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M72 LAW for Royal Thai Army

10 Juni 2019

M72 LAW is an anti-tank rocket-propelled grenade launcher (photo : AAG)

The Royal Thai Army has announced the winner of a bid to purchase of 66 mm rocket type grenade launcher anti-tank with 400 units, namely NAMMO RAUFOSS AS Norway, in total  39,139,100 baht and training rockets for the rocket launching training machine.

The amount of 7,710 M72 anti-tanks is paid in total 33,90,281.33 baht with NAMMO RAUFOSS Norway as well.

Light Anti-Tank Weapon (M72 LAW), a rocket launcher, is a tank combat weapon that is available at the rate of classification of small guns. Lightly armed accompany Infantry battalion which should be an additional supply according to the demand rate.


Klewang 2 Akan Diluncurkan Akhir 2019 Bersamaan dengan Tank Boat

10 Juni 2019

Model kapal KRI Klewang 2 TNI AL (photo : Airspace Review)

KRI Klewang 625, kapal cepat rudal trimaran yang terbakar saat uji coba pada bulan September 2012 selalu menarik perhatian pemerhati militer. Kapal dengan panjang 63 m dan bobot benam 219 ton ini dibuat kembali oleh PT Lundin Industry Invest sambil menunggu proses pencairan asuransi atas kapal yang belum diserah-terimakan ini.

Modifikasi bahan dan desain dilakukan oleh Lundin agar kapal baru menjadi lebih baik lagi, namun ternyata penyelesaian kapal Klewang 2 agak tersendat.

KRI Klewang 2 sebagai pengganti kapal serupa yang terbakar akan diluncurkan pada pertengahan tahun 2019, hal ini dikatakan oleh John Lundin Managing Director PT Lundin Industry Invest, ketika diwawancarai oleh Navy Recognition pada pameran Indo Defence 2018 bulan November tahun lalu.

Dalam artikel laman Naval News tanggal 28 Mei 2019, PT Lundin mengatakan bahwa peluncuran kapal Klewang 2 akan dilakukan pada akhir 2019 bersamaan dengan peluncuran prototipe Tank Boat X-18 Antasena pesanan Kementerian Pertahanan.

X-18 Antasena versi APC-60 dengan kanon RWS 25/30mm (image : Lundin)

Proses pembuatan Tank Boat ini telah ditengok langsung oleh Menteri Pertahanan Ryamizard Ryacudu didampingi Dirut PT Pindad Abraham Mose di pabrik PT Lundin di Banyuwangi pada Juli 2018 lalu. Kerjasama yang dilakukan adalah PT Lundin menyiapkan kapalnya dan PT Pindad menyiapkan persenjataannya. Namun dalam artikel Naval News tersebut kanon Cockerill 105 mm yang rencananya akan melengkapi Antasena akan diganti dengan kanon  Cockerill CPWS Gen 2 kaliber 25/30 mm. Penggantian kanon ini seiring dengan fungsi kapal yang semula memberikan bantuan tembakan langsung sambil membawa 20 pasukan menjadi bekonsep angkut pasukan berkapasitas 60 orang (APC-60).

(Defense Studies)

HHI Eyes April 2020 Delivery of BRP Jose Rizal – Navy Chief

10 Juni 2019

BRP Jose Rizal FF-150 will be delivered in April 2020 while BRP Antonio Luna (FF-151), is expected to be delivered by March 2021(photo : PTV)

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine Navy’s first missile-capable frigate, the future BRP Jose Rizal (FF-150), could be delivered by April 2020.

In an interview aired on ABS CBN News Channel on Wednesday night, Flag Officer in Command Vice Admiral Robert Empedrad said the Korean shipbuilder of the Philippine Navy frigates, Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI), has intentions to deliver it months ahead of the previously announced target date September 2020.

“There is a plan of the Hyundai Heavy Industries to deliver it earlier, probably in April of next year,” he said.

“Because of the technology, dati ang paggawa ng barko buo eh. Ngayon block-block, modular, like a Lego,” he added.

The future BRP Jose Rizal, one of the two ships procured by the Philippine Navy in 2016 under the military’s modernization program, was launched last month at the HHI shipyard in Ulsan, South Korea.

The two ships are worth P18 billion including the weapons.

BRP Jose Rizal class (image : shipbucket)

After launching, a ship usually undergoes outfitting and equipment installation before it goes on harbor and sea trials.

The second frigate, BRP Antonio Luna (FF-151), is expected to be delivered by March 2021.

Empedrad said the BRP Jose Rizal will sail to Subic Bay on reaching the Philippines from South Korea. Navy personnel would be part of the crew but they would not be the ones to sail it to the Philippines.

“We will send our personnel there to train but based on the contract, the delivery of the ship is in Subic Bay. Ang mag-sail ng barko ay hindi Navy. We will have our crew as part of the sailing crew but they will not sail the ship back to the Philippines,” he said.

The ships will be used by the Navy in the future for patrols and military exercises.

“We will do some exercise, patrolling and we will do multilateral exercises,” Empedrad said.

“Nakakahiya kasi ngayon na pinapadala natin ang mga Del Pilar ships na kanyon lang ang dala niya. Other Asean countries send ships with missiles and torpedoes. Ngayon hindi na tayo mahihiya, magpapadala na tayo ng ships na may missiles and torpedoes,” he added.

