dan alat pertahanan udara Oerlikon.

"Diharapkan kontrak-kontrak pengadaan yang saat ini ada di Kemhan itu bisa selesai tahun 2019 ini karena kita ketahui alutsista tidak bisa datang langsung. Dipesan sekarang, mungkin datang tahun 2020," katanya.

Ketua Komisi I DPR Abdul Kharis Almasyhari mengatakan, Komisi I mendukung pembangunan kekuatan TNI AU. Apalagi, rencana pembangunan kekuatan TNI secara umum telah disetujui Komisi I DPR. "Harapan kita tentu anggaran itu dibelanjakan dengan tepat waktu sehingga serapan anggaran menjadi baik," kata Abdul Kharis.

Abdul Kharis mengatakan, pihaknya berharap ada kerja sama yang lebih terkoordinasi antara kementerian. Ia mencontohkan, pengadaan pesawat tempur pengganti F5 tersendat di Kementerian Perdagangan.

Menurut catatan Kompas, Kemhan mengajukan anggaran Rp 234 triliun. Namun yang disetujui pemerintah dan DPR hanya Rp 109 triliun yang 70 persennya adalah anggaran rutin seperti gaji pegawai.


Navy, Defense Officials Inspect Anti-Sub Choppers in UK

15 April 2019

AW-159 of the Philippine Navy (photo : MaxDefense)

MANILA -- The test and pre-delivery inspection of the Philippine Navy’s (PN) first two anti-submarine helicopters, the AgustaWestland AW-159 "Wildcat", is proceeding smoothly.

This was bared by Navy spokesperson, Captain Jonathan Zata in a message to the Philippine News Agency Friday.

He added PN flag-officer-in-command (FOIC), Vice Admiral Robert Empedrad, is in the United Kingdom along with the Department of National Defense (DND) test and inspection team checking the aircraft.

"Our FOIC, PN is currently in UK together with the DND’s test and inspection team purposely to pre-delivery inspection of the two AW-159 helicopters. The FOIC, PN was flown on both the AW-159 were its stability, maneuverability and related parameters were determined," Zata said.

"He (Empedrad) expressed his satisfaction over the progress of the project which is noted to be ahead of its scheduled delivery," he added.

The PN spokesperson said the AW-159s will be shipped and will be expected in Manila by the first week of May.

And it will be included as one of the highlights to the 121st PN anniversary celebration on the last week of May, he added.

The aircraft were acquired for PHP5.4 billion along with weapons and other systems. 


KD Keris, LMS Pertama TLDM Resmi Diluncurkan

16 April 2019

KD Keris 111 (photos : Malaysian Defence)

KERIS bukti kejayaan projek LMS TLDM – Panglima Tentera Laut

WUHAN – Panglima Tentera Laut, Laksamana Datuk Mohd Reza bin Mohd Sany menyifatkan upacara penamaan dan pelancaran Kapal Misi Pesisir (Littoral Mission Ship, LMS) yang berlangsung pada hari ini sebagai satu kejayaan projek LMS.

“Kejayaan pada hari ini membuktikan keupayaan teknologi pembinaan China Shipbuilding Offshore and International Corporation Ltd (CSOC) dengan kerjasama Boustead Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd (BNS),” kata Reza dalam satu kenyataan pada hari ini.

Beliau turut yakin bahawa empat buah LMS untuk Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) akan siap mengikut jadual serta menepati spesifikasi kontrak.

Panglima Tentera Laut turut hadir ke Upacara Pelancaran dan Penamaan Littoral Mission Ship (LMS) yang pertama bagi TLDM di Shuangliu Manufacturer Base, Wuchang Shipbuilding Industrial Group, Wuhan, China pada hari ini.

Majlis yang disempurnakan oleh Normah Alwi, isteri Menteri Pertahanan ini turut menyaksikan pemilihan nama KERIS sebagai nama kapal LMS yang pertama.

LMS merupakan sebahagian daripada kelas kapal baharu yang digariskan dalam program Transformasi 15-to-5 TLDM.

Reza turut berharap bahawa perolehan LMS akan membantu kesiagaan armada TLDM dalam menjaga kedaulatan perairan negara.

Beliau menambah, kerjasama erat antara Malaysia-China dapat menyumbang kepada peningkatan keupayaan negara dalam aspek pembinaan kapal perang tempatan.

“Saya juga berharap kerjasama erat di antara kedua buah negara ini dapat diteruskan pada masa hadapan,”ujar Panglima Tentera Laut.

