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Singapore Delegation Visits Final Assembly and Check Out of F-35 at Cameri, Italia

22 Juni 2015

An official delegation of Singapore’s Defence Science and Technology Agency (DSTA) visits the F-35 Final Assembly and Check Out (FACO) facility at Cameri, near Novara, operated by Alenia Aermacchi and the Italian air force. Could Singapore become another buyer of Italian-assembled F-35, after the Netherlands? (photo : Bergamopost)

CAMERI, Italy --- On Thursday, June 11, a delegation from Singapore visited Cameri air base. Led by Mr. Tan Peng Yam, head of Singapore’s Defence Science and Technology Agency (DSTA), was accompanied by Brig. Gen. Pasquale Montegiglio, from the General Defense Secretariat and Directorate General of Armaments. 

The delegation was welcomed by Colonel Carlo Uberti, chief of the JSF Initial Training Team at Cameri, representing Gen. Inspector Lucio Bianchi, chief of the Multifunction Tactical Air Vehicle Center (Centro Polifunzionale Velivoli Aerotattici, Ce.Po.V.A.). 

An introductory briefing was given by the NIF commander on the status of the Ce.Po.V.A. and of the Final Assembly and Check Out (F.A.C.O.) facility which will assemble the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (J.S.F.). 

The visit continued with a tour of the FACO installation, where the delegation saw work in progress. 

In his message on the unit’s Honor Roll, Mr. Tan Peng Yam expressed his congratulations for the high level attained by Italy’s aerospace industry and its air force, the Aeronautica Militare. 

(Aeronautica Militare/Defense Aerospace)

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