The Del Pilar-class offshore patrol vessels of the Navy are former Hamilton-class cutters of the U.S. Coast Guard.


Russia Confirmed Sale of 2 BREM-1M ARV to Vietnam

10 Juni 2019
BREM-1M ARV (photo : Military Today)

The import of armored repair and recovery vehicle BREM-1 Armored Rocovery Vehicles may be aimed at ensuring the combat performance of 64 T-90S/SK tanks.

The portal of the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms (UNROCA) has published data recording Russia's arms exports in 2018, including Vietnam.

The United Nations report noted that in 2018 Vietnam received 64 T-90S and T-90SK tanks from the Russian Federation under a previously signed contract.

Notably, according to this report, in 2018 Vietnam received at least 2 BREM-1 armored repair and recovery vehicles from the Russian Federation. This contract has no signed, detailed information, however it is likely that they are purchased to serve as a combat guarantee for the T-90S.

Although designed from the 1980s for the task of securing T-72 forces, the Soviet Army and even Russia still took advantage of armored vehicles BREM-1 to serve T-80 tank forces. and T-90.

The main role of BREM-1 is to recover damaged vehicles and armor on the battlefield. It can pull damaged vehicles to the nearest shelter, carry out assembly or maintenance and repair of parts.

BREM-1M ARV (photo : Vitaly Kuzmin)

BREM-1 designed on the T-72A tank chassis has been modified a lot. The turret was removed and instead of a new superstructure, it was equipped with a bulldozer in front, crane, winch and many other specialized equipment. The vehicle is operated by a crew of only 3 people including the head of the car, the driver and the technical officer.

BREM-1's crane is about 4.4 m long with a load of 19 tons if raised at a height of 2 m and 3 tons if raised to 4.4 m. It is used to lift damaged or stuck vehicles. In addition, cranes can be used to lift repair facilities.

If it is necessary to pull damaged armored tanks, BREM-1 is equipped with 200 m long durable winch capable of towing vehicles weighing up to 50 tons, moving continuously for 220 km, average speed when pulling tanks on dirt roads up to 12km/h.

On the top side, there is a 3.1 m wide bulldozer that is used to dig or clean up rubble, fill craters, sewer ditches. In particular, BREM-1 with this blade can prepare firing position for tank within 12-20 minutes depending on the type of soil.

Incredibly, BREM-1 also has equipment for welding repair, can carry 1.5 tons of goods of all types when needed.

Regarding the protection level, the BREM-1 uses the T-72 tank chassis, so the composite armor remains the same, but there will still be NBC radiation biochemical defense system and automatic fire suppression system. There is also a 12.7 mm gun emplacement and 840 bullets on the vehicle.

TLDM Terima 6 UAV dari Amerika Syarikat November Ini

11 Juni 2019

Insitu Scaneagle UAV (photo : Update)

KUALA LUMPUR – Kementerian Pertahanan Malaysia hari ini mengesahkan negara akan menerima pesawat tanpa pemandu (UAV) dari Amerika Syarikat mulai 2019 sehingga 2022.

Perkara tersebut dinyatakan dalam satu siaran akhbar yang dikeluarkan oleh pihak kementerian pada hari ini.

“Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) akan menerima aset ini secara berperingkat dan enam ScanEagle UAV dijangka akan diterima pada pertengahan November ini,

“ScanEagle UAV yang bakal diterima daripada AS akan dapat membantu Malaysia dalam membuat pengawasan maritim sementara Kementerian Pertahanan membuat perolehan dua Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA) dan tiga Medium Altitude Long Endurance Unmanned Airborne System (MALE UAS) yang akan disempurnakan dalam Rancangan Malaysia Ke Dua Belas (RMKe-12),” jelas Kementerian Pertahanan.

Terdahulu, Malaysia dilaporkan akan menerima 12 buah UAV dari Amerika Syarikat.  Pesawat tersebut dibekalkan kepada Malaysia melalui program Maritime Security Initiative (MSI). Program tersebut melibatkan penyediaan bantuan dalam bentuk keupayaan (aset) dan kapasiti (latihan) kepada negara-negara rakan termasuk Malaysia bagi membantu meningkatkan Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) di rantau Asia Tenggara.

“Program ini dibiayai sepenuhnya oleh Amerika Syarikat dan tidak melibatkan sebarang kos oleh kerajaan Malaysia,”  tegas pihak kementerian.

Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara maritim amat memerlukan keupayaan intelligence, surveillance dan reconnaissance (ISR) untuk mengawasi laluan strategiknya yang luas di Selat Melaka, Laut China Selatan dan Laut Sulu.

Pihak kementerian menambah, Malaysia mengalu-alukan kerjasama pertahanan dengan semua pihak yang berkepentingan  termasuk AS dan China bagi menjaga keselamatan negara dan kestabilan di rantau Asia Tenggara.

Pada akhir Mei lalu, pihak Jabatan Pertahanan Amerika Syarikat telah menganugerahkan kontrak bernilai sekitar US$ 47.93 juta kepada Insitu Inc bagi membekalkan ScanEagle UAV kepada 4 buah negara di rantau Asean. Pembekalan UAV tersebut dilaksanakan melalui program MSI.