Dalam Pelan Transformasi 15-to-5 TLDM telah menggariskan sebanyak 18 buah kapal LMS dalam armada. Sebagai permulaan, 4 buah kapal LMS dibina dengan termeterainya perjanjian kontrak perolehan LMS pada 23 Mac 2017 semasa Pameran Aeroangkasa dan Maritim Antarabangsa Langkawi.

Kontrak tersebut menggariskan perolehan 4 buah kapal LMS dan TLDM dijangka menerima kesemua kapal tersebut pada tahun 2021.

KERIS akan menjalani pelbagai ujian penerimaan sebelum ditauliahkan kedalam perkhidmatan TLDM pada Disember nanti. Pihak TLDM menyatakan KERIS dan 3 buah kapal LMS yang lain akan memperkuatkan Armada Timur TLDM bagi menjaga kedaulatan perairan Sabah dan Sarawak.


New Zealand Navy’s Biggest Vessel Ready for Launch in South Korea

16 April 2019

HMNZS Aotearoa (photo : RNZN)

The future HMNZS Aotearoa, the biggest ever vessel to be built for the Royal New Zealand Navy, is taking shape and is ready for launch in South Korea.

Aetorea is being constructed at Hyundai Heavy Shipbuilding’s Ulsan shipyard and is scheduled to be launched within the next two weeks, according to the New Zealand Navy.

The launch will take place some nine months after the tanker’s keel was laid in August 2018.

Aotearoa represents the first of a new fleet of RNZN ships built specifically to address the global requirements of the New Zealand Defence Force and government agencies for deployment from Antarctica to the Arabian Gulf.

HMNZS Aotearoa is designed to provide logistical support to New Zealand and coalition maritime, land and air units.

Her primary purpose is to conduct fuel resupply but she will also be capable of supplying dry goods, water, spare parts or ammunition. Her missions will include humanitarian and disaster relief, support to United Nations security operations, support to a coalition naval task group and Antarctic resupply.

Featuring a wave-piercing hull form, the 173.2-meter-long ship will have the ability to carry twelve 20-foot shipping containers, high-capacity freshwater generation plants, self-defense systems, aviation and marine fuel cargo tanks, dual all-electric replenishment-at-sea rigs and will be able to carry a Seaspite or NH90 helicopter.

Aotearoa will displace 26,000 tonnes and will be operated by a crew of 64.

The ship’s $493 million price tag includes the tanker’s enhanced “winterization” capabilities, such as ice-strengthening for operations in Antarctica, including resupplying McMurdo Station and Scott Base. Predecessor tanker HMNZS Endeavour was not Antarctic-capable.

(Naval Today)

Jordan Might Give PH Third Attack Helicopter — Duterte

16 April 2019

Jordan's AH-1 Cobra helicopter (photo : 4Aviation)

President Duterte has revealed that Jordan might give a third attack helicopter to the country but he was reluctant to use such aircraft for anti-communist insurgency operations.

“They gave us two (helicopters). I’m friends with the King of Jordan. He said he might give us a third,” the President said in the Visayan dialect during the administration campaign event in Bukidnon last Saturday.

The President met King Abdullah II of Jordan to strengthen bilateral relations during his visit to Amman last September 2018.

The donation of two Bell AH-1 Cobra attack helicopters to beef up the Philippines’ military capability was tackled during the President’s meeting with the King. The two helicopters are expected to be delivered this July.

“They showed me the helicopter that they donated. It was shown in an exhibit there,” he said.

The President, however, refused to use foreign-donated helicopters in the government operations against armed communist rebels. He admitted that it was painful to see government troops and rebels, all Filipinos, fight and kill each other.

“I don’t want to use those helicopters against the NPAs because we are all Filipinos. It hurts me to see my soldiers and the NPAs dying because they are Filipinos. I’d prefer to fight another enemy, but not our own people,” he said.

“What will you get if you kill me? Will you replace me with (Vice President Leni) Robredo? Well that’s up to you. The NPAs, what will you get if you kill me? Does anyone know the answer?” he asked.