Indonesia dan Filipina akan menerima 8 buah ScanEagle sementara Vietnam 6 buah UAV. Malaysia yang merupakan penerima terbesar dari negara yang tersenarai dengan 12 buah ScanEagle UAV dengan nilai US$ 19.33 juta.


Duterte Says to Reconsider Purchasing US Weapons

11 Juni 2019

Philippine eyeing to acquire P3C Orion due to be retired from service (photo : Dave Obrien)

MANILA - President Rodrigo Duterte on Saturday said he would reconsider purchasing weapons from the United States, since he "likes" US President Donald Trump.

This after he said earlier this year that Manila would no longer procure weapons from its traditional ally after Washington threatened to impose sanctions on countries buying military equipment from Russia. 

The Philippines had announced plans of defense procurement from Russia. 

"In the purchase of arms, we have a bad experience but they have a new policy now. We are going to reconsider," Duterte said in an interview on Sonshine Media Network at dawn Saturday. 

"We'll buy if we think we need that kind of particular [item]," he said.

Days before he announced his reconsideration, Duterte lambasted the US for not keeping its word that it would sell weapons to the Philippines.

Now, Duterte said Manila would continue to honor its traditional alliance with the US under Trump. The Philippines and the US have a nearly 68-year-old Mutual Defense Treaty. 

"I like Trump and I would like to assure America that we will not do anything to hinder, hamper or whatever," he said.

"We are ready to cooperate, but this I have to say: I will not go to war with anybody," he said.

Duterte underscored that the Philippines would not distance itself from China and Russia, two countries that are engaged in tensions with the US.

"We will go along with our alliances but to me, China and Russia are not enemies because 'yung hindi dineliver ng Americano (what the Americans failed to deliver), that was the time I went to Russia, only to ask President Xi Jinping to give me a credit line ke wala akong pera (because I have no money)," he said.

Philippine needs additional warships in West Philippines Sea (photo : textlad)

In 2016, the US State Department halted the planned sale of some 26,000 assault rifles to the Philippine National Police after US Sen. Ben Cardin said he would oppose it over concerns about human rights violations in the Philippines.

"When we needed in the hour of our need, Russia and China gave it to us practically free," Duterte said.

"To this day, they have not even asked for even one penny as payment," he said.

"They have not asked a military alliance. They have not asked for special favors to operate in this country, unlike the Americans," he said, noting that the country's alliance with the US has allowed American troops to have several bases in the Philippines over the years.

Duterte said his gratefulness to Russia and China would not go beyond contracts. 

"I'm a Filipino. I have to have a sense of gratitude, at least honor the contract. Nothing else," Duterte said.

"You do not have to praise China and side with [them vs] America," he said.

The US and China are pitted in a trade war, while several American politicians and groups alleged that Russia meddled with the results of the 2016 presidential elections that catapulted Trump into power.

Duterte has established closer ties with the two US rivals as part of his foreign policy pivot. 

In particular, he has sought to enhance the country's ties with China despite the unresolved dispute over the South China Sea, where Beijing has stepped up militarization and island-building activities, encroaching into the Philippines' exclusive economic zone. 

(ABS CBN News)

Armed Reconnaisance Helicopter Program for RTA

11 Juni 2019

Royal Thai Army's AS550 C3 Armed Scout, to completed for 16 helicopters, Army needs 8 more helicopters to add 8 thay was purchased in 2011 (photo : AAG)

The Royal Thai Army has a project to purchase a number of armed helicopters, equipped with 6 standard equipment. With weapon system, fire control, surveillance camera, repair parts in tandem logistics and simulated flight aid with transportation.

Is the budget for the annual budget for 2019-2021 credit limit of 4,036,529,900 baht ($ 126,870,080). It is understood that it is an additional supply according to the need for armed reconnaissance helicopters of the Army Aviation Center that includes 16 machines.

At present, the Royal Thai Army has the Airbus Helicopters AS550 C3 Stationed at the 1st Aviation Battalion, Department of Aviation, consist of 8 machine, which is equipped with a heavy machine gun FN HMP400 .50cal, FZ 70mm rocket (2.75 ") and the FN MAG 7.62mm machine gun at the side door

Procurement of  Airbus Helicopters AS550 C3, the machine has a limit of around 1,700 million baht, with additional weapons being supplied later .The machine will have a system, equipment, and weapons with the complete equipment.


New Zealand Selects C-130J-30 Super Hercules

11 Juni 2019

C-130J-30 Super Hercules (photo : Wiki)

Super Hercules selected as preferred option

Defence Minister Ron Mark has announced the selection of the C-130J-30 Super Hercules as the preferred option for the replacement of the aging C-130H aircraft.

The replacement of the five Hercules transport aircraft is the highest priority project within the Coalition Government’s Defence Capability Plan 2019.

Cabinet has decided to seek detailed costing information for a replacement aircraft, the C-130J-30 Super Hercules.

“The current Hercules have served us well since the 1960s, but they have reached the end of the road, and suitable and proven replacement aircraft will need to be sourced,” says Ron Mark. ”The current fleet is increasing in cost to maintain, and is taking longer to put through maintenance.”

“After considering the range of military air transport aircraft carefully, the Super Hercules has been selected as it offers the necessary range and payload capability as well as fully meeting NZDF’s requirements,” says Ron Mark.

A price will be sought through the United States’ Foreign Military Sale process for the C-130J-30 Super Hercules, manufactured by Lockheed Martin.

The C-130J is a proven aircraft, with more than 400 C-130Js having been delivered to over 21 nations, including the United States, United Kingdom, Australia and Canada.

“It is used by key defence partners and carries a greater payload faster and further than the current fleet, with no loss of ability to land where our current Hercules are deployed.

“Tactical air transport capability is one of the highest value assets available to New Zealand, offering huge utility to the community and nation, enabling movement of personnel and cargo around the country, the South Pacific, down to Antarctica and all around the globe.

“We need a proven performer, and this aircraft is tried and tested. We cannot take risks with what is one of our most critical military capabilities,” says Ron Mark.

No final contract decision has been made, on either platform numbers, detailed costs, or funding and Budget implications. A Project Implementation Business Case is scheduled to be progressed to Cabinet next year, where these matters will be considered. The Defence Capability Plan 2019 noted that the estimated cost would be more than $1 billion.


New SAF Hunter Armoured Fighting Vehicle Commissioned as Armour Formation Turns 50

12 Juni 2019

Hunter Armoured Fighting Vehicle (all photos : Straits Times)

SINGAPORE - The Singapore Army has unveiled its latest armoured fighting vehicle (AFV), which boasts greater firepower, survivability and mobility.

Hailed as a centrepiece of the next-generation army, the vehicle - called the Hunter to represent the predatory spirit to sense, track, and pursue its prey - was commissioned at the Armour formation's 50th anniversary parade on Tuesday (June 11).

Locally designed and developed by the Defence Science and Technology Agency with the Singapore Army and ST Engineering, the Hunter will progressively replace the army's fleet of Ultra M113 armoured fighting vehicles, which have been in service since the 1970s.

Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen commissioned the Hunter at Sungei Gedong Camp.

Chief Armour Officer, Brigadier-General Yew Chee Leung, 42, said the Hunter is the army's first fully-digitalised vehicle, incorporating smart digital technologies catered to modern-day soldiers.

A digital steering system, called drive-by-wire, allows the vehicle commander to take over the driving function if needed. Its weapons can be controlled via a touchscreen interface.

"So the way we drive and the way we fight have been fully digitalised. That's what we mean when we say it is a fully-digitalised platform," said BG Yew.

The Hunter is armed with a 30mm cannon, a 7.62mm machine gun, eight 76mm smoke grenade launchers, and two anti-tank guided missiles - the first time the missiles have been integrated into an armoured fighting vehicle.

Conceptualisation of the vehicle began in 2006. It is operated by a crew of three, namely the vehicle commander, gunner and the driver, in an integrated combat cockpit within the vehicle.

The Hunter is the army's first armoured fighting vehicle to have such a cockpit, which allows the commander and gunner to operate a common set of controls, and the closed hatch design minimises the crew's exposure to threats, especially in urban environments.

BG Yew said that the formation will train a core group of regulars and instructors this year, before starting training for full-time national servicemen and rolling out the vehicle for the 42nd Battalion, Singapore Armoured Regiment next year.

"Not only do we see an enhanced capability and lethality in the Hunter AFV, we see enhancements to our operations and maintenance. Especially so when the vehicle is able to actively track and monitor its own status," said Major Brandon Lim, 33, a weapon staff officer involved in the Hunter programme.

Algorithms can be used for predictive maintenance, increasing the efficiency of vehicle maintenance and management.

The Hunter crew can mobilise unmanned aerial and ground vehicles to gather reconnaissance and surveillance information remotely, with obvious advantages for stealth manoeuvres and its own protection.

The first locally developed armoured fighting vehicle, the Bionix, was rolled out in 1999.

Other senior military officers at the parade included Chief of Defence Force, Lieutenant-General Melvyn Ong, and Chief of Army, Major-General Goh Si Hou.

DSTA chief executive Tan Peng Yam, as well as the first batch of armour pioneers and early batches of national servicemen from the formation, were also present.

(Straits Times)

4 More Amphibious Assault Vehicles to Arrive in August

12 Juni 2019

PMC KAAV7 (photo : PMC)

MANILA -- The remaining four amphibious assault vehicles (AAVs), out of the eight ordered from South Korean defense manufacturer Hanwha Techwin, will be delivered in August.

This was confirmed by Philippine Navy (PN) spokesperson Captain Jonathan Zata when sought for an update on the project's status Tuesday.

"The expected arrival of the four remaining AAVs is expected this August," he said in a message to the Philippine News Agency.

The AAVs, along with four vehicles that arrived last May, will be used by the Philippine Marine Corps (PMC) and will be based in two strategic sealift vessels, the BRP Tarlac (LD-601) and BRP Davao Del Sur (LD-602), boosting the ships'"limited sea basing capabilities".

Zata said the AAVs will be commissioned by the PMC once it has successfully completed its Technical Inspection and Acceptance Committee evaluations shortly after its August arrival.

The AAV contract is worth PHP2.42 billion.

The first batch of four amphibious assault vehicles will be commissioned this June 17, also the 121st PN founding anniversary, during ceremonies at Naval Base Heracleo Alano, Sangley Point, in Cavite.

These vehicles are armed with .50 caliber machineguns, 40-mm grenade launchers and smoke launchers.