(Manila Bulletin)

Singapore and India Conduct Bilateral Armour Exercise

16 April 2019

The Singapore Army's Infantry Fighting Vehicles and Indian Army's Main Battle Tanks during the integrated live-firing at Exercise Bold Kurukshetra (photos : Sing Mindef)

The Singapore Army and the Indian Army (IA) participated in Exercise Bold Kurukshetra, a bilateral armour exercise. This year's exercise was held from 2 to 13 Apr at Babina Field Firing Range in Central India, and is the twelfth in the series. The exercise involved approximately 270 soldiers from the Singapore Army and IA. As part of the exercise, the two armies participated in integrated manoeuvres, exercise planning and training. 

The highlight of this year's exercise was the integrated live-firing involving the Singapore Army's Infantry Fighting Vehicles and IA's Main Battle Tanks and Infantry Fighting Vehicles. Senior commanders from both countries, including the Singapore Army's Commander, Army Training and Doctrine Command, Brigadier-General Ng Ying Thong and the Indian Army's Deputy General Officer Commanding, 31 Armoured Division, Brigadier-General Tejvir Singh Mundi witnessed the live-firing and interacted with the participating troops from both countries.

Exercise Bold Kurukshetra 2019 (photo : connectedtoindia)

Commenting on the exercise, Commander 8th Singapore Armoured Brigade, Senior Lieutenant Colonel Dean Yik said, "The training here has allowed our armour units to hone their operational skills and competencies in a realistic live-firing environment. More importantly, the opportunity to work together with the Indian Army in professional exchanges and joint training has enhanced our mutual understanding and cooperation." 

Exercise Bold Kurukshetra is conducted under the ambit of the Bilateral Agreement for Joint Army Training and Exercises between the Singapore Army and Indian Army. This exercise underscores the strong and long-standing bilateral defence relationship between both countries, and enhances cooperation between the two armies. Both defence establishments also interact regularly through high-level visits, policy dialogues, courses, and other professional exchanges.

(Sing Mindef)

Tiga Kapal Selam Baru Segera Dibangun

16 April 2019

KRI Alugoro 405 (photo : Antara)

JAKARTA - Kementerian Pertahanan (Kemhan) memastikan pembangunan tiga kapal selam untuk sesi kedua dilakukan pada pertengahan 2019. 

Saat ini, proses pembangunan masuk dalam tahap pencarian lender atau bank peminjam oleh Kementerian Keuangan. “Kontrak pengadaan sudah ditandatangani. Kemudian cari lender, habis itu langsung efektif (pembangunan).Lender itu butuh waktu tiga bulan,” ujar Sekretaris Jenderal (Sekjen) Kemhan Laksdya TNI Agus Setiadji di Jakarta, kemarin. 

Dia menyebut, sekitar 15% biaya pembangunan kapal selam tersebut berasal dari Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN), sedangkan 85% lainnya merupakan pinjaman. “Kita upayakan imbal dagang dengan Korea Selatan. Setelah itu efektif kontrak, selanjutnya langsung produksi. Jadi 2019 efektif produksi mulai. Proses pembuatannya antara 3-4 tahun,” ucapnya. 

Terkait dengan penyertaan modal negara (PMN) untuk pembangunan fasilitas kapal selam, Agus mengaku tengah mengupayakan meminta kepada badan usaha milik negara (BUMN). Sebab dari Rp2,5 triliun anggaran yang dibutuhkan, pihaknya baru mendapatkan anggaran sebesar Rp1,5 triliun. 

“Menteri BUMN untuk minta PMN karena butuh Rp2,5 triliun. Kita kan baru dapat Rp1,5 triliun kurang Rp1 triliun lagi untuk mendukung peralatan. Kalau itu sudah terwadahi, kita bisa bangun seutuhnya. Sebab bangun kapal selam itu peralatan pendukungnya seharga kapal selam sehingga kontinuitas pemesanan juga harus banyak,” jelasnya. 

Sementara itu, Menteri Pertahanan (Menhan) Ryamizard Ryacudu menyebut, diperlukan anggaran sebesar USD1.200 juta untuk membangun ketiga kapal selam tersebut. Menurut Ryamizard, Indonesia membutuhkan 12 kapal selam untuk menjaga wilayah kedaulatan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI). 

“Pemenuhan kebutuhan kapal selam akan dilakukan secara bertahap. Dua kapal selam yang lama diperbarui lagi. Ada dua yakni Cakra dan Nanggala. Jadi saat ini kita punya lima kapal selam, nanti kita akan punya 12 kapal selam. Rencananya, setelah memproduksi kapal selam kelima, produksi industri pertahanan dalam negeri ini akan dijual ke negara-negara lain,” katanya. 