"The PMC (Philippine Marine Corps) is essentially an amphibious ready force and part of our doctrine is that they can be embarked in our landing docks. Part of the doctrine is the so-called 'limited sea basing', which means that a battalion of Marines is always on board, at any one time, ready for any possible exigencies," Zata earlier said.


Niebo-UE Radar in Vietnam

12 Juni 2019

A three-coordinate radar detector for the detection of aerial objects of the 55.5 km² range Niebo-UE in Vietnam (photo: QPVN)

The Vietnamese television QPVN in a reportage about military news showed a three-coordinate sky-radar transmitter, Niebo-UE (Niebo means Sky), a meter band, used by the army of this country. Earlier, there was no information on the sale of radars of this type to Vietnam. It is known that the Niebo-SWU radar has previously bought by Iran.

A three-coordinate radar detector for the detection of a 55.56-meter-wide Niebo-UE object was designed by Nizhny Novgorod Research Institute of Radio Engineering. It can detect and identify flying objects of various categories, including stealth classes, also under radio interference conditions. Niebo-UE can operate in automatic mode, autonomously or in an air defense system. It can also control civilian air traffic.

Detail of Niebo-UE radar (photo : Defence24)

The maximum detection range of the Niebo-UE targets is 700 km. The location of a fighter with an effective surface area of ​​2.5 m 2 (2.5 m 2 ) reflecting at 20 km can be determined from a distance of 400 km. A 0.9 m 2 hyper-sound missile detects from a distance of 300 km.


Hercules A-1332 dan 35 Kru Skadron Udara 32 Pindah Rumah ke Skadron Udara 33 Makassar

12 Juni 2019

Pesawat C-130H Hercules A-1332 TNI AU (all photos : TNI AU)

AIRSPACE REVIEW (angkasareview.com) – Satu unit pesawat C-130 Hercules nomor ekor A-1332 beserta 35 kru Skadron Udara 32 Wing 2 Lanud Abdulrachman Saleh, Malang, Jawa Timur dilepas kepindahannya ke rumah baru Skadron Udara 33 Wing 5 Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin di Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan.

Pelepasan dipimpin oleh Komandan Lanud Abdulrachman Saleh Marsma TNI Hesly Paat di taxiway Skadron Udara 32, Senin (10/6/2019).

Dengan kepindahan tersebut, maka A-1332 pun menjadi pesawat penghuni pertama Skadron Udara 33. Sementara Komandan Skadron Udara 32 Letkol Pnb Agus Rohimat yang ikut dalam rombongan tersebut, akan menjadi Komandan Skadron Udara 33 pertama.

Skadron Udara 33 sebagai skadron angkut berat di jajaran TNI AU rencananya akan diresmikan oleh KSAU Marsekal TNI Yuyu Sutisna dalam beberapa hari mendatang.

Hesly Paat berpesan kepada seluruh anggotanya yang akan berpindah tugas, agar senantiasa memelihara semangat kerja dalam mendukung tugas-tugas yang menjadi tanggung jawab mereka.

”Sebagai pelopor di satuan baru, kalian harus membentuk mekanisme serta kultur kerja baru yang cepat, solid, dan profesional sebagai ciri khas skadron udara angkut berat di jajaran TNI AU,” ujarnya.

Dikutip dari siaran pers Penerangan Lanud Abdulrachman Saleh yang diterima Airspace Review, suasana haru mewarnai acara pelepasan kepindahan tersebut.

Usai berjabat tangan, 35 kru Skadron Udara 32 selanjutnya memasuki pesawat Hercules A-1332 yang telah siap mengantar sekaligus sebagai alutsista baru Skadron Udara 33.

C-130H Hercules A-1332 merupakan salah satu pesawat yang dibeli pemerintah Indonesia secara setengah hibah dari pemerintah Australia.

Pesawat yang sebelumnya dioperasikan oleh Angkatan Udara Australia (RAAF) itu tiba pertama kali di Lanud Abdulrahman Saleh, Malang pada 15 Desember 2014 dengan dipiloti oleh Mayor Pnb Subhan dan kopilot Kapten Pnb Fandi Pulungan serta Lettu Pnb Fahmi Aldila.


F/A-50PH 'Sidewinder' Missile Deliveries to Start this Year

13 Juni 2019

AIM-9 Sidewinder AIr-to-Air Missile (photo : halfmind)

MANILA -- The delivery of the AIM-9 "Sidewinder" air-to-air missiles, which will be the primary armament of the South Korean FA-50 "Fighting Eagle" light-interim fighter aircraft, will start within this year, Department of National Defense (DND) spokesperson Arsenio Andolong said Wednesday.

"They (Sidewinder missiles) will be delivered within the year," he said to the Philippine News Agency when asked for updates on the weapons project.

Once the missiles arrive, Andolong said the FA-50s will definitely have more "fangs" to use in protecting the country's airspace aside from its 20mm automatic cannon.

A Notice to Proceed was issued to Diehl Raytheon of Germany on August 31, 2017.

The "Sidewinder" contract is worth PHP1,016,734,088.

The DND spokesperson declined to give the specific number of the missiles that will be acquired for security reasons.

But he said the "weapons are sufficient for all of the country's FA-50s." Andolong earlier said all AIM-9s to be acquired are "all live rounds and fresh from the factory", meaning all of its sensors, rocket motors and warheads are brand-new.