Ryamizard mengaku, banyak produksi industri pertahanan Indonesia yang diminati negara-negara lain. Filipina misalnya, sudah membeli dua kapal perang buatan PT PAL. 

“Mereka mau beli dua lagi. Malaysia mau beli dua lagi tank medium kemudian helikopter. Begitu juga dengan negara Afrika, Nigeria, berminat pada pesawat CN235 termasuk kapal patroli,” ucapnya. 

Untuk itu, mantan kepala staf angkatan darat (KSAD) ini meminta kepada perusahaan pembuat alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista) dengan baik. Sebab kemajuan industri pertahanan dalam negeri dapat menopang ekonomi suatu bangsa. Hal itu sudah dibuktikan oleh negara-negara maju seperti Amerika Serikat dan Inggris. 

“Saya tekankan pada perusahaan itu agar benar-benar, jangan orang beli lalu rusak-rusak. Harus memuaskanlah. Terbukti Filipina puas dan mau beli lagi. Kalau negara-negara ASEAN beli disini kan dekat untuk perbaikannya,” kata Ryamizard. 

Kepala Pusat Komunikasi Publik Brigjen TNI Totok Sugiharto mengatakan, proses pembuatan kapal selama berlangsung selama tiga hingga empat tahun. Menurut dia, kapal selam yang akan dibangun nantinya dilengkapi dengan teknologi modern sesuai dengan karakteristik ancaman. “Tentu spesifikasinya akan lebih modern,” ucapnya.


Vietnam Speeds Up the Purchase of New Transport Aircraft

17 April 2019

C-295W transport aircraft (photo : Kukulkan Avia)

Currently Vietnam's demand for a new generation of light transport aircraft is becoming increasingly urgent.

After more than 30 years of solid service, the time when the An-26 Curl light transport aircraft produced by the Soviet Union was "retired" was close, there is now only one An-26 with the number Brand 267 is still active.

At the time of the 1980s, the Soviet Union handed over to Vietnam an An-26 fleet of up to 50 aircraft to replace "2-generation" mechanical transport including C-130, C-119 ... to stop flying. due to lack of necessary technical parts.

After retirement of An-26, the role of air transport will be put on 3 C-295M with NC-212i, such force is obviously too thin and does not meet the requirements, will need added in the near future.

Targeted to replace the older An-26s is the CASA C295 line built by Airbus Military, after receiving the first three to evaluate the performance, Vietnam is very impressed.

The preparation for the operation of a large fleet of C295 has been carried out by the 918 Air Force Brigade since 2015, through the dispatch of officials to study English as well as specialized technical documents.

Vietnamese People's Air Force delegation visit LIMA 2019 (photo : BaoDatViet)

At the recently concluded International Air and Maritime LIMA Exhibition of 2019 in Malaysia, a high level of Vietnamese military cadres showed interest in the C295W version introduced, according to media reports. Internationally, the contract will probably be signed in the near future.

Because Airbus' production line in Seville, Spain has moved to assemble the latest variant of the C295 transport line, the C295W. So if Vietnam orders in the near future, we will receive this version, not C295M as the first 3 units.

The most recognizable change between C295W and C295M is the curved wings located on the two main wing ends, which help to increase cargo load, save 4% of fuel, make the range farther and operate safely. more in complex hilly terrain.

In addition to the transport version, on the C295 platform, there are also C295MPA anti-submarine patrol aircraft variants, C295AEW aerial early commanding aircraft ... do not exclude the possibility that these family members also joined the Vietnam Air Force in the near future.

First Dassault Falcon 7X Special Purpose Aircraft Arrive

18 April 2019

RAAF Falcon 7X (photo : Julien Chierici)

The first of the Royal Australian Air Force’s (RAAF) new Dassault Falcon 7X aircrafts arrived in Canberra today.

The new aircraft is being leased by RAAF and is replacing the Bombardier CL604 Challengers RAAF and provides a larger passenger load, modern communication and increased range and endurance.

Wing Commander Jason Pont, Commanding Officer of 34 Squadron said the Falcon complements RAAF’s larger Boeing 737 Business Jets.

“The Falcon 7X is an advanced business jet designed and manufactured by Dassault Aviation,” Wing Commander Pont said.

“The jet has a standard crew of three (pilot, co-pilot and crew attendant) and can carry up to 14 passengers.