The AIM-9, which was developed by the US Navy in the 1950s, is one of the world's most reliable and successful air-to-air missiles. It utilizes infrared homing for guidance and tracking and has a top speed of Mach 3 or three times the speed of sound.

The missile's warhead weighs around 20 pounds and it has has a length of nine feet and 11 inches.


EOS Delivers First Two Remote Weapon Systems for Australia’s Project Land 400 Phase 2

13 Juni 2019

EOS R400S Mk2 D-HD-3X remote weapon systems (photo : Snafu)

Australian company Electro Optic Systems (EOS) has handed over the first two R400S Mk2 D-HD-3X remote weapon systems (RWSs) for integration onto the Rheinmetall Boxer 8×8 armoured vehicles being acquired by the Australian Army (AA) as part of Project Land 400 Phase 2 – Combat Reconnaissance Vehicle Capability.

The firm said in a 28 May statement that the two RWSs, which are being provided by company subsidiary EOS Defence Systems, were delivered on schedule to the Australian Department of Defence᾽s Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group (CASG) and will be used for training purposes.

A further 80 systems are planned to be supplied during the course of the project.


RI dan Rusia Bentuk Working Grup Bahas Barter Sukhoi dengan Komoditas

13 Juni 2019

Pesawat tempur Su-35 (photo : themoscowtimes)

Liputan6.com, Jakarta Proses negosiasi imbal dagang alias barter dengan Rusia masih berjalan. Rencananya, imbal dagang dilakukan untuk membeli pesawat tempur Sukhoi Su-35 yang ditukar dengan sejumlah komoditas di dalam negeri.

"Intinya menunggu Kemenhan kapan dilaksanakan, kita pihak Rusia dengan imbal beli," kata Direktur Jenderal Perdagangan Luar Negeri Kementerian Perdagangan, Oke Nurwan di Kementerian Perdagangan, Rabu (12/6/2019).

Dia mengatakan proses negosiasi masih terus berlangsung antara Indonesia dan negeri Beruang Merah tersebut. Terakhir kedua belah pihak telah membuat grup diskusi untuk membahas kelanjutan rencana tersebut.

"Rusia belum mau berunding untuk komoditi apa saja. Bukan belum mau tapi mau, jadi dibuat working group," ujarnya.

Dalam kelompok tersebut akan disusun komoditas apa saja yang diinginkan Rusia. Juga disusun mekanisme imbal dagang Indonesia dan Rusia.

"Dibuat komoditi apa saja yang dibutuhkan Rusia. Jadi akan dibentuk grup pihak Rusia dengan kita buat grup karena kan mekanisme imbal beli harus disusun," tandasnya.


NZ Defence Capability Plan 2019 Released

13 Juni 2019

NZ P-8A Poseidon (image : RNZAF)

Minister of Defence Ron Mark has today released the Defence Capability Plan 2019

The Defence Capability Plan sets out the Government’s indicative planned investments in the New Zealand Defence Force. It covers all capability investments out to 2030, and signals investments following 2030 that will be assessed through the next Defence White Paper in 2022.

“Re-examining the Defence procurement programme was a key plank in the Coalition Agreement, and today we have fulfilled that commitment,” says Ron Mark.

“This plan maintains the envelope of $20 billion of investment in the Defence Force out to 2030, with $5.8 billion having already been committed since 2014.  However, we have significantly recalibrated the Plan to provide the capabilities necessary to meet the challenges identified in the Strategic Defence Policy Statement 2018.

“It also identifies priority investments to support the Coalition Government’s foreign policy objectives relating to the Pacific Reset and the impacts of the climate crisis.

“At its heart, this new Capability Plan is a humanitarian plan. It readies New Zealand to lead in the assistance of our neighbours, and to contribute to the security of our friends in the Pacific.

“The Plan has been developed with full recognition of all of the priorities of this Government, and it will be delivered in a fiscally responsible, transparent manner. All proposed investments will be robustly tested, be subject to funding being available through the Budget process, and Defence will develop a sound business case for each planned investment.

“Significant new planned investment includes an Enhanced Sealift Vessel to complement HMNZS Canterbury, with an additional vessel scheduled to replace Canterbury in the mid-2030s, maintaining a two vessel sealift fleet.

HMNZS Canterbury (photo : RNZN)

“To improve maritime domain awareness, the Plan includes an Enhanced Maritime Awareness Capability to complement the P-8s, maritime satellite surveillance, and Long Range Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Replacements are also planned for the Maritime Helicopter and Offshore Patrol Vessel fleets.

“The Plan signals growth in the New Zealand Army to 6000 personnel by 2035, and an uplift in defence intelligence personnel and cyber security and support capabilities. In total, these planned investments will improve the capability of the Defence Force, and its capacity to respond to multiple events concurrently,” says Ron Mark.

Planned investment is also retained for a dedicated Southern Ocean Patrol Vessel, Strategic Air Transport, the Network Enabled Army programme, and Protected Mobility, alongside the major procurement already underway for the P-8A Poseidon aircraft, HMNZS Aotearoa and HMNZS Manawanui.

“The Plan also shifts the replacement of the ANZAC frigates into the post-2030 period.  Governments have invested $970 million in upgrading the frigates since 2007.  When their final refits are complete they will be technologically advanced and fit for purpose for the modern environment.  It stands to reason that we want to see value for money for that significant investment.

“The Defence Capability Plan 2019 delivers on our obligation to ensure that the Defence Force is able to deliver value to the Community, Nation, and the World for decades to come,” says Ron Mark.


Skadron Udara 27 Biak Diresmikan dengan 4 CN-235

14 Juni 2019

Peresmian Skadron Udara 27 TNI AU (photo : TNI AU)

Peresmian Skadron Udara 27 Biak Kasau: Tonggak Sejarah TNI AU di Tanah Papua

TNI AU.  BIAK-DISPENAU. Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (Kasau) Marsekal TNI Yuyu Sutisna, S.E., M.M., meresmikan operasional Skadron Udara 27 Angkut Sedang di Lanud Manuhua Biak, Kamis (13/6/2019) dan menjadi tonggak sejarah baru pengabdian TNI AU di Papua.

Skadron Udara 27 menjadi skadron pesawat TNI AU pertama di tanah Papua dengan alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista) pesawat angkut sedang CN235 buatan PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) bekerja sama dengan Airbus Military, Spanyol.

“Kebijakan pemerintah untuk menempatkan skadron pesawat angkut di Papua dimaksudkan untuk efisiensi dan efektivitas dalam operasi pergeseran pasukan tempur, mendukung distribusi logistik untuk menekan disparitas harga, dan dukungan lainnya yang dibutuhkan untuk kepentingan bangsa dan negara,” ujar Kasau.

Pada tahap awal, Skadron Udara 27 akan diperkuat dengan 4 unit pesawat CN235 dengan 71 personel dan dipimpin oleh Komandan Skadron Udara 27 Letkol Pnb Trinanda Hasan Febrianto, yang sebelumnya menjabat Komandan Skadron Udara 2 Lanud Halim Perdanakusuma Jakarta dengan jenis pesawat yang sama. Ke depan, jumlah pesawat akan ditambah sesuai kebutuhan operasi.

“Kepada Letkol Pnb Trinanda, saya ucapkan selamat atas kepercayaan pimpinan TNI AU untuk mengemban amanah ini. Jadikan setiap penugasan sebagai ibadah dan laksanakan tugas secara profesional, militan, dan inovatif sehingga kehadiran Skadron Udara 27 dapat bermanfaat bagi kepentingan negara dan juga membantu Pemda untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat luas.” tegas Kasau.

Turut hadir pada upacara peresmian Skadron Udara 27, Forkopimda Biak Numfor, para Asisten Kasau, Pangkoopsau III, para Kadis Mabesau, Pangkosekhanudas IV, Danlanud Manuhua Biak, Ketua Umum PIA Ardhya Garini, dan undangan lainnya. (TNI AU)

Pesawat CN-235 MPA TNI AU (photo : TNI AU)

Dua Pesawat CN-235 MPA Skadron Udara 5 Mengawaki Skadron Udara 27

TNI AU. Komandan Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin Marsma TNI H. Haris Haryanto, S.IP., Rabu (12/6) melepas keberangkatan dua pesawat CN-235 MPA yang akan mengawaki Skadron Udara 27 Lanud Manuhua, Biak di apron Timur Hanggar Skadron Udara 5 Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin.

Beberapa hari sebelumnya, sebanyak 21 personel Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin baik penerbang maupun crew dari Skadron Udara 5 dan Skadron Teknik 044 telah diberangkatkan ke Lanud Manuhua untuk bergabung dengan personel dari Lanud Halim Perdana Kusuma guna mengawaki Skadron Udara 27 Lanud Manuhua, Biak.

Selama beroperasi di Skadron Udara 5, pesawat CN-235 MPA telah melaksanakan operasi udara dalam rangka menjaga kedaulatan negara diantaranya operasi pengamanan ALKI II dan ALKI III, operasi perbatasan Ambalat, patroli bersama Selat Malaka, operasi SAR, serta patroli pengamatan bencana di Palu.

Komandan Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin mengharapkan kepada personel yang bertugas di Skadron Udara 27 dapat menjadi pelopor dalam membangun dan mengembangkan skadron baru serta sebagai ujung tombak di wilayah Indonesia Timur.

Selain itu ditambahkan dengan pergeseran pesawat CN-235 baik dari Skadron Udara 2 Lanud Halim Perdana Kusuma dan Skadron Udara 5 Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin dapat menambah kekuatan udara guna menjaga keamanan wilayah Indonesia Timur.

“Tetaplah semangat, loyal dan ke depan sejarah akan mencatat pengabdian sebagai perintis utama dalam pembentukan Skadron Udara 27”, tambah Danlanud Sultan Hasanuddin.

Komandan Skadron Udara 5 Letkol Pnb Achmad Iwan R. meminpin langsung pergeseran dua pesawat CN-235 dengan tail number AI-2317 dan AI-2318 ke Skadron Udara 27 Lanud Manuhua Biak.

Turut hadir saat pelepasan pesawat CN-235 tersebut Komandan Wing Udara 5, para Kepala Dinas, Komandan satuan, pejabat Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin dan seluruh anggota Skadron Udara 5 Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin. (TNI AU)

Elbit Nears $180m Philippines Drone Deal

14 Juni 2019

Hermes 900 MALE UAV (photo : IsraelDefense)

Israeli defense electronics company Elbit Systems Ltd. (Nasdaq: ESLT; TASE: ESLT) is nearing a $180 million deal with the Philippines army, sources inform "Globes." Defense sources predict that the deal for supplying various types of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to Philippines army units would be signed in the coming weeks.