Bombardier CL-604 Challengers (photo : Jeff Gilbert)

“With a maximum operating speed of Mach 0.9 and a range of up to 11,000 km, the aircraft can fly from Canberra to anywhere in the world with only one stop. Its ability to land at almost any airfield provides notable regional and remote airfield accessibility.”

The Falcon features a high-tech wing, an advanced ‘glass cockpit’ with a heads-up display and an infrared enhanced vision system. It also has satellite communications to support Government business while airborne.

The aircraft will be operated by Number 34 Squadron as part of the Special Purpose Aircraft fleet, based at Defence Establishment Fairbairn in the Australian Capital Territory.

The fleet will continue to be maintained by Northrop Grumman.


US Sanctions should Not Affect the Deliveries of Su-35 Fighter Jets

17 April 2019

Su-35 of the PLAAF (photo : sina)

Russia completes deliveries of Su-35 fighter jets to China

MOSCOW /TASS/. Russia has completed the deliveries of Sukhoi Su-35 generation 4++ fighter jets to China under a contract signed earlier, Russia’s Federal Service for Military and Technical Cooperation told TASS on Tuesday.

"In compliance with the contract, all the Su-35 planes have been delivered to the foreign customer," the Federal Service said.

China has been the first foreign buyer of Russian Su-35 fighter aircraft. The contract worth about $2.5 billion on the deliveries of 24 fighter jets to China was signed in 2015. The contract also stipulates the delivery of ground equipment and reserve engines.

Indonesia is the second foreign buyer of Russian Su-35 fighter jets. Reports emerged in early 2018 that Russia had signed a contract with Indonesia on the delivery of 11 fighters. Under the contract, Russia is due to deliver the first fighter jets to Indonesia this year. The fulfillment of the Indonesian contract ran across some difficulties related to US sanctions but a TASS source in military and diplomatic circles said these difficulties "are not critical" and should not affect the deliveries of fighter jets.

The Su-35S generation 4++ supersonic fighter jet performed its debut flight on February 19, 2008. The fighter jet is a derivative of the Su-27 plane. The Su-35S weighs 19 tonnes, has a service ceiling of 20,000 meters, can develop a maximum speed of 2,500 km/h and has a crew of one pilot. The fighter jet’s armament includes a 30mm aircraft gun, up to 8 tonnes of the weapon payload (missiles and bombs of various types) on 12 underwing hardpoints. The Su-35S has been in service with the Russian Army since 2015.


Fiji Soldiers Learn Bushmaster Driving Skills from Australian Army Trainers

17 April 2019

The Fijian Government purchased refitted Bushmasters from Australia in 2017 for use in peacekeeping operations and training in Fiji (photo : Aus Army)

Eighteen Republic of Fiji Military Force soldiers have completed a three-week Bushmaster Protected Mobility Vehicle driver’s course in Brisbane.

Fiji purchased refitted Bushmasters from Australia in 2017 for use in peacekeeping operations and for training purposes, and have been sending soldiers to Brisbane for vehicle training.

The Australian Army has now run four Bushmaster driver’s courses for the Republic of Fiji Military Force as part of the ongoing agreement between the two nations.

Australian Army trainers, mainly from Brisbane’s 7th Brigade, taught their Fijian counterparts how to drive the vehicles in various terrains, recovery methods, and maintenance skills.

7th Brigade Commander Brigadier Andrew Hocking said the Fijian soldiers had done extremely well on the course and were great ambassadors for the Republic of Fiji Military Force.

“We love having the Fijian students here.  I know my soldiers and staff get as much out of instructing them, listening to them and learning from them as they do from us,” Brigadier Hocking said.

“It is a strength that the Republic of Fiji Military Force and Australian Defence Force both operate this very capable vehicle.

“As we partner together in training for potential disaster relief operations in the region, collectively we will both be more capable to help the people of the region.”

Staff Sergeant Mikaele Mataka from the Republic of Fiji Military Force said while the course was challenging at times, the group finished the training confident in handling the Bushmaster.

“The Bushmaster is very valuable to us on operations, so coming to Australia to learn everything about the vehicle is a morale boost to the Fiji Army personnel who drive it,” Staff Sergeant Mataka said.

7th Brigade, through its infantry unit 8th/9th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment, has a strong relationship with the Republic of Fiji Military Force and will work with them on training and engagement opportunities into the future.

“We will continue to build this relationship in our common interest, to ensure our region is safe, secure and prosperous,” Brigadier Hocking said.

(Aus Army)
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