The UAVs involved are large: Hermes 900 and Hermes 450 for long-range missions. These UAVs are capable of flying for many hours. The deal also includes supplying the Philippines army with Skylark 1 and Skylark 3 tactical UAVS designed mainly for use by field units for real time observation and intelligence gathering missions.

Hermes 900 multi-role tactical high performance (photo : Goodfon)

All of the UAVs that Elbit Systems will supply to the Philippines will be used for intelligence gathering, patrols, and border defense missions. Furthermore, they will be adapted to homeland and internal security missions for the Philippines, a country of many islands that faces terrorist threats.

Last summer, Philippines media reported another important deal amounting to $160 million between the Philippines army and Elbit Systems involving the supply of Hermes 450 UAVs. Following completion of the deal in recent months, the Philippines decided to enlarge its airborne intelligence deployment for its army and renew the systems it already had, among other things through Hermes 900 UAVs.

Skylark 1 mini man-pack UAV (photo : Elbit)

Elbit Systems recently began upgrading dozens of M-113 armored personnel carriers (APCs) used by ground forces of the Philippines army, including the installation of gun positions with 12.7-millimeter cannon on some of the APCs and mortar positions on others.

Defense sources said that Elbit Systems' recent agreements with the Philippines were related to plans by the Philippines army to renew its capabilities and weapons. The Philippines does not want to be left behind militarily at a time when Southeast Asian countries are increasing their defense spending, and China is building up its military power.

Skylark 3 mini UAV (photo : Army Technology)

It is believed that at least some of the UAVs to be supplied to the Philippines in the deal will not be produced in Israel. 18 months ago, Elbit Systems and Indian company Adani Defense and Aerospace opened a joined factory in southern India for production of components for Hermes series UAVs. With the beginning of UAV production in India, Elbit Systems sources said that the company would use this UAV production line to supply its customers all over the world.

See full article Globes

Mindef Lodges Report with MACC over Purchase of Helicopters

14 Juni 2019

MD-530G for Malaysian Army Aviation (photo : justhelicopters)

PUTRAJAYA (Bernama) -- The Defence Ministry today lodged a report with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) over the purchase of six helicopters worth more than RM300 million in 2015, which has yet to be received by the Malaysian Armed Forces to date.

The report was filed by the ministry's representative at the MACC Headquarters, here.

According to the ministry's source, the McDonnell Douglas MD530G lightweight combat helicopters were supposed to be received in two phases, namely two in July 2017, and the rest in December 2018.

The source said the terms of the purchase agreement did not safeguard the interests of the government, which included clauses such as 'the contract is valid for two years, or, until the local company appointed as the agent successfully delivers the helicopters.'

According to the source, the approval for the purchase of the military assets in November 2015 was also not done according to set procedures.

"The contract was done via direct negotiation with the agency, while many terms of the contract were not favourable to the government, for example, the contract was approved without any military specifications, a mandatory requirement in the purchase of military assets," the source said.

He said McDonnell Douglas had also cancelled the local company's contract as its agent in Malaysia by the time the helicopter purchase agreement was signed.

The source added the Malaysian government had already paid RM112.65 million, which was 35 per cent of the total cost of the acquisition, to the company.


Indonesia Designates Two Panther Helicopters for Anti-Submarine Operations

14 Juni 2019

Indonesia has designated two of its AS 565 Panther naval helicopters for anti-submarine warfare duties. Nine other airframes are currently being fitted for multimodal missions and will replace the service's fleet of ageing BO 105 helicopters (photo : Jurnal Jakarta)

Only two of the Indonesian Navy's (Tentera Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut: TNI-AL's) 11 Airbus Helicopters AS 565MBe Panther helicopters are equipped for anti-submarine warfare (ASW) operations, a military source told Jane's on 11 June.

The rest of the helicopters in the fleet are currently being configured for multimodal operations, and will progressively replace the TNI-AL Naval Aviation Fleet's squadron of ageing BO 015 utility helicopters.

"In the future, the remaining nine helicopters might be installed with ASW equipment like the dipping-sonar, but for now, only two airframes in the fleet have been dedicated for ASW operations," the source said.

Indonesia ordered 11 new AS565 MBe Panther helicopters in 2014 as part of efforts to improve the TNI-AL's embarked aviation and ASW capabilities. According to information provided by Airbus Helicopters, the Panther variant that has been supplied to the TNI-AL has an increased maximum take-off weight over its predecessors, at 4,500 kg, compared with 4,300 kg for earlier versions of the AS 565.

The aircraft is equipped with two Safran Arriel 2N engines that have been optimised for 'hot and high' conditions, and enables the helicopter to reach a top speed of 165 kt and a range of 780 km. The aircraft is also equipped with Airbus Helicopter's latest-generation tail rotor and a four-axis autopilot to help reduce crew workload.

Under a collaboration agreement between Airbus Helicopters and state-owned Indonesian company PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI), all 11 airframes were delivered in the 'green' state to PTDI's facilities in Bandung where they received their service liveries, and underwent further outfitting, including installation of mission equipment.